
1000 miles in 2024



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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    edited February 21
    TT well done on the 10 miler, very respectable time. Unfortunately golf not my game so no suggestions from me.

    Harmander 20 miles excellent leadership to the newbies ☺️

    Donnie and Cal both slowly getting back to road running, easy and slow is the best approach.

    I don’t mind the rain and heat but wind meh is horrible, 6.5 miles this morning inc a 5 mile tempo, impossible trying to hit consistent paces 🤨.

    YTD 240 miles.
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    Cal. Thanks for the link re parkruns. I have had another steady week last week of 29 miles no pushing but it’s getting easier naturally which is good. I went to my local club last night to chat to some old friends about joining up again. May wait a few weeks till I have a good base as I don’t want to get drawn into bring competitive too early and end up injured.
    MrM2 Really sad news on kiptum. When Eliud appeared I didn’t think he would be beaten for years but kiptum looked special with a big future ahead of him. I do still wonder though if haile, Paul Tergat, Paula Radcliffe etc had super shoes back in the 90s would their times be the same as the elite now.
    105 miles ytd up until last weekend and heading in the right direction.
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Two 10km runs to work on Tuesday and Thursday this week respectively. This morning was hot and steamy. 

    Big 30km run planned for Sunday. Hoping to hit 200km this month, first time since April last year.

    Need to do some hill repeats but have been avoiding them! Maybe next week (that’s what I said last week).

    YTD - 206 miles. 
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    Did a 5 miler today with 9:30 run/30 sec walk. Increased the pace a bit each mile - managed a sub-10 for the last one even with the walk break. Hip/groin is still what it is but it doesn't seem to get worse after running, at least for now. Still not sure how to approach Winter Run - I guess I'll see how I feel on the day.

    YTD: 121
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    Great miles, TT Championship Coordinator sound like a good excuse to come up with some very random prizes....we do a club accumulator which gives points on local races to encourage club members to support smaller local races....also the "your a bit less sh!t than last year" most improved is always good to encourage people.
    A wee post couch to 5k run last night just to see if I did still have any speed in my legs, then coaching for our C25K group...week 5.
    I've also just had head up of a cheeky 40 mile Ultra around South Pembrokeshire.
    185 miles YTD
    20,194ft elevation
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    Thank you MrC and MrM2
    ,  good news on the stability as you increase the intensity..  Your increase pace with each mile is akin to our 'Accelerator' challenge where each Km has to be faster than the last and you 'drop out' as soon as your latest km is slower (the first km has to be no slower than 10 minutes and the course is half uphil).

    Only did 5.60 miles on Tuesday 
    8.79 miles today.

    YTD = 288.93 miles
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    TT: never been part of a club so no ideas how to approach a club challenge, although I often think being part of a club is something worth exploring.

    Cal: good luck in the Winter run - hope the body holds up and you enjoy it. 

    Two treadmill runs to report - 3.3 and 3.1. Getting slightly quicker. Think the body would now be ok with running outside, its just that popping into the gym on the way home from work is a slightly quicker way to exercise and be showered by tea time. Feel rather pressed for time at the moment.

    YTD: 30.4 
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    TT...I think the 'age-related' achievements are often overlooked.

    northeastrunner... You are right to mention footware improvements (and track surfaces for some events.) You have to admire what earlier generations have accomplished and not always regard them as 'under-achievers' in the light of today's champions.

    JackFW... Hill repeats are so easy to avoid!!! But the satisfaction when you complete a set!!

    Donnie... Good to see you progressing steadily!

    Struggled through a 7' run this afternoon. The rain had stopped...but the wind hadn't! And it got dark, and I got tired....(and I had been to the Dentist...)

    YTD: 0238' .
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Not heard from dangerous hamster for a while hope his hip is not too bad.

    What a change this morning with bright sunshine from the deluge yesterday so decided to keep to the pavements this morning. 12.5 miles with a fast finish, the last 3.5 miles just outside half marathon pace.

    YTD 252 miles.
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    Hi all. It’s amazing how many miles have been run by people on this forum already, it’s so impressive. 
    I finally decided the time was right to test my ankle this morning. First run for over a month and only a mile but it felt brilliant to be out there. Will go slightly longer on Monday and try and build up from there. Slowly, slowly. 
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    That's encouraging, Big George!
    Winter Run completed in 1:03:35 (I settled on 9:30 run/30secs walk as with my Thursday run). My slowest Winter Run yet, and slowest 10K for as long as I can remember, but given my condition, I'm quite content with it. Always a fun race and it has the best medals. I'll be back next year, no doubt.

