
Sub 3



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    Quick read back on other performances from the weekend:

    Jamesito: outstanding!!

    Murph1: fantastic! And NeilMac too

    DanA: that’s damned impressive

    JockItch: superb

    RS78: good luck with that comeback, sounds promising.

    Charlie W likewise with the return.

    Lots of others putting in good training I see. Those like Joolska look to be putting in consistent training, and the rewards will be reaped. In that vein I'm still so pleased for MrBoat - couldn't happen to a nicer guy and just reward after the toil at VLM.

    Thank you to everyone for all the nice comments and good wishes. Selbs yes indeed: that's the one. Ouch. When it catches it frigging hurts eh? FR (I think it was) made a good point about lots of people being told they couldn't run. I think I could it's just that it's likely to give me major problems down the line i.e. hip replacements and rebuilds. Not sure it's worth it.

    Anyway image next week I am staying with a mad keen cyclist friend who is going to start the process of enlightenment. Our house in Devon is about 200 yards from one of the biggest cycle networks in the country: it links the Ruby Way to the Tarka Trail which will make it possible to go from Bude to Bideford and beyond via Hatherleigh - a big ride. As this is an occasional cycling thread, as someone pointed, out I'll carry on with the odd post on here if that's ok. First big question I guess is: what bike do I get?!

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Had an almost smooth 10 plus this morning with a pace in the 8.2x area. Why almost smooth? For the first time in months I had more issues with DOMS in my calves than I did with my ongoing niggle.

    Funny old game.
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    DanA - that was a good effort for a not serious race and especially as it wasn't long after UTMB.

    JI and Brian, good efforts too, can't complain about a sub-2.45.

    RS78 glad to hear you're feeling better and sounds like you have a good plan for your comeback.  Hope yours goes well too Charlie.

    MrB - did you do anything different with your training for Abo that you think made the difference or do you think you were similarly fit at London but set off too fast?

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    The list being referred to is a list of rankings not hopes. It contains your best marathon time in the previous 12 months.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    I’m with RS in that I’d like to run Abo one day, but it clashes with my Sept Tri plans, I’ve had 2 Abo numbers and never used em, so didn’t get one this yr.

    This weekend was a pleasing one, it was great to see MrB and Keir get a decent return on investment (unlike last time for both). Great to see Brian bag another sub3, and Murph get his sub3. It was also nice to see strong performances from Dan and JI.

    Was thinking today that even though Dan takes part in some seriously long endurance races he still suffers from cramp in marathons at times, cramp got me at the 23M point of VLM last yr. I put some of this down to salt loss on a warm day (after a winter of training in the cold), but I think that some of it may be down to lack of MP work too, I didnt do my 20M build up race at MP, next time I will. Maybe I need to find a ½ mara to do at MP next time too.

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    (((goes into lurking)))
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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭
    Been away from the thread a few days due to busyness at work and getting sorted out for a week long trip to New York with friends. Plus I had to take a few days off after my bike spill - bruising to the legs and a cut knee. Back to it now.

    I see there's been some marafunning while I've been away!

    Murph1: That's the job - sub-3, negative split, marvellous!

    Mr Boat: Fantastic performance - a much better return than VLM, shows the benefit of building upon a base - sometimes it's just keeping on keeping on that produces the best result - worked for me in 2008/9 when I went from 2:59 at Abo to 2:51 at London. It's only when I tried changing things that it all went wrong!

    Dan A: Sensible pacing? In a marathon? Sub-3? What is the world coming too?

    Brian: Cracking news, didn't know you were even running Abo! Are you running London?

    JI: The dreaded sciatic cramps! Frankly the thought of them is putting me off running London a bit, having had them hit me hard the last two years (Commercial Road in 2010, The Highway in 2011). I'm working on a rehab programme, but if it doesn't work I don't know what I'll do. Still salvaged a more than respectable time though!

    Padams: Nice report, and a nice win!

