
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Well done Birch jnr. A tough day for racing, and a tough course.

    Don't rush things. WP. 

    73 minutes with my M78 neighbour this morning and it felt like the most humid run of the present heatwave. Rather a trudge here, also.

    Wordle in four. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    that looked a toughie for the sapling :) - great time though considering the course and conditions.

    If he has a liking for such routes may I recommend the Guy Fawkes 10 mile from Ripley

    in leaning into Birtswith Bank I scraped my nose on the tarmac, it's that steep,  but it is a lovely scenic route.

    You could always have done your extra miles after the intervals as a cool down - if that were possible in those conditions :)

    that was a long run out there yesterday in sticky conditions - bit different now.

    Went out early in light drizzle which rapidly turned into downpour - never seen so many miserable looking dog walkers but the dogs looked happy enough :)

    As a consequence photo ops were limited but what do the old timer's  tales have to  say about this?

    Never seen them so early - when does the snow start?
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    just to show you how hard it was raining a short while ago

    this great tit flew in through my open study window and sheltered from the rain about 5' from where I was sitting!!
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    Holly and berries this early!

    PT session today which went well but still have shoulder issue it seems rotator cuff so we shall see next week and no improvement will drop upper body work till it is healed.Upped the dead lift by 2.5 kilos.
    No post PT run  as did not feel up to it and not worth it for a few miles.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Yes, my Holly has berries on also, although doesn't look as nice as yours, TS.

    Shoulders can be a real pain, WP; despite the treatment a couple of months ago, my shoulder is playing up again. Can't work out whether it is weak and needs strengthening or whether any strength is causing the issue. 

    A gentle 40 minutes between showers was deemed unproductive. 

    In other news, the gritting lorry came down the road yesterday evening! No doubt mostly washed away now! Very puddly on my run.

    Wordle in five 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Splendid pic pf your intruder, TS!  
    I didn't think I'd have the discipline to do the miles post-session in the heat . . . .
    No showers here, alehouse - just incessant double-dot rain!  5.5 miles bagged though - and unexpectedly the legs felt relatively sprightly given the death march yesterday!   Bit of a change from the weekend - long sleeves and jacket today  . . .   
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    Actually,  Birch, "showers": somewhat of an understatement! Very wet underfoot and wore a rain jacket just in case. Glad your legs felt more sprightly; surprisingly my were, also. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    nice to hear the rain spread around :)

    watch that shoulder! that can lead to long term problems

    a gritting wagon?!! Now that is a sign of winter coming early :)
    40 min didn't even register as "some aerobic benefit"?

    good point about afters for your miles!

    Nice distance this morning despite the rain

    As you can see the bird was watching the weather most intently :)
    Didn't appear to be too bothered by me though I did sit quietly until he decided to fly off.

    Does anyone else get this advert along the bottom of the page

    or is it just my guilty trawling of the net leaving a trail or catching a cookie:) ?

    Better not let my g'son see them or it could cost ne a lot!

    wordle in four today
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    I seem to get a variety of ads but not that particular one, TS. Today's 40 was indeed unproductive,  officially.  I would disagree! A lot of it off road and lots of puddles. Slightly harder than a recovery run.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    just to show you how hard it was raining a short while ago

    this great tit flew in through my open study window and sheltered from the rain about 5' from where I was sitting!!

    It's a Blue tit.


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    25 minutes at a gentle pace: all the legs fancied. Long stretch later and wordle in four. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I also get a selection of ads but not that one.

    TS : Thanks will watch it as taken ages so far may have to go see a physio but will see how I get on first.

    58 minute run this morning and all felt fine.Stats starting to be back to normal again-hope it continues this way.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good effort, WP . . .  
    Not had the ad, TS . . . 
    Wed speed group today.  2 x (800m, 400m, 600m, 400m). 6 miles with the pre and post bits.  Still some stiffness from Saturday (above the usual level). Should start following alehouse' example with the stretching. Coffee and cake, then 2 hours gardening!  
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    are you back in the UK or still overseas?

    Naw - great tit. Grey/Black bar down it's chest when it turned round to look at me before flying off:)
    May have been a juvenile (second brood) as we have a lot of them nesting around my house.

    encouraging news from this mornings effort - good going!

    feeling yesterday's longer run?

    I could manage the coffee and cake but not the rest of your workouts :)

    Maybe some mile reps at race pace would be a good build up to your 10K?

    Well I have now got light fitting accessories  as an ad bar so it's getting random!

    Chilly this morning - only 6C when I stepped out early doors so walk was quite brisk. Knee felt somewhat better and hasn't seized up subsequently.

    Today's snap is  - 

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     - sun just dusting the tops of the pine trees.

    wordle in three today
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    I see Mr Stokes has been at it again :)
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    are you back in the UK or still overseas?

    Naw - great tit. Grey/Black bar down it's chest when it turned round to look at me before flying off:)
    May have been a juvenile (second brood) as we have a lot of them nesting around my house.

    encouraging news from this mornings effort - good going!

    feeling yesterday's longer run?

    I could manage the coffee and cake but not the rest of your workouts :)

    Maybe some mile reps at race pace would be a good build up to your 10K?

