
Sub 3



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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    aye v quiet.  summer heat taking it's toll!!

    sorry to hear not feeling yourself TR - hopefully on the up again now.  looking forward to tracking the ironmen this weekend as well!

    tried the GOBI 10km training 1km hard, 1km steady thing yesterday but only managed 3 of the hard kms - ended up doing 37 minute 10km on the treadmill anyway.  if i don't do some serious damage to my 10km PB in 2 weeks time... then i might give up on them!  the hamstrings are moaning at the running at pace as well, and the weekends antics have taken there toll i think so some more steady running on the cards.  Only problem is i hae another large weekend on the cards with Mumford & Sons/Arcade Fire concert at Hyde park on Thurs, and a good friends 40th on Saturday, which is a bit of an all day afair (well starts with lunch).  Hopefully start being a bit more sensible after this weekend!!

    recovery jog commute in this morning and the legs were moaning - and it was still pretty warm here.  looks liek things getting back to normal from tomorrow though.

    GOBI when is Alp D tri? is that timed to coincide with some TDF watching?

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    Dan A - wow great weekend, glad you are back at it.

    FR - great race and miles and nice prizes as well.

    CW - sounds like a tough day, I know the course well as its my local race, did it in 09 and 10, was down for it this year as well but DNS as picked up a horrible cold and didn't want to chance it given the heat.  It was hot in 09 and that hill in the trees is the last thing you need when wheels are coming off, well done on toughing it out.

    Have done no running for a few days as trying to throw the lurgy off, not where I want to be with 16 weeks left to the Dam but last time I had something similar I tried to keep training and it developed into a chest infection which set me back a month so taking no chances.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Selbs - what happened, did you do 3 reps and then just keep the foot down ?

    I will be catching 3 days of the TdF while I am in France, my race is 5 days after TdF finishes.
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    Padams - bummer, so now I'm going to miss 2 massive sporting events over the weekend, the David Haye fight and the Padams ironman as the place I'm staying in doesn't have internet or TV and is a long way away from the nearest place with Sky TV.  Look forward to reading the report afterwards though.

    FR - another week, another PB, you must be enjoying your running at the moment.  After reading about you receiving your prize through the post it got me pissed off again about that prize that I didn't get and the guys ignoring my emails so sent an arsey email to the organisers who both replied quickly, apologised and are sending me my prize through the post so thanks for that.

    TR - hope you get your mojo back soon too, reading your posts on here definitely motivates other people, I've found the endless assaults on the Col de Portdown followed by a swim and a cricket match along with Gobi running in thunderstorms before 5am and Selbs drinking and gambling his nights away before putting in amazingly consistent training and LS21 quietly doing 70+ mile weeks all help when I ever consider being lazy and missing out on a run.

    Murph - hope you get rid of the lurgy quickly.

    Uneventful 9 miles for me this morning.

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    LJ - there's loads of sport this weekend. I suggested to the other half that I might go to watch the Wimbledon final after the race (assuming nothing goes badly wrong), but she thought that wouldn't be very supportive?! I'm going to try to find a bar on the run course also showing the tennis! We're going to watch a couple of stages of the TDF next week (unfortunately they're pretty flat stages).

    Gobi - a clubmate of mine is doing AdH tri. Actually very similar to you - good cyclist and runner but not a great swimmer. I think he'll be a bit quicker than you in the swim, same on the bike but slower on the run, so I guess you'll overtake him at some point.

    Took the bike for a quick spin this morning to check it's all working and going for an easy jog now. Then just little looseners once we get there and to have a look at a bit of the course.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    LOL Padams any idea what sort of Tri Suit he will be wearing :¬)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Selbs - indeed, I'll be following the IMA tracker too ! reduce the intensity but keep the consistency, your social life if tough stuff !

    LJ - just a bit under the weather maybe too much early doors pedal stomping, work (with a swim jammed in) and then cricket til 9pm at times. Agreed, the real life heroes post on here (at times), pro afleets have it easy !.....I forgot to tell the tale about a fella in a recent adults game that came off moaning when he'd got out (when he was well set in the 50s and pushing on) cos "some kid cleaned bowled me with a slower ball" , and he had got rid of the other well set batsman with another slower ball in the prvious delivery that was caught and brough the 2nd victim onto strike. (which was a slower one too), lucky for the fella it was elder on my two, he might have been embarrassed by a 10 yr old bowling him as against a soon to be 14 yr old.

