
Sub 3



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    Morning all,

    I had some good news this morning ... My trip to Oz had been put back a week. I didn't fancy flying back 3 days before Edin.

    Gobi - I didn't realise you had a 100km this weekend - you really are MAD. Then Edin then comrades. Flipping heck!
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    No. 391 for Edinbugger. (based on pred. time of 2:59?)  What a boring number - will have to brighten it up with garish green/orange club vest and bright red DS Trainers from 2006.

    Still trying to get over disappointment of the HM, and piss-poor running in general, so just been getting out there and running lots of slow miles and actually beginning to enjoy it again.  Off to Loch Lomond this w/e for a 28 mile plod in the hills.

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    Must be a few 2:59 predictions gatorade - exactly what I put down for my 434. At least my number has some sort of palindromic qualities about it - 2:55:52 it is then.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Morning all.

    Ode - well done on the pb. Got to be looking good for Edin now!

    gator - glad to hear you're getting back to it. I find the same thing btw, that if I need a bit of a mental break that slowing down the pace generally helps to bring the enjoyment back.

    MtR - I agree with Gobi on the paces. You'll adapt quite quickly and your HR should come back down to your target range once you do. I deliberately changed my long run on Monday from morning to afternoon to get a feel for the heat.

    RB - he's got definite potential for the marafun. For the first one it's a case of getting the pacing right for him, but he's definitely got the ability to be at the same level as Padams/marders with the right training (and if the distance suits him - you never know if it will til you have a crack at it, so it's still unknown territory for him).

    Nice easy run in the rain this morning to follow up y'day afternoons bit of effort. Mileage is racking up quite nicely, and legs are still feeling good. Reasonably optimistic I can pb on Sunday (10k), despite a ton-up week (mind you, my pb was also set during a ton-up week, so it's a level playing field).
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    Gatorade - Glad you've perked up a bit, onwards and upwards

    Won't be around much tomorrow as I've found out that by volunteering for the 5000m track in the Southern Legaue match, I've just given up 12 hours of my Saturday as the coach leaves for "Mile End" at 08:00 and I won't be back until 20:00 at the earliest. All for a 16 min race!

    So just in case I don't get time later,

    GOOD LUCK GOBI  - I could not comprehend doing 2 1/2 marathons in one go, it's a different sport and you deserve much respect for even entering such an event, never mind being competitive at it.

    I've also got my 2nd Summer 3.5mile TT this evening. Can't wait - really looking forward to it. Anything under 18:29 (time for 1st TT) would be NICE

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    RM, its what I do :~)

    Marigold, 5km and 16 mins is not something many of us here can do. Why not do the 3kSC as well. Spoil yourself :~)

    Sunday I should get an indication of what I am capable of at Comrades and if my training has gone right. Just need to hold it all together during the last 20 miles.

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    Edin Crew,

    If you are interested ... apparantly Pen 1 is for Elite only. Although they expect this to be less than 100, only numbers up to 150 will be allowed in Pen 1. Anyone with a number over 150 will be Pen2 (or higher).

    That said - i think it's self regulating and last year there we very few marshalls!! So we shall see on the day.

    They say the entry has doubled ... it must have as 2:44 would have been Top10 last year !!

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    Hail Hail

    I'm certainly blagging in Pen 1.  BTW, last year 2.44.51 was 13th!

    12M @ 6.40s with my USA pal.  Both of us started slow, and gradually built up, with last 2M 6.00s or under.  takes me to 55M for the week.  With a rest day planned/enforced on Sunday, I'm not sure wether or not to take an extra rest on Sat.  I suspect that a slow plod will take place, but it'll be a case of IICBA.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭

    I dont think we shall have to worry too much about the start.

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    coroniumcoronium ✭✭✭

    Gobi - good luck for the 100k. Sub-8?

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭

    about 7.40 pace and see what happens

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    Gobi - I was considering it but I've never seen a SC hurdle, never-mind jump one. We will see how it goes!

    Coro - Did you see my post regarding NY start, just wondered what your experience was like.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Hope you get out of it what you hope for.

