
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    TS: you should have done your run in Manchester. Never rains here. I set off appropriately dressed for the elements and the forecast rain. And it still hasn't rained today! 
    Settled for an easy 8km in the end, reminding myself that whilst this is not a MLR by my own definition of 65-75% of the long run, it would have been a MLR 2 weeks ago! Very much going through the motions and backed off the pace. Legs were lethargic as if they needed stretching...despite half an hour of that before I set off!

    So just 85 and a bit miles to go, WP! Enjoy the challenge!

    Hope the legs are ok today, Birch!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    alehouse - the rain has stayed this side of the Pennines (all day) !   and thanks, legs not too bad, by my ongoing standards - in fact, contemplated going out for 5K earlier, but resisted, as I'm meeting pal at 8am tomorrow . . .    
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    very misty this morning;  met my friend up at the loop - we added a further section to make it 4 miles, so 2 laps and 8 miles bagged.  On lap 2, I still had the option to cut across and finish on just over 6 miles, but legs felt relatively ok, so continued, and feel as though a step up has been made.  Takes me to 20 for the week, in 3 outings (6.5, 5.7, 8).
    Knee area stiffening as I sit, but can feel its at a lower level discomfort than previously.  
    Hope things going well in Wales . . .
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Dave: Guess what I had for my lunch Pizza:-)

    Well done on 8 mile run that is a step in right direction and you ran more than me today.Great week's tally well done and so glad knee is responding well to treatment.We will have you back to normal soon enough :-)

    News from a misty Wales 7.5 miles run this morning, more poppy seed pods and sheep on route;-)Achilles is grumpy so a slow run but have done hot and cold water on it and it seems easier than it was this morning.I also went straight back out and walked 2.78 around pond so Day two all completed. 15.5 miles left to make Monday night checkpoint.

    so far I have  run from:
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    great stuff, WP - look after that achilles !   
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Yes I did read the article. Having written numerous technical articles myself I felt the author was struggling a bit with the technology. Reading between the lines I suspect it still has a way to go before it is user ready.
    I do think there could be very useful information on how your feet are interacting with the forces of running but I am not comfortable that their engineers are there yet. They need to produce something different than what Garmin and the likes are doing with their watches. Something to watch though.

    When I took my MSc I teamed up with a guy from NZ Post Office who was in their telecommunications department and he tried to convince me to work for them but I got offered silly money to stay in the UK so I didn't go. A few years later I got offered three times my current salary to go to Canada so that was that.
    I liked your description of how you felt, 'a sack of potatoes'. It is hard to visualise but it certainly describes how I feel sometimes.

    Since I have been using my new watch I have had no issues with HR readings using both the wrist and chest band. As you know before around 1 in 10 runs would see my HR readings as useless.

    A really enjoyable run today, 8k around the block including a mile through the woods but even footing. My efforts at getting my right leg to take it share of the work seems to be paying off. My GCT % balance was Left 49.9 Right 50.1%., perfect.

    As you can see on the colour coded chart I maintained green most of the way. The chart on the right shows my left foot which is my strong side and I may even be over compensating as I went for long periods with my right foot taking more than its share.
    I am beginning to suspect that the foot balance data is not reliable on steep hills or uneven ground as it seems to be impossible to keep any kind of balance. My body goes all over the place to maintain my overall equilibrium so my chest band where the sensors are located cannot be getting reliable info to infer what my feet are doing.

    To round off my run I actually over took someone which is becoming a rare event these days and yes they were running and in the same direction as me.


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    NZChristineNZChristine ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Mick - nice feeling to overtake someone - good stuff.

    I have been running with a fitbit and it records all sorts of things including heart rate - good that I don't have to wear any chest band. I'm not sure it is that accurate as my son and husband have different devices and they seem to read about the same, mine always seems to read  further so therefore I am faster. It does record pretty acurately where I have been however but it also shows that I can get my heart rate up quite high.

    I had a run/walk with my family yesterday but unfortunately something went wrong with the recording - it showed where I had been but no distance! I hope it reads correctly today or I may be looking at a new watch.

    Guess you didn't have to think too much about which country you were going to go to if they were going to pay you three times as much!

    Welsh Poppy - I think a lot of these virtual events have got a lot of people out, going further than they normally would do - great motivation tools.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    WP: how far from Inversnaid are you?

