
New York Marathon 2002 The Original



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    glorious wether up north today - will, however, be wearing all the clother I own for this evening's run. (bit on the chilly side)
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    SY3 -15/1 is Tuesday I think. Several possibliliites for run/drink/ avail I expect although 7:30 miles is probably least favourite at present (unless it's to the bar of course....)
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    oh no - of the front page.....not for long!!!!
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    SY3 - 15th could be a goer for me too. Maybe for a run, almost certainly for a drink.
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    Alex, looks like we need to locate someone who knows where to find a drink in the big smoke.
    ......Any ideas who could help out with that??
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    Ob - and all of you. I just received flowers to cheer me up. I dont know what to say to you all except thank you so much. I for once am lost for words at how great you all are. Cant tell you how much it is appreciated and I promise as soon as I'm back on my feet (pardon the pun) i'll be sorting out the drink in the big smoke.
    Thanks so much. I mean it. NR xxxx
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    "NR" and "lost for words" - not a combination you see every day!
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    Yep I'm up for run/drink/walk/yasso! I finish early lunchtime-ish, at Euston.

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    Hi all ,Hows tricks. Got my photos today, looking back through some of the posts it looks as if i was last.Did Luton on sun as a relay leg 8.75 miles. got very wet but pleased with 62 mins.Started working out training schedule for flm.70 miles a week in march ,oh joy.hope you are all keeping well,Seaweed
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    georgegeorge ✭✭✭
    Hold - up you lot !!! Not all of us can make it to London !!!! I want to be there !!! How about the rest of you coming down to Salisbury to join us at the half marathon in March ?
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    That's the Imber one isn't it George? I'm there with Lizzie and I think loads more but I can't remember who except Alex who I'm sure can fill you in. Looking forward to seeing you then.

    No word from Angi today! -has she survived the Mexican interval torture??

    Worried of Horsham
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    Just a minute! Wasn't that Seaweed I saw for a moment over there?
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    My photos arrived....joint tardy with Seaweed - what an honour.....can I just say that Alex has THE BEST expression on his face...bless...me, well I think I look near to collapse...captured the moment perfectly!
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    Hi all

    Fab weather in Devon - big canoe trip on River Dart planned for tomorrow so hope it lasts.

    Puffer - don't think I'm going to share my mexican tempo interval experience as it may just put you off trying them for yourself - you and Lizzie will LOVE them! AND I missed the Archers in order to do them.

    NR - not sure how serious you and the boy were about each other but if there's no way back then I think you should get that fab smile out to all the xmas parties you can and try and enjoy yourself - oh and then you must start running again in the new year. Retail therapy also works for me.

    Day at home so in here between colouring and cutting projects!
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    Hee Hee photos arrived and look well knackered. Did not even remember to stick my hands up in the air or was it that I did not have the strength.
    First race next week the Bolsover/ Nike 10k where am hoping for PB. If I keep up with Mrs Bobo for most of duration should be able to achieve it.

    Sorry to hear of change in life and hope normal service will be resumed soon.

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    Angi, yes I'm sure we'll have fun with Mex torture trials. I can do the timing and Lizzie can do the running! Envious of canoe trip, haven't been for ages but used to enjoy Ross on Wye a lot.
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    Am off to North to see friends, and CM and I are trying to meet up while I'm there...thanks again everybody. Promise to be bright and cheery asap.
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    no rush.i fear for alcohol consumption in manchester area....
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    george-we do have some sign-up for warminster/imber/salisbury with team whiplash,ie angi, puffer, you, me, cm,possibly mr cm,on the 1.50 track and t&t probably on his rather faster track,with lizzie ...seaweed was last heard of thinking of changing plans to do it.ob won't make his mind up until post doc-is that today,ob? sythree pleading distance,but little feat looking to run too.
    sorry but can't recall intentions of keith or the bobolinks,and we're letting nr make her own mind up in her own time.i guess we should be planning the vegetarian sunday roast for afterwards....
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    ..is that a marrow stuffed with an aubergine, stuffed with a courgette, stuffed with etc...? can't wait!