    Joolska, Wardi: Excellent long running

    MT: Loved your double IM report, and well done on the win. However, I can safely say that unlike Dan's UTMB exploits, this report didn't make me want to enter this one day!

    Gobi: A more than decent 10 miler, but did you need to run it? Well done on marshalling as well, we all need to put something back sometimes.

    Home Run: Grim news. But I suspect running wasn't going to be an all-consuming passion for you for years anyway - you seem to have a lot on your plate, and will make a success of whatever you put your mind to. Keep in touch, and you never know, your body may yet allow you some enjoyable easy runs in the future. As for a bike - buy a reasonable road bike - £600 will get you a decent aluminium framed one, £1,000 for a carbon-frame, but I'd ride a cheaper one into the ground first (as TR has done). Once you get good, then upgrade.

    Jamesito: Cracking result - excellent time. I'm sure you can crack 2:30 next year, it's not as if you slowed down much - only losing a few seconds in the last couple of miles, indicates to me that you have more in you.

    AtD: Good training miles - build steadily and learn from the wise folks here. At 20 years old the temptation is to run hard and burn out. Take it more steadily and you can avoid injury and get better and better.

    Stevie G: I told you Cabbage Patch was the race to get under the hour - well done!. I was planning to run, but my bruising from my bike crash meant I didn't race.

    SL: Good to see you're getting back to it - 18 @ 6:20 is pretty tasty.

    RS78: Really good to hear you're on the mend. Take it steady.

    Abingdon has many fond memories for me, as it's where I got my first sub-3. However I also missed out on using my number for the subsequent 2 years (last year we moved house that weekend), so I didn't get a number this time. Maybe next year.

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    Long time no post. Some smashing running...well done Abo people + MT's double insanity. Sorry, haven't read back in any great detail but hoping you are all well and injury free.

    I no longer feel much like a runner, lucky to get out 3 times a weeks at the moment. Life is simply far too busy. I'm off to LA on Sat again (I was out there 2 weeks ago) and I've entered to low key trail race in the hills behind Malibu on Sunday - quite looking forward to it. Went out with the training partner on Sat morning (wonderful weather) - note to self, don't run when unfit with someone who has just placed 4th in the World Champs and got a silver medal at the European Champs for 100k. It was hard work!

    Oh yes, I turn V40 next week.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    AtD – nothing stopping you from making a list of hopes, I was just saying that the list being referred to is the thread rankings list (which is due for an update after the recent raceas). Much nearer VLM folks will make a list of their race numbers and target times (for folks to track results etc). You could make a VLM target list now, bit in fairness its too early for anyone to know what sort of time they will be aiming for on the day, but if announcing a target time gets you out the door all winter then post it up, nice and big !

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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    LJ: I followed exactly the same P&D schedule but I would say the key MP sessions didn't go quite as well this time; couldn't quite nail the pace target although these sessions did fall on windy horrible days. I really think my last week build up helped this time. I did the carb depletion thing (hated it). I think I got too worked up about VLM11 in the build up; I'd had a great HM pb of 78mins and the temptation of 2:45 was too great, that's where it went wrong. I really did pace Abingdon carefully abo 2011 and never once felt like we were pushing it inside the first 22 miles.

    TR: re. cramp. I never really suffer with cramp but I do use electrolyte (SIS GO) prior to any tougher sessions if the weather's even slightly warm. I drank 500mls of this an hour before kickoff on Sunday. I ran the race carrying 130mls of electrolyte but managed to drop it on about mile 12; it was gone when I came around for the second lap. Apart from that I probably only had 4 or 5 sips from the cups provided. I did take 5 SIS Smart 1 gels though.

    I would update the list but I usually f*cK it up image

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    so do I Coro!!  if only i had more things in common....

    Brian - congratulations on another sub 3.

    JI - great report.  hope your nipples remain rock hard.  Thats a fine bunch of sub 2:45's you have, i bet u can get that sub 2:40 one day too...

    Gobi - sounds promising.

