
Sub 3



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    Richmond Park's got its slopes but in Cornwall terms it probably still qualifies as 'flat'!  Best of luck this weekend.

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    cheers man i was born just south of you in beckenham  but moved at 18 , there isnt a flat race down here which makes it a bit different when i travel some place else to race

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    Yep fair point TR, see where you are coming from. Im not sure what to do....got some advice from Mike Gratton via email who says I am not running enough miles at the minute and guess Im just worried that maybe April is a bit soon and maybe I should allow myself a bit more time and target a later race.

    Good luck to all those racing this weekend. I am just chilling for half hour then out for a run. Cant really be arsed this week (no pun intended). Hopefully get my mojo back over the weekend. Might go for a swim in a bit too.

    I fancy running somewhere different on sunday for my long run, anyone know anywhere in the midlands thats any good?
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    JB - I have never been to the Midlans so can't help you there but I was wondering how many miles MG thinks you should do?
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    I have never been to the Midlands either....
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    He said regular 70 mile weeks for a period of time then perhaps incrreasing slightly. Pretty much like we discussed a while back, 7 days a week with a couple days of double sessions, just like the schedule.

    havent been down to the club this week and feeling bit demotivated on the running front as have had to run the same streets tues/wed/thurs and will do tonight. Work been crazy and knackered too. Hopefully will wake up with renewed vigour tomorrow! Am off for a session in the woods which I am looking forward to. Plus netball tomorow afternoon. OH away mow until Sunday so will get the wine out and some peace and quiet!

    Hey maybe we should all meet up for a long run at some point - get one of the 20 milers or something done with some company...
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    Jele Bebe

    You could always run FROM the Midlands. That's the best idea.

    Otherwise, try places like Leicestershire: from Barrow on Soar and that sort of place or Market Bosworth, or Kiddermister/Wyre Forest, or Cannock Chase. The further you get from the conurbations the better.

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    RattyMatty There's nowhere nice to run in Halifax as (as DFC) it's "grim oop north".

    JA If you come down to London, I'll take you for a long run in the woods ...  and bring you back too! No plans to visit the Midlands on any weekend soon however. Keep your pecker up - I'm sure a bath, a nice glass of wine and a good sleep will make you see things differently.

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    or, "as DFC would say"
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    Lots of posts to catch-up on.

    FWIW -
    10k (Oct 07) = 33:31
    26.2M (April 07) = 2:47:36
    Marafun = 5.0004 x 10k

    JEJ - I hope you run it, the video made it look really nice. Even if you 'jog' around you know you will get a PB by at least a couple of minutes.

    Padams - enjoy the sun. Work or play?

    Finally got the satellite launched; been working crazy shifts which has left me feeling rather jet lagged. Agree about the weather, went for a very nice 8M this afternoon along the Avon & Kennet canal just as the Sun was setting - although it felt like midnight as I have been up since 3am. Did a 16 x 1 min with 30 sec recovery session yesterday, I really like this session (not too hard!) as it gets the legs turning over fast - not sure how much use it is.

    Good luck to OO + other racers this weekend.
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    Sod it, Im not running tonight, Have never felt less like running so off to the DVD shop for an inspirational film, early night and up early for training and back full of the joys.......
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    I tend to agree with TR.  If you want to run 3.15 why not just do it as a long training run?  If you want to know if you can run 2.50 in the Autumn then I would follow MG's advice, train your best for FLM 2007 and see where you are.  Then set a target for Autumn based on that.  An (ex) female clubmate of mine showed a progression of 3.07 (2005) to 2.57 (FLM 2006) to 2.53 (Sept 2006) and 2.50 (FLM 2007).  Each marathon was properly prepared for and run to the best of her ability on the day based on times she knew she could do from other race times (she's a high 36 10k and 1.21 HM).
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭

    Lol BR is Kt "ex female" a male now?

    I agree with BR and TR on the progression of marathon improvements.  We all have our dream marathon time, but every race I do I try and get as near to it as I can because I can never assume or guarentee that I will be in that shape again.  If I decided that a 2.50 was my target and I would do that based on previous race times then I would aim to train with progression in mind giving each marathon leading to the 2.50 the best shot possible.

