
Any photographers here?



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    LM- "catchlight" extension? I'll look that up! I learn lots on here!:)

    Minks- good for you! I have the 750 as of recently, which I'm very happy with, and you don't need an SLR at al!. In case you haven't seen my pics, go to Some of Moo's Photos, the password is 3389safat.

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    erm... I nearly went for the 750... Is that the one without the viewfinder? I chose the 60 because it had one as a back-up in sunny conditions/if the screen breaks.
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    Its just a white reflective panel that pulls out of the top of the flash. A bit like when you see togs with a lazzy band and a piece of card on their flash. Only used with the flash head is at a verticle angle. It just throws a bit of light on the subject and provides a bit of fill and cathclights in the eyes.
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    Moomoo, I do photography on a part time basis. I started on baby portraits for friends and family and through word of mouth, I now get paid sometimes for my hobby. At the moment I don't charge much as it just helps build up a portfolio which will go into my online gallery when complete. I'm doing my first wedding in November (something that I've steered clear of in the past), which even now, the though is making me nervous. My favourite subjects though are flowers and architecture, quite diverse I know, but can produce equally as striking results. I try to always use natural light on any shot but have a powerful and versatile sigma flash unit when the occasion warrents it.
    It is a VERY competitive business but my bits of advice are to take loads of shots of whatever it is you are photographing and be ruthless when selecting images. It's pointless building up a collection of 'nearly' shots. I was told by a pro photographer (using film) that she would expect 3-4 sellable shots from a roll!
    Secondly, experiment and break the traditional rules - rule of thirds, format (landscape or portrait), focus - whatever. Try and be original.
    Good luck
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    Nice, mooms. Where did ya get that site sorted? Was hoping to do something similar, but latest thoughts were to post on the Kodak Gallery site.
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    DM- on http://fotopic.net, thanks to Dan Dan! It's free, unless you want fancy functions, and there is a slight delay for "approval" of pictures, but quite good. There was another very good one, which I think you have to pay for, called www.pbase.com

    LM- thanks for the info!

    Lardass- I also like architectural shots best, also floral/greenery, but what I really want to get into more is abstraction, I just have to go to a few online & other galleries.
    I've photographed at weddings before, for fun, just get all the formal shots out of the way, keep your eye open for fun shots & possibilities, think of what people would like to see afterwards, and maintain the dignity of your subjects to a certain extent, especially towards the end of the evening!:)
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    Don - try pBase.com it's what I use and it's free for a restricted Mb space. Most of all it's really easy to upload stuff and fiddle with the presentation...
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    Ok! I just had a quick look, Blackers, I might use that as well when I have more stuff worth displaying! :)
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    Tough time of year to do your first wedding as the light is less than ideal. A couple of togs turned me down last year because it was November and weren't too sure of themselves.
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    Indoors in the evening is OK,though, for that side of things later on.
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    Cheers guys. Should get the chance to pop out with the new toy on Saturday, so hopefully I'll lhave some pics to share.

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    Yeah, I know - November is not the best time of year but the location is fantastic - West Wales, right on the coast and the hotel is quite picturesque so that may help.
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    Morning! Off to the photo job, will report back later! :))
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    you don't need an expensive camera to take good photos !

    good photos are taken by you not the camera. If you're good enough then you should be able to take a good photo with a disposable.

    Learn the basics which are the same for both film or digital photography and study the great and the good, Ansel Adams ( landscape ), Cartier-Bresson, Weegee, Arbus, Bailey, Snowdon, Erwitt, Eugene Smith, Strand, Steiglitz, Winogrand, Mapplethorpe, Brandt etc etc. and feel free to drop in my website from time to time www.thebobolink.co.uk
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    Not the best selection of my work but i strive.

    share your work with the rest of the world at


    a pro photgrapher pal of mine's website @

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    'you don't need an expensive camera to take good photos !'

