
New Mature Runners Thread



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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    Made me laugh, DBI, - did anyone start throwing sticks for John?
    I don't think a spin bike would quite meet the requirements for a triathlon. "Going nowhere fast" is what it makes me think of.
    John B - how very frustrating, doing a parkrun and not getting an official time.
    It's been very warm here (though not as warm as further south). I woke soon after 5.00 this morning, which gave me the opportunity to get out and run while the shadows were still long and it was "only" 12 degrees (rose to the high 20s later in the day). 1 hour and 43 minutes, at 3 mins run, 1 min walk, throughout.
    Took a siesta later in the day. 
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Morning all, it's going to be scorchio again today.

    Aquarius, my race isn't until next Sunday, which is just as well, as yesterday was really hot and humid. I think we all agree that race training plans aren't particularly helpful. Long slow runs are essential, especially if training for longer distance races. Good to hear that you are regaining your fitness.

    DBIW, 10 miles at 9 minute miling is very impressive. I agree with you about dust collection on trophies. I keep all my medals in a carrier bag, which is a bit of a waste. I do wonder what will happen to them all after I have departed this  world. I imaging they will be binned, as my son and daughter aren't particularly interested in running.

    Columba, well done for getting out and running in the heat.

    On Saturday I ran 6 continuous hilly circuits on Horestone Hill in the forest, with jogs on the level paths at the top and bottom of the hill. I ran 18 miles in the forest yesterday with Alice in almost unbearable heat. We were able to top up our water bottles whilst running through a camp site. The water was nice and cold. I took two gels, which I wouldn't normally have done, but thought that it would help in the heat. I am taking a rest day today, as I think I put myself through the mangle yesterday. 
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    Definitely think you deserve a rest day after that, HS. Agree ab solutely that long slow runs are essential training for long distance racing, rest days are important too- Who are Sarma and fenners81,??? have I missed something?
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    Morning all,

    It's going to be even hotter today!

    DBIW,  thanks, I was really glad that I didn't run yesterday. I don't know who Sarma and fenners81 are, but I have a vague feeling that fenners81 may have posted a few weeks ago.

    We have a track session on the grass track this evening, which will comprise 5 continuous 800 metres with 200 metre jog recoveries. The number of reps could quite possibly be reduced if the heat is too much.
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    I have dog training tonight - perhaps! Currently it is almost 30c here and predicted to reach 36c this afternoon, not ideal either for me or the dogs. I shall sponge the dogs down before leaving and go early so I can snag a nice shady spot to park in the woods. If we do any work with the dogs I predict it won't be until late evening. I am scheduled for sprints today too but it is just too hot, will try on the shaded path in the woods and if I find it just too much, think I will postpone it until tomorrow morning.
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    HS and DBI - some tough sessions being put in. It's not easy in this weather.
    Even the coast doesn't have its usual sea-breeze. I've gone out earlier and earlier 7.30 Sunday, 7.00 yesterday, 6.30 today but still very draining. Not yet resorted to a Columba-inspired 5.00. Managed some decent sessions. Off to Devon tomorrow for work where I understand it might be even hotter. Will not pack running gear!   
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    Morning all,

    Hot and sunny again and forecast to be the hottest day of the year.

    DBIW, did you manage to get to dog training and go for a run?

    JB, good idea running early. We started off at 8.15 on Sunday for our long forest run.

    The track session on the grass track went ahead as planned last night. I was surprised at the very high turn out, as I thought the heat would have put most runners off. We all did the number of reps planned, 6 for the fast runners, 5 for medium, and 4 for the steady runners. I am in the medium category these days so did the 5 reps. It was a very tough session in the heat with 800 metre reps with 200 metre jog recoveries. I was able to increase my pace for each rep from 3.58 8.05 minute miling, to 3.39 7.31 minute miling. I wish I could start races at the pace I finish them.  :/ I am running this evening with Karen. We are planning 7 miles, but if it is as hot as forecast could reduce this.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    You're amazing for running in this heat, TE. I did another early morning run yesterday (not as early as Sunday's, and not as long either, so finished before the heat became unbearable). Today has been a rest day of a kind; cross-training with a painbtbrush in my hand. Painting the kitchen window-frames, which entailed climbing onto and kneeling on work surfaces and the draining-board, so possibly as effective as gardening for cross training. We have 30 degrees again here, despite its being cloudy.

