
Three go mad in Yorkshire



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    well back from 10 miler with a shiny new pb!!!!
    which was not expected on a course like that but i felt good from the off so i pressed on
    the first 5 miles wer a steady uphill climb then at 5 miles it turned into a bloody big hill! but once that was out of the way there was a mile of off road to contend with and a steady 3 mile downhill to the finish!
    weather held out well and i ran far better that i thought i was up for so it just shows that even on the days you feel pooh you can pull it off!
    ooh the time was 1.23.22
    have a lovely weekend
    hope it went well nsc and stox
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    can't quite believe it now looking out of the window at the grey sky and bucketloads of rain but it was hot and sunny this morning!

    struggled a bit in the heat and set off too quick but still a course best of 2hr13ish by my watch

    don't know whether I'm disappointed or not, hoped for 2hrs10 but did revise on route to sub 2hrs 15 so in target and I beat the monkey!

    was good to meet some peeps in the pub

    woohoo SNG! your pbs are tumbling all over the place

    hello emmi - nice number nabbing there

    Laura - thanks for the text and have you been for your run yet?
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    WOOHOO sng - another pb!! there's no stopping you!

    Another wooohooo to NSC, great going hun! The heat does make things harder, so you should no way be dissapointed!

    ..and YES I have been for my run....due to time of day could only do a short one so did our old 2.5 mile hilly route BUT with intervals too. GOD it was horrible, boyf worked me very hard and due to flo being due I felt awfully sluggish (like someone was pulling me backwards). Was only out running for 21:27 but felt harder than FLM in so many ways!LOL

    Speed training is EVIL!!!!!

    Great going on your races again guys!!!

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    evil indeed Laura!

    right, off on holibobs tomorrow morning, not sure whether any running will be done but moutain bikes and walking shoes packed

    train well peeps

    see you all next weekend x
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    Hey guys - hope all you Leeds half peeps (and any other racers) had fun today?

    Well, I finished in 2.25 ish I think, which isn't great but was just glad to finish to be honest! Been resting all week due to a painful knee incident on Monday so wasnt even sure I would start - but I did, and have survuved just about so all is well!! Knee pretty sore tho, think Ill have to take it easy for a while.... found it pretty hard after 10 miles too, seemed to lose ALL my energy and it was all I could do to keep going.

    Glad the rain kept off too!!
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    Enjoy your hols NSC :0)))

    Well done Ali! - great going, especially with injury!

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    Morning all!!

    Well done nsc, sng and ali on your times for yesterday. Its quite a hard course ali so 2:25 is a good time, as is yours nsc!!

    I got 2:16:56 so really chuffed with that!! And didnt stop to walk as I expected I might need to. In fact I felt pretty comfortable right up to 11 miles when I started to struggle! Last half mile was v v v hard!!!

    Contemplating Humber Bridge Half. Or may have a month off halfs as I have two in one week in july!!!
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    Well done Stoxy - I just checked my chip time and actually got 2.22.22 - so dead pleased now! Also, pretty good number ain't it?

    2 halfs in a week - crazy lady!!!
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    Well done Stoxy on your great result!

    Ali - that is a cool time!!

    Speaking of strange times....I ran 6.66k in the gym the other day, left me a little unsettled, I should have run a bit further, but the time ran out and had gone on to 'cooldown' mode already.

    Very quiet in here at the mo :0((

    NSC and TT off enjoying their hols....

    ((EGG)) thinking of you

    SNG - how are you today after your PB?

    My run was hard work today, legs a bit sore from yesterdays speedy run!

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    evening all
    well done on those crackin times ladies im glad the weather held for you it was bloody awful last year!!!
    oooh 666 laura you little devil!!

    im pretty good after yesterday just got in from a 6 mile recovery run mostly off road and a lovely evening

    be good folks

    ps wheres treacle????

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    She's in NYC .....at least I think she is!

    I thought she'd only gone for a few days - she said "back tues" which I assumed meant last tues, but it must be tomorrow. Lucky thing!

    Glad you had a good recovery run :0)

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    well done on that running gang!

    Nice piccies Laura over on fetch managed to get a look at last!

    track tonight with some nooo shooos so hoping they are going to help the shin splints. 2 weeks rest has helped but Gog knows how they are going to react getting back to it :-(

    will report back!

    take it easy gang!
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    afternoon emms
    looking at buying some cheaper end trail shoes any suggestions ????

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    Thanx emmi - just put those on Fetch the other day :))

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    How is everyone today? still very quiet!

