
A 1000 miles in 2022?



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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Donnie...nice one.
    TT, yes...although the forecast isn't saying sleet any more, just "feels like 0 degrees". I'll be going to the gym, then.
    5 miles today. Knee a bit stabby when I upped the pace for my two at MP, but it did settle. 

    YTD: 392
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    TT - well done on the 500.

    As Race Director, I definitely have to stop myself eating all day as my colleagues make the event run so smoothly so nothing much for me to do.

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I don't know, Harmander - that sounds like an RD perk to me!
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    Well done on the 300 & 500 Donnie TT.
    Back in a base layer last night for club run...still in shorts & have been all Winter but certainly a bit of a chill in the air last night, lovely to run an evening run without the headtorch...followed by club AGM...left early before getting volunteered for any committee stuff.
    Easy run last night, not stressing it before the weekend race.
    449 miles YTD
    37,349ft elevation
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    Good luck for this weekend Hobie, TT and Cal

    Runstreak day 456

    26.3 3.53
    27.3 6.1
    28.3 3.31
    29.3 4.04
    30.3 9.54
    31.3 7.29

    YTD 472.56 miles

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I usually pop in on a Friday, but as it is the end of the month...

    March:182.21 km run (113.22 miles).

    Run streak day 255. I think. 

    YTD 316.41. Ahead of target but who knows what is around the corner. If I can run 100+ miles each month that will do me nicely. 

    And indeed,  go well racers! Hopefully meet up with Cal at parkrun. Hopefully be shouting a few forumites on on Sunday. Do hope it is warmer today with less of a cold wind. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    End of the month with 5 to add making 306.6. I'll be very happy with 100 per month! 
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Harmander... Great that your longer runs are going well. (Still not convinced about your fuelling!)

    Donnie... Congrats on passing 300'. 

    Hobie... Hope the weather is not too serious for the week-end.

    TT... Congrats on passing 500'. And all the best for the week-end!

    Cal... Approaching 400'. But more importantly, approaching the big event! Hope that your knee behaves.

    Dubai... The streak continues! Well done.

    Alehouse... Steady running this year!

    A bit 'fresh' yesterday but great running conditions. Had the feeling that a brisk run would go well. So, 7' at an av. pace of 9:19/mile. (71% age-grade) Happy.
    Wintry weather, so taking a few days off. Hopefully that will please my complaining ankle!

    YTD: 465'  (158' in March)
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    Well it was snowing when I got to Nant Yr Arian for today's trail race...no wind so it would be lovely...snow didn't lie but it did come and go during the race...nearly 1800ft of elevation, lots of chats and fantastically well organised race.
    470 miles YTD 

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Gorgeous country, Hobie.
    MrM2, that sounds like a big improvement.
    Alexandra parkrun today...knee held up but groin still niggling a bit. 28:27. Hopefully I've got enough left for tomorrow.

    YTD: 395
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    Great time Cal, have a great race tomorrow. 
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Popping in with good wishes for TT and cal for the Manchester marathon tomorrow. Hope you're, at this moment, fast asleep, well rested, fuelled and excited about the run. Conditions look OK, perhaps a little cold but dry and still. Have a wonderful time, hope it goes to plan and most of all, you enjoy yourself. 

    7 yesterday and a parkrun this morning 

    Ytd: 316.7
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    Good luck Cal and TT

    Well done Hobie, lucky number 13!

    My wife arrived in Dublin a few days ago and it was -1, don’t think I could cope with that.

    Runstreak day 459

    1.4 6.41
    2.4 7.35
    3.4 7.49

    YTD 493.81 miles

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Best of luck, TT - you've got this. I'm in my lightning leggings if you spot me.
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Well that didn't go as expected, pulled out at just after mile 15, sometimes the best thing is to stop. 

    Thank you to you all, I don't think I would have got to the start line without you all. 

    YTD: 517.33
    EG: 8434
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Really sorry to hear that, TT. I know that at the moment you won't be very happy, but on a positive note you have banked a lot of decent training: make sure that it comes in useful in the coming months. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Oh no TT...gutted for you. But yes, sometimes it is the best thing to do and there will be others. You've got the drive and the talent so I have no doubt you'll smash your share of marathons in the future.
    I managed to get around...I had low expectations after all my issues and I won't lie, the last few miles were tough, but I'm proud to make it around without walking, even if my pace dropped. 4:20:52 so a lot slower than my PB but about what I was expecting, so I'm reasonably happy.

    YTD: 421
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    TT: gutted for you. Marathon running is both physically and mentally demanding, Im sure you're a bit confused about it all right now, however don't call it a day, go again. The emotional investment is what kills you but ultimately its worth while.

    Cal: happy for you. Crossing the finish line is always an achievement. I do treasure my marathon medels.

    Still 316.6 
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    So sorry to hear TT - consider it a wise decision. As others have said, you are fitter now after the training - Happy to offer you a free place at our race in June - absolutely no pressure - you do what you can and get rewarded accordingly.
    Well done Cal,
    Makes me feel guilty saying I am improving consistently. Did my fastest parkrun of the year (pacing for 36:30 - did 36:25) - hope to be at 35 by the end of the month.
    Last year, after a parkrun the weekend before when it re-started, many may recall I entered the Ultra the following Saturday on a course guaranteed to give you blisters - this was followed by the London Landmarks Half the next day - I struggled and did 3:31:53 - I offered to help a few friends break 200 minutes today and did 3:07:03  I did not want to tell them we were going to go at a minute a mile faster than needed but they were well chuffed at the end. The time also ensured I nursed my self  from the woes of the recent past.
    MrM2, - no samosas on the course - gutted lol.
    Court day tomorrow so a rest is good.