    There's a Fenners who posts on some of the Fetcheveryone threads; don't know if it's the same one. 
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    glo2glo2 ✭✭✭
    Well i am back, my son has returned to NZ and i have spent the last week catching up on things indoors and the garden. have not read back on the feed yet as i have missed so much over the last few weeks.
    i completed my 10 mile in Richmond park on 4th June it was quite warm my time was 1.41 i did want 1.40 but that was ok anyway, i did walk for about 50 seconds so if i had not given in to it i could have done this. it was nice having my family there to support me and one of my boys ran he got 1.29 not bad for someone who hates running an felt that i had conned him into it!

    My husband bought me a bike which i took out for a ride last week and as a result i seemed to have picked up a knee injury, so i am trying to be a bit careful, plus last week i felt totally exhausted so i have cut my runs down this week, i managed to do a 9 mile this morning i just did it a little slower than normal.

    3 weeks on Sunday till my half at Southend, do hope the weather is a lot cooler by then.

    Hope you all have a great runs this week.
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    Morning all,

    Thankfully it will be cooler today, but heavy rain is forecast.

    Columba, kudos for painting in the heat. That is something I would never consider. I suppose the paint would dry quicker, so that is a bonus.

    glo2, Welcome back. Well done for your 10 mile in Richmond Park in the heat. Times are always slower in those conditions, and it is often a challenge, just to finish. An excellent time too, by your son. Sounds like with structured training, he could be very speedy. Well done too for running 9 miles yesterday which was the hottest day of the year. Hope your training goes well for your half marathon in 3 weeks, and that it is cooler.

    I went for a 6 mile run in the forest last night by myself, as Karen found the heat too oppressive. I wish that I hadn't, as the temperature was 82 degrees Fahrenheit, and my legs felt heavy as lead. I felt a pull at the back of my right knee within the first half mile, so should have called it a day and returned home. I didn't because I am rather stubborn and was determined to complete the run. It was hellish, but I thought "I've started so I'll finish." I'm taking a rest day today, to give my body time to recover.
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    Morning all,

    A bit cooler again today. My right calf/back of knee is still a bit achy, so I'm hoping it will be ok for Sunday. 
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    Morning all,

    Light rain this morning and a bit cooler. I'm going to try a short jog to ascertain whether or not I should race tomorrow.
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    Still no sign of rain over here, it is hot and oppressive. Ran my 9 mile circuit in the woods today with Charlie and stopped in the middle to allow him a good swim in the lake ,very  necessary in this terrible heat. I am being extra careful with the dogs after a report from another club that a Rottweiler keeled over and died on the field while working. Swam 1200m yesterday. Tomorrow John and I are going to a large lake in our area, John is scheduled for 5km and I shall lurk in the shallow end and feed him on each turnaround. I will get my swim in by following him halfway out across the lake and returning in time for his next feed.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    Has your weather broken yet, DBI? It's a lot cooler here. I upped my "long run" again yesterday, to 1 hour and 53 minutes. Not entirely a run; 3 minutes run, 1 minute walk.
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    Looks like we've all been struggling with the heat. I was a way for a couple of days and the train journey was v. uncomfortable - the staff were giving out bottled water to everyone.

    Glo2, DBI, Columba and HS (of course!) - very good running in this heat. Am beginning to see the attraction of being a swimmer if not the sort of distances that DBI and partner do.

    Anyway things much cooler now. I managed a 5 miler yesterday, which was slow out and quick back (38:13 in all). Pleased with this as I missed my usual parkrun on Saturday through a work commitment. I hope to be back pounding the prom this week.

    Sorry to hear about you knee prob Glo2. It could be something as simple as your bike saddle needing adjustment?

    I'm betting that HS did his Sunday race and am looking forward to hearing his (triumphant, we hope) race report.
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    Morning all,

    Well done to you all for running and swimming over the weekend.

    JB, yes I did do my Sunday race, but it was not exactly triumphant. I did a warm up before the race start and was in two minds whether or not run. My calf felt heavy, but I thought having made the effort to get to the race, I might as well do it and hope for the best. I ran the first couple of k's cautiously and then increased my pace, running a negative split by nearly two minutes. My chip time was 50.46 minutes and I was third MV70. My nemesis Mike was first which I expected, as he was always quicker than me in 10k races, and I was not 100% fit. My WAVA was 73.15%, which in the circumstances wasn't too bad. I have the New Forest 10 mile race in two weeks, so I'm hoping to get fully fit for that. I'm having a rest day today and will try an easy jog tomorrow. 
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    HS - well done. A very creditable performance especially with the calf.
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    An 8.5 mile for me yesterday run at 8.05 mm pace. All going nicely (intended to do 10) until the curse of the calf muscle...............just a slight twinge but I've had enough of these to realise that I needed to stop and walk home. I recall that when I started running in my late 20s that for years I don't think I ever failed to complete a training run. How things change!
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    Morning all,

    Bright and sunny at the moment, but heavy rain forecast later.

