
Sub 5 hours



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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    Diana - if your body can manage daily running, then great! I found that I couldn't do more than 7 or 8 without a rest day. I don't think you should be impressed by us triathletes - or not by me anyway - I can swim and cycle much better than I can run anyway. It's just giving me an excuse not to run as many miles in a week!

    Jane - I'm like you - I couldn't really deal with the BT and couldn't wear the HRM every day.

    Katypie - I don't think you'll get too much of a shock - it's a fairly flat cycle apparently, and only 7 miles....!?

    I'm planning a swim tonight, cycle home and then straight into a very short (maybe 1 mile) run - just to get used to that awful wobbly legged feeling!
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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭

    Would be interested in details of the Pilates class, email me details if you have a mo sometime - ta - x

    Did a run with the club last night, 6.5 miles, fairly steady and it felt pretty tough most of the time. I just have not got back into my running and enjoying it since FLM, peeps were telling me last night that it can take your body a couple of months to recover but you ladies seem to be proving that point wrong! ;) I think my problem is that I am just not doing enough running, I am only doing twice or even once a week and it just isn't enough!! Whereas before I would always say I couldn't do something because I am running, now I am seeming to let my running slide at the expense of other things. I know I will pick it up again sometime and I will get back to my previous speed and ease of running but at the moment it seems a long way off.

    As I mentioned before I am going to organise a corporate gym membership for us at work so at least I will be able to do some stuff on a morning before I go to work (I know I should but I just don't seem to be able to find the motivation to run on my own much!)

    Anyway have a nice day all you ladies, I am heading out for a beer and a curry with the boys from work tonight!

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    diana - all the time I've been doing BT I have taken a rest day when I felt I needed it. Eventually I settled for running 6 days a week including 2 doubles and found that this suited me best.
    I suspect you have been running too hard, aim for 70% MHR, if you can, this will probably mean you have to walk hills and on the occasions when you need to control HR, that is fine.
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    Hi topSec - what you need is a goal........ Dublin?
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    ((Diana & Hippo)) thankfully don't know first hand what it's like, but father suffered, and I well remember both sides of the coin. Not easy, and not something you can control.

    Topsec, am managing to get out a bit more than you, but haven't got back the motivation I had before FLM. Not sure that I ever will to that same degree, as it was for such personal reasons, and very much a 'once in a lifetime' in terms of fundraising, and finding a postive aspect to what had happened. I will keep running though, and certainly have times I enjoy it (and times I force myself to go, and am glad when it's over!)
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    I would have liked to prepare more but between work and me being a bit under the weather and Edinburgh looming I haven't. I think that is why I signed up for it cos I knew I could try and do it without taking months out to prepare, I know I won't do so well but it'll gve me good experience for a sprint distance.

    I will try cycling in the gym tonight and then a wee run.

    I think I am a bit run down really. I have cold sores, my TOTM is all over the place , had food posioning a week ago and seem to have trots and sore tum this week. Should start listening to my body really
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    KP - take it easy and make sure you're fit for sunday. Sounds like you are run down and you need to be fit for the marathon - that's what you've trained for - the tri is just for fun. I'm hoping to do a sprint one if I enjoy this one.
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    Debbo - apparently there is a tri in Penicuik on 25th June?
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    Is there?? Oh no, can't do it - doing EK half that day :(( I was thinking about midArgyll in September - not too hot and more time to train!
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    Oh it's afternoon already

    Good luck with the Tris this weekend, and anyone racing???

    Diana, it's all about building a base for your base ;-) If you're feeling good stick at it, but as soon as you feel any niggles, make sure you take a day off.
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    Hi everyone
    Sorry not been around for a few days just busy and fed up with the running
    Have been training done intervals for the last 3 weeks and several short/medium runs and every session is hard cannot seem to find the energy, mind set or motivation have started walking on a regular basis which is something i never did pre marathon even on the short 3/4 milers
    So very fed up with the running
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    Me too Jane. I've been swimming instead and have gone back to weight training...felt a bit lost with all my training recently!
    Have you moved yet??
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    No due to go end of July going to Vegas next week so will not run that week
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    Jane - every now and then you need to ease back to recharge your batteries. Vegas sounds ideal, have fun.
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    Massive cuddles to everyone who needs them at the moment. I wish there was something to say to be able to help, but other than that we are all thinking of you, there isn't much.

    TS, wish I'd been running with the club yesterday, netball was DREADFUL and my toe got flattened by a Goal Shooter landing on it!!! Ouch!

    Diana B your pilates sounds good...i only ever did a few yoga classes at the gym i was a member at, but was never very good so prefer going along with the dvd in the privacy of my house!!!

    Running seems ok at the moment. I'm doing southend half on june 12th so looking forward to that, it's just my speed that needs the most work!!! That will come with time though, I'm sure! (Or club training runs on saturday mornings!!...unless they kill me first!)

    Other than that, just the usual. Am covering 3 people's jobs at work for the next week or so, which means I'm a busy bee! Very unlike me indeed! I don't agree with this working for a living lark!!

