
Advice on how to raise lots of cash for FLM for charity please!!



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    Debs, if your daughter is of school age, ask for publicity in the school newsletter and ask if they will hold a non-uniform day where children can come out of uniform (and teachers come in uniform!) and pay 50p or a pound each for the "privilege.

    I raised lots of money for charity last year, and found that individuals, including my patients (many of whom are on the breadline) and friends from church (also not wealthy) were phenomenally generous, whereas other GPs I know (apart from one of my practice partners) ALL refused to contribute when asked, making excuses like "my wife has just decided she wants to take a break from work" and "I have children at university, do you know how much that costs me?" I mean, five quid wouldn't have hurt them. The big pharmaceutical companies also refused (apart from GSK, which gave a large Wellcome grant) although smaller ones, and individual reps, gave willingly.

    When my daughter did a sponsored Ben Nevis climb, her school was fantastic - classmates and staff sponsored her and the head teacher waved a form at the governors and got over £70 from them. A front-page feature in a national GP publication got us ONE offer of sponsorship, from a GP who runs for the same charity himself, and several e-mails from individuals wanting me to ask the charity to pay THEM to perform at fundraising events.

    I made quite a lot of money from a cake sale, but that was very labour-intensive.

    This year, I have not taken a Gold Bond place, but told the charity concerned that I will train as if I were doing the marathon and would step in if anyone dropped out. I am confident that I could raise £250 to cover the cost of the Gold Bond place.
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    try a charity sports day ie; golf ,
    5-a-side football or whatever else you think might attract friends and famiy.
    which will convert to ££18p.p. for my
    my club have agreed to let me have
    pitches free for 5-a-side &hope to make
    £400-£600 on that day with disco &
    presentation in evening!!
    so even if you do not play any sport yourself delegate to one of your friends
    its time consuming i know but these
    two events will more or less secure my
    charitymoney (£850)...good luck
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    I keep getting the same old " we already have our nominated charities" line even at my childrens school,did try the uniform thing! but I will not be defeated.
    Did not even get any offers of cash after being in our local paper with a pic of my daughter!I am now getting more assertive at asking for managers names and asking for help directly from them.
    A kind lady gave me 200 invites for £1.50 the other day so for every 10 people that turn you down I think 8 will help in some way - Time consuming though and loads on postage or maybe the buck is being passed when I am told to put it in writing eh?
    Glad the thread continues with ideas.
    This is me being really thick but what is a tombola?
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    Tombola is just another version of a prize draw/raffle really. A whole lot of raffle tickets are stuck to prizes and then people buy tickets and they choose their ticket at random from a large drum or hat or something and they get the prize for the corresponding number on the raffle ticket.

    It's good that people are inventive and have lots of ideas as it makes make it more interesting for everyone involved.

    Free sponsorship webpages for the London Marathon.
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    Thanks,that's a good idea as it encourages people to buy more tickets!!
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    Rachel, hi there, yes we needed a licence but its quite easy to organise - your local courts will have a standard form to fill in. Try someone on a school PTA to help - they will be used to applying and show you the ropes. We didn't use bouncers, we are a small rural town and not much happens here so we didn't really expect any trouble. Maybe that was naive, but anyway, all went smoothly on the night! Keep it simple, it was beer, cider or soft drinks only! Took 4 of us to man the bar for 130 people all evening. Look after the band with beer in the interval - and try running a raffle or auction on the night also if you want to increase your profit?! Good luck!
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    Boing for Chimps if she/he's looking for a Golden bond place - info in this thread is very useful.
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    sorry guys, just disabling e-mail notification on this as I am away a while and don't want to come back to loads of e-mail notifications! Is there another way of doing this?!
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    Have now managed to get ink for my printer so I am going to startwriting my letters tonight. Will take on board all you have said here and see how I get on. If I fail to raise the required amount I can always withdra I suppose but will keep you all posted of how things go. Thanks for all the advie on here.
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    I'm waiting for clarification about any legal aspects of runing a raffle before I approach local cos. This was after my head of dept starting asking awkward questions! Anyone else already done this?

    I've enlisted the help of our social committee so that all social events between now and April are linked to raising money. E.g. we've just started 'club 49'. Based on the no. of the lottery bonus ball we sell nos. 1-49 (or as many as possible) for £1 each week. Winner gets half takings, my fund-raising gets rest. If it's popular we'll carry it on after the marathon too woth winner takes all. We managed to sell 30 tickets this week and hopefully will get up to the 49 as more people hear about it. Nice and easy to organise with no outlay!
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    Do you have a local school or church group or even village gala committee ? someone who belongs to one of these groups will be registered with the council for selling raffle tickets. Usually if you ask nicely they will let you use their name. In our village one lady has a licence and most of the village groups use her as their registered person.
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