
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: Yes, I realised what I had written was ambiguous!  Was directed at the shoe choices but figured advice on either would be fine so decided to leave it as it was.  Agreed re carbon fibre plates and have no intention of getting that type any time soon (not certain 'cheating' is quite the right word - perhaps more like cyclors on an America's Cup racing yacht :smile: !).  But it does seem the choice of normal shoe can make some difference.
    The auto-scaling on the plots is a bit frustrating.  Would be nice to be able to easily override.  Some Suunto plots are better, but the elevations in Strava are a lot more accurate (
    5.35 miles is a decent effort so 0.65 short is a minor issue.  Pinched nerve not so good though.  Hope it settles quickly.  

    Basically a repeat of yesterday for me (8.16 km @ 5:56, HR 132/145).  Even chillier this morning (6.2C near estuary at start), which may explain the lower average HR.  Getting close to gloves territory :(.  Beautiful sunny, clear blue sky with no wind 
    though (ditto yesterday).

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited May 2023
    Hmm, wrote that about 12 hours ago but seems I didn't post it.  Either that or I just double posted..! 
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    .. or those one piece polyurethane swim suits with panels in them that were used in the Olympics a few years back and nearly every swim world record was broken using them. Subsequently banned but the records still stand.

    I sometimes do that, read over a post and then forget to post it!!

    Certainly changing weatherwise in your part of the world - I have just washed out all my gloves, stitched them where required (thrifty, that's me!) and put them away - weather bound to change!

    Consistent timing over your run which I just realised is a tad over 5 miles so I can compare it with mine - and you are going a lot faster - about a 1m/m, so your HR reflects that.

    good news on the shoes - new ones can always feel a bit stiff to start with. I tend to wear mine around the house for a bit to settle them in before actually running in them outside.

    enjoy lunch!!

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Parkrun this morning.  Debated whether to after several breaks from running over the last month or two, then two 8 km efforts at ~5:55 pace in the last two days.  Ultimately decided to treat it as a speed training session to help get condition back rather than being too worried about actual time.  Ended up 'OK' (24:34) mainly due to being  determined not to let one of my friendly 'target group' (a W60-64 in this case) get away on me over the last 2 km.  Happy that she finished 1 sec in front.  The friendly challenge pushed both of us harder than would otherwise have been the case (a couple of weeks ago, I was 2 sec in front).  Needless to she again trashed me AG-wise.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Sounds like a decent run, NZD, given recent issues. I'm sure the way forward is a spot of consistent consistency!

    Out fairly early for 50 minutes then to daughter's: she is having an extension built and the builder (a friend of mine) suddenly announced that he is starting on Tuesday so I have been knocking garden walls down and stacking bricks, plus digging up plants and finding places for them in the wilderness. 

    Now watching cricket at old Trafford, starting any minutes. Sunny warm evening at present.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Ts I could do with stitching a few pairs of my gloves.But it was 5 degrees this morning and my hands froze for the first mile or so.

     over an hour for me this morning with slower legs but a pleasant run.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ale: You will have been pleased to get in 50 mins after several shorter runs lately.  And plenty of xtraining to follow.  Yes, consistent consistency ... if only!  Would be great but seem to have been plagued with bugs & injuries over the last few months, compounded by competing time demands.

    TS: Meant to mention, in mirror image yesterday I dug out a pair of gloves and put with my running kit.  Hopefully won't be called upon just yet.  The 6.2C temperature the other day was a bit unusual at this time of the year.  Only on clear still nights, when cold air rolls down from surrounding hills and settles in the estuary basin.  About 3 deg warmer at home when I headed out that morning.  With a bit more wind & cloud around, overnight low has been back up to 12 & 15.5 at home the last two nights

    Slower, shorter local hill run this morning (7.1 km @ 6:54, 126 m EG, HR 124/138).  Only had 50 mins max to spare so planned longer local run had to be cut short.  Upper leg muscles still a bit leaden from yesterday.  At least it kept the HR down. 

    Brought up 31.5 km for the week (including 3 km @ 6:24 pre-parkrun warm up yesterday). About average for me, except all crammed into the last 4 days. 

    Do wonder if it would be better to cut the warm up runs back to 2 km?  Others I have spoken with only seem to be doing 1 - 2 km.  My main reason for targeting 3 km is to get my day total up to 8 km.  Probably not the soundest reasoning!
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited May 2023
    very good parkrun result off the limited training and vertigo incident !

    I would be very happy to get anywhere near that time the next one I do.

    Talking of which I was supermarket shopping yesterday * Mrs TS has had an operation and I am let loose to freelance :) ) when this tall woman turned to me and said "no parkrun today then" and it took me a little while to recognise her as the one who had tried to outsprint me at the last one!
    I mumbles something about waiting until I was in better shape, to which she laughed and pointed at the rather obvious quantity of wine in the trolley!