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    JaneE2 enjoy your holiday in Vegas, sounds like you need a change of routine.

    Delia best of luck with your work.
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    RoobarbRoobarb ✭✭✭
    TopSec - Bit the same as you really. Only getting out about once a week which really isn't enough. I pulled a muscle in my bum when I was 10-pin bowling at the weekend so that put a stop to me getting out until tomorrow morning. Going on Saturday too with a bit of luck. Finding it hard to get motivated and as you say, if something else crops up I tend to go for that instead. Going to have to rethink my running times I think..... May swap to early mornings during the summer months to see if that helps.

    On another note, I have inherited a cat from my son - a Ragdoll. It is absolutely beautiful but it has thrown the house into confusion with the other 2 battling to keep their territory. The dog is fine - she couldn't care less if the place was full of cats as long as she gets her food! They will settle down soon I suppose.
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    ((((thank you all you lovely peeps))))

    my youngest calls you "mum's imaginary friends" - but you all seem pretty real to me!

    TS i'll send you the pilates details soon as i have a minute and can lay hands on them

    hugs to all demotivated peeps - perhaps a round of G&Ts is in order - sure that hippo can supply some

    saw my sports therapist tonight and he says everything is tight cos i've upped mileage too fast, so may award myself a rest day tomorrow

    debbs once you get into the hang of it i've found early morning running quite inspirational, and all day you keep thinking "oh, i've already run today" - plus they say the calorie burning effects are best if you run first thing....
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    Diana B, listen to the man then, he knows what he's talking about.

    Morning running is good, you don't have all day thinking about how to avoid it 'cos it's done already. I do find I'm a bit sleepy for the first hour at work though.

    Debbs, cat sounds lovely, enjoy.

    All, the motivation does come back, I've been a bit off it since Lochaber until last week, now I feel like I'm ready to go again. Run three times this week already. Bought myself a new notebook to log my runs in and away.

    Only problem is that there's some doubt over my autumn marathon at the moment because a friend has announced he's getting marries in September, but I don't know which date yet. Unless it's the first weekend then I won't be going to Sydney (sydney will be there next year!) I'll probably do Robin Hood instead since it's the same weekend.
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    Motivation problems for me too
    i figure even 2 miles is better than nothing
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    me too, have averaged a bad run once a week and the weight has piled on, but i can feel motivation slowly building !
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    Im out running tonight again hoping to do better than last time
    These FLM blues seem to last along time
    Need to get motivated or will not make the GNR in Sept
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    Morning Troops!

    Netball training tonight so that will involve bleep tests and other such horrendous things! :(

    Motivation isn't the problem, it's my mashed toenails! Ouch! The toe that got flattened has got a split in the nail, and the other foot has a black toenail!! Nice!

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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭
    Morning Ladies from a chilly Hampshire! Think I turned the central heating off too soon!! So it's more than running that causes yukky toenails then Delia? I bet you're only doing netball training because you know it will be the hill tonight at Joggers!

    I am up for my running tonight, it is when I am actually doing it that I feel carp! Re morning runs, when I first started running a couple of years ago and before I joined the club I used to d all my running on a morning and it is a great feeling to have done it for the day and it does seem to make the day feel better (not this carp feeling that I have had this last few days when I just feel so tired on a morning!) I really should start putting the odd one in and even doing 2 or 3 miles - it might even be classed as base training!!

    Debbs, can imiagine the cat situation! Mine was an absolute nightmare when I got my younger one, but eventually setled down, but I did think that I was going to have to return Harry for quite a few days!

    Have a great day all ...

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    Must admit I wasn't looking forward to going out last night in the pouring rain and even took the car to the community centre even though its only 5/10mins walk. Anyway a total beginner turned up so my planned hours run was re-arranged to 1 min run 1 min walking for 20 mins and really enjoyed my run/walk and it even stopped raining.

    Off to club speed session tonight and according to the program its 12x500 which seems rather alot so I guess the coach will adapt it a bit for me.

    Debbs you lucky person getting another cat, I would like another one but hubby and my present cat are against it. Hopefully your two cats will learn to accomadate each other sooner rather than later.
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    I'm planning on going out in the rain tonight for about 8 miles - of course I might change my mind before then!!

    I did a swim/cycle/run last night. Only a mile run as mr debbo came out the door as I arrived back on my bike and told me that Desperate Housewives was on in 10 minutes. I cut my run to a mile (from 2) only to discover it was a repeat of last week's episode!).
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    debbo, what will you do if it stops raining? Well done on your 'mini tri' last night, sounds good.

    Keep going everyone, the motivation will come and go, but just remember that there are numerous reasons why we do this and the most important is for enjoyment.
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    RHG - if it stops raining I'll find it more difficult to find an excuse not to go!!
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    gloomy hampshire; grey and chilly

    glad i'm not running today

    just a 12 hour day at work :((

    and no FW tonight - what will i do!
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