    Let me know when the Southern League brings you to Portsmouth, the track is near my house, the kids like watching proper track and field athletics. I’ll bring em to watch, we went to watch MT last summer.

    Arry’s big day tomorrow, I’m a bit concerned about Pompey trying to find some form after having had the last month off. I hope Mendes plays instead of one of the enforcers.
    The SPO is going to London for the moonwalk, so at least the nippers and me get to watch it in peace.

    Swimming at lunch, but no running (due to Cricket) tonight. If I run tomorrow then that’s a mere 3 runs for the week, but I havn’t thrown a zero for a few weeks, and I’ve put in lots of hours on the bike.

    Perhaps I should enter a race or two, to get some running urgency back.

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    Gobi - you are right, i just like to know the "lie of the land" i suppose. I was also curious as to how many 'elite' runners they are expecting.

    Best of luck for the weekend btw. Based on your recent PB's, i'm sure your training has been spot on and you will get a a big confidence boost for Comrades.

    TR - hope your boys play well tomorrow.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Whoops as in 7hrs and 40 mins so it is about 7.20per mile.

    Marigold, I had never done one for my first time but it is a good laugh.

    Ran 10.54 after the 5km the other weekend which is faster than last year off no training. I try to just run reasonably well between hurdles and somehow get over them.
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    TR- I'm afraid Bournemouth don't visit Portsmouth this season. There is however a meeting of Division 1 tomorrow at Portsmouth track with some other teams.
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    Gobi - I'm a bit concerned by the big puddle as well - I might end up looking like BEJ's avatar
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    Marigold - that's my local track you're visting.  I'd recommend checking out the canal for your warm up (across the road from the track entrance) as an alternative to elsewhere in Mile End.

    Strangely (in that there's a fixture in the same division at my club's home track) my SL fixture is in Norwich.  I'll also be running the 5000, but looking very windy.  I've also been pursuaded to fill in for a work colleague's GBR team thanks to a last minute injury, so heading straight from the 5000 into an ~8M off road relay leg - point to point into the wind.  Then across to Kent on Sunday morning for about 10M, hopefully wind assisted. 

    Ran 1500m 'hard' last night in 4:23.  Pretty much 70s per lap, give or take, although had to deviate into lane 2 once and lane 3 twice (on the windy corner) thanks to some ipod clad girls warming up.  A similar test last year produced 4:28, and based on my log I tried quite a lot harder then.  4:28 = 4:15 in a race and 8:54 in 3km, so I have hope for running 8:40 - 8:45 at the moment which should give about 4:10 for the 1500.  And still time to improve.  Need to get down to 8:20 before I contemplate my first Virgin Marathon.

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    BEJ - Cheers for the tip on w/u. I had to get a calculator out to read the rest of your post!  Nice 2010 target
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    BEJ - sounds like the track stuff's coming along nicely. You'll be targetting sub-4 pretty soon. Am I being completely stupid by not understanding what you mean by first Virgin Marathon?

    RB - 55M already for the week? Doesn't sound like much of a taper! I've done about 37M so far, with an easy 5M planned this evening, 5k tomorrow and 10ish on Sunday.

    Edinburgh people - I think the standard will be much higher this year,as they seem to be trying to make this the marathon that all the good British runners do (rather than FLM which has 8 or so Africans 5-10 mins ahead of the next lot), by giving appearance fees, time bonuses and prizes only to British runners. Should be interesting - I'd love to get in the top 10, but I'll have to see where I am after a mile or two.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    Afternoon all.  Pulled a CNBA yesterday as I was completely knackered.  Hoping to run tonight instead.

    Some good 5k times posted!

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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭

    Good running BEJ - looks like you benefiting again from your solid training base.

    Good luck on Saturday, and to Marigold and TT in his 10k. I contemplated volunteering to go as you said the team was  a bit short, but a) Norwich is a long way, b) I'd suffer a severe dip in home popularity rating and c) I'm a bit slow.

     Gobi I've already wished good luck to - but he might need some more for the final 10k

    Just back from 10 miles including 4 at tempo. Decided to go to Finsbury Park and run the tempo section up and down the Parkland Walk to Highgate. Almost (but not quite) 2 miles each way, so had to tack on a bit at each end. Forgot quite how how much that path slopes uphill. Still, got me working hard.