    YTD: 127
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    edited February 25
    Big George...'slowly, slowly...' Spot on! All the best!

    Cal... Amazing how you keep coming back for more...but very pleased that you 'pulled it off' at the 10k! Hope you recover well.

    Always an 'experience' going to MrBarber down here. He's a keen runner, and we usually talk 'running'. One sign in his parlour informs parents that uncollected children will be sold to the circus. Another sign, painted on a rusty saw just says 'Tattoos Removed'. You get the picture...But the hand-written notice, facing me as I sat down, was not a joke; Jason asked for understanding if he was more subdued than normal, as he was still getting over the death of his son. I asked if it was a recent sign, and he explained; Oliver, 29, a son from his first marriage, had taken his own life four weeks ago. We didn't talk 'running'.
    Just so happened that yesterday's run took me right by Middle Chine, Bournemouth, where the body was found. Very sobering, and I have to wonder what had taken such a young man to that point.

    13 miles, yesterday, and a 'shake-out' 3 miles  at 7 this morning.

    YTD: 0254' .
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    Very sobering, MrM2. 
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    That’s very sad, MrM2. 

    Welcome back George. I’m glad to hear you’re heading in the right direction. 

    Congrats on finishing the Winter Race, Cal. Where is the race based? 

    My long weekend run never eventuated. I had a little niggle in my calf so I rested Saturday and felt fine on Sunday. I thought caution was the best approach so did a smaller run to test it out - felt no symptoms during the run and pulled up good today which is a relief. 

    YTD - 213m
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    Very sad MrM2, these stories are all too common....hard to know or understand what takes people to such a dark place....wish we could be more open and talk about things....running for a lot of people is that place as you don't have to look people in the face and stuff sometimes just comes out. Condolences to your friend and their family.
    Nice social trail run for me yesterday, introducing people to some local tracks and trails.
    196 miles YTD
    21,575ft elevation

    I seem to have entered that Ultra in June.....probably should start to train.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited February 26
    That is very sad, MrM2. Certainly puts my own woes into perspective. 

    The Saturday before last I ran parkrun (Alex, since you ask, Cal!); not quite flat out but hard enough to give me 75% age grading, and hard enough to give me sore hamstrings. Nice and even low grade discomfort of the kind that we often get after a hard session or race.

    Backed off slightly for a few days and ahead of my first real race as a 70 year old, the Last Friday of the Month 5k in Hyde Park. Warmed up and hamstrings were not right so made the decision to just run round at a relatively gentle pace. Mistake! At 3.6k I apparently leapt in the air like Derek Redmond in the 1992 Olympics. I limped my way to the finish. The pain was in my hip and seems to be from where the upper hamstring attaches to the pelvic area. 

    Streak ended after 949 days. 

    Spoke to a GP this morning and have an urgent appointment with a consultant on Thursday. Crutches until then!

    YTD 202...and it will stay on that for a long while. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    JackFW...Well done for skipping that run; not always easy to take the wise course!

    Hobie...Well said...and Well done on the Trail 'initiation'. June isn't far away!!!

    alehouse... So sorry to hear that your streak came to such a painful end! 
    (Well done on the 75%A.G.) Hope you get good advice and treatment on Thursday.

    The 40/50 mph wind strength had already convinced me to make today a rest day, but following this morning's Physio session I know that I ought to be doing a lot more stretches and exercises. So, new resolution kicks off this afternoon!
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    TT yes Abu Dhabi is a road marathon, quite cheap actually got early bird 50% off, cost about £40

    Alehouse, no!! So close to the 1000 days. Hope recovery is quick

    21.2 6.38
    22.2 4.41
    23.2 4.39
    25.2 7.14
    26.2 4.03
    27.2 4.04

    YTD 230.53 miles
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Alehouse! Sorry mate! That’s terrible. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    MrM2, sometimes the runs you don’t do are more important that the ones you do do! I think that makes sense…

    Dubai runner, you are on a roll. Which is the better Marathon, Abu Dhabi or Dubai? 

