
Cat Bites Runner

Mid-week, and it's evening. Despite the cold and the wind I'm outside, running along the local London streets quite happily, notching up another 6 miles on the marathon prep schedule...

...when an odd thing happens.

I'm running along a residential street when I feel a tug and a scratch around my ankles. For some reason, perhaps primeval instinct (!) I keep running and look back to see a cat, bristling with anger, hissing at me.

"I've just been attacked by a cat," I muse, then begin to wonder if I didn't just imagine it all.

So the following evening I sneak out for an extra three miler, and just to test my resolve I run past the same house. Whereupon the cat pounces again! This time it tries to bite me through the shoe!

Much as I find the idea of being savaged by a tabby amusing, I wondered if any other runners have been chased by cats while on their training runs? The really weird part of it is that in over 10 years of running I've never once been chased by the runner's traditional adversary: the dog.


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