
Sub 3



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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Thanks Gobi, that’s a lot of sessions mind !

    I like the sound of the Tracey intervals – 10 sec burst with a 30 min rest ? I’ll have to run that by my wife. Not sure she’ll be up for any mucky business though.

    I’ll do a little bit most days, with 90 mins to 2hrs midweek and a 20 on the weekend.

    5 or 6 runs per week, usual pedal commutes and a few lunchtime swims. A sprinkling of PJ’s here and there as garnish. Pop it in the oven for 4 or 5 months, take it out when it’s done.

    Although I’m a long way off doing 2 hour runs yet.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    I noticed that CM and TT are going to be doing a fair bit. If CM does all of that and then does a few doubles too, then that’s more than a fair bit.
    No doubt Grasshopper would do a fair bit too.

    I was already “towing a bucket” at the pool today after a few running day’s in a row of 6 milers ! Funny that I still see lack of endurance as my potential downfall – as well as having to haul the muscle overcoat.
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    TR, dunno I thought I copied your line ! Is it early enough for a flm gfa ? Mrs CM is keen on a family outing, I'm sure the little fella will be old enough to take care of himself for < 3 hours ;o)

    On way to Blackpool at the mo and frank Carson is on my flight... My life is now complete ;o)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Mrs TR would no doubt help with the baby minding - she likes babies. Wouldn’t like to rely on someone with my (no-show of a) track record for turning up though.

    That stretch from Blackpool to St Annes has still got my footprints on it from a few weeks back.

    Go and chuck a bucket of water over Frank to remind him of his Tiswas days.
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    Yep, going to try knock that out on a consistently consistent basis TR image I'll add in some doubles for the 4 weeks post Reading HM and I'll prob be in the 100's again before starting to taper for flm.

    c&p error then CM, I shall amend. I don't think it's early enough for a flm gfa as it's normally the 3rd weekend in October. New Forest is though and CM jr can amuse himself with all the animals roaming around the roads image

    Marathons 2008

    Jan - Elb Tunnel - Gobi
    Jan - Dubai - Dan A (provisional)
    Apr - Paris - PhilPub
    Apr - London - EdB
    Apr - London - Gobi
    Apr - London - MTR
    Apr - London - TT
    Apr - London - Dan A
    Apr - London - ColdFeet
    Sep - New Forest - TT
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - CM
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - TT
    Dec - Hastings (provisional) - TT
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    Marathons 2008

    Jan - Elb Tunnel - Gobi
    Jan - Dubai - Dan A (provisional)
    Jan - Gloucester - Dull (Weather permitting)
    Apr - Paris - PhilPub
    Apr - London - EdB
    Apr - London - Gobi
    Apr - London - MTR
    Apr - London - TT
    Apr - London - Dan A
    Apr - London - ColdFeet
    May - Halstead - Dull (Weather permitting)
    Sep - New Forest - TT
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - CM
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - Dull
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - TT
    Dec - Hastings (provisional) - TT

    Will pull the plug on Gloucs if travel is too difficult, and will pull it on Halstead, if it's too hot like when I ran it in 2005.

    Met Frank Carson at the Belfrey when I was playing in a golf tournament. Extremely funny bloke.

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    Marathons 2008

    Jan - Elb Tunnel - Gobi
    Jan - Dubai - Dan A (provisional)
    Jan - Gloucester - Dull (Weather permitting)
    Apr - Paris - PhilPub
    Apr - London - EdB
    Apr - London - Gobi
    Apr - London - MTR
    Apr - London - TT
    Apr - London - Dan A
    Apr - London - ColdFeet
    Apr - London - Running_Bear
    May - Halstead - Dull (Weather permitting)
    Sep - New Forest - TT
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - CM
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - Dull
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - TT
    Dec - Hastings (provisional) - TT

    What's wrong with London then Dull?
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    It clashes with school half term and a family holiday probably skiing.

