
1000 miles in 2024



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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I've not but I know people who have. It's hilly and, being Greece, on the hot side, too, but the finish is iconic.
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    Wow I've had a week's holiday and lost touch! I didn't make 100 in January but my mileage is ok, well done everyone!!!
    I've just plotted a 9 mile loop on the roads so I'll be off in a mo
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    5 weeks before my first half marathon of the year so thought I should include some relevant miles today (2k on and 1k float) x4. 
    Ended up 11.5 miles in total.

    That was a tough session 😳.

    YTD 192 miles
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    Harmander, I know a few who want to do Athens but not done it myself... It's hot hilly but apparently the finish is epic...

    MrC, Nice session at HM paces ! I do similar with MP but with a bit more distance as its marathon training. Great session...

    Had a few days completely off. 90m session with 60@90%MP, the hip got to a dull ache rather than the moderate pain of previous so progress it seems. Anyway physio booked for Monday - any major stop now would blow my marathon out of the water

    Don't know if I'll manage the Cardiff 20 miler I had planned next Sunday

    YTD 496k / 252m
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    Thank you Cal,

    The hills are no problem, that is mostly what I train on but the heat (in November?) I struggle in the heat.

    Was hoping to find out more about the logistics as am not really keen on going through a package if I can avoid it.

    It is the getting to the start so early I am trying to sort out after booking a hotel close to the finish - the start is 17 miles as the crow flies from the finish).

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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    DHamster, glad to hear you are on the improve. Which marathon have you signed up for?

    Harmander, the Athens marathon looks epic. Worthy of the bucket list. The heat shouldn’t be a problem mid November.
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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭
    Had to compress my week and do my long run today as I'm away with my wife in the early hours tomorrow for a Caribbean cruise, and probably won't get much running done - have planned a down/recovery week so that I'm not stressing about it 

    20 mile LR today, a few minutes shy of 3 hours, with 1600ft ascent.

    Better go and finish packing

    Have a good weekend everyone

    YTD 198.8
    Ascent 11,788ft
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    Returning to running after a couple of years off. 1000 mile goal year one but if things go to plan I may adjust it.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    chamolk... Sort out your priorities!...changing your running routine for a Caribbean cruise?!  Well done on the 20' run.

    northeastrunner... Welcome. What part of NE? I'm a southerner but had opportunity to do the Blaydon run and Peterlee 10' way back in '97 during a dry-dock period on the Tyne.

    Wabo... Welcome back.

    MrC...Well done on your tough session. Still time to shape-up for that Half, but also time to 'over-do' it!

    dangeroushamster... Hope you make the right call on your 20 miler!

    Harmander... 17'? Surely that's just a nice 'warm-up' distance for you?

    Happy to get out for a 10 mile run, yesterday. Possibly going to fit in a short one this afternoon?

    YTD: 0182' .

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    TT working shifts I’ve no set rest days, I work 6 on 4 off.

    Harmander, haven’t ran Athens but is on my bucket list. Hoping to get Comrades done in next few years, always an issue getting holidays then.

    6.2 4.19
    7.2 4.02
    9.2 4.58
    10.2 8.52

    YTD 138.12 miles

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    MrM2 Shildon, close to Darlington. Ran blaydon a few times over the years too.
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    MrM2, 'as the crow flies' ...I can hardly ride a bike  lol.
    Welcome back Wabo.
    Dubai, me and the heat don't get on - admire those who do stuff like the Comrades etc.
    JackFW, Yup, the other three on my bucket list (mentioned earlier) are 'The World's Fastest Marathon' in Granada (Spain), any marathon in New Zealand the week after or before Sydney (planned for 2025 when it becomes an additional Major as I have done the rest).
    Northeastrunner -0 welcome. My 80 year old uncle (Harry Singh) is a Darlington Harrier and an Ever present at the GNR - my aunt has only missed one. Harry and I will be running London this year - I am torn between keeping up with him (sub-5 marathoner) or helping my daughter who is doing her first - another option is to pace from the Green Start as that is the only one I have not paced from.

