
New York Marathon 2002 The Original



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    Without sounding dumb...are people sewing their names on to t-shirts or can you buy iron on letters, if so , where from? Tomorrow, I'm going for gold and gonna get that 20 miler out of the way...it will be my first run this week due to the foot issues!
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    Greeny.Greeny. ✭✭✭
    I just printed mine in colour on paper, and safety pinned it to my vest for the FLM - worked a treat!
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    I just wrote mine on in marker pen for FLM.

    Seaweed - if Waitrose opened a shop in Shropshire I'd use it, in the meantime we settle for S********'s!!! Do you sell gatorade?

    Had a great run this morning. After a duff couple of weeks where the legs have felt as if they belong to someone else, I did a run which I'd like to think is 6m but in reality is probably 5.5m in 48:31. When I first did this run a few weeks ago it took 55mins so I'm pretty pleased with that.
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    Tried the Gatorade Tangerine flavour last night and found it acceptable. Better than the Go sis gels anyway. Don't know whether it was the Gato or the banana but after about 45 mins something kicked in and I flew. After tea I was laid on the floor with hot water bottle on lower back and ice on left achilles. Not a pretty sight.

    Not sure what to do about putting name on shirt. Might go for the heat transfer letters and if necessary go to nearest football souvenir shop where they stick names onto replica shirts.
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    no gatorade in the sainsbury's local last night...i'm getting a taste for the sis go gel-thinking i might carry 3-4 round with me -say 1 per hour as a treat.and how do people do their drinking-i feel i might have to decant cups into my sports bottle to squeeze.this seemed to work ok at the windsor 1/2-especially as i could just dunk my bottle into the buckets as i ran past,hardly broke stride.the bottle fits fine into the pocket of my baggy oversize cotton-yet strangely non-chafing- shorts-i don't really want to run with a belt on.is this remotely possible in nyc race?
    hope everyone's on the mend from the various ailments.seems like a lot of my physical niggles are more mental...should get out for a quickie at lunch time.
    ran into my supposed running partner last night,i think he's going to rat out.he's "still doing a run every morning" but "hasn't got round to doing the long runs yet"-not sure whether he's serious about his entry or not-getting rather suspicious that he's even entered-in fact i'm now getting too paranoid and have to visit nyrrc website to check.will report soon.could need serious therapy.
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    hmmmm,no sign of his name.mine is there,so my rat sensors are working overtime.checking whether macmillan have had his cancellation before confronting him.and seeing whether they mind me bringing " about ten" guests to their pasta party 6pm-8pm at the mayflower.will post as soon as i find out....looks like i could be indenting for the 4.50 pacing group...
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    NR - re names on t-shirts/vests - one solution is to mark your name out in mircropores tape. It doesn't look great (something of an understatement) but it doesn't permanently ruin the top either as the tape pulls off afterwards and it's also highly visible, particularly on dark colours.

    The slicker solution is to get computer generated transfers (you can size them to fit) which you then iron on. However, the iron needs to be on v. high and therefore melts most wicking t-shirts! I'm opting for micropores. Hope the 20 goes well.

    OB - thanks for the Viga site - lovely! I thought either the full ensemble, shorts (possibly even the women's sprint shorts!) vest and bandana then there'd be absolutely no mistaking that I was a Brit and completely mad. I actually tried on some Ronhill UJ shorts and I didn't need a second opinion to know how awful they looked - truly ghastly. So, I just don't think I can do it. The threat of the digital camera is also something a deterrent. Hope your cold is better. Given you've tried everything else you could try Elderberry extract - not sure whether it works but tastes delicious.


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    Angi - I'm disappointed you're bottling out!! I thought you were a cert. for the women's running brief! Seriously, I think I'll get the T shirt and vest with the flags across the chest and wear whichever according to the weather.

    Alex - it looks like you've been stood up!! Is the Macmillan pasta party, part of the main one in Central Park or something for themselves in the Mayflower?

    I shall go for real name (Andy) on vest as "oldbones" isn't exactly an encouragement!! Its a bit akin to "come on grandad"
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    Names on front/back or both?!
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    Greeny.Greeny. ✭✭✭
    I went for front only - got great support.
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    The micropores is a good idea, thanks. Don't particulalry want to risk ruining the wicking vest. Currently using micropores to stop the wedding ring from slipping off due to the sweat.
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    I'm going to go for front only and will try a colour print, laminated to stop the sweat. Seaweed - I wish you did have a store in Shrewsbury, you'd have no end of customers, me included.
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    If (when) I cross the finish line in NY, I hope I'm going to be able to take special pride in having done it the hard way! This is my first marathon. I've been running to keep fit for a couple of years, but upped the training after I'd entered for NY in May.

