
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    ... wordle in four
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    That's great news, TS!  Love it that the competitive spirit still intact :)   Not far away from the 70% AG, too - an excellent return to the fray.  A well deserved refreshment to come, I trust?  
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    ..thanks Dave

    rugby and the Toon match to come - refreshments are all in place :)
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    ... whoops - looks like my eyes are also deteriorating - the AG was 65.9%, not 68.7% -  so a way to go to before >70%!!
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    Dave: Well done on your effort at parkrun today.

    TS: Well I like the competitiveness in you and to get under 30 minutes well done!!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Good around parkrunning! 

    Well done on pinning the barcode on TS. That time will drop of course with more familiarity of the pain! Probably need to get out there another half a dozen times to hit your optimum: can't remember whether it was Frank Horwill or Peter Coe who said your best usually comes at the seventh race at a distance during a season. Rehydrate and recover well! Rugby is a decent match, when I'm not watching cricket!

    NZD: you will just have to pretend that you are still in the younger age group!

    Going well, Birch! 

    Brilliant, JB! Sub 20 next!

    Just over 40 minutes here, including three X 90 seconds with a short recovery.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Thanks for the kind words. Will be sure to post, FAO of TS, when next I have something to boast about!
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: Four years is a lot of inertia to overcome so great that you have now broken the ice.  A good result for a first attempt in 4 years and a big turnaround over the last six months. 

    JB: Brilliant effort. And still improving!

    Dave: Good news on the hamstring and very well done on the 23:11.  Improving nicely:  Bar might now be a bit too high for me though :(.

    WP: You will be pleased to have laid down a full hour.  Just need to keep it up!

    Total of 32.6 km for the week for me.  A bit puny by standards here but about as much as I can typically fit.  With this (ex) tropical cyclone bearing down on us, next week week will be even shorter :(.  Fortunately our house is sheltered by a hill and large trees but still quite blustry, as per my weather station record.  Tomorrow and Tue will be the interesting ones.  Currently warning is for around 200 mm of rain.

    We are located near the small white dot towards the bottom of the right image.

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    apologies - we xposted yesterday and I missed your excellent parkrun performance!

    Great result to record such a good time  :)

    So pleased the  hamstring appears to have disappeared as swiftly as it came - hopefully it was just a nerve firing off warning signals

    yes a good day of refreshment and rugby - not so good of football for me but the Foxes have got their tails up :)

    I do worry a bit now watching international rugby matches - the intensity of it all and the lack of space because of increased fitness levels means that the collisions are getting bigger and the time to adjust is getting smaller. miniscule in fact. Injuries are now commonplace, often as a result of tiredness, whether mental or physical, both in tackling and being tackled.

    Still a great watch and the Ireland v France game was really excellent

    I recall seeing  a photo like that some years ago when on holiday in Mauritius in the hotel foyer with warnings about what was to come.

    Mrs TS said "it doesn't look that big" and when I pointed out that the island that we were on was about the size of your dot she quickly changed her opinion!!

    Fortunately the bartender produced a special cocktail for the evening the storm struck and I slept through all the devastation :)

    A still, grey morning here today and I ventured out for a recovery run whichh ended up being 8.11 miles in 92 min (11:16m/m) with avHR 127 and a max of 142.
    Very tired on the last mile.

    Thanks for all your kind comments on my return to parkrun after the long enforced absence.

    I do feel that I have managed to rebalance my body in terms of my thyroid deficiency by increasing my aerobic base over these past several months of slow plod in that I can perform better within the limits I set myself.
    However I  know only too well that stepping outside those limits are fraught with the potential of total collapse - I can feel that every time I hit a big hill and the sudden demand for energy overwhelms my body's ability to produce it!!

    To run three successive miles at sub 10m/m pace,  considering I had never run at that pace at all in the past 2 years was quite a big deal and left me mildly enthused that my process was producing some results - the last mile today told me there was a long way to go!!!

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    ... wordle in three
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    Wordle in three, also. And four yesterday, also!

    You obviously didn't run hard enough yesterday, TS, if you can churn out over 90 minutes today! Which is a positive, not a complaint: shows that there is plenty to come!

    Re rugby players, I agree re the size and speed: has become a very dangerous game. I may have mentioned before that I have met Michel van der Loos a few times. He was captain of the Netherlands team and said that at around 6 ft 2 or so, and relatively wiry,  he was too small to be in the scrum or lineout these days. And my ex teacher Keith Fielding would have almost no chance of playing at 5ft 7! Not sure how the game can control the size and speed and make things safer. 