    29/03 - 5.63
    31/03 - 5.63
    02/04 - 7.25
    03/04 - 13.11 (London Landmarks Half Marathon)


    YTD = 491.97 miles

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    At the other end, one of our club runners Jagbir Bassi came 87th in 1:25:21
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Just have to drop by to congratulate everyone.

    TT....Although you wont be happy with the need to pull out after 15', you obviously made the right call, and that sets you up for your next outing! Be encouraged. Take the positives. Move on. Your training was so promising, and you clearly have the talent and ability!

    Hobie...Belated congrats. on your trail Half!

    Harmander... Piling on the miles! And getting the pacing down to a fine art!!! Great.

    Cal... You have to be happy with 4:20 given all that you have battled through in the prep.time. Great!

    My 'cut-back' week was also an ankle-recovery week. Perhaps I'm still adjusting to the Mizuno shoes?
    Itching to get out again but don't want to 'jump the gun'. 
    With all the running this week-end I've gone all 'marathon-hungry' but not sure when I'll be ready.
    (Had to let the Ghent marathon slip by the other week-end. Health and circumstances ruled it out.)

    Happy recovery week everyone!

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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Thank you so much for all the support, it was definitely the best decision, as I said to a friend I found out a lot about myself yesterday and what I found out I liked!

    I will admit the support of the Manchester marathon was rubbish. I stepped onto the pavement and a person on a first aid bike ride past, then a spectator pointed me out and he stopped. He then told me to walk two miles up the road to a Marshall and hope they would know how I could return! As I walked off the course a Marshall looked at me and then turned away and walked off! I managed with a 'phone to find a Premium Inn with a pub attached close by. The bar man gave me a drink, put a chair and table by a radiator, then found me a space blanket and came over every five mins to make sure I was okay before my OH turned up. If I hadn't had a 'phone and cash/credit card I would have been asking spectators for help. 

    Premium Inn staff were fabulous, and went above and beyond to ensure I was safe.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Fab, Harmander! Enjoy your rest. And yes, happy enough. Back in the first half of 2018 when I ran a 4:18 at Manchester and a 4:22 at Liverpool, I was doing sub-2 halfs, so a 4:20 marathon when I've not managed a sub-2 half since lockdown is pretty good. Especially with the training interruptions and overall lack of miles.

    TT, that does sound poor. But hooray for the Premium Inn!
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    Congrats Cal and hard luck TT, injury, exhaustion, went out too fast, do you know what happened?

    Runstreak day 460, heat and humidity, you could have wrung me out

    8.02 miles

    YTD 501.83 miles

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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Just copied this from another thread so apologies to anyone who has already read it!

    It was a combination of too many people so I was jostled and had an elbow in my face at one point, people kept hitting the back of my trainers, a lady pushing a gentleman in the wheelchair in front of me at mile 13 and three people hitting the floor right in front of me in mile 14 in a mass of people. 

    Paced it well, loads of energy, low heart rate, but it was not going to happen. I am actually really pleased I tried and I can now say I have tried.

    DR basically it was great physically but I was not enjoying it and I was worried I would injure myself, and when the three people went down that was it. 
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    Blimey TT, that sounds rough...now I know why I enter events with mud & hills... road races sound brutal.

    Well done on 500 Dubairunner, amazing running. Couple of rest days for me so nothing to report.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    TT, out of interest, were you running behind a pacer? I've tried that a couple of times but always end up kicking heels and dodging elbows and end up going it alone anyway. I just pace myself now.
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Cal I started near the back of the Blue B (was looking out for you but didn't spot the leggings!), and it was really crowded from about mile two as we headed into Manchester.  Then at about mile five caught up with the four hour pacer and overtook, which took ages as there were about 30 people behind him, which was exactly to my race plan. Ran but kept meeting groups of people running together. I walked for about a min after the wheelchair incident because it completely threw me and at that point the four hour caught up with me (he was ahead of schedule he said). I tried to get past again but left it because it was too busy then the three people went down and me nearly with them.

    I have turned into a country runner! More bunnies and bikes on my running routes than cars and people combined. 

    I have learnt so much from this experience, and as I said to one friend I like what I have learnt. Massage today then I will most likely start running again tomorrow.

    DR well done on that 500 🥳

    Hobie I now know why one friend (pulls on GB colours regularly for tris) said she had done one road marathon in her life and was never doing another! She also prefers mud.......
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    TT, based on that I wouldn't rule out marathons yet...just pick smaller ones, or trail events.
    You must have gone past me fairly quickly as I started behind the pacer and let them go, given I knew I was nowhere near able to do that pace at the moment. The 4 hour pacer in the orange wave also went past me in Altrincham.   
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    TT, I also don’t like crowds and like my own space, it’s stopped me doing some races over the years. When I moved to Dubai I was apprehensive of a marathon with thousands of people until I realised that only a few hundred do the marathon, the thousands do the 10k an hour later.
    Your training has gone so well, find a small marathon or set your own. Run 26.2 and Mr TT will support you, then you’ve covered the distance.

    Runstreak day 461, humidity back down but temperatures into the high 30s

    7.22 miles

    YTD 509.05 miles

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