
Sub 5 hours



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    CindersCinders ✭✭✭
    Was training for Dublin in 2005 and weather was bad. Just got some music on and got on with it!
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    I used to do a lot of running on a treadie when I was first running, but that was before I started running outdoors.  Now I'm used to the fresh air and freedom a treadie just drives me mad.  I definitel won't be doing any LSRs on a treadie and will only do my short runs if it's impossible to run outdoors.  Strangely, having made the decision to run on the treadie, having driven the car to the gym I ended up parking about half a mile away and running to the gym (suppose that means I did more that 3 miles in total image ) and it wasn't nearly so windy on the seafront as yesterday and would have been quite pleasant if I'd have opted to run down there.  Ah well, it's all okay in hindsight I suppose.

     Night everyone zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭
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    CindersCinders ✭✭✭
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    Morning all - back to work and back to the computer!! image

    (I hate treadmills too - but I'm like Cinders - the longest run I've done on one was 15 miles - I think I took a break to change my t shirt as I was soaked but mostly continuous! )

    I haven't run in two weeks now - I did two half marathons in September and now I need to get myself organised with a schedule for VLM - I'm a slave to a running schedule and if I don't have a race to train towards I'll not bother my arse running at all!! Sorry if I'm going to be a pain and ask loads of questions re people's training programmes!!  Tell me to shut it if I am! image

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    Don't worry about it GFB.  We'll all be wittering on about schedules soon enough.
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    GFB - Come December we will all be in marathon mode.
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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭
    Morning all,

    God I hope so Tracey, I am so useless at following schedules, I can't really enter many races as I think Jan/Feb/Mar we will be across here and there isn't too much running going on then. The Houston mara is late Jan, I think there is the odd race after that but it then starts getting too hot for events and they don't pick up again until Oct/Nov. I have found a 5 mile event this weekend I *may do.

    * if I can be bothered to get out of bed early image How uninspired am I? image

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    TS - That it you are doing that 5 mile race. Tracey's orders lol
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    CindersCinders ✭✭✭
    Seconded there, whats't the race you're doing this weekend TS? image
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    Yes, TS, what'sw that race YOU ARE doing this weekend?? image
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    TS - So that is 3-0 to us that you are doing that race image
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     I have just ran my 1st marathon at Loch Ness. I did it in 5.50 which I was slightly dissapointed in, as I thought I would break 5.30. I should add that I only started running about 18 mths ago and at 44 probably have my speedy legs somewhere behind me!!

    Despite this, I have a charity place at VLM and with the experience of Loch Ness (hills, esp. the one at about 17) and a more varied and focused training prohgramme, I really believe that I can get close to 5 hours.

    I love the community spirit that this running thing has and will keep checking in on here to pick up any tips/advice that is offered.

    I never thought that I would say this, but i am looking forward to starting my 20 week programme in Nov.

     Good luck to everyone who is already in and fingers crossed for everyone else.

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    Adam - Congratulations on your first marathon and welcome to our thread. You know have a pb to beat image

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    CindersCinders ✭✭✭

    Welcome Adam to the thread and congrats on your first mara.  44 isn't too old to better your times image

    Evenin Tracey.

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    Morning all

    It is chilly outside this morning. Want to go back to bed as have a cold and am tired but have social worker coming round today, hope she turns up today.

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    Morning everyone

    Welcome Adam and well done at Loch Ness.  Like Tracey says, you now have a PB to beat and 44 is not old for starting marathons.  I was 45 when I ran my first one.

    Early start for chez LYndy this morning because the grandkids stayed last night.  My plan was that I was going to run today, but when I woke up the first thing I said to Mr L was that I was too knackered to run as I'd not slept well (we sleep on the front room floor when the kids stay, remember).

    Anyway, kids deposited off at school bright and early, just waiting for the washing machine to stop so I can put the stuff in the drier then I'm off out the door.

    Aren't I being a good little Lyndy image

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    What age are your grand kids Lyndy?  We have a grand daughter who is 14 months - and she is flipping brilliant! image

    I've brought my running gear *drum roll* and after work MrGFB is seeing a stroke patient (he's an osteopath) and when he's seeing him I'm going to run round the hospital grounds - loads of runners go there as there is a big wide green area. image

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    CindersCinders ✭✭✭
    Go Lyndy and go GFB image
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    imageimageimage Done 4 Miles imageimageimageimageimage

    That's the farthest I've run since August 2009!!!!!  And it went well.  Starting to feel like it's all beginning to come together again and looking forward to being able to up the miles again in a couple of weeks.  Just going to take the increases steadily ready for the Brighton 10k on 21st November then kick in with the marathon schedules.  Is the plan going to work?????  If it does I will be going into it better prepared than I have ever been for marathon training since I did my first one.

    The grandkids who stayed last night GFB are Jay (11), Jesse (8), Mooey (Darcie, but she was such a little moo as a baby that the name has stuck and she hates being called Darcie) (7) and Mackenzie (Kenz) (5).  I also look after Ellie every Tuesday and she's 3.  There's also Luke (6) and Chloe (Ellie's half sister (12) and my four step-granddaughters who are 22, 21, 20 and 19!!!!!!!!!  Enough to keep me busy and interrupt my training schelues at a moment's notice.

    Anyone else watching the Chilean miners coming to the surface.  It's so emotional.  I wonder what long-term effects it will have on them all.

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    CindersCinders ✭✭✭

    Well done Lyndy, some good miles there image

    Yep, watching that here too, I can't begin to wonder what effect it will have had on them.

    That's a lotta grandkids!

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    Lyndy - Well done. Just think of your good run today when your mum is being a pain in the bum.

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    Just as long as my running's not giving me a pain in the bum, but I seem to be over that now.  All down to good, deep stretches image
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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭
    Great run Lyndy! image

    Welcome Adam, I did my first mara at 45 too, bettered my times for the next year or so then downhill, but that was more me neglecting my running than other stuff.

    How did your run go GFB?

    We watched the miners come out too, we were watching when it started, it seemed like it was going to go on (they hadn't put the capsule down) so went out for dinner and came back just in time for the capsule reaching the bottom, that was a fab bit of tv (if you can class it as such). It was quite emotional when the first guy came out. I just hope all continues to go well and they all get out.

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    Adam - I did my first marathon at 40, No 13 will be Beachy Head image

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    Heading out at 5ish for the run....image

    I really don't like enclosed spaces (or heights!!) so I really felt so sorry for those miners - and that capsule would have ensured that I lived the rest of my days underground!image

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    CindersCinders ✭✭✭
    We've still got it on in the background, its amazing.  They must have such faith as they sent a rescue worker down in it!~!!
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    I'm still watching it too.  Didn't see the first guy come out as they were just getting ready to start as we went to bed.  No doubt it will be shown on the News programmes this evening.

    I too hate confined spaces.  Even did a runner once on a ride at Disney World.  It was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and we were in a "submarine" when all of a sudden I realised they would be shutting the "hatch" and I threw the camera at Mr L and ran.  Think I would have been able to overcome the confines of the capsule though if it was my only means of escape.  Mind you, you wouldn't have got me down there in the first place.

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