    6:22, 6:30, 6:00, 6:11  (average: 6:16)

    (Guess the profile)

    Feeling very pleased with that, as I seriously doubted I could run at 6:15 pace on my own for a decent spell before I set off. Last time I tried it I ended up at 6:45 pace, time before at 6:35 pace. Heart rate possibly a bit high for tempo (ave 166 - 87% MHR - max 177 at top of the hill) - but pace was the aim.

    It really does seem that CV is my limiting factor. My legs didn't complain at all that speed, no lactate at all to speak of, but I couldn't have gone much faster, my breathing and heart rate were at the limit.

    So how do I train best to sort that out?

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭


    Virgin are the new 'FLM' sponsor (from 2010).




    Good luck!

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    Padams - http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/athletics/7404116.stm

    Don't think I'm the right sort of runner to run sub 4 off regular distance work any time soon, but it is a longer term target.  I think that I 'only' need to run about 4:08 in order to break 15:00.

    On Edinburgh, I understood that the 'illegal' elevation drop will make times ineligable for records / rankings (or appear with DH against the result).  Does anybody know this to be true?  More importantly, if so, would times be allowed in the forum rankings?

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    coroniumcoronium ✭✭✭

    Marigold - sorry, I did see your post but I didn't reply at the time and then I forgot! I don't know much about the (sub)elite start arrangements for NY, but I did find this post on LetsRun.com

    "Sub-Elite Program

    Building on a sub-elite initiative that began in 2004, the ING New York City Marathon 2007 is offering an enhanced start experience for the most competitive non-professional entrants. The program is open to men who plan to run between 2:20 and 2:35 and women in the 2:55-3:05 range. Included are: dedicated transportation to the start, a special staging area, a clear starting position at the front of the orange start, and a dedicated baggage/reunion area at the finish. Any interested, eligible runners should email Jonni Lord at: [i]jlord@nyrr.org[/i]." 

    Definitely worth an e-mail with your FLM time as you "plan to run between 2:20 and 2:35"

    Rest day today, 22-day rule invoked. I've got a very low key local off-road 10k on Sunday. If my cold improves then I would hope to have a chance of getting my first win.       

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    MtR - VO2max intervals?  E.g. 12x400 at mile/3K pace?  Someone like BEJ could probably give you better advice.

    Nothing particularly exciting to report from me.  Mileage is still a bit low, but building up gradually (on for about 50 this week), but quite pleased with the pace of most of my runs.  Looking forward to the first of the mid-week ~10K summer league races this Tuesday.

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    Coro - Sounds good if you can get in! - they haven't responded to my mail yet but fingers crossed. What was the main start like - chaos or okay? Good luck Sunday from a fellow first win seeker
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    MtR - I'm no expert, and this may well be billix, but just keep at the tempos - seems to have worked for me. Towards the start of the training for Edinburgh I had the same problems as you (both mental and physical) and just about managed 6:30s. Did pretty much one a week and the last one I did clocked in at 5 miles @ 6:08 (avg 83%).

    Truth be told all of my running has come on so I suppose it may just be a natural by-product of a structured marathon training regime.....

    Nice work on the track and in the stats lab BEJ

    Gobi - good luck and enjoy

    Edinburgers - it does sound like the quality is ramping up this year - think I'll give Pen 1 a miss - sounds like it's made for setting off too fast if I get too far up the front there. 

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    BEJ - not sure how relevant it is but the drop in elevation is less this year than last - looks to be around 150 feet rather than about 225 last year. Don't know if that makes any difference. Not much different to London is it?
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    coroniumcoronium ✭✭✭

    Marigold - the mass start was 'busy'. I was running on the blue start with my wife from around the 3:45 predicted time marker and I think it took us 6 minutes to cross the line. I think Pug was near the front so if he's lurking he could probably give you a better idea of the start..

    EdB - see you on Tuesday. I don't think I'm looking forward to 2 laps of WGC!

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