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    Marathons 2008

    Jan - Elb Tunnel - Gobi
    Jan - Dubai - Dan A (provisional)
    Jan - Gloucester - Dull (Weather permitting)
    Apr - Paris - PhilPub
    Apr - London - EdB
    Apr - London - Gobi
    Apr - London - MTR
    Apr - London - TT
    Apr - London - Dan A
    Apr - London - ColdFeet
    Apr - London - Running_Bear
    May - Halstead - Dull (Weather permitting)
    Sep - New Forest - TT
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - CM
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - Dull
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - TT

    Nov - New York (assuming bench free year)
    Dec - Hastings (provisional) - TT

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    Hail Hail

    I see that all those who had promised to come up to Embra are now having second thoughts.   I'll be deciding on my racing schedule once I know if I'm fit or  not.  TBH, I'm really enjoying the bike, so may think about duathlons for next year (not having any fins or gills).

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    RB, go for it! I've already targeted a return to the London Duathlon (Sept) as one of my key races for next year having enjoyed my debut so much this year (and missing out narrowly on an age-category podium place!) And I've entered a duathlon at Dorney Lake in a couple of weeks time. Much more low key event with around 100 entrants, so I'm hopeful of a decent placing.

    If nothing else, 10k run/20k bike/5k run takes an awful lot less recovery than even a HM. And I guess having a focus for 'training' on the bike as opposed to just keeping a bit fit will be good while you're getting your running legs back.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    I’m only saying yes to FLM at present. Cos it’s paid for.

    Others under consideration are Embra, NF, Cardiff and Abingdon. Mrs TR is keen on Emrba (for me not her) – and it ties in with the school ½ term. But it will only be one or two of the proposed ones.

    Some of the New Forest Tri events are also under consideration, so I don’t really know yet what I’ll be doing.

    I have noticed that Bramley is 10 weeks before FLM this time so I may even get out of first gear. Mmmm 10+10, 15+5, 5+15 or 20 ?
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    Not sure if this is the right thread to discuss sub3 attempt training?...  I just wondered what sort of mileage you are all currently doing/planning on peaking for a sub 3 attempt. 

    Last week I ran 3.09 in Dublin (and I ran the race completely alone as I was in the elite womens start which was rather smaller than I had expected!)  - I took it easy at the start and ran a 2 min negative split for the 2nd half.  In training I was running 5x per week with a max mileage of 60.  3 weeks prior I ran a 1.26 half and so probably could have gone closer to 3.05 had I had people to race (and been less cautious?).

    So I am now targetting the FLM with a vague hope of going sub 3, or closer to 3 than I was in Dublin.  Do any of you recommend running 2x daily to ramp up mileage and what sort of target peak mileage should I be looking at?

    Any help/pointers to good training plans much appreciated


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    ive just finished training and now on a couple of weeks taper for the cornish marathon on the 18th
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    After the drive to Devon in Oct, and to Glos in Jan, I doubt if I could convince Mrs Dull to travel to Edboro for yet another marathon weekend.

    Things however are fluid and could change depending on my general level of desperation.

    Trivia question, stumbled on this by accident.

    What European City is hosted 5 marathons last year, and will be doing the same again this year?

    They are run in Jan,Feb,Mar,Oct, and Dec.

    No doubt JEJ(the human anorak) will manage to find the answer.

    If not I'll post the answer tomorrow.


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    I ramped myself up to 90-100 mile weeks for the last 12 months, running twice a day. The improvement for me
    simply wasn't worth the effort, as I have not improved. This year 3.03, 3.12, and 3.09

    Last year I ran 3.02 and 3.01 off 70-80mpw, and
    the year before that I ran 3.05, 3.17 and 3.01 off even lower mileage.

    Back now to running 70-80mpw and just once a day. Hopefully the endurance base will still be there
    for my next outing.
    Coach Frank Horwill says min 52 per week, and max 78 per week. Judging by my experience, he is probably right.

    Others on here may disagree with me.

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    kerrioc Welcome to the thread. It's good to have more women on this thread to counteract the b*llocks that some of us males talk.

    Re the training and in particular "doubles" I think you need to experiment to find out what works for you and what fits with your lifestyle. Personally I think consistency is important so it's good to find a training pattern that you respond to and which you can stick to. Generally, more mileage is good, but you can still run a good marathon off 60mpw. Doubles enable some people to do more miles but you get more endurance from the same mileage run in singles. If you do build up your mileage, make sure you do it steadily and don;t increase mileage and pace at the same time. 