    Running: around 35 minutes after a session in the fitness suite brought up just under 43km for the week. No long run made it less than it should have been.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZD: Blimey that looks rough I hope you can stay safe.

    TS Nicely backing up yesterday with 8 miles I agree with Ale you needed to run faster yesterday as it seems very easy for you;-)

    76 minute run this morning for me to the pretty village I am hoping to make this distance my go to distance as I get stronger.I incorporated my hill as well.I ran to the pub we were having lunch at today and can report it was super meal very tasty and filling and will be back.It is our Anniversary Tuesday so opted to go out for lunch today to celebrate.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    Goodly length of run, WP! 
    I wouldn't have wanted TS to run any harder yesterday. That can wait and I'm glad that there were no repercussions! Mustn't get carried away though!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    TS agrees that TS shouldn't have run any harder on Saturday  :):)!

    You are doing a lot of work in the fitness suite just now?  Higher, stronger, faster!

    good running indeed.

    Did you run back from the pub as well :)?

    another grey, chill morning here but still air so fine for running.

    Garmin had suggested 45 min at 12.10m/m pace so I decided to give it a whirl.
    Should have known that I can't run at that pace - it just doesn't fit my body so I compromised at 11:10m/m pace and did 5.1 miles in 56:30 with avHR127 and a max of 142- av pace 11:08m/m

    Garmin beeped at me repeatedly to alert me that my pace was too fast and then again when I slowed right down on the big hill to tell me I was too slow - all in all a beeping mess :)

    Wordle in three
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    anniversary on Valentine's Day <3  congratulations :)
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    Running to the pub and back was earlier in day a bit of a scout trip to find the best way in for Mr WP as he has use rollator and an old pub.

    I don't think these new fangle watches now as as well as we do.

    TS: I still think you could have run faster at parkrun :)

    I was tied for time as roofer was to be coming early so I ran 65 minutes but I am annoyed as roofer not turned up as yet!!So plenty of time to have run longer.I am feeling stronger running which bodes well.

    Thanks TS we wanted St Davids day but the church was booked so we opted for my late dad's Birthday which is off course Valentines Day <3
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    Don't push things WP! Sometimes less is more. And my roofer never turns up at the right time either, even though he is a good friend!

    And don't push things either, TS: "race", longer run, and then what not too long ago would have been a long run in consecutive days... caution!

    About 57 minutes here, 45 with a cautious M77 after his xc race on Saturday. Nice and gentle suited me. Cold again: 6 degrees, felt much colder in the wind.

    Re stretching and strengthening, a little every day with two longer sessions, occasionally three, mainly as injury prevention...in theory.

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    does any tradesman turn up when they say?

    65 min sounds plenty after your exertions the previous day

    it was cold wasn't it - weird, the temperature gauge said one thing but it felt a lot colder out there.

    However it must be coming into spring as the crocus are beginning to show their heads in the grass around the edge of the big open space in town - The Stray.  There are about 6 million bulbs planted so pictures will be forthcoming!

    Nice run out for you this morning - and good to have company as well for your run.

    I am limited as to what I can do in terms of stretching and strengthening without aggravating my back - but my one legged stances are much improved, and with them core stability.

    If you had seen me on the big hill this morning you would have seen caution in full engaged mode!!
    Garmin beeped at me furiously when my pace dropped to 16:40m/m - even the dog walkers were going past me!!
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    WP: Two long runs sounds promising.  As TS said, 65 mins is plenty given (or even without) 76 the day before (hill included).  Tradies ...!  Same here I'm afraid.  Indeed often worse.

    TS: That watch is starting to sound a bit intrusive.  Has to be a setting somewhere?  It will know you are running uphill.  I would face the same on my 'big hill' run, with pace dropping to 10:45 m/km (17:20 m/m) over the steepest part.  Probably start delivering electric shocks to check if I was still alive?  Which is to say, your 16:40 m/m sounds fine (has to, or else I am also in trouble).

    Ale: You do very well to consistently fit in those weekly distances while still working.  
    Stretching/strengthening is also something I need to work on.  Currently mostly doing that only after each run, plus pushups a few times a week.  An M7* running mate would also be nice!

    So far have escaped the worst of the storm, though tail still to come this afternoon/evening/tomorrow morning.  Just a couple of small trees down (in 'bush area', not garden).  Plus a 4 hour power outage, which fortuitously was in the wee small hours of the morning so minimal impact.  One of the advantages of being in a sheltered location.  Max wind gust only reached 44 km/h here (& that a very brief spike) vs 130+ in more exposed locations.  Longer (16 hr) power outage at son's place.  Would not have been so comfortable as they currently have the Manchester g'parents staying with them, so six in the house.  More significant impacts elsewhere but it all pales into insignificance compared to the situation in Turkey.