    Warm ups can be very overrated -all one is doing is preparing the body for what is to come.  I prefer to do some ambles then progressively sharper bit working up to race speed and get the HR up and then good to go - probably not more than 1000 m all told.

    very extreme gardening - good to get a run in as well.
    Nice day for cricket watching B)

    a goodly hour - did you have the new shoes on?

    No run yesterday which was very warm indeed but this morning was cool and overcast and I went through the wood of last week and then decided on a whim to turn onto the public footpath that leads up to the moors, somewhere that I have not run over for many years.

    After half a mile I was in prefect tranquility with the sky filled with larks, lapwings and the beautiful sound of curlews - most uplifting unlike the ground underfoot which became progressively worse - tussock grass and dried bog!!

    At one stage I was reduced to walking/jog for nearly a mile for fear of an ankle turn but survived to finally hit tarmac again.

    Only 9.2 miles done in 123 min (13:24m/m!!!) but HR 118/141 and 221m of ascent in all so a good aerobic workout howbeit at an enforced gentle pace.

    Brought up 27.2 miles for the week and reminded me that my body is not ready to cope for such time on feet!

    Wordle yesterday in 6, close call on the menu, and then a four today.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Rest day for me today after 42 days .Legs were very tired yesterday and aching so saw it as a sign to take one before I am forced into one.
    I feel very tired today.

    No new shoes will be on Tuesday as tomorrow will be long run day.

    Ts Nice miles for the week.Glad you avoided an ankle incident on run! Hope Mrs TS is recovering well and will trust you shopping again.Hope all the wine was not for you....LOL
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Hopefully this is currently a football free zone for a while (until Birch returns to comment on The Owls!)

    Just over 20 minutes run (legs didn't want to know after yesterday's cross training); preceded by a long stretch in the fitness suite.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    very wise - rest days are essential
    I'm afraid miot of it was.......

    It was Monday night what did it ....
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Madison taking the ball off Tielemans and missing the subsequent penalty didn't help. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Very good 9.2 mile effort TS.  Very wise to drop to 'walking/jog' in that terrain.
    Rest day here. 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I imagine Birch is happy! Should be an easy six points for The Foxes next.season...

    45 minutes this morning with M78, and for once I was underdressed: only 6 degrees. He has lent me a book called Adventures in Running and Aging (Philip Jones); all about the uphill struggle of going downhill. How true!

    Run was followed by a couple hours cross training in my garden, trying to dig out couch grass, then a supermarket visit, then two hours at daughter's lifting her 30 feet by 12 patio and storing the paving 70 feet away. Builders start her extension tomorrow so needed to be done. Helpful as they are, the builders would probably have just ripped it up and put it in the skip. 

    Nice long run, WP.

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    well that's one way of looking on the bright side of results :)

    Heavy duty day there - and a big patio area to move!!
    I hope there was some liquid refreshment on tap?

    The book sounds interesting - and accurate!!!

    Easy recovery run here today - 4.2 miles in cool. sunny conditions in 47:20 ( 11:26m/m) HR 119/131 and then some gentle gardening cutting lawn edges etc as it warmed up - leaving the couch grass until another day!!

    wordle in three - fixed the vowels in one
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    wow - cool out there for my short walk.  Pleased i had put a lightweight fleece on over my shirt!

    Did anyone see that rather lovely moment when Geraint Thomas, despite losing the leader's jersey on the second last day, went and led out Mark Cavendish on the last day, even though he wasn't in G's team, for his sprint finish and ultimate stage victory?

    Talk about mates - nearly got some pollen in my eye :)

    Wordle in four 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, chilly here this morning, and not that warm this pm on what was forecast to be the hottest day of the year so far around here. Unlikely! 

    44 minutes run this morning took me over 100 miles for the month; stretches later plus have done a couple of hours in my own garden. Legs felt surprisingly good today, although I suspect that they won't tomorrow. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    TS I also had something in my eye.Best mates for twenty five years and true friendship.I love them both what a fantastic bunch of guys they are.

    Yesterday was LSR so 110 minutes it was super slow legs did not like the rest day at all.It was hard fought for.Second longest run since 2019 and this year.

    Today PT session then run but it was 22 degrees and I hate heat so expected nothing much.I had new shoes on and had fastest run this year.Only 2 miles but it was fast for me.Not sure if the bouncy shoes or the rest day that did it.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Cool here this morning at around 7 degrees but a strong breeze: could have done with gloves and tracksters! Legs were cold and hands started to turn purple! Still grey and overcast although the sun is due to come out this pm, which it eventually did yesterday. 36 minutes run to finish the month: 
    166.93 km (103. 73 miles) for May, with one parkrun. Longest run was 9 kms so need to work on that. Think that I have lost a little confidence. 