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    Kerrieoc Forgot to say, it also helps if you do the sort of training that you can enjoy (mostly anyway). I don't like running slowly, so I don't do much of that.
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    Thanks.... I was basically doing something like:

    Mon: 5 miles easy

    Tues: 10-14 miles club session (with longish warmup and cooldown)

    Wed: 5 miles steady

    Thurs: MP run - started out at 8km at MP and finished at 21km at MP

    Fri: usually nothing except a swim

    Sat: 5km TT followed by distance to make up my long run (this was hard)

    Sun: long bike ride (usually 3/4 hrs - road, usually with lots of hills)

    I think this worked reasonably well for me and the ride increased my endurance without banging up my legs too much.

    With hindsight I don't think I did enough shorter (1km/1mile) reps.  I could run for extended periods at 4.05-4.15 min/km pace but struggle to even run 1km at much below 4 min km pace. 

    When I start building up my miles again in December I'm going to try and do some more track work and possibly do my long runs at a slightly slower pace (I was running them at 4.40 min/kms where my MP was 4.30s).


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    NjordNjord ✭✭✭

    Do2 - would be great to see the Pugster back on two feet rather than two wheels.  And I seem to remember he has a score (or two) to settle with the Wrexham half.  Hope your taper gets rid of those last few niggles (that's what it's there for after all).

    kerrieoc - currently running around 70 very slow mpw (my excuse is that I'm overweight and recovering from an achilles injury, but slow is no bad thing at this stage IMO).  I'll probably max out around 80 mpw.  For me personally, 60-70 mpw has previously just been enough quantity for sub-3.  For what it's worth, I won't be starting track work until February.

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    Kerrie - check back to page 784 & 785 for some sample weeks.  Being a lady, you'll probably have to train more like the average 2:45 bloke than sub 3 guy to reach the same standard, but there are several of those (and faster) posting on here.

    Re doubles, they transformed my running (39:56 / 3:13 marathon to 32:04 for 10km / training for 2:2[cough] in under 2yrs), but took a while to get fully used to, and I had to go through a lengthy phase where the start of every run made me feel tired and achey, but it gets much easier.  IMO the main point of doubles is not to increase mileage as many would appear to believe (if increasing mileage is your aim, just run more on each single - saves washing the extra kit / extra shower etc)  - it's more about breaking up the runs so you can train at a higher intensity (ie better quality) without the impact on recovery that doing the same on singles may cause.

    From my experience running at faster speeds most certainly helps cruising speed for longer distances - hence my decision not to run a marathon in 2007 but focus on 5000m, albeit as a distance guy moving down rather than a middle distance / true 5km runner.

    Dull - wouldn't know without cheating, but I'd take a stab at Southern Europe due to the lack of summer marathon - perhaps somewhere in Italy?

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    I run up to 70 mpw and did 3.07 at FLM and a *chip* time of 3.04 at Amsterdam (I think I did only one week over 70 mpw for Amsterdam - more like 60 mpw - and to really put the icing on the cake I ran with a calf injury).  I don't plan on doing anything over 75 mpw in my FLM build-up because I find I get too tired, but I'm hoping that will be enough for sub-3.  (I seem to recall Hilly saying it took her about 80mpw to break sub-3; I'm sure she'll correct me if I'm wrong).  My short distance times are cr*p compared to my longer times and I do precious little speedwork; I did fewer intervals in my build-up to 3.07 than I did in my build-ups to 3.23 and 3.19! 

    Oh, and feel free to stay on the thread.  There's quite a few of us 'lesser spotteds' now to keep the boys in line.  It is important that you like: (a) lists; (b) washing machines and (c) red shoes.  See you on the champs' start!

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    Thanks guys for the advice.  Will check back on previous pages for some sample weeks....   James, I had heard from several people the same sort of transformations on running doubles.  I just worried about getting too tired i guess.

     Joolska - I like lists and do at least one washing load per day (triathlete husband with 2x daily sessions plus me makes for lots of washing) and most importantly I race in red shoes image

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Welcome Kerrie

    Another lesser spotted - they're all finding out where I reside now.

    If you were born in the correct gene pool - then you will get by on less miles than other folks. The size of your NADS is quite important too.

    Another 6 - including two big peaks (the only one with streetlamps x2). 5 days in a row too. A little bit of "c" creeping back in.