    6ish miles yesterday to work. It’s going to be 37 degrees today, so staying indoors! 

    YTD - 220 miles. 
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Dubai... Looks like you're stringing together some steady miles. When do you plan to add some longer runs?

    JackFW...Understand...and agree. We had temps around 37 last night, but that was F not C .
    Got out a little after sunrise today, for another 8 miles. (Feeling weary from the start, so no speeding!)

    YTD: 0262' .
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    Jack, haven’t done Abu Dhabi before, it’s quite a new marathon, done Dubai 3 times, pretty boring up and down Jumeirah beach road.

    MrM2, good question! Weathers perfect for it now, just need to find the time 
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Northeastrunner that is a very good point about kit, I do ponder how well Steve Ovett and Sebastian Coe would have done now (showing my age here).

    Cal you seem to be moving in the right direction and well done on the 10km. 

    Donnie I completely understand the going to the gym on the way home, so much easier, and then it is done!

    Mrmr2 I agree about age related there is a lady in our club who nearly always comes last, but age related she is always in the top 10%. I was so sorry to read your post. You are totally right we never know what pushes someone to that.

    MrC fabulous run.

    Biggeorge welcome back. 

    Hobie how long is the ultra??

    Alehouse how are you???? Not a good result from a run.

    Jack how's the weather now? 

    Up in the Lofoten Islands so it's back on the TM! It's a bit cold and snowy for running outdoors..........

    YTD: 122.25
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Interesting trip, TT!

    Currently on crutches. Physio assessment later then consultant tomorrow. The latter is a friend and former GB athletics team doctor and I have great trust in him! Thanks for asking!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    edited February 28
    Cal that’s a great effort considering everything you have been going through.

    Big George good to hear the ankle is on the mend, time to build up that mileage, slowly mind.

    Alehouse oh dear sounds like a proximal hamstring tear, all the best with the rehab.

    Dubai that’s a very good streak of running.

    TT that’s a great picture, no need for a treadmill get your gloves and hat on and enjoy the scenery 😁.

    Last key workout this morning with just over 2 weeks away from race day.
    13 x 1km repeats with a 1min recovery, run at between half marathon and 10k pace.
    It’s so rewarding when you hit all your paces in a workout and still feel strong at the end.

    YTD 274 miles.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    That's a great session  MrC! And I suspect you are correct re my injury; when I spoke to a physio on the phone the initial diagnosis was higher proximal hamstring tendinopathy.  I imagine the only way of confirming this, or arriving at a different conclusion,  will be through scanning. Will see what consultant thinks tomorrow. 
    What's the race?
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehouse, sorry to hear of your injury, hopefully smooth recovery.
    Stunning pic TT, very jealous....looks like an amazing place to run and great hills to play with.
    The Ultra is a 40 mile one with about 4000ft of climb so not too extreme....I am thinking that Man V Horse the week before might not be a great taper plan....so might sell that one on.
    I've got my training plan with the Ultra at the end of it....starts this week....so lots of hill reps for me to build up cardio.
    199 miles YTD
    21,991 ft elevation
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Ale house ale house it’s the Stafford half marathon.

    40th anniversary apparently for the event.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Hobie... I thought TT's picture would have you 'dribbling'!

    MrC... Your sessions are going so well! All the best for your event.

    Just after 7a.m. for another 8' run. Feeling a little more animated but not reflected in the pace!

    YTD: 0270' .
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Ale house: recover well. Sounds like you have access to good advice. Good luck. 

    TT: looks beautiful. I'm pretty much roads or treadmill. Never ventured into the wilderness. 

    Mr C: I love your sessions. It's a much more organised approach than I adopt. I might copy some of your ideas. 

    Mr MM = Mr Consistency. That's a compliment. 

    Worried I'm becoming a fair weather runner. Justifying the gym as its more time effective and arguably better as the recovery continues. Two treadmill runs to log 3.2 and 4.2.

    The great outdoors tomorrow. 

    Ytd: 37. 8
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Donnie I am very much a fair weather runner, and cyclist! 

    Mrmr2 noticing you are heading towards that 300 mark, well done on the 8.

    Hobie I thought you would like the picture, definitely your type of scenery. 

    MrC brilliant session. 

    Alehouse hopefully today gives you the first steps on the road to recovery. 

    Short run before heading to Sweden on the train.

    YTD: 126.26
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