    Emmi - didn't know you'd been on 'the bench' hun - is that two whole weeks off running? I'm crossing my fingers for you tonight hun with the nooo shooeoes.

    Not much to report - can't believe it's only Tuesday, feel like it's been a mad long week already!!

    Booked my birthday off work as it's a Friday and then the mon&tues too, so that'll be a nice little break for me. I need it!!! On my bday will be going to 'Grand Designs live' and then boyf is taking me out for a surprise dinner (don't know where yet, that's the surprise part!)

    This is all weeks away (bday 8th June) but I need something to look forward to at the mo!!

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    morning peeps
    sounds like a good plan laura
    i need something other than the marathon to look forward to so ive booked the week before off work and the monday after so having a nice long break
    hopefully be able to taper properly if im not working i feel it was the only thing that i got wrong last time and it wasnt the running it was the 15 hr days at work that were the issue!!
    no club run last night as mrs sng was in a musical production so i went to see the opening night (it was very good and she did a gorgeous solo)
    so out for 10 miles tonight i think
    have a good day folks
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    Yes Laura been suffering with shin splints - been awful.
    Track last night was 400's 4 x 400 = 1 set, 3 sets for the session.

    Completed 2 sets averaging 1.28 per 400m but after the 2nd I decided to listen to the legs which were telling anymore and they'd complain a lot louder!!

    So RICE'd and massaged at home and all is reasonable this morning!

    Club run tonight - going to hang at the back and take it steady :-(

    Sounds like a nice birthday planned!

    SnG - lovely to go out and support Mrs SnG bet she did you proud?
    Enjoy your 10 miles should stay nice and cool for it!
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    emmi i want one!!!
    is it a border collie???
    i have one whos about 11 and looked just like that when i got her!!
    she still runs about 25 miles a week with me!
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    OK so whys no one speaking to me?
    ive checked and i dont smell so its not that!
    was it something i said?

    did a very wet 9.5 miles last night all at mara pace it was a great run but the cold rain made my joints ache like mad!

    hope your all ok have a good day

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    Hi SnG!!

    Yes she is - still no name for her yet - get her on the 8th of June, Dave my other dog is a collie x spaniel - he came running last night and bombed off :-(

    didn't go down too well with the others i don't think but he enjoyed himself :-)

    He just needs a bit more training and to be fair to him is a hell of a lot better than he used to be!

    did a very wet 4.5 miles last night, again if I'd gone much further shins would have been complaining more than today so softly softly is going well so far

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    glad its going well emmi
    its so frustrating when you cant run how you want to!
    pup looks gorgeous mine still looks like a pup but is slowing down a bit now
    shes really well behaved ive been lucky
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    her new name.....................


    Think Dave and Shirl go well together?!!
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    What a fab name Emm - i wish I had the commintment/responsibility to have dogs - too much like children for me!! :)
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    well I have 3 of those Ali so 2 dogs will blend into the mayhem!! Oh and a cat! Although she HAS to be the oldest cat going she's 24 nearly!!
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    ahhh a new doggie emmi :-)

    Hope your legs are getting better ouchie@shin splints.

    Just popped on quickly - t'internet has died at home cos we're having waterworks done outside and they only bloody chopped through our phone line!! wont be fixed for another few days yet.....so boyf has connected me via his phone thingie so I could pop on and say hello!

    Looking forward to another body pump class tomorrow night!

    Foot was hurting for some reason today, so did a hot and sweaty 30mins on the bike and some weights. Skipped gym yesterday as 'lady' arrived and was really hurting

    Hope everyone's ok? Texted nsc happy bday this morning and she was off out for a bday fry up- the lucky girl!!!

    Wonder if Treacles back?

    Hope Egg is ok?

    Sorry SNG - haven't forgotton you!! Cant believe you're doing another mara again so soon, you're crazy (but in a good way!)

    Right gotta go...hopefully i'll pop back on again tomorrow...if not then when they've fixed the phone lines!!

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    Hi Laura - hope they fix it soon!!

    Happy Birthday NSC! Day late - sorry but the virtual choccie cake is as fresh as anything!

    Have a good day all
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    whoops i missed it too!!
    happy birthday northern!

    morning all
    rest day yesterday and i feel sh*t this morning sometimes thinkl it would be better to train 7 days a week but my body cant cope!
    i get like a hangover the day after a rest day weird!
    6 mile steady pace run tonight
    then last long run of 14-15 miles tomorrow

    then im going to taper! properly this time!!

    have a good weekend folks

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