    Today, 8.67 miles including parkrun

    YTD = 197.06 miles.

    I should reach 200 miles opposite the Barkantine on the Isle of Dogs tomorrow when I take the first timers on the Tower Bridge to the Finish line course familiarisation run.

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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Harmander Athens sounds fab. Is there a social media group? I found when planning Bethlehem and Jerusalem HM last year that the hotels we booked were really helpful, especially Bethlehem. 

    Northeastrunner, welcome.

    Chamock, oh sunshine!!!!! Does the boat have a gym??? 

    DR I have a vague memory you were heading to Comrades in 2020??

    DH hoping that physio has some magic exercises. 

    TM before a PT session. The running mileage is low, but I have a 44 mile in a day walk in June, walking mileage is really good. Running might be a second half of the year catch up.

    YTD: 82.67 (hoping for over 100 before I fly to Norway in 10 days time......)
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    Thanks TT

    Yes Harmander I know of your uncle. I have friends at harriers. He’s a bit of a legend in these parts for his achievements. You must be proud of him. Tough choice for London. Good luck with whichever way you go.
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Chamolk, does the cruise have a running track? Where I live (Port Melbourne) cruise ships dock and depart all the time. Some of them are massive, especially the Virgin and Disney cruises.

    Harmander, that’s a great bucket list. If you don’t like heat, be wary of Sydney! The humidity can be bad! Melbourne will be more pleasant  ;). The only bucket list one I have at the moment is NYC. I have always wanted to run the five boroughs. 

    MrM2, closing in on 200 mate! 

    Welcome, NE runner!

    DR, how do you run in the heat over there? I don’t think I could handle it. It’s 33 degrees here today, but I did a 13km run early so not too bad. It was around 22-25 early. 

    We’ve booked a trip to Europe for April/May this year. The plan is 2 weeks Italy, 1 week France and a 2 weeks England (London plus a week or so road trip to Cornwall/Devon). 

    YTD - 158 miles

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    Busy on here, well done everyone. 
    Welcome to northeastrunner, I'm the opposite side of the country in Wild West Wales.
    Nice weekend of c25k coaching and parkrun run directoring.
    Today got up nice and early for a 6 and a bit trail run....big tides today....but Spring is on the way.
    161 miles YTD 
    18,018 ft elevation 
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    Welcome, NE runner.
    Well done everyone.
    Not much running this week but I did go to Malling parkrun yesterday. Run/walk again but kept the walk breaks quite short so still managed a couple of sub-10s to finish in 31:15
    Today I did my 100th volunteer at junior parkrun.

    YTD: 104
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Resting today. Managed a mixed-pace 5 mile run yesterday.

    YTD: 0187' .
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    Thanks for the welcome everyone. I hope to regularly contribute to the group going forward.

    JackFW sounds like an amazing trip you have planned.
    Hobie1495 Wales from the areas I have been is a lovely country. First sing a of spring and light mornings are a definite boost.
    Cal congrats on your 100th volunteer role. I probs my have not volunteered at parkrun as much as I should over the years to be honest.

    So I started running again 4 weeks ago with a 3 mile run. Week 2 was 20 miles. That sounds a big step up but it was slow steady stuff. Week 3 was 25 miles including a parkrun. I opted for Hamsterley forest in the north east and on arrival was told it was one of the hardest in the country. I should have known as I do know the area. Anyway steady start and lots of long big hills and then a few sharp downs resulted in a 25 minute on the nose finish which I was happy with. This week just gone was 28 miles with 9 this morning in heavy rain. It felt like I was carrying a stone more with the water. Happy with progress just running slow and steady and not doing any specific fast workouts for another 4 weeks. Got to lose 2 stone to get back to usual running weight. 76 miles to date for the year.
    Goals for the year, a couple of hm in summer or autumn would be good.
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    Well done, NE. Actually I realised it was not, in fact, my 100th volunteer...I was looking at my Chrome extension which said it was but obviously counted the times I did more than one job in a day. Then I checked my actual parkrun profile and it says 84. How embarrassing.  :D
    Anyway, I've not done Hamsterley but it's pretty high up in the rankings (741 of 760). If you're interested, the 2023 rankings can be found here: https://www.thepowerof10.info/content/itemdisplay.aspx?itemid=1704
    I've done a few of the toughest ones including Great Yarmouth and that one lived up to expectations.
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    JackFW, oh yes, humidity, another thing I have difficulty with - worst marathon for that I have experienced was Singapore of all places - my parents lived there when I was conceived.