    RS78 - good to hear.

    oh - Liverpool game was fantastic btw - amazing atmosphere, my wife who took me and doesn't even like football even enjoyed it and coudln't believe how quickly the game went by.

    i jogged a 9 minute mile (and then stopped) yesterday on the start of the long (hopefully) road back.  calf feeling OK.  everything else mind u....

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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭
    selbs: was thinking of you whilst watching it on telly. Good game I thought; shame De Ghea was on form. I'm taking my lad and his mate up for the Norwich game next weekend. Nice jogging....hope you're on the mend.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Coro - hope you get back to it enough to wipe the floor clean with the rest of the V40s.

    MrB - funnily enough, I intend to carry a 500ml bottle of electrolyte stuff at VLM, and drink it early doors ( in a Dids stylie) eg first 10M, and then use luco later on. I defo dont drink enough usually.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Coro - all the best for soon being in a great age category :¬0

    I'm 41 shortly and all I have been told in the last year is

    Body issues - you are getting old
    I now wear glasses - don't worry you are just getting old :¬0

    MtR - did I NEED to do it? Well YES actually for a whole number of reasons.

    AtD - why not stay involved in the thread as you are training? More to this place than lists....
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    MrB - thanks, sounds like you learned from London and ran a good race at Abo, building on a solid base from the London training.  I hope I can get a similar improvement for London.

    Talking about drinks for marathons is it easy to get lucozade at the stations at VLM?  From looking at the map on the website it looks like there is a luco station roughly every 5 miles, what do you get at them and can you always get stuff or is it too busy? 

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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭
    LJ: Can't remember how many Luco stops there are as I don't use it but VLM is very well organised and there's no problem at all getting drinks. I suppose it could get difficult if you're running slower than 4 hour pace. I did find it difficult to get a bottle of water once I'd eventually got my bag back off of the lorry; begged one out of the first aid tent.
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    Mtr I won't be going over 70 miles until it feels genuinely safe to do so. As you say you dont want burnout/injury at 20yrs old. To be honest i reckon it would probably help to loose a few pounds as well(used to be 13st-6lbs now weigh 11st 7lbs).

    TR no offence taken, your right alot can happen in 6 months. I just put that time as a time that would be a basic expectation based on all other race times. The calculators all predict 2:46:xx so 2:50 should really be doable by now.
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    Adt - Think for me going sub 75 at helsby will be flat out as my current half pb is only 76.46. Going to take some decent consistent training for me to get there, whats your current half pb? Sounds like your mileage is alot more than mine currently so probably your pace will be abit ahead at that distance at least.
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    TR - if a list gets started, can we please have a Po10-esque season's best (SB) and personal best (PB). Some of us are hanging on to past glories.

    Re. cramp; I'm pretty sure I've worked out why it's only marathons that give me calf cramp (hardly ever been afflicted elsewhere) - it's because I'm a forefoot striker and running on my toes puts all the strain on the calf. Usually takes about two and a half hours to feel it, so only really happens in a marathon race. Training runs and longer races I'm not going so fast so I'm not up on my toes as much. 100 milers don't cause any calf problems at all.

    I've tried compression socks several times at all distances, but much like those nasal strips, I have concluded that they are a total myth and a waste of time and money. Good marketing triumphing over common sense and practical observation. Would be surprised if anyone can offer conclusive proof that they make any difference. Certainly wouldn't see Deek or Steve Jones in them.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Splendid news from Abo, I'll add my congrats to Jamesito (fab PB at that level!), JI for another sub 2:45, a beautifully paced run from Mr Boat (relieved to hear you won't be subject to TR's Boadicea impression!).  Comfortable (?) sub 3's from DanA (I trust you are saving the marathon debacle for VLM image) & Brian, top running from a fellow ageing codger!

    Very pleased for Murph & Neil Mac, great work at Amsterdam.

    Congrats to Stevie G on the sub 60 10 miler, nice reward for all your training.

    HR.. very sorry to hear your news, but along with others I would never say never.

    Hope CharlieW is back to it soon & pleased that RS78 has reached light at the end of the tunnel.