    Wordle in four. 

    Back to the garden!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    LSR are supposed to be slow - and you would have been quicker than mine!
    Bouncy shoes are looking good

    That pollen gets everywhere!

    good going for May :) 

    It's a bit of an effort to get up for a long run - and takes even longer to get over it!

    It was chilly here too - both last night for a 4 mile Hash, nice in the sunshine, very cool out of it, and this morning just very cool and overcast as I did only 2.1 miles (Garmin forbade any more!) in 25 min which corresponded exactly with Garmin's strictures of 12m/m pace - Hr wsa only 111/121 as I avoided big hills!

    Wordle in three
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    I'm back; yes, very happy, alehouse!  
    Only 2 runs (total 6.5 miles) whilst away. Took speed group this morning, but decided to take things very steadily after virtually no running for 12 days, plenty of cold refreshment and 4 hours on aeroplane plus an hour or so in car yesterday.   
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    welcome back Dave

    weather was lovely here whilst you were gone :)

    Where did you get to and was it a good holiday?  Plenty of cold refreshment sounds like a good start :)

    Sitting in a plane for 4 hours does nothing for one's circulation in the legs so you were wise to gan canny today!

    Just looked at my Garmin and it has congratulated me on my restful day and then said tomorrow is 45 min tempo!!
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited June 2023
    Dave: Good to hear you enjoyed the break (... cold refreshments ...).  Hopefully the short break will have recharged your batteries.
    Ale: Very good week total despite various obstacles
    45 min tempo will be an interesting challenge.  What pace is the Garmin guru prescribing for that?

    Unintended three day break from running due to work & family commitments the last two days. Estuary circuit again this morning (8.26 km @ 5:53, HR 134/155, 38m EG).  Slightly different route added the extra 0.1km - and extra 9m EG.  'New' part closer to the water opened up a couple years ago.  Have been long meaning to switch to that but being on autopilot, kept forgetting to turn L instead of R at the T junction were the routes split!  For once included a ~150m 'sprint' (~4:10 pace) about 6.5km in on a short 'flat' section, which pushed max HR up a few notches.

    Just 71 km month total :(
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Oops, EG 48m, not 38!  Hence the 'extra 9m'.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited June 2023
    like the autopilot route - I can relate to that!
    ooohh sprinting bit, and an extra hiily bit as well, made for a different sortie out for you -a good change of routine.

    well the tempo bit turned out to be 10min warmup/cool down with 2x15 min @ 9:30m/m pace with 5 min jog interval.

    Hard work, especially the maths required to balance out uphill/downhill bits on a big circular route, but managed av pace of 9:28m/m on each covering 1.58 miles with HR 130/143 and 139/142 as I worked harder on the second one.

    Wouldn't have liked a third :/

    I should be able to run those comfortably off my 5K time but it was a struggle, had to resort to deep breathing on the second one.
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    80.1 miles last month - a complete week off with that bug plus a cautious return did for me in mileage terms

    Wordle in 6 today -  a very close call but I had eliminated everything else!
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: 80.1 m is nevertheless a lot more than my total. 

    Garmins tempo parts were very similar to my pace this morning.  Strava wants me to work a bit harder to qualify for tempo; 5:04 to 5:39 m/km, ave say 5:22 = 8:38 m/m.  Guess it would be feasible as 2x 15 mins - without hills!  I probably should include something like that a couple of times a month.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Dave glad to see you back safe and sound but what little running you did :)

    TS sounds like hard work this morning!

    Wednesday and today over an hour each day running.Pleased to see pace slightly better than is normal and distance increasing.Long way to go but on the up .

    Nice article with Eluid in RW magazine he is a favorite of mine.

    May 136 miles
    4 PT sessions
    1 strength session on my own.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited June 2023
    Tenerife, TS.  Nice tempo session there!  
    Good back to back hours, too, WP . . . 
    NZD - yes, some quicker work a good idea - if nothing else, would introduce variety.
    Monthly total less than recent ones with the holiday making a dent - 104.5 miles.
    Started new month with 7.5 miles steady at 8:30am today, although pace was probably down for the effort level; probably need a couple of weeks to get back up to par. Long sleeves required too, and almost gloves weather - backs of my hands pretty cold!  
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited June 2023
    And it looks cold at Headingley this evening, Birch! A shock to the system after your holiday! 

    I think the comments about tempos must have sub consciously had an effect on me: one km easy, one hard, 30 secs rest, one hard, one easy. Fastest pace 4:47, max HR 127. First time that I have really run hardish since February's COVID. Need to do this more often, and more. Today was comfortably uncomfortable.
    Was a big gardening day today, starting at 8 and finishing at 7. Obviously a few breaks, including the run. 

    Wordle was a failure today.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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