
Sub 3



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    I might be attracted to Stubbington Green and may bring along some fast company.

    There's also the Fred Hughes 10M the following week which appears to be in Padams' home town - looks fast but has previously been won in a slow (Pug rating system™) time.

    As for Feb, Wokinham or Bramley (10) appeal.  March should bring about either Reading or City Pier City HM.  Then perhaps an early track 5000m prior to the London Marathon.

    Also considering entering a couple of other HM-type races to run as marathon tempo (sorry CRAB).  Yesterday I'd set my Garmin to show the moving average pace for the current mile split - I'd usually have it displaying 5:40 - 5:45-ish, but as soon as I slow down for a steep bridge / annoying gate, it jumped up to 6-ish and took ages to get the average back down.  It would be nice to know how perceived 'marathon effort' averages out in an uninterupted road route.  It would also be nice to get that 'smooth cruising pace' down to 5:35 / mile over the next few months too.

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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭

    Cyber stalking was needed to track down Yellapunts. His RW account gives a name that doesn't quite work on the results. But his GNR time gave a different first name, which worked.

    Bib number: 3489 (I think)

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    Quite an easy one to internet stalk...  but that doesn't seem to help much.

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    that last 5k must have hurt!!
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    On 3.10 pace at half way . . . . And then total body and mind implosion by the looks of it.  I imagine some wound licking is going on!
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    JEJ - Fred Hughes 10 does seem reasonably fast, and the field might be slightly bigger this year (although that doesn't necessarily mean there will be more good runners). I'll probably be marshalling.

    I'm probably going to run Wokingham (seems fast and a good field) and Bramley 20, as part of the usual FLM Spring marathon build up (something like 4x5M getting progressively quicker).

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    Main irritant is that Wokingham and Bramley are a week apart this year. Still, I've entered both and Bath. Just need a couple of 10ks as shorter tempo runs and I'll be there in terms of pre-flm racing.

    Assuming that was Yellapunts he had a tough old second half. that's one hell of a positive split. Hope it was the 'wall' and nothing worse...
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    All this talk of pre-mara build-up races, I'm wishing away the rest of the year now. Just entered the Dartford 10, 20th Jan. I very much enjoyed this as my first new year warm-up race for FLM. So I have a soft course-best to go for (1:06:xx) but would be happy with a sub-60 on an undulating course.

    Anyway, time for a quick gym sesh followed by a linguini carbonara. Mmm!
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    Padams - assuming we have a similar idea of marathon pace, I might be tempted to join you in Bramley.  FH10 seemed to be a Serpie-fest last year...  are there any useful prizes?

    Jools - as for 10km, the only one I tend to do at that time of year is a low key mob match in Victoria Park (pb quick but hardly lightening fast) in early March, but I see Eastleigh is on 16/03 which would allow 2 weeks of recovery after Reading, but obviously wouldn't fit with the (possibly) faster City Pier City race.

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    nichs2nichs2 ✭✭✭


    I strongly recommend the Brentwood half..........it is very fast! Fred Hughes is quite fast, but has a couple of narrow bits (like the start at Wokingham) and a couple of sharp turns.

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    God you guys are organised! I still don't know which races (if any) I'll be doing in Nov and Dec yet - let alone next year.....

    Pleased with myself today though - two months of base training started with two slow-ish runs (a 5 and a 7 miler). Much the same planned for tmrw though may stick a few quicker miles into the second run. 

    (Takes a deep breath in anticipation of releasing worms from tins) I'm going for jog with Mr Vero on Weds as there's a running-type project we may work on together. Have to say I liked him when I spoke to him previously and regardless of what he's aiming for, his improvements have still been mightily impressive, even by the standards of this fred. Anyway, I'll let you know what his current tergats are (and of course whether he wears RED trainers and his make of washing machine...) 

    Glad the bench is emptying.

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    Here's my racing plan for the next 6 months:

    1. FLM April 2008

    All sorted! 

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    theres a nice marathon down here in cornwall in two weeks im doing it (come on down)
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    I like your plan R Bear. Here's a training programme for you:

    1. Do some running.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Nice simplistic stuff there RB and Blisters.

    Went out for a planned 6, which was then supposed to be followed by another couple, but my calf was twinging after 4 so I kept it to the 6. I'm getting most sensible nowadays - learned the hard way though.

    Followed it up with some amateur gymnastics.

    Tomorrow now becomes a swim/pedal day. But I've run 3 days in a row and did do some hills yesterday, so my calf is entitled to groan a bit.

    Got to keep searching for that consistency.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    I can tell you about the 40 or so races I have planned for next year :¬)

    yeah it really is that bad already
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    Bit frisky on here today.
    Derv - Cornish Marathon, tempting o so very tempting.
    Marders - that's a fantastic hm time - well done, and o so relieved to see it is 3 seconds outside my PB. I reckon that puts you in 2:47 - 2.52 terrority.
    NM2 - Impressed by the company you keep.