    Coro.. I guess you might already have looked on PO10 to see who your V40 rivals will be!  Happy birthday for next week.

    LJ.. roughly every 5 miles.

    Sad news.. a clubmate of mine went to the doc with back pains last month.  Turned out he had kidney cancer which had already got into his lungs.  He died on Sunday night, same age as me and a fit bloke.  Just shows that you have to do what you can while you can. 

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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    DanA: no chance of a Xempo set then image

    Speaking of Xempo: thought I'd treat myself to a red t-shirt seeing as I'd gone sub-3 again. Ordered it on Monday morning and it arrived today. They even worked out my proper size and not the one I'd asked for....spot on; thanks.

     X post: Wardi: so sorry to hear about your friend. Really makes you think and makes me realise I need to appreciate being fit but it doesn't gaurantee a long life.

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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭
    Wardi: Just realised that I think Brian. is the first thread V50 to break 3 hours. Typically done in a very understated way - didn't even tell us he was running!
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Thanks for that MTR, maybe hope for me & Dull then!  Though I do have a feeling that Running Bear might have got there first?  BTW nice to hear your wounds are healing.  I cycled home in a howler last night and every time I went past a gap in the hedgerow the wind tried to blow me across the road!

    LJ.. sorry I meant to elaborate on the Luco stations.  The drinks stations generally at VLM are the best in any marathon I've run, you hardly have to break stride.  Lucozade was handed out in squishy pouches for a few years but they recently switched to bottles at VLM.  Anything under 3:15 pace and I don't think grabbing a drink is a problem, you do have to keep half an eye out for discarded bottles though - they can turn an ankle quite easily.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    DanA - I'm not starting any lists ! I defo dont run on my forefoot, but the need for some MP running applies to both of us then. I rarely run faster than 8mm.

    Wardi - sorry to hear that, we do indeed to take life by the scruff of the neck at times.

    LJ - we share our drinks at VLM, so you dont have to worry if you miss one (and our wee bottles - although MtR gets stagefright ! ).

    Well done again then Brian, I hope to be a sub3 V50 too, although I'll be 50 and 11/12ths by the time VLM comes around.

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    some cracking running, Mtriton takes the award for being bonkers though.  Cracking marafuns though, Jamesito standing out for a near 2:30, brilliant run.
    Mr Boat we used to a similar pace, not any longer, you got your reward 6 months late but well done.
    DanA I expect more drama from your marathons than that, very sensibly run.  How many of us have felt the pace is a bit high and pressed on regardless?
    JI Another great run, if you get a clear build up to your next one, you will fly round.
    Brian Another good run, not many V50's go under 3 hrs.
    Murph1 Another cracking run, well done!

    HR hope the diagnosis is wrong, bummer.
    Wardi Sorry to hear of your friend. Far too many people near my age keep dying!  Focusses the mind.

    Me?  28 miles in 4 weeks tells the story, but 9m in the last 2 days.  Finally feel right from a calf injury.  Booked in at Scarborough 10k in 2 weeks, absolutely no idea how I will go, but I did put down a comedy 1 min improvement on pb on the entry form!
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    Congratulations for joining the big boys' club next week Coro (and selbs, if I've understood correctly). It's all good. I've taken 21 minutes off my marathon PB since turning 40. More significantly, I can think of a V40 who has been running marathons for years with a PB this year (would be 3rd on the thread list were he on the thread).

    Here's the latest list I found, posted by Wardi on page 4063 on 20/4/11. Something tells me that there might be a later one, but the words needle and haystack spring to mind.

    I notice it contains ordering mistakes and needs pruning. Not sure of the exact rules so the only changes I have made are to update my time and to change Home Run's name..