    LS21 - ticking along at 70 mpw ! nice one. I'm happy to take a few easy days now. I dont build up in the Autumn, I ease back. My main race is in Sept.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    Gobi - i was trying after a 5 minute warm up, to do 17.7km/hr on the tready for 1km, then 15.5km 1km, and repeat for a full 10km total, and then 1 km cool down - so 12km all up.  i did 3 at 17.7km, but then just stuck at the 15.5km after that, so ended up around 37 minutes for km 1-11 before cool down.  Just shows again that i can't sustain the faster pace.... and that a sub 35 may still be a long way off/too ambitious.  Surely i can beat my PB of 36 flat soon though.  Do you think that the 15.5km speed in between the faster bits was a bit to quick for that session for me.  I always try adn do the treadmill a little faster than my actual target time, as i don't find it 100% accurate/realistic to what i can actually achieve, so think it is more similar to 3:30 min kms then 4min kms - maybe a tiny bit quicker.
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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭

    Padams - Good luck for Sunday. The training has been done and remember to enjoy it if you can through the pain of gritted teeth. See from last year 5 in your age group qualified for Kona and last slot in 9.18.  Only 3 GB Q from all age groups and genders which you probably already know.

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    TR - I guess I should qulify that statement a bit. After VLM I had a real dip. Lost my mojo and was running terribly, so cut myself some slack and just did what I wanted for a bit. I've then had 2 weeks back doing some good mileage but the pace has been slow. Very few miles beginning with a 6 (none last week I don't think!) and quite a few starting with a 9! Just out running a bit really, doing some nice steady stuff. I'm doing that 24 hour race again at the end of July (in a team of 5 this time rather than as a pair) so the extra miles have helped.

    I knew your next A race was Sept too so not sure what I was on about before! I guess I meant you seem to be where I was 4 weeks ago - it's not really enjoyable and mojo has gone. So maybe take heed of your body, cut yourself some slack and then a solid few weeks before your next race should do the trick. Seems to have helped me at least.
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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    LS21: sounds like you're ticking over nicely. That team 24hrs sounds like fun. I remember you're report from last year; good luck. 

    Think I maybe feeling a bit wacked like TR; sound like CW been having fun in the sun also.

    Last  two session have not been that successful: after being sat in a fog bank at work all day on Sunday I failed to take any notice that when I got home the fog had cleared and it was now roasting. Carried on regardless into my 17mi with 8 @ MP. This felt much harder than it should have and I just managed to ave 6.27 for the 8mi. The head wind and heat didn't help and I also ended up jogging the last 2.5mi to avoid an embarrassing toilet issue. Did and easy 6 yesterday and crashed and burned today. Was aiming to do 10mi with 5mi @ HM pace but when I got to about 2.5mi of the MP bit I had to ease right off due to a complete lack of energy and ended up jogging the rest of the way. I think Sunday's run in the heat took more out of me than I thought. Supposed to be doing the New Forest 10mi in a couple of weeks; after todays 5mi LT effort it doesn't look too promising.

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    FR you seem to be steaming along at the moment! TR hope you pick up soon, a bit of rest probably needed. Murphy hope your lurgy clears. Selbs, solid training as ever. LS21, sounds like the rest did you good and now you're back in a groove with those 70 plus weeks. Padams good luck on sunday mate!

    Little to report this end, tried to get back to running last week but just wasn't feeling it and so I've decided to take a break for a while from scheduled training. Hope to get some easy runs going from next week and take it from there. But I think I'm going to skip the Milton Keynes half and just spend July doing some easy running as and when I feel like it and see where that takes me. Hopefully by the end of July I'll start to do the harder stuff again in the build up for Burnham Beeches. Don't feel burnt out but definitely a good time for me to take a rest and focus on other stuff for a bit.