    NYC, done that twice, I liked Chicago much better then Boston.

    Been invited to the Marines marathon but don't really feel safe in the USA of late.

    We decided to do a bit more than planned today - 15.13 miles so

    YTD = 212.19 miles
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Great to see some new names. Welcome one and all. 

    Enjoying the talk of bucket list runs. I've nothing planned but retirement isn't to far away. If funds allow, I'd love to do the Tokyo marathon. 

    I'm on the board at last although the three runs below are treadmill. Can't run tomorrow, eyeing Tuesday to be back outdoors. 

    Worried my piriformis syndrome will reoccur but it's time... 

    0.5 (Tues)
    1.0 (wed)
    2.0 (Thurs)

    No ill effects. 

    Ytd: 3.5
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    Jack, yes it gets up to high 40s here in the summer and mid 30s overnight but not too humid at least, can’t deal with humidity. Slow down and run easy miles in the dark!
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    Flash floods overnight after thunderstorms so looks like will be the treadmill today, 6.2 yesterday 

    YTD 144.32 miles
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Have just read the tragic news that Kiptum (and his coach) died in a car accident at the week-end. He set a new record at London last year, and was endeavouring to go sub-2hrs in Rotterdam, this Spring. We may never see such a talent again!?
    Better news was about Josh Kerr; breaking Mo's Two mile, indoor, record! (Less than a second over 8 minutes. Will this be the new 'Four minute mile' challenge; 8 min/2 mile?)

    Looks like a wonderful day for running. Hope to get out later.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, very sad news, MrM2. Puts lots of things in perspective, even Josh Kerr's new WR. 

    Unusual weather for you, DR! Am I right, is there little in the way of a drainage system?

    Sorry to hear that you are still struggling, Cal, but hopefully progress from Donnie!

    YTD: 165.75
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Yes tragic loss to the world of long distance running, no doubt Kelvin would have dipped under 2hrs for the marathon at some point.

    RIP Kelvin.

    Wow Dubai didn’t think you guys got that sort of weather!

    Donnie good to see you have started running again.

    8 miles this morning in lovely sunshine inc a couple of miles at 1/2 marathon pace.

    Think I have miscalculated my miles so correct figure is 193 miles YTD.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    The weather didn't disappoint, so got out in the afternoon, for a long run. Split the 15 miles into a 7 and 8, poking my nose indoors in between.  The second half was four or five minutes slower than the first half which is an indication of where I am with long runs at the moment. Hope to work on that in the coming weeks. (Overall pace was only just under 11min/mile...10:58....and I'd like that to be much nearer 10:30, for starters....)

    YTD: 0202' .
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Tragic news, MrM2. It is a reminder that life is so precious and you must really live every moment of it. It is so easy to forget in getting wound up in everyday stuff. 

    Donnie, welcome on the scoreboard! And great to see no issues early. Take it slow. Why Tokyo? 

    DR - that is insane! Are the houses flooded? I suspect Hobie would run right through that!  I would be looking for the nearest treadmill or dinghy.

    Harmander, that is some list of marathons you have accomplished there. Yes, the appetite to travel to the US has declined in recent years for me given the political landscape over there. I have been there 4 times but not since 2015.

    A warm and windy run this morning. It was 28 degrees by 8am. 6 miles ticked off. 35 degrees later followed by a welcome cool change.

    YTD - 165 miles.
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