    No, but it helps. And, under certain applications and types of photography its essential, more so if it is your livelyhood.
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    Hiya Bobolink, thanks for your summary of our discussions. I agree with your opinion generally, on cameras, but as Lard Man says, if it's your livelihood and the end product has to be top quality, you do have to go for something more special. However, I do have some good ones from disposable cameras too!! I'll have a look at your website soon.
    Any worthwhile photography exhibitions on at the moment you & Mrs B have seen?
    These are some links I posted some pages back, also to look at the artists you mentioned:

    www.photolinks.com A massive portal with absolutely everything on it.

    www.rps.org The Royal Photographic Society- see what members have on there.


    www.geh.org/ George Eastman House (International Museum of photography)- (founder of Kodak)

    Also- the photo job! It went quite well, although I only had an hour, and disregarded all your advice <sorry, didn't use a tripod>, so I wasn't entirely happy with the results, although the people were. Formal shots weren't required, but backgrounds had to be improvised, and a few of the items were extremely fragile, but I kept snapping away, discarding about half of 120 shots. Sadly I can't "publish" them, but I'll keep practising, and I have been looking at www.vandaimages.com to see how specific media (i.e stone, metals, lacquer, etc.) are shown, and what sorts of backgrounds and lighting are used.

    Anyway, thanks again for your encouragement, all of you!

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    About V&A Images: you also have most of the great photographers on there, but you only see thumbnails unless you register first!
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    Sorry, I'm a sad eejit with nothing better to do on a Saturday afternoon.
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    Lard Man - I appreciate what you're saying and certainly if you're a pro photographer doing wedding, commercial and fashion etc then the higher spec cameras come into their own. That said a pro photogrpaher pal of mine uses anything which will give him a result and that includes a disposable. I still maintain that it's the creativity within the photographer and not his equipment that takes the picture. I knew a chap once and he had a Hassleblad, Metz flashgun the works and he could not take a pic for toffee. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't turn this equipment down but it aint gonna win me awards on it's own.

    Moomoo - Hello - Not been to any since the Arbus retro but have been rather busy. I missed out on a talk by Elliot Irwitt in Bradford harumph !! due to being busy.
    I have a load of links which I'm sure you know already
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    Morning Bobolink & Co!

    Thanks- very interesting list! I only knew of foto8 & magnum.
    What a shame you missed the lecture :(( For those of you not familiar with his work: Elliott Irwitt

    I used to go by the Photographers' Gallery occasionally, their website is also an excellent resource with listings of UK galleries exhibiting photography, courses, etc. The Photographers' GAllery, Great Newport St., LondonThey are closed on Sundays and Mondays.
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    Moomoo - Yes i was disappointed to miss it as I felt it was a rare opportunity and furthermore he signing his book , double harumph.

    I always try and get the The Photographers Gallery on Gt Newport St but these days find their exhibitions a bit disappointing. I remember Zelda Cheadle ( ?) when she was there.

    I subscribe to Foto 8 mag and there's always a lot of websites listed within the pages.

    I'm afraid I'm a bit of a photography bore ! I could talk for hours on the subject ; - )
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    Bobolink- my first job at my former employers' involved sorting out transparencies & photographs in one of the departments! I don't talk photography endlessly, but I know a bit, one of my jobs as a translator involved translating the text for a book on Werner Bischof into English, so of course I read about his contemporaries at Magnum at the time :)
    His most famous image is of a wandering boy playing the flute, in Peru (see examples of his work here):
    Photos by Werner Bischof
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    Bobolink, totally know where you're coming from, and I know plenty of togs that could whoop my ass with a pin hole camera.

    But, the right equipment for the right job 'lets' you get the job done without constraints.

    Its not usually the cameras that concern me, its the lenses. If the glass on the front is rubbish, then you'll only end up with a soft photograph even if everything else was bang on. With top notch glass, the contrast, colour, deformations, abberations, vignetting, flare and sharpness are all better. The AF works faster, and you don't usually have to worry about it failing, even in heavy rain.

    But your right, any camera can take a good picture, but your success rate will be better with high end camera and glass, and being a pro isn't about being a good tog, its about earning a living from it, hence why most pros will use high end gear. The only difference maybe being art photographers.

    Next you'll be telling me film is better than digital :-D

    Hope your all having a fun time snapping this weekend!

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    A bit warm for that, LM, might try out indoor still-life compositions or similar while watching football!:)
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    Just got a couple of shots off my balcony of a couple hundred roller bladers thundering down the street!!! Awesome!
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    upload it moomoo I would like to see that!!!!!!
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    HI GD, great pics! I like the close-up of the elephant best, plus the portrait of Georgia- the hat is great!
    I emailed you the 2 pics of the "bladerunners" sort of worth saving, I wasn't happy enough with their quality to post them in public!!
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    Today's photo opportunities: a Textile & Tribal Art fair, hopefully some of the exhibitors will let me practice on their objects, and that I'll get some nice shots!
    Have a nice week, all! :)
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