    I've booked my train ticket for Bristol half weekend and this is still my A race followed by the Cabbage Patch 10 in October. Will be back online more once I'm back up and running and in the groove and have more to add.

    Weekend of walking in the lake district this weekend, weather might even hold out for some walks up on the fells! (crosses everything, lol)

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Selbs - not wishing to sound confused but why 17.7 ??

    17.1 is 3.30 per km
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    LS21 - I understand what you're saying but I have had no mojo issues up til I felt carp on Saturday and have been bagging lots of decent swim and bike miles and I swam ok today so maybe it really was just the sore throat thing and being a bit run down.
    In your case and mine dont knock the value of going by feel and running easy, I've run my best and worst VLM times (and theres LT 3mins between all 4 of em) off it !

    RS - very wise, enjoy yourself. Is that 78 in your name when you were born ? I'm giving you an 11 yr head start at VLM if so ! 

    MrB - Yuk ! pay more attention to CRABs training tips !I tried to get a NF10 number but its closed.

    After missing a 5K, 5M, 10k and swimming race cos of cricket and damaged ribs, I get to do a number  in a local summer XC tomorrow

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TR - did you eat MOJO and BlackJack penny chews as a lad ?
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Gobi - fruit salads and black jacks. Do you remember bazooka joe bubble gum too, where you saved the wrappers and got a penknife (?).
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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    Gobi - just that i dont really think the treadmill actually gives me realistic paces - so i build in a bit of "fat" or buffer which is about 3% really - i feel IF i can hit those paces on the treadmill - then should be OK hitting them outside.. all a bit of guess work

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    RS78 - sounds like you're being sensible - pity will miss you at MK though 9assumign i make it unscathed... always a big assumption!)

    LS21 - nice miles nice miles.  i hope to be aroud that level for a while from now on till Amsterdam, but we'll see.  The odd cut back for a little picture race as well.  I am still v poor at doing enough of the slow miles i think, which is why i am always sore i guess but i do try to /am better than a couple of years back.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Selbs - FECK THAT - 17.1 feels like rocket pace on a treadmill but I can run reps much faster outside for less effort. Sorry butit is so much faster that I think you need to readdress your logic otherwise you are just risking blowing yourself to bits all the time.

    The idea of the alternate km session is that you can run it with the fast kms at race pace and then float the other KMs at a reasonable pace.

    What is your current 10km PB?

    TR - indeed yes but with the old falses I was never a bubblegum man.
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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    Gobi - who moi blow myself to bits image.  yup, you're probably right since i am yet to completely finish a session.  10km PB is 36 flat.  10km target is sub 35.  i feel like 10km PB is soft, as my 1/2 PB is 77:42, which translates about right for marathon - but not close for 10km!  In reality i need to get my 10km well down, and 1/2 well down, if i want a shot at my marathon target time i think.

    next time i'll try it at 17.1 and 15km then and hopefully at least complete it! cheers.

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    TR - haha, yes year of birth. The day I finish ahead of you at VLM will be a day I know I've worked bloody hard and run myself inside out, respect. I've sent my application in for VLM even though I'm planning on doing Barcelona next year. You just never know happens though so it's a good insurance policy to have on the doorstep.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Selbs - sometimes its good to push tne boundaries a bit in training and find out what you cant do rather than what you can, lots of folks dont appreciate that. Not that I ever push myself of course !

    RS  - ha ha, I do seem to manage to beat a few better runners than me on VLM day. VLM 2012 is a very good insurance policy cos if the Barca campaign suffers a setback........

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    Blimey lots of people having some tough runs (literally Mr B) of late. What's going on? Quiet too - looking forward to MtR's lowdown on Glasto.

    CD so sorry to hear your news. All best wishes with it

    Tmap - ouch oh dear image

    Nice parkrun Gobi

    LordDids - great cause. Hope it goes well this weekend.

    CW - sounds grim. Dehydration not just heat? Were you hydrated beforehand? Grim.

    Dan you did a 8.5 hour run?! Wow.

    Padams - nice golf! All the very very best out in Austria.

    Selbs - sometimes it's good to let your hair down!