    Everything seemed to be going very well until around three weeks ago when I pulled a muscle in my right leg. It hurt a lot and I rested for 2 weeks, had a couple of physio sessions and last Tuesday I felt confident enough to go for a light run. I did two further runs of about 6 miles on Thursday and Sunday and seemed fine afterwards, but since then I've developed another pain in my upper right leg and have rested again (except for a couple of swimming sessions). This pain definitely feels different - more like a mild groin strain - but I realise it may be connected to the original injury.

    So now I have a dilemma. I desperately want to get out again and would love to complete a long run before tapering, but accept that this would be risky with the marathon date approaching and the possibility of a new injury. I've completed runs of 19 and 16 miles in the past, as well as several others of 12 to 14 miles but they were all over a month ago and I'm not sure whether my fitness is still benefiting from these runs. The injury feels as if it should (hopefully) clear up within the next 3 to 4 days so isn't too serious, but I don't want to make the situation any worse.

    Anyone have a gut feel as to my best plan of action? I accept that NY is most likely going to be a fairly painful experience (!) and I'm determined to get round. I'd just like to enjoy it as well, if possible.
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    oldbones,the macmillan pasta party is "something for themselves" at the mayflower,but since
    a)they say bring guests
    b)it seems like the mayflower is a good rendezvous and
    c) its 6-8 which seems like a more sensible time than random slots between 4.30 and whenever,depending on when you pick up your pack

    i've asked them whether i could bring along 'around ten' guests-gnasher could presumably do the same and we're in.i await their response.
    i think i have been stood up for the run-got a very weasally reply to an email this morning.this boy works in PR and he swore he could get us some coverage in the daily telegraph,city diary.today i get an email
    putting me in touch with the relevant journo and when prompted as to his plans he has given me all the confirmation of this 'treachery' i needed.the exact words were-"i'll get back to you about nov 3rd..."
    not holding my breath...looks like i'm running with bruce springsteen.
    but i did get down to my local gym which has been completely tarted up under new ownership-was curzons,downmarket bit of david lloyd/whitbread,now fitness first.much more kit,much better organised(bit more expensive too,but i did fall for the 12mths is cheaper option). thought i'd try the 'tempo run' recommended in the rw article on 4 sessions a week,so i did 1/2 hour at 9mins/mile vs my usual 10:30.felt ok,but not quite the 'your legs will feel better afterwards than they did before' that i was promised.still,treadmill useful for keeping speed closely monitored and my shins don't feel too sore afterwards,so i'll probably go for an 8 miler tomorrow,and the last big one on sunday night.
    micropore for the vest sounds good.easier to do alex than say oldbones or bobolink though.....
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    Richard P - I think only you can answer your questions in the sense that only you know how painful the injury feels. i am no expert but my gut reaction would be to say that if the pain has stopped then try another long run - if you feel even a bit of a pain whilst doing it - then just stop, home and RICE!

    Alex P (and everyone) isn't it a bit unfair of us to gatecrash the party??
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    After consulting the style police, I've decided to bottle it and not to try and track down an Irish flag running shorts/vest. And no, that doesn't mean I'm going for a Union Jack one instead! Will just go for the tried and trusted (and probably smelly) kit that got me round London in April. I think the computer printout is the way to go for my name as it's a short 'un, so I might just runout a small flag or 2 to pin to the T-shirt...

    Richard P - whatever you do, don't try to make up for the training you've missed. I'm sure you won't. My advice would be to seriously think sbout run/walking the race right from the beginning, not just from when you get to the point when you feel you can no longer run. A walk break every mile, say when going through the drinks stations, will definitely help you manage the course. In fact, I'd bet it will get you round quicker!

    Oldbones - how about putting 'BONES' on your vest. In the land of the Trekkies, I bet that would get you loads of support!

    NR - good luck with the 20!