    The knee job is next thursday. On the assumption that it will be sorted, I've applied for Imber anyway but haven't heard back. Mind you I might under-perform on the day and have to told off severely!

    I'm also down for Helsby half in January which I think a certain cheeky person is doing as well.

    NR - don't forget your passport and phrase book and remember its "t't'North"!!
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    OB -what's the gory details on the kj? I had an arthroscopy a few years back. Is it one of those? I was back on my feet again very soon after as I remember.
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    ob,i think you needed an sae to hear back,i forgot to send one. league against vegetable cruelty doesn't allow that kind of unnatural behaviour...

    unlike-look away now- the best foie gras in europe which i had for lunch yesterday.

    now,seriously....cm is agonising about whether to run the flm.she has till monday to decide whether to take up a golden bond place through the nspcc which is available through work.

    it is clearly vital that she runs in order for the dreadful nyc photo to be retaken with a) 3.59.59 elapsed as team whiplash cross the line 5 abreast and b) better behaviour from the desperado in green.

    any encouragement/whipping that can be brought to bear gratefully received...
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    look - i'm only applying for a draw for one of five golden bond places!!! (why am i even thinking of this!!) i've got to have 20 words why it should be me! any/all suggestions welcomed.....
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    I'm not running if CM doesn't!! Who else (except NR of course) will be able to demonstrate proper cornering technique as an aeroplane to the dambusters tune? I'll go end up going straight on and end up in the Channel.
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    Got my rejection fleece from the London Marathon yesterday. Fits well, but boooooo!!! all the same.

    I've only just managed to squeeze the last 500 squid out of my sponsors for this year's FLM, so I don't think I have it in me to run on a golden bond for charidee again next year.

    So... Have just registered for Paris! Never been to Paris, not even with the skool. C'est tres jolie, n'est pas?
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    T & T
    Does the fleece say "i've been rejected for the FLM " in big white on the back ? Sorry this is not meant to be a tease. It's a pain isn't it when you can't get into a marathon on your own doorstep ? We would like to do London but the hassle of rejection puts us off. I'm sure Paris will be a wonderful experience for you as it's such a grand city and there is plenty to do. Running down the Champs Elsie has to be a good one !!
    Mrs Bobo is rather taken with doing Berlin sometime. Still looking to do the three day Malta in Nov.
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    Hello Bobo - would be funny it it did say 'I've been rejected' on the back! Might do it myself with tippex.

    The rejection magazine made me chuckle - it's stil got the training plan in and everything. I've run London twice in a row, so probably good to have a break. And it means I'll be able to be on route to cheer on any forumites.

    Although the Parisians will be just a teeny bit more reserved than the Noo Yoikers I'm sure, it'll be a great way to see the city.

    What's the three day Malta, by the way?
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    This speedwork stuff is just bloody awful. I remember what torture it was now - just done a 35 min run, with 10 min slowish start, then 5 mins speed at 85 - 90%, then 5 mins utter exhaustion, then 5 mins speed (well sort of)and crawl home. I seriously thought I was going to vomit until I remembered that I've hardly eaten since yesterday's pog-out (Alex - it was mushrooms, pecan nuts, stilton etc in a pastry case - you'd love it, but with a very good Cotes de Roussillon) so it couldn't have been that! Anyway sort of recovered now. Go on CM - I'll send a £10er to start you off if you do.
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    T T Man
    Glad you took it in spirit intended. I figured you would.

    Malta is Malta Gatorade ( oooh not that stuff again ! ) International Marathon run over 3 days. That's still 26.2 but split into 3 days and run from different parts of Island. It's a proper AIMS one and I think Sportstours do a trip there. Seems like a good idea to run and a holiday as well.

    New Yoirk is pencilled in for 2004 !
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