    Well I have now got light fitting accessories  as an ad bar so it's getting random!

    Chilly this morning - only 6C when I stepped out early doors so walk was quite brisk. Knee felt somewhat better and hasn't seized up subsequently.

    Today's snap is  - 

    Back in the UK for some time TS.

    The bird btw is a Blue Tit. The head pattern of dark eye stripe and white supercilia is diagnostic for the species. They also have a dark stripe down the belly though not as pronounced as the Great Tit. I've been a birder for over 50 years and used to do all that twitching stuff. I stopped when my British List was over 300. 

    Training? 896 hours in past 365 days according to Garmin reports.

    VO2 Max fluctuates between 75 and 80 depending on me feeding the Garmin algorithm.


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    only 50 years/?  I have a Peterson Field Guide book older than that :)

    Is all your workouts on the bike now?  At an average of 2.5 hours/day that would be a lot to cram in running!
    Accounts for the impressive VO2 max though.

    No photos today - it was damp and drizzly first thing for a slightly extended walk and nothing took my eye in the gloom.

    wordle in four

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    Blimey look at vo2max double mine!

    Very wet here as well rain all day.So a rest day as tired and shoulder giving me trouble too much twisted behind back.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    How is Mrs TS doing at the moment?Still being Florence :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    I have moved onto being resident physio - and all the pain that entails :)

    Quad muscle stretches and strengthening of same - baby steps as yet on them.

    Mrs TS is getting much better on her walking stick/crutches - I have to keep an eye on her!

    Rain again this morning. Concern expressed by the familiar group fo dog walkers that I was not running although dressed for it - I had put on running shorts, as they don't hold water like normal day shorts do, with my Gortex running jacket, so I looked the part :) - but resisted the opportunity to break into a jog at any stage.

    It was funny watching Mortimer & WhiteHouse Go Fishing last night, one of the few TV programmes I watch,  - Bob was talking to his doctor about knees and knee pain and the doc was saying that movement is the best thing for them but that walking put 1.5 times the load through the joints and running put 5 times the load!

    Wordle in five
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    Beautiful autumnal day here...not that I am able to take much advantage of it:  ill! Didn't feel great on my run yesterday and not long afterwards was sick, dizzy etc. Probably gastroenteritis or Novovirus: currently know four other people with similar symptoms.  Should go after a few days. Just a couple of kms today. 
    Yesterday and today were going to be easy days ahead of a hard parkrun tomorrow. Best laid plans and all that...

    Good progress from your patient,  TS!

    Wordle in four today,  five yesterday. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    It sounds like you will be on a pay increase😂
     Glad progress is being made.

    Beautiful  day here but I felt ill so back to bed after feeding the household. Went for walk two coffees  then went out.You would expect a slow run but no fastest this year. 33 minutes. Wowser.

    Also new speed law 20mph through village's  so means I will need to change my routes.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    that's a bit rough on you - as long as it's not the dreaded C***d

    Something medicinal is obviously called for :)

    I see - they brought in the new speed limits to stop your running :)

    Looks like you made the most of it after feeling off

    Yes - definitely an upgrade on my medical position status, patient is appreciative- at times :)!
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    TS, I can't contemplate food, never mind anything medicinal!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Sounds like a norovirus type bug?
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    I was thinking along the lines of a single malt :)

    yup - heard a lot of folk going down with a similar virus/infection recently - there were six knocked out after a recent Hash!

    I have been increasing exercises of late on the knees to keep up with Mrs TS (physio heal yourself :) ) - seems to be getting stronger....

    Also decided I was getting out of shape generally so I have broken out the weights as well along with doing planks etc!

    rather chilly and damp here today - M rs TS had a Saturday morning appointment at the hospital (eye this time!) and the place was almost deserted!

    consequently in and out in under 40 min  - managed wordle in two after getting the first letter and a vowel in the first line
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    That sounds positive news with knee TS and weights...THUD :)
    That was quick for the hospital!!

    Wordle in 4 for me

    Small run as legs were tired so 45 minutes  and I stayed dry! Giving me 19 for the week.+8 on last week.
    Next weekend I am away- no race but there is a parkrun right on promenade where I am staying so I may get to my 3rd Parkrun :) or I may just go and run when I want to run we shall see.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Hope you're soon back on track, alehouse.
    Cautious optimism re knee, TS?   
    Well done WP - 45 mins on tired legs is a decent outing  . . .  
    Well, I was so tired on Thursday for some reason (possibly lingering lurgy) I took a rest day. 7.5 miles yesterday probably not ideal preparation for a parkracing effort.  
    2 miles warmup preceded a 24:19 result , and a mile warmdown. This is a 3 lap course with a hairpin U turn on each lap. Last time I did the course was in January (24:15), but I ran 23:11 on a faster course in Feb. 3rd MV65-69 (4 seconds behind 2nd).  71.69 AG.  A "sharpener", if nothing else, for my upcoming 10K . . .     
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    Sounds like progress on all fronts,  TS!

    Would be good to notch up another parkrun,  WP!

    That was my plan originally for today but that was a definite know given how I feel.  Quarter of an hour or so was enough. 

    Wordle took six.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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