    -1 2:17:54 Marders Amsterdam October 2010
    -2 2:19:39 Marigold London April 2011
    -3 2:28:57 BEJ Amsterdam October 2010
    -4 2:29:48 Coro London April 2011
    -5 2:33:02 JAP Boston April 2011
    -5 2.35.29 Stu Leaney London April 2010
    -6 2:35:56 Cheerful Dave London April 2011
    -7 2:36:51 Jamesito Abingdon Oct 2010
    -8 2:37:06 Chalkus (IW) London April 2010
    -9 2:40:14 Jock Itch Abingdon Oct 2010
    -10 2:40:45 RununMan London 2010
    -11 2:42:38 CharlieW London 2011
    -12 2:43:00 Lord Didsbury Frankfurt Oct 2010
    -13 2:44:12 GAWD London 2011
    -14 2:44:38 Waytogoyet London April 2010
    -xx 2:44:39 Filthyrich Chicago Oct 2011
    -15 2:44:42 selbs Abingdon Oct 2010
    -16 2:44:03 TJK London April 2011
    -17 2:44:49 Scobos Berlin Sept 2010
    -18 2:45:07 Dan A Barcelona 2010
    -19 2:45:31 JH1 London April 2011
    -20 2:45:39 CL London April 2011
    -xx 2:45:50 BR London April 2011
    -22 2:47:25 MTriton Amsterdam Oct 2010
    -23 2:49:08 LS21 London April 2011
    -24 2:49:30 Pugheaven Chester May 2010
    -25 2:50:18 Home Run London April 2011
    -26 2:51:01 Gobi Marathon Des Alpes-Maritimes 2010
    -27 2:51:14 Odeon1085 Prague May 2010
    -xx 2:52:32 Ginger N London 2011
    -28 2:54:05 Gilly1709 London 2011
    -29 2:54:46 piscator London 2011
    -30 2:56:24 Mr Boat London April 2011
    -31 2:56:54 Njord Chester May 2010
    -32 2:57:46 Tmap Barcelona 2011
    -33 2:58:34 RSalter Amsterdam Oct 2010
    -35 3:04:24 Murph1 Amsterdam October 2010
    -36 3:04:54 Drifter London April 2011
    -37 3:07:48 kinaseboy London April 2011
    -xx 3:09:22 nichs2 London April 2011
    -xx 3:10:49 Hilly London April 2011
    -xx 3:12:48 paul the builder London April 2011
    -38 3:12:54 OS London April 2011
    -xx 3:20:38 Wardi London 2011
    -39 3:24:00 Clearly Dublin October 2010

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    FR - not great for everyone I have been shit since turning 40 :¬0
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    Hi Guys been a lurker here a while basically looking for some knowledge and wisdom needed to go Sub 3, pleased to say something must have rubbed off as I achieved my goal 2:59 at Abingdon this weekend.(7th marathon) Im generally a bit low on mileage, up to 50mpw, but have seen others do wonders with less  (CW - get well soon) Did VLM this year off just being consistently consistent (TR) easy miles, v.little if any speed work and was pretty pleased with a 3:06, got a good 10-12 week batch of consistency in before Abingdon, again no speed work of note, raced a 10k and 10 miler, 6 and 5 weeks out and was quietly confident with my form

    Anyway just wanted to say thanks, Had a brief word with DanA at the end, great running by other thread members at Abo too, Jameisto, Mr Boat, JI Brian

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    What a fantastic weekend of racing and training.

    Going to start of with a well done to Brian for his sub 3 hour V50 time. was this your first? Being an oldie myself it's nice to know. I hope to do it again at VLM 2012.

    Jamsito amazing time big well done.

    Murph1 and Neilmac great running.

    DanA well done and thoroughly deserved.

    Mr Boat well navigated to a grat pb!

    Padams congratulations on your win.

    Great long runs from Joolska and Wardi

    Last week I ran 50 miles and 30 miles biking. Best week of training since pre FLM 2010. Building up my endurance before starting 24 week P&D 70 mile training plan. I followed this a few years ago and hope it works again. Really want to try and go sub 2.50 if I can.

    Today ran 7 miles in just under 50 mins round local hilly park. Nice sunny morning with a little nip in the air!

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    Gobi - but the best may of course still be to come.

    Have to say though that since turning 40 my teeth have gone to sh!t.

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