    No run in the last few days.  Could have this morning but ... (storm being a weak excuse as we are in the calm between!).  Might head out in an hour or so while conditions are relatively benign.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Made it around midday.  Usual 8 km around estuary track, a bit faster than typical due to imminent heavy rain that didn't eventuate (8.15 km @ 5:43, HR 132/150).  Light drizzle/spits throughout.  Would have been pleasanter without the persistent and in places, strong wind.  But OK. 

    Widespread minor debris from trees on track, on road, and on our driveway!  Good exercise sidestepping multiple puddles on the estuary track.  A few trees down, plus track paving partially undermined by a small slip in one area, and distorted in another.
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    you have been fortunate to escape the worst effects of the storm - just hope it doesn't hook back and get you with the tail coming in the wrong direction!!

    Nice to see you have the same problem on the steep hill :)

    Electric shock treatment for slow pace maybe a step too far.

    It sounds like you had a good survey of the damage on your run but none of it too bad - as you say Turkey has  had an awful hit.

    However much of the damage, and subsequent loss of life, would have been avoided if buildings had been constructed properly.

     Apparently the government itself organises a scheme whereby builders can buy "amnesties" from the government for buildings which have not been built in accordance with the very strict earthquake precaution protocols and that these amnesties have been a regular occurring feature over the last two decades.


    Well I think my Garmin has a pretty good handle on my abilities after 6 weeks of wear and today it said -"base training 45min at 12:10m/m" and as I was feeling the effects of the last three days I tried to follow it.

    Unfortunately running an up and down course does not lend itself to precise pacing - have you ever tried to run down a steep hill at 12:10m/m? -  but I did throttle back and ran the 45 min for 4.02 miles at 11:30m/m with avHR122 and a max of 132 by cunningly avoiding the steepest part of the big hill :)

    I was awarded a "Good" for nearly staying within the limits :)

    Not hashing tonight as I have meetings this afternoon and won't get back in time, hence this morning's run, which incidentally was in the strangest weather conditions.

    White frost everywhere when I went out but as I ran the sun warmed it up and it rose, wraith like, from the ground to form a dense freezing fog which then condensed on overhead trees, froze and then thawed, dropping freezing pellets of water back down again -  very cold indeed when landing on one's uncovered head!!!

    Wordle in four today
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    Just a heavy frost here, but around 2 degrees by the time I plodded my just under 40 minutes well wrapped up and an average HR of 113. Stretches later after some gardening before the weather turns to rain tomorrow if the forecast is correct. 

    Wordle in 6 despite having the last four letters in four. 

    NZD: I'm semi retired so rarely work more than a couple of days a week!

    Was wondering how Mick is doing.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - 8 miles a fine effort , one day after the parkrace . .  
    WP - nice miles!  Hope you and Mr WP having a lovely day  . . . 
    NZD -  good that you are sheltered from the storm!  Pleasing 8K too . . .  
    alehouse - I'm still put to shame by your stretching diligence - though I have been paying more attention to my hamstrings of late!  
    Very cold here too this morning at 8:30. Car windscreen was iced over, but as I was doing a loop from friend's place, didn't need to deal with it; had cleared by the end of my steady 7 miles, on a very pleasant route (combo of quiet road and riverside trail, where I observed a heron proudly standing).   Didn't run yesterday, so, unlike TS, a two day rest after my parkrun . . .  
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Still following  along on all your activities and travels. My prognosis is still excellent so my running shoes are still waiting by the front door.
    My second round of chemo was not a lot of fun despite great progress on my blood numbers. Peripheral neuropathy is still my biggest issue. My feet are a runners worse nightmare, a mass of blood clots, so very painful to do anything. This is due to the sticky abnormal protein clogging up the narrow capillaries in my feet. Drugs help but I'm basically house bound.
    Despite this being a rare genetic disorder there is a very active internet forum where people share their experiences. The targeted chemo drugs I am on take time to work but they do work. It is just not a lot of fun while they do.
    I have been a runner since high school, never smoked, never been drunk and never done any form of drugs yet here I am with a serious cancer. So my advice to you all is enjoy every run, don't put it off, get out there and feel the wind in your sails for it all can be taken away in a heart beat.
    So here I am just aching to strap on those running shoes and hit the road.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Mick: Some tough periods of chemo coming up over the next year or so but great that the prognosis is still excellent.  If it works well, in a couple of years the symptoms & chemo period will be behind you and not something that dominates day-day living.  Your running shoes beckon ... 