    Hope knee isn't too bad today, Birch

    Yes, need to keep an eye on the insole technology developments, Mick.

    Just a couple of half hour runs to complete the week. Just over 49km covered on what in theory was a cut back week. Didn't cut back much on the kms except for the MLR; did cut back on the intensity though. And have been more diligent with the stretching. Legs are still a little niggly in places so will see what tomorrow brings. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Ale: I am 4 miles from Inversnaid!

    NZC: Absolutely especially these ultra distances I am enjoying looking at the area I am traveling around.Where as the 5k's and 10k's virtual race do nothing for me.I have a friend who lives in area and she is putting together photo's of the area I am traveling so I can pop in Album.

    I dont rate the fitbit I am a Garmin girl through and through.I feel fitbit is not for runners and always over estimates.

    Today I was greeted by wild horses outside my door and very friendly as well coming close for a cwtch, first time this has happened in all my years living here.So Day Three began Achilles still grumpy so put thorlos socks on for toes and extra padding.Today we run from Balmaha to Rowardennan and make my way to Inversnaid.7.5 miles run slow but to be expected and legs felt tired and they felt like stopping but I was having none of that no matter how slow they got.Then straight back out and 2.55 mile walk up cycle path.I am sticking to flatter routes till Achilles feels better.
    I have 5 miles to make checkpoint tomorrow so that is good to know no matter what the checkpoint is mine. :)
    When you start these races you have no idea how it will pan out but this one is a dream so far.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    well done - keep it going :)
    Nice to have some pictures of the area as well that you virtually travel through
    Wild horses?!!  is this Texas?

    you are hereby awarded the Mr Sensible hat for not going out :)
    for 8 miles the hat is taken away!

    mmm -  interesting cut back week at 49Km although I agree that the intensity level does help

    we will get you balanced up yet - on the right track anyway
    I reckon Garmin have an obsolescence bug hidden away - your job is to find it :)

    my two youngest g'daughters found they could cheat Fitbits by swinging their arm vigorously!  It got their step count up without leaving the chair

    MIsty morn here with blasts of warmer air moving about,
    Felt very reluctant to go out - apprehension of what was planned had set in - and so some displacement activity was done.  eventually got out and felt pretty stiff and lumpen at first but eventually loosened up enough to do 9.54 miles in 96:16 (10:03m/m) with avHR 130 and a max of 140 as I miserly rationed out my energy,

    10:21  119  125
    09:38  128  134
    10:03  130  136
    10:29  131  134
    10:17  131  136
    09:51  131  137
    09:50  133  139
    10:18  133  139
    10:08  131  139
    05:21  133  140

    ......... and no, I couldn't do the remaining 0.45 miles to make it 10 :/
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    good work, TS - not least overcoming the displacement stuff !   Pleasing pacing, too 
    WP - nice day, well done - and good feeling knowing tomorrow is yours :) 
    sensible hat back on, TS - legs/knee , although letting me know they'd done some work yesterday, definitely better than previously - so much so, I was tempted to do 3 miles, but the said headgear came into play (may be getting, finally, wiser), and have had a day at home, reading etc - but exercises done !   
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    > @Mick6 said:
    > Alehouse,
    > That sounds like hard work.
    > Even colder last night -8c, coldest April on record. It is supposed to be going up to +15 at the weekend, shorts !!!!
    >  TS,
    > The builder is still optimistic about the end of September as long as the lumber yards keep open.
    > I was out there this morning to watch them clearing the trees. It is a 2 acre lot covered with Canadian Shield brush and trees. The trees are cedar or pine or I should say were.
    > (Image)
    > A rest day for me and hopefully a more comfortable run tomorrow.
    > Mick

    Hi! My name is Yana and I am a current marketing intern for Invention City. We are currently marketing NuNee - a knee support designed to help with PFPS / Runner’s Knee. We are looking for 3 people to help us develop our marketing campaign in exchange for a free NuNee. Please let me know if you are interested!
    Here is our website: https://nuneeshop.com/
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    NZChristineNZChristine ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Welsh Poppy - good work - keep it going - it will be great to get the pics of the places you are running through.

    Wow Torque Steer - nearly 10 miles!