    Lists, lists of lists,

    parts lists
    waiting lists
    drawings lists

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    1st day without running since Oct 15th. Bugger!image
    Went to gym at lunch, bored already.
    Thigh feels a little better but still aches a little going up and down stairs. May get away with 2 or 3 days methinks.
    Any of the flat caps doing Thirsk 10 on Dec 2nd?
    Just filling in my entry, not done it before but it's described as fast and flat. Hoping for something nearer to 60 mins than my 62:55 at Eccup.

    Welcome Kerrie, stick around. This fred will be worth an extra session a week to you

    Monday       70mins with intervals
    Tuesday      70mins easy
    Wednesday 90 mins with 70 at 80%
    Thursday     70mins with 6-8 hill efforts
    Friday          70mins easy
    Saturday     2 hours with 60mins at 80%
    Sunday        50mins recovery

    65-75 miles per week

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    Welcome kerrieoc. Personally I hope R_B is right as I do mainly singles, but longer ones!

    Derv - what's the tergat for the Cornish?

    Club night tonight, so a jog there, and 2 sets (call of nature necessitated splitting it) of 10 x (200 slow, 200 fast(er) - aiming for around what I would hope would be 5k pace) and a jog home (just over 10 miles in total, so a good workout).
    It felt surprisingly easy tbh, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and if I could hold that pace for a 5k now I'd be quite happy. Plus I got complemented on my good technique (so the slow running is paying off as I've been using that to try iron out a few bad habits I'd developed), so a good night all round image
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    Welcome Kerrie, the more lesser spotted the better to keep this fred in order. I agree with JEJ, a sub-3 for a lesser is around 2:45 for a bloke. Good luck, I'm sure you will pick up lots of useful (and some not so useful) advice. If you're racing in red shoes already then you should fit in just fine.

    A bit too early for me to start thinking about training plans for FLM - probably something along a P&D schedule. I've never run >80 miles a week, and won't have time to start. I'm going to try the quality over quantity approach simply from family and work commitments - something like:

    Tues - 5 x 1M intervals (5k pace)
    Thurs - LSR2 (12-14M) or 16 x 1 min (3k pace)
    Sat - LSR (6 > 20M; 9 > 16M) - second half @ MP + 30/45 sec
    Sun - 6 to 10M Tempo (HM pace + 10 to 15 sec)
    easy/steady for the rest

    While getting the train back from work this evening, I vaguely remembered that I ran an identical session to that last night almost exactly a year ago (on the same pavement/road route in the dark - you take your life in your own hands) - so I looked at my 2006 spreadsheet (I can hear the boo hiss from Portsmouth already); last year my ~1200m reps avg was 3:56, 1 yr on avg was 3:41 = progress!!! Well only a 6.8% improvement really.
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    Marathons 2008

    Jan - Elb Tunnel - Gobi
    Jan - Dubai - Dan A (provisional)
    Jan - Gloucester - Dull (Weather permitting)
    Apr - Paris - PhilPub
    Apr - London - EdB
    Apr - London - Gobi
    Apr - London - MTR
    Apr - London - TT
    Apr - London - Dan A
    Apr - London - ColdFeet
    Apr - London - Running_Bear
    Apr - London (if it's on) OuchOuch
    May - Halstead - Dull (Weather permitting)
    Sep - New Forest - TT
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - CM
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - Dull
    Oct - Abingdon (if it's on) - TT

    Might be having a bit of a rest and time on the bench as need to shake of a shin splint. Could do with a bit of a break (no pun intended).
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭


    Hi Kerrie and welcome.  I watched the elite women's start at Dublin and was surprised by there being so few on the start.  I was even more surprised to see quite a few of the main field had faster times than some of the elite ladies.  I guess they don't advertise it properly so many didn't know they could start before with the elite ladies or maybe they did know and thought it better to run in the main field to have someone to run with.  Well done on your time, especially as you were on your own.  I'm sure I would've saw you come in as I was at the 26 miles points for a few hours.

    On training for sub 3 - for me Jools is right in saying I was running 80+ miles a week and many of them doubles.   I don't know many women who have done sub 3 off less than 70-80 miles a week.  I'm not quite in sub 3 shape at present, but believe I will be come FLM and will be doing similar training to what I did last time round.

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    Just had a look back at my runs in prep for my sub 3 marathon and the most I ever did was 53 miles and in the 8 weeks prior only 3 weeks went over 45 miles.  I would have liked to do more and definitely will for FLM but that time it was enough!  I guess I'm wearing the right brand of jeans!
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