    Ale: Yes, working only 2-days a week would help.  Even with the lower distances I do it is impacting to the extent that I am not working full time at the moment :(.  Not helped by having a 4 acre property to 'look after' (well perhaps 'look after' 1.5 acres of it, the rest mainly trees left to look after themselves), + ... + ... .  I also need to do a bit of rescheduling - up earlier in the mornings so I run earlier, at least in summer.  Need to cut the impact on work as that will ramp up in a month or so.

    Dave: You are doing very well keeping up the mileage (& the training sessions).  Clearly showing dividends in your recent parkrun times.

    TS:  Yes, as a structural engineer* in my earlier life, the amnesties to circumvent earthquake design/construction standards do seem incredulous (*structural design in NZ often being heavily earthquake dominated).

    Well done on getting the "Good" tick of approval from Garmin. Have you been wearing your watch overnight so it gets a full picture of your fitness state?

    An 'intentionally' slower 8 km this morning (6:18, HR 127/144).  My last run before the clock ticks over :(.  Strong wind + full sun throughout.  Wind quite a lot stronger than yesterday (tail of the storm).  A bit slower than intended, partly due to the wind but also due to stiff/tender quads ex stretch exercises after yesterday's run.  Now convinced the quad stiffness is due to squats & lunges so will again hold off until after the weekend :).  Then build up gradually.  Also need to get back to my longer hill course once a week (fortnight?!) or so ...

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Hope RicF made it here this afternoon as planned.  A lot of flight cancellations yesterday including international ones diverted to Sydney or returned to destination.  Backlog will take a while to clear. 
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    oh Mick, my heart goes out to you!

    Stick in there as the treatment progresses and hopefully you will see increasing benefits as time goes by.  It does sound as though the blood numbers are all going in the right direction but your poor feet.......  :/

    It can be pretty miserable just waiting for some signs of physical improvement, I think we have all had some small insight into that in the past, but your day will come again.

    I am glad you missed off "not going out with girls" from your list of things not done :)

    I know your situation re work only too well!
    One of my client's is a major financial investment institution and they are going through a major overhaul of their real estate portfolio resulting in masses of very large projects literally being thrown at me to sort out in short order.
    Managed declining workload it is not....

    In order to run my day is structured around getting out early and getting it done otherwise I have no real chance of fitting a run in.
    Of course I keep hearing the words "if you only just retired you would have more time for everything...." from various voices off :)

    I read a report that estimated there were over 75,000 buildings that had been granted "amnesties" over the past two decades in Turkey as the government fuelled economic growth on the back of a construction boom. The occupants of those buildings are now paying a horrendous price for that disregard of safety.

    Yes I have been wearing my Garmin continuously for over 6 weeks now and it has built u a very accurate picture of my physical state - it even tracks my sleep patterns and the quality thereof, breathing patterns, body battery ( energy levels) and so on.  I don't look at much of it - I know when I've had a bad night's sleep but as background info it's useful.

    Happy birthday for tomorrow/today depending upon time zones  :)
    Good that you got out to commemorate another year above ground - and the start of another one tomorrow!

    Sounds like you missed the very worst of the storm but still bad enough to give you a hard work out - strong wind and full sun is an unusual combination.

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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    I now have to register an official complaint - someone on here has been passing on hamstring problems - yes I am looking at you Dave :)!!

    As soon as I started out this morning I felt a slight tug in the upper right hamstring. At first I thought it was just from sitting too long in the car yesterday but it didn't ease off/didn't get any worse either, just naggled at me.

    So I took it super easy - just 3.2 miles in 38:50 (12.18m/m) with avHR 117 and a max of 128.
    Strangely Garmin had suggested 40 min at 12:20 pace as today's workout - it must have known I was going to have a hamstring problem :)!!

    Wordle in five today - interesting one!
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    You might not think it at times, Mick, but progress is being made! Positive thoughts!

    I was also wondering where Ric was up to, NZD! Sounds a reasonable run in the circumstances. 

    I had quite bad cramp in my right calf overnight so decided not to join Birch for a (virtual) speed session but head off steadily and see what happened. 10.74km in 66:47. Did push on a little in places: often run this course with M77 and usually it is around 70 minutes. Hope your hamstring goes as quickly as it came, TS; hopefully not a sign of overdoing things recently. 

    Interesting Wordle in four. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick: My heart aches for you and the loss of running at the moment as in times like these we want to let of steam.BUT you will be back it may take a while but hang on to the dream of running again.It is just a pause in your running career you will be back and stay positive.

    88 minute run this morning after yesterday's rest day happy to get the miles in my legs.When times are tough in getting out or on a run I shall think of Mick and get my bum in gear.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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