    My fitbit played up again yesterday but I'm not sure if it is the watch or my phone. Glad I was running with others and they recorded 23 km! The last part was awful, my legs and feet just wanted it to be over. It was our 3 peaks run, so 3 extinct volcanoes were included.

    What was funny was when we got to the top of one of the hills one of the girls got a phone call from her husband. Her garmin had sent an emergency message to him - her heart rate must have got too high and her garmin must have thought she was in trouble. She was fine but her husband was not! Think she might have to turn that bit off.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Wowser almost 10 miles is HUGE progress and shows just what you can do getting everything working together.Good pacing and well done not letting the displacement exercise eat in too much to your day.


    I am so please sensible hat is staying with you and letting body and knee recover.Well done, this way your knee may allow you to run more :)

    That sounds an interesting run with volcano's not something we can run up or around;-) well done on  running what sounds like maybe 13-14 miles when legs and feet did not want to play ball.
    Blimey that must have scared her husband imagine if she did not have a phone on her.I am glad mine does not do that.

    Day 4

    Today almost tripped me up I ran half a mile and knew Achilles was not happy so home I come,get gloves and long sleeved top and go walking I know I have to make 5 miles minimum to make checkpoint.So I walked 7.5 miles to make 8 miles for the day.I am hoping by walking the Achilles will allow me to run tomorrow.
    I am not stupid as it was the rupture that stopped me running for 9 years so if I have to quit challenge I will as for me running is the important part and enjoying it not feeling I have to do it.

    Any way today

    Rowardennan to Inversnaid

    Almost at Beinglas farm.

    Lets hope tomorrow is a better day.In other news the wheel or torture is working wonders on my abs that I think are under several layers of fat :)

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - great fortitude - and still ahead of the game with 8 miles . . .
    and it seems we can look forward to crop-top and six-pack on show at Percy Pud   ;)   :)
    NZC - very impressive, spectacular (and ,seemingly, tough) 23K -  and your comment 
    "The last part was awful, my legs and feet just wanted it to be over"  resonated, as I realised earlier that today is the 34th anniversary of my first marathon (Sheffield 15/06/1986), and checking my notebook, the description includes" last 6 miles at walking/jogging pace - more walking than jogging". How naive (stupid) I was - I only started running in January that year (other than ad-hoc stuff for football training), and thought "how hard can it be " . . . . .    
    TS - GNR ?? 
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    you may  need the headgear to keep the sun off today!

    It's funny but that mile 4 always catches me out - it isn't hilly at all, but it does very gently rise all the way, only about 50' in all, and I always struggle on it to maintain pace

    eerrhhhh - 23km is 14 miles - and 3 volcanoes sound very steep as they are not renowned for having gentle slopes to them!! Sounds a real toughie
    I didn't know Garmin could do that - I can imagine her husband's reaction getting a call like that!

    if you had seen the state of me you would have realised why it was not the 10 miles :/
    Watch out for that Achilles - bitter experience tells me it doesn't go away overnight.
    Have you got a heel lift in your shoes to help limit the extension?

    It said only 16C this morning but humidity must have been near 100% as I started to perspire almost as soon as I started to shamble along.
    4.55 miles in 47:19 (10:25m/m) with avHR125 and a max of 137 was pretty poor but I needed a walk break for 2 min on mile 4 as the humidity & pollen got to me.
    It was quite nice actually as I was under some large lime trees and the shade was very welcome
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Take care, WP

    Yes, Birch, I think we all know the "last part was awful bit!" Been there and done that too many times!

    TS: was 21 degrees when I ran this morning. Usually ok in that but it did seem the warmest that I have run in for a good while. No breeze and I guess it was very humid here.
    Was not going to follow NZC's lead and run 23 kms on 3 mountains! The only hill of note in mine was the bridge over a motorway, and that was enough. 15 km, largely off road. May have been a bit more with the Garmin losing signal a number of times and not sure that it always corrected itself. Was a little slower put km than on last week's 14 km but I felt as if I was running more quickly. Certainly more effort. Anyway that is the longest for years. And years. Thanks for keeping me going though NZC
    Easy day tomorrow.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Meant to say, TS, I hear your race is off. A shame, but no surprise. I would keep training though as if it were on! You will then be in a very good place running-wise!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Not unexpected news about the GNR cancellation but it's a pity as it gave me a "once in a lifetime"  40th anniversary target to aim for to bookend on a relative high.  Ah well :/

    xposted again!
    quite - how hard can it be indeed!!!

    very humid over here as the moisture has drifted in from the North Sea and the sun heating it up means the air is very sticky indeed.
    Very good going on your 15K  - a bridge over a motorway doesn't sound too scenic however!