    LJ - nice 18 miler

    Keir - good luck training for Abo

    FR - serious mileage there. The 18 miler with dehydration sounds tough work indeed. Storming 5 miler last week.

    TR - sounds like you need to give yourself a bit of downtime maybe?

    LS21 - that's great mileage

    Mr Boat - nice miles despite the hardships!

    Mileage gradually picking up my end. Back-to-back 10 milers yesterday and today so might well be into the 50's this week in the return to some sort of decent miles. Work is stupidly stupidly busy though and totally doing my head in. Thankfully other irons in the fire, including a trip with TV crew to central Africa week after next. Apparently the country's only half-decent hotel has a fitness room which 'meets the demands of the most demanding athlete and is equipped with a treadmill'. As running out there would be near suicidal thank goodness for that treadmill 'eh? image

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    Selbs. Treadmill 16kph/dist etc vary loads. I have a professional tready. 16kph @ 1% incline feels much harder than 6m/m on the roads. Testing a pair of shoes  in shop today @ 16kpm felt like walking!!

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    Thanks for the goodwill guys, much appreciated.  Funeral was monday, and went about as well as could be expected.  Odd how some people say the most insensitive things without meaning to.  My father-in-law gave the most amazing speech at the ceremony, only to be told afterwards by someone near the back that he couldn't be heard.  That's now going to bother him for ages, despite being told by everyone else in the room that he was fine and they heard every word.  Ho hum.

    Looking forward to following the IM races at the weekend, I'm expecting a storming result from padams.  Interesting to read you've used your TT bike exclusively for a while.  I've used mine on ocassion but it's just not practical for most rides.  This weekend I managed to take it out for 105 miles in near enough race trim, which is what I did last year as a confidence booster that I'd be fine on it for the distance.  I went out basically along the Thames valley and turned just as the sun got going properly, so I now have the perfect cyclists tan on my right side, nothing on the left.

    Bristol half & cabbage patch 10 sounds like a good autumn RS, both great races as long as you get a decent start position at Bristol.

    I find Gobi's blog both a great read and demoralising at the same time - the ability to churn out some very good TTs and running is something else.  I just console myself that we're in different age groups for a year or two at least...

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    "meets the demands of the most demanding athlete"

    Begs the question: what exactly are the demands of the most demanding athlete?

    Usain Bolt speed?
    Dan A endurance?
    $10m in used notes and a plane out of the country, or the hostages get it?

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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭
    I expected a monster read-back from a week off, but you've all been pretty quiet...

    Things I've gleaned:

    Condolences to CD - went through this with my father in law last year - it's not an easy role to play as the supportive partner who's not actually in grief but has to help hold everything together for those who are.

    Storming TT from Gobi, who's clearly borrowed Cancellara's motor-assisted TT bike image

    Heat affected run by CW. On this I take a tip from triathletes who are more likely to have runs affected by heat as they compete more in summer and get to the run last. I walk the water stations when it's very hot. Did this at Richmond half in 2008, and although my time was nothing special, I bagged a fair few scalps that day.

    Glastonbury was awesome. But a week of no training and lots of indulgence will have taken it's toll. My debut triathlon is on Sunday afternoon - timed just to clash with the mens final at Wimbledon - my wave starts at 2:45pm - by which time Padams will probably have completed his ironman. Thank god I only have to swim 750m, bike 18k and run 5k.
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    CD - haha quite!!! I bet when I get there it doesn't actually work.

    I'm glad the funeral went as well as could be expected despite that insensitive comment - what good did they think it would do to say that? Not exactly something he will do again.
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    Good to see you back Matt. Band-wise what were your highlights? And how is the festy these days? Not been since 2006.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    CD - glad things went as well as can be expected. I would have thought that riding the TT bikr quite often in training as a must, I ride mine every ride !

    MtR - glad to see you enjoyed yourself, and that you've been fattening yourself up to give me a better chance in Sept.

    I dont have mojo issues, I just felt carp for a few days. But I'll find out for sure tonight as I have to give some skinny rakes a trail/XC race, not sure why I enetered this as my race is usually versus the clock and distance, and I'll only know roughly where I'm going and how far is left !

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