    I have every respect for MkeG as he took me from 3.26 to 2.56 in 18 months with his advice, but I ran 3 marathons progressing each time.  I doubt I'll get a 2.50 in my next atttempt or anywhere near it, but I'll be aiming for the best I possibly can!

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    Some excellent 10k times there in relation to people's marathons. I think I must put a bit more effort in somehow and strive for that elusive 36 mins or better...
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    Good luck to OO and the other weeks races.

    DanA – just registered where the body on the Kew towpath was and I also often run past that area early in the morning…would have certainly been an upsetting thing to come across.

    Amsterdamers (DanA, Jools & Gatorade) – have you checked out the runners TV, it will show you running at different parts of the course, so quite a nice gimmick (can be accessed by clicking the camera next to your result details).

    PP – I am intending to do a couple of laps of Richmond park tomorrow morning so will look out for the XC racers.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    You lightweight - ask someone like CRAB or RB how hard they trained for a sub 2:45.

    Pretenders like me sack runs ! The real thread heroes don't.
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    Correction to 10k / marathon relationship (I thought it meant this year only)

    10k pb 33.41 (Nov 2003 and Feb 2005)
    Mar pb 2.42.10 (Oct 2004)

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    Midlands running:

    Depends how far you want to go from home. This side of the M40 you've got Clent Hills, The Lickey Hills, (and Wasley Hills in between both), and a little down the M5 the Malvern Hills. Theres also the canal towpaths - between Stratford & Birmingham, Worcester & Birmingham, (and probably Coventry & Birmingham.)

    If you ever need a guide over this side let me know - am full time parent this weekend though and in final week of taper too.

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    Bored in my hotel room, so I thought I would look at how peoples’ marafun/10k PBs relate. The higher the number, the 'softer' the marafun PB. Interesting (only very slightly) to note that the two fastest people on the thread are at the extremes and the lesser spotteds’ are at the lower end. 4.86 is the avg, using this equates a sub 3 to a 37:02 10k (same as someone suggested earlier, so I've just wasted the last 15 mins).

    JEJ = 5.11
    PP = 5.11
    Marders = 5.04
    MtR = 5.02
    Coro = 5.00
    EbB = 4.95
    Gobi = 4.93
    MT = 4.84
    BR = 4.81
    WW = 4.81
    DN = 4.79
    Hilly = 4.62
    Joolska = 4.60
    Padams = 4.51
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    Oooh, haven't played this game.

    Mara PB 2.55 (1996)
    10k pb 36.41 (1995)

    More recently

    Mara (recent) pb 2.59.16 (2007)
    10(RECENT)PB 37.21 (2007)

    Plug that in Coro

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    Do2 - quite average.

    JEJ = 5.11
    PP = 5.11
    Marders = 5.04
    MtR = 5.02
    Coro = 5.00
    EbB = 4.95
    Gobi = 4.93
    MT = 4.84
    BR = 4.81
    WW = 4.81
    Do2 = 4.80
    DN = 4.79
    Hilly = 4.62
    Joolska = 4.60
    Padams = 4.51
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    Do2 - quite average.

    Thanks mate - thats cheered me up no end!!??!!??

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    To get Padams to the average he needs to run a 30:41 10k (probably a tough ask?) and JEJ needs to run a 2:36 marafun (I would guess he would be looking for something faster than this?) - probably just shows how pointless this whole exercise was!
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    2:26 rather than 2:36, no?

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    Ah - I see.  No.

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    I'll dig this list out agin when I get back from France - hopefully be able to really bugger your stats up then!

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    Do2 - I would view being average as a good thing. It shows that you have a good balance between speed and endurance. I also hope your La R marafun time subsequently makes your 10k PB look 'soft'! I'm not going to defend these figures, just something I did while bored. Please don't take them as any indication of ability as they are only relative - "lies, damned lies and statistics"
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    Can I join in near the bottom with a 2:43.04 FLM (2007), 35.28 10k (05/06) and a 4.6 ratio?
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    Can I join to.

    Mar PB (2006) 03:07:39

    10k PB (2006) 00:35:44

    Ratio 5.25!

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    I don't know what I have started - sorry!!


    Haile Gebrselassie 2:04:26/0:26:22 = 4.72
    Paul Radcliffe 2:15:25/0:30:01 = 4.51
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