    I've taken today and tomorrow off work (can you tell by the length of the post?) and today's session consists of a long run of S.L.E.E.P. and R.E.S.T. (!)
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    NR-i'm sure it would be unfair just to blag our way in,but i'm just asking-i feel sure they'll say no,but you never know till you ask.and i haven't really canvassed views here as to whether anyone would rather do it or the official one until i knew whether it was possible or not...but i suspect that they're expecting a decent turn out anyway,i think there are 80 people running for macmillan,-less the rat,of course.just had the phone call....
    look out for the telegraph city diary tomorrow...
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    I bet they'll have loads of pasta left over anyway! Richard P - I'm with NR on this - don't try to make up lost trg, you'll only make it worse.

    Did 5 today, I wish it would rain so we can get some wet weather runs in. Can't remember the last time I got soaked, don't want NY to be the first time this year...
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    Hi all .Rich P. REST then light walking or very gentle jogging.I agree with t+t man ,run walkit .Look at the penguin, `get you round schedule in runners world.
    I don`t think we should gate crash any other charities party either.I did my longest run today 16 miles (1.58) so i was pleased. 18 on sun and then 20 next wed.
    If any body wants me to carry gels or food i am happy to as i`m carrying a bum bag.Ta seaweed
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    I seem to remember being cold wet & blown about on most of my FLM training runs so am happy that its like it is now. If it rains in NY that's ok too.

    We need to come with a means of recognising each other at the Mayflower given that the hotel is full of marathon runners!
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    Good thinking. Labels?
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    as forecast,revenge on the rat.see p 37 of todays telegraph.....
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    Alex - is it in DT on-line?
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    As I was reading the latest on this thread there was a huge crash as something weighty came thru my letterbox - GOSH running vest and team t-shirt arriving!

    We GOSHer's (I know NR is, don't know how many others on this thread) now have an identity with our own names on the back. Also gives me something appropriate to wear this week as I'm doing a couple of fundraising quiz nights.

    Re names on running vests: in the past I've had "Dave" printed on an old white cotton t-shirt, cut it out and sewed it onto the vest that I use on the day. 1) This doesn't knack the wicking qualities of the vest and 2) gets unstitched and used again and again. Mmm, does this all sound too horribly practical........?
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    All sound advice appearing on these threads just lately.
    Still not sure what to do about the name on the vest thing but I'll sort something out one way or the other. The old white cotton t-shirt seems like a good idea ( as above)

    Good luck to all of you doing the long run this weekend. Sunday is our long run as well as shouting for Paula.
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    Alex - we are in exalted company. I hope you haven't ditched the claret habit!!

    I'll be watching Paula to help formulate my race plan!!!!

    SY3 - labels, the simplest ideas are usually the best.
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    claret will be on the menu tonight,can only justify port if i go to the gym for about a month.
    meantime i'll chase up the macmillan folks...
    the article is availble online on the telegraph -best way to search the site is by journalist,adam jay is the guy responsible...
    i forecast myself to finish last of the urwfrc virtual team,probably last of Team macmillan (perhaps even last of the mohicans if i have a really silly haircut before we go..)so exalted company it isn't...
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    message from macmillan is

    as of today they've got 60 places booked and 55 acceptances,are in contact with the hotel and are trying to get up to 80,not expecting a problem with capacity at the mayflower.should be sorted 'beginning of next week'.in theory,everyone welcome-we just need to communicate to avoid macmillan people missing out if they want to attend.
    as with other guests they'd like people not running for macmillan to donate $10
    it would be helpful to firm up numbers if this is something people would rather do than the main pasta party.
    so ,its hands up time...
    I'm off to the gym
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    We could do both if the M one's not much good! There was a whopping great queue last year for the official one, so I think it's a good idea to do the M one if they're happy, and $10 isn't that much.

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    GUESS WHAT?? I did it! i jsut ran 20 miles around London! Took me forever due to falling over whilst trying to ignore the taunts og a group of male 6th form boys, who obviously found the sight of my grazed knee too humorous for words - but hey, i had done mile 14 by this point so no way I wasn't going to do the next 6! Anway, I'm alive to tell the tell and now hugely excited to get there and do it..! Good luck to everyone else for runs this weekend

    Litte Feat - got my t-shirt etc from GOSH as i came in from 20 miles - never felt better about raising money for charity than right at that moment - made the pain and the bleeding knee seem worth it!

    3 weeks on Sunday and we'll be there!!

    Mayflower - somome staying there should inform reception of a meeting point in the hotel - maybe even put up a sign too..we should all then check with reception and meet up! Simple?
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