    JB, very wise to discontinue your 10 miler at the first twinge of the calf. I should have done the same when I felt my calf pull on Wednesday. I think it was the Tuesdays track session that was to blame, although it was the next days recovery run when it happened. I shouldn't have raced on Sunday, but as it was a HRRL race, I didn't want to let the Club down. I might go for a jog later, but will see how it feels after a walk to and from the supermarket. 
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    Morning all,

    Heavy rain yesterday afternoon, all through the night and still raining now. I decided not to run yesterday, but will go for a short run today. Not ideal running conditions, but I'm keen to get back "into my stride" again.
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    Temperature here has dropped to 30c but very oppressive and the skies are cloudy and grey. Weather men keep forecasting rain storms with thunder and lightning but so far no sign of it. Sure it is coming though, as I have a headache and there is a bit of a wind. Have not run yet today, need to do some garden work and get rid of those pesky weeds. My training schedule shows 4 miles at 10km pace today. I do need to do it as I am planning to race on Friday evening, either the 10km or half-marathon, not decided which yet, the course is very hilly so probably will opt for the 10km. Redhead has picked up on her running and not content with having joined the 100 marathon club has recently completed her first ever Ultra race.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    Are the details on her website, DBI?
    Swam on Monday, went to spin class last night; so far, today has been a rest day (well, physically a rest day; been doing my tax return). Fine steady rain here.
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    Ran 4.8 miles yesterday morning in steady rain. The ache in my right calf has now moved to the outside of the knee, which made the run uncomfortable. I'm running with Karen this morning, but don't know how far we will go. It depends on how my knee feels.

    DBIW, good luck for your Friday race, and thanks for the information on Red. Good to hear that she is still running and has completed her first Ultra.

    Columba, good that your are maintaining your swimming and spinning. Good luck with your tax return. Mine has been accepted by the tax office and the tax on the interest will be recovered from the tax year 18/19. 
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    HS after years of wrestling with tax returns I found a very nice accounts company and 2 years ago turned over my annual tax paperwork to them. No more headache!
     Columba, I havent looked, will do so and report back. This week I have run a total of 20km, swam 3km and done some weights and yoga work. Off out now to do today's scheduled 40min run. It has rained a bit but is dry at the moment, still very grey skies though. Hopefully the rain will stay away today so I can take the dogs to training. Still working to find a way to get Charlie to jump the hurdle without hitting the top of it with his paws. If I command him just to jump he clears it with room to spare, but as soon as I throw the wooden dumbbell for him to retrieve he clatters against the top of the hurdle both over and back. I think he concentrates so much on the retrieval he does not bother to clear the hurdle on his return.
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    Had to abandon run after 0.18 mile as knee was too painful. Will have to take some rest days now.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    Oh dear, TE, that's very bad luck. Hope the rest days cure it.
    Decided that yesterday wasn't going to be a rest day after all. Ran to the church for the evening Mass (vigil of St.s Peter and Paul), and back afterwards. So that was 4 miles altogether, with a 40 minute break between the outward 2 and the return 2.
    DBI, I used to use a tax accountant; the year I retired from full-time work I tried to do the return myself and got in a terrible muddle (full-time work part of the year, then the start of work pension and state pension, plus beginning of self-employed part-time stuff, all in the one year). However, after about 4 years of leaving it all to the accountant, I got the hang of what was required, - plus, the accountant's fees were going up year by year - so have been doing it myself since then. Next year's should be even simpler, now that I've retired from the self-employed stuff.

    I'll take a look at Red's website. I love what it's called.
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    HS - oh no! Hope the rest days (well deserved) sort out the knee.

    My calf twinge has not returned so I've managed to get in some reasonably (for me, given that I'm a slacker) training this week. Parkrun tomorrow - slow course; looking for sub 21.30 but very unlikely! 
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    I'm  having another rest day today, and will see how the knee is tomorrow.

    JB, glad that your calf twinge has not returned. You were wise to terminate your run the other day, which prevented further damage. good luck with the parkrun on Saturday.

    Columba, running to and from Church shows great dedication to your religion and running. :)  
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    Bad luck HS, John is also sidelined at present with his knee. I am going to run the 10km tonight (if the storm holds off!) just to get an idea of where I am in my build-up to the GNR. It is so long since I ran a 10km that I am pretty sure I will be last to finish, especially as the course is very hilly, half forest trail and half road. I really don't like the 10km distance but it will be good training. John and I plan to go swimming after.
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    Columba, Redhead has had laser eye surgery and is getting used to her new glasses- She has had problems with her vision for years.
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