    What a great run by Paula yesterday and good to see that in our book, Lance A is only championship standard, not upto the class of the runner with the dodgy gait, the runner with a dodgy hairdo, the runner who makes knows its not rocket science and the Scotsman, who presumabley was casting his eye over Lance A to see if he was upto scratch.
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    All this planning ahead is a bit worrying.  My planning for the 3 races I have done this year are: marathon - decided 6 weeks out that I was doing it, 10k - night before, and half - 1 week before...

    Now I might look at doing the Brentwood half thanks to nichs2's recommendation on it being fast and plus it's pretty easy for me to get to from Canary Wharf... having said that I just had a quick look at some events in March and there are a few to choose from!!  I really need a proper plan but I think a half 4-5 weeks prior to FLM should fit in nicely.

    Anyone doing a marafun before FLM, no doubt some are doing one before the end of the year but how about next year?  I don't see the point next year but I guess could be good (or bad!) psychologically to know where you are at (although a half should give a good idea anyway).

    Enough rambling, too many fireworks distracting me outside, waste of money things... at least it's someone else's money getting blown up and I get to watch for free!!! 

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    Hail Hail

    Reckon I could beat Lance on the bike too.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    LOL RB, I am kicking his arse on the run as well but he is about my age I think.

    Marders, I'm doing the ELB tunnel marathon for a laugh in January.

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    It was an unplanned day off today - wasn't feeling too good + work is a bit frantic at the moment (spent all evening writing e-mails). I'm off to support the launch of a new satellite on Friday, so I might get a few runs around Bath if time permits this weekend. Today was the first day off since the week before Beachy; I've surprised myself by how well I've run after a hard marafun and no rest afterwards (maybe I will pay the price in the medium term). Legs recovered quickly and I was running (quick/short) intervals by the Thursday.

    1st half next year could look like this

    10k - early Jan
    County XC - late Jan
    HM - March (Reading or Fleet)
    10k or 12-stage road relay (S.England + nationals?) - end March/early April
    FLM - 13/04/08

    All this is dependent on happy home/work life. MrsC will also be racing so I maybe doing childcare duties instead.
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭


    Thought I'd report back on my 5k.  Basically I ran as hard as I could, in good conditions, although a bit of a head breeze on the way back, but just couldn't seem to get my legs going.  I felt there was another gear, but my lungs wouldn't let me lift the pace, each time I did I had an agonizing burning feeling in my chest and throat like an acidic burning.  Anyhow finished in 19.30, which is 30 secs off my best and not what I wanted to see, but onwards and upwards and keep working at getting back to the fitness I was.  I guess doing a 5k off no speedwork and only a few weeks of consistant training isn't the recipe for a pb anyhowimage

    Build up races for FLM so far...

    Bath 1/2
    Mad March Hare 20

    Will be adding a few more no doubt.

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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Soz can't spell in the morning read consitant for consistent.
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    7.5'ish miles for me last night. Did 75 min (1 nad) turbo this AM and hope to get out for a cheeky 7 at lunchtime image 

     Coro, meant to say agaes ago, I did a PhD in Sat Comms at Uni of Surrey, went for a job at Inmarsat, didn't get in image, never looked at a satellite since !

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good work CM - most pleasing.

    Revised my view of Stubbington 10k, it is flat and fast but standard of field is no where near Chichester standard, must have been getting confused with Eastleigh.

    Doesn't affect someone of my standard (38 mins) though, reckon I'll still do it, as there's no kids footie match planned for that day.
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    I'm going for the Stebbing 10 this weekend. Anyone ever done it before? Is it a PB course?

    Also mulling over doing the Gloucester marathon in Jan. Gives enough time to recover
    for a spring marathon. I think Blisters is also sniffing around that one.

    If that really was yellapunts time for NY, then he really did blow up. Could easily have happened to me
    at Luton, but I waved the white flag.

    Paula NY 2:23.09 Dull HM PB 1:23::09…………….spooky.

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    CM - when was that? Do you still work in telecoms (or like me do something totally unrelated to the PhD) – in my case gamma rays from super massive black holes to 1’s and 0’s going to and from satellites? Good sessions.

    TR - The Stubbington standard is definitely lower than Chichester. Winning time was still an impressive 30:10 last year; but I would hope to finish top 8'ish (not like a virtual ~60th position at Chichester!)

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    30:10 eh ?

    I notice that some of the local speed merchant’s have entered this year though.

    Can’t see me winning that one then. Although I did do some mile reps back in May – but I bet any accrued benefit will have worn off by January though.

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    Coro - Graduated 10 years ago, so it was in the days when Inmarsat was thinking that  everyone in the world would be talking to each other using mobile handsets that would use their ICO-Global constellation (don't think this ever "got off the ground")..

    Nowadays I make a living delivering case management software late that doesn't work properly image

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    CM - ICO sort of died off after their first satellite fell in the sea shortly after lift off. Broadband global data comms is the flavour of the month now (e.g. live video feeds from jurno's in Iraq to people using mobiles/laptops on planes). Next year you will be able to post on this fred from 35,000 ft on the way to some glamorous marathon - just what you need. I also graduated 10 yrs ago (handed thesis in 10 yrs and 1 week ago) - joined Inmarsat in 2000, so we are roughly the same vintage. Software that doesn't work as planned - tell me about it!!
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