    My right hip flexor has suddenly seized up whilst sitting here - must have been the news about the GNR has let my body release all the ailments it was hiding!!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Difficult to make plans for an alternative race, TR, isn't it! And actually with the exception of two bridges across main roads my run is pretty scenic! River banks, a lake, (almost exactly a mile around), playing fields, woods, alongside four golf courses: all starting 200 metres from my door. No road at all unless you count a country lane to one of the golf clubs! No wonder I have never moved house since 1982! Hope the hip flexor sorts itself! 

    And it is pouring now.

    Edit: ran in shorts and a short sleeved t-shirt (and gloves!) this morning. And have just ordered a lightweight reflective jacket and more gloves: must be thinking of winter already!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Oh Torque
    Not unexpected with GNR but you really were training so hard for it :( will you transfer to 2021? But very tough to plan for another as yet.I hope the hip flexor settles down...I usually have issues with hf I find some stretch.

    Sorry to hear about pollen and humidity maybe an allergy pill is needed we have high grass pollen at the moment here.

    Ale: Well done on your long run you are doing well!

    The chances of finding me in crop top is zero I nearly spilt my coffee :) I think the many layers of fat will see me fight a losing battle with those 6 pack.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    3 volcanoes, that would be tough to top, you could probably market that as an alternate to the Death Valley Run.
    MrsMick6 uses a fitbit watch to measure her runs and of course I have messed with it especially when it misbehaves. Not too impressed with it as a serious  runners tool. 
    High end garmins can make emergency calls but it does require you to carry your phone with you and have it linked to your watch with their app. Some runners seem to have mastered checking their text messages as they run. I hear that the Welsh are particularly good at it.

    Not surprised, everything is cancelled here too. I have stopped all my speed work training for a couple of events I was registered for. In theory one is now on for November so I will resume some kind of speed work a little nearer. What do you plan to do? If you are like me you nolonger maintain high intensity stuff for more than a couple of months before the wheels start falling off.

    You must be running with an older vintage garmin as the new ones are much improved. I run in dense leaf covered trails, ie you cannot see the sky and I have never lost signal with the 245M. AH, I remember your leaves will always be wet and that will make it much worse. Another beautiful day here, sunny 22c, not a raindrop in sight.

    8k done this morning, a mixture of trails and pavements. Around here wild life at this time of year can create some interesting situations. So far we have had a bear stuck up a tree. The cops had fun with that one. Eventually tranquilised and carted off to the bush. Coyotes attacking people, cops shot it. A moose decided to go for a swim in someone backyard pool, tranquilised and carted off to the bush.
    If Graham was still on the forum I would tell you all about my recent experience with snakes on the trail but this morning it was parent goose not letting me pass their babies without a lot of hissing and flapping and that was just me.

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    that sounds rather better than motorway bridges :)
    That sounds like summer wear for you!
    the GNR wasn't so much a race as a target, driven by nostalgia - first and last race and all that.  It's not as if I am running at  anything like a competitive level, other than against myself and my body, and I am not sure I can summon up the enthusiasm to keep on going through the routine for the very modest levels of performance that my body permits me to have :/

    I suppose there is always Dave's Percy Pud as long as there is not a sweeper van :)

    remember everyone has a 6 pack, it's just that it is disguised sometimes :)

    varied wildlife you have there.
    Worst I get is being woken up by the birds at 0500 singing in the trees outside the bedroom window!
    I hadn't done any speedwork at all so I haven't got a peak to come down from

    In keeping with my vague discouragement/relief at the cancellation I didn't run this morning and confined myself to some exercises to relieve the pain in the hip - which I had also done last evening.  They did show me that I had lost a lot of the movement and flexibility I used to have so a message there for later life!!

    I could still find my six pack if not actually see it...................
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    I know how you feel sometimes letter go can leave you with  feelings of why do I bother etc for so little gains but we do get over the bump and keep trying.

    Looks like a thread Percy Pud it will be and listen it will be me just infront of the sweep van it will be where the party is;-)

    You really lifted my spirts as I was feeling pretty dispondant and that is not me.No run today as Achilles was too painful even though I tried and not in the mood to walk , although did walk to village to post a parcel and pick up meds.I felt something move in my heel/foot and that usually signals a healing of Achilles and walking upstairs was easier rather than like a limping old woman.So fingers crossed all will be well tomorrow.I have till thursday night to make checkpoint 2 so it maybe doable we shall see.

    So i am stopped longer at Inversnaid to watch the runners depart;-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    You sound a little despondent, TS! Chin up old boy! Irrespective of races running is of course the best tonic for both our physical and mental health. Not that I was thinking that during this morning's adventure!

    The forecast said that it wouldn't rain until 11, so I set off in plenty of time. I put a "light rain" jacket around my waist just in case and had only gone a couple of hundred metres before I put it on, just in case. By half a kilometre the heavens had opened. It got heavier and heavier as I splashed through puddle after puddle; in fact by the end it was just one big puddle! Couldn't possibly have got any wetter (an old man on his boat said he couldn't give me a lift as there was only one of me!); afterwards had a shower that was less wet!

    Glad I didn't get that weather on yesterday's run; and it has now stopped of course. 

    Hope that the Achilles settles, WP

    Mick: yesterday I ran with both my old 310XT and my new 45. Both lost the signal, but not always at the same point. I don't really get on with the 45 and just use it as a back up. Much prefer the 310: I can read the larger numbers!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - hope the hip exercises soon yield benefit  . .  
    WP - indeed - fingers x'd for tomorrow - and I hope your despondency has been sent packing  . . .   
    alehouse - rarified heights - and the course sounds splendid !  
    Mick - coyote attack - and snakes to contend with too -  things tame in comparison here - although I did once see an adder whilst running in Cornwall
    WP - I'd love to welcome a thread outing to Percy (if it happens) - and don't worry about bringing up the rear - a time of one hour secured 1971st place last year, from 2831 finishers - in fact, yours truly ended up as de-facto "sweep bus" - I was marshalling near the turn of the out and back course, and a few mins after the final runner had gone by, I started to jog back along the course to the finish area, but then didn't want to go by competitors and be disrespectful. I drew alongside the rear runner, and ran with her for the final 2 miles (of course I enquired if this was acceptable).  She was concerned the finish gantry would have been taken down, and the timing mat gone (naturally, she wanted a valid time - was her first attempt at the distance).  I assured her the mat would still be there, and she would have the joy of passing under the finish arch.  She did, to great cheers (I'd peeled off with 100 metres or so to go), and she had the pleasure of a chat and photo with the lovely Eilish McColgan, to make it a debut to remember.   
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    oops - today's run - 5 miles at 1pm - very warm, didn't feel "right" for first 2 miles, then settled, and completed without fuss, at moderate effort.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Just popped in from the Mature Runners thread to say thanks to Birch for helping us get rid of the spammer :)
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I have had two races cancelled on me and I know I was going to be disappointed in my performance yet I am still despondent rather than relieved.
    Our rental is in suburbia yet the wild life around here is incredible. The bird population is very diverse with twitchers everywhere. My dog is driven crazy by chipmunks that make a high pitched squeek alarm call. She totally loses the plot and is off in hot pursuit. Our walk everyday is about 3.5km and she must do double that.

    Don't like Achilles problems, so hard to shift. My left is nagging a bit so currently I am using heel gels which really work well.

    6k recovery run , twice around the beaver pond, no beavers but the snakes are busy.
    Tomorrow is xtraining with a friend. He wants to do a 50k bike ride but the forecast is for over 30c so maybe a bit shorter.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Sounds like a sensible run, Birch!

    I see that NZC may be "racing" soon: parkrun NZ due to restart on July 4th. Shame we can't join her!

    Having had an Achilles op I can sympathise with those who are experiencing problems! TS, did you get my Achilles "thoughts"? Would appreciate your own thoughts, positive or negative! (Mick: I wrote some ideas for some clubmates, if you want a copy. Does include heel pads of course, and taking a knife to the heel tabs of new shoes!)
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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