
Three go mad in Yorkshire



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    Morning all

    Happy Birthday nsc (I am also a day late!). Hope you are enjoying your hols.

    Shirley looks lovely Emmi!! How sweet! Id love a dog but circumstances dont allow it yet.

    Thinking of egg x

    Hi sng!

    Hi Laura!

    Hi Ali!

    Treacle in NYC-Id love to go there!! They do a half mara now so I was considering that one day. Cant remember what month it is.

    Well-news from my end. I am splitting with the oh after a couple of troublesome years. Funny I got to thinking about it on Sunday am during Leeds half. I just wondered why the selfish git couldnt even be bothered to walk to the end of the street to cheer me on (the route runs near our house). I think that was what sort of decided things really. Things used to be good but hes changed a lot and not for the better.

    So Im moving out. Which was going to be really hard financially (practically bl@@dy impossible). But this morning I recieved a cheque for a tax rebate from the Inland Revenue!! I just cant believe it! Basically I can now afford a bond and my first months rent!! What a change of luck! Perhaps everything will be ok now and I can be happy again.

    So thats my news-oh apart from that Ive entered Freckleton half on June 17th (flatter than Humber bridge half the week after Im told!), and I am just about to get my entry in for the Yorkshireman-cant make any excuses anymore as too many people will think Im a wimp if I dont do it!!!!!!

    Take care all!!

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    Stoxy - I'm so sorry, must be really hard time for you. I feel your paijn re moving tho - I'm moving into a new flat in about 2 weeks and soooo expensive living on your own! I'm gonna be doing so much extra work to pay for it, I won't need a home!!

    Happy Birthday NSC - hope you had a good fry up?

    Emmi - wow, that's a bit of a menagerie! Talking of old cats - our last one was 22 when she trotted off and this one is about 18 now - I think it's something in the water!
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    God it really is quiet on here at the mo!

    ((stoxy)) sorry about your split up hun, but will be a good thing for you in the long run....
    Great news on the tax rebate thou! :0)

    Hello Ali!

    Working hard there SNG - enjoy your last long run again!!

    Body pump and treddie for me this evening - bloody knackered now thou!LOL. Think it's been a hard week.


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    Yes the phone line is fixed - forgot to mention that bit!LOL

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    hi peeps

    (((Stoxy))) tough decision flower but you deserve to be happy x
    good run on sunday btw and no walking, that's great going!

    emmi - Shirley is gorgous <stuffs fresh choc cake down gob>

    sng, enjoy this last long run and TAPER!

    Ali - good running last sunday, why didn't you come to the pub? :O)

    well, my legs were knackered after sunday and I had a funny achy hip. Went up to north yorks on monday and did a little mountain bike ride to get used to the bikes then did two forest routes on Tuesday, walked on the train trail on wednesday then had a lazy day thursday! Ate tons and drank tons and had a great time :O)

    checked leeds results today and chip time is 2hrs 12 56 so only 4 mins short of brass monkey pb and 7 mins quicker than leeds last year so feeling much happier with that!

    good running peeps x
    Laura - hurrah for fixed phone line
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    Welcome back NSC - sounds like you had a lovely break away!

    Well done on your official Leeds time! :0)))

    Gave my fetch t-shirt it's first outing today - think people could see me coming for miles around, it's so bright!LOL...would definitely be good to wear in a race if people needed to spot you!!

    Was a good run today, despite finding it really hard (think it's this cold I've got coming on) it was really well paced and I'm definitely improving on hills, getting better at running up them fast, it's just the breathing that lets me down grrrr! not sure how I'm going to improve that apart from doing more hill-work?

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    hate to tell you Laura but yup more hill work ;O)

    fetch shirt is bright - check out http://www.marathon-photos.com/index.html and bib number 5175 to see me modelling mine at Leeds half!

    finally got out for a run this afty, just over three miles and the leggies seemed fine so a longer one tomorrow....
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    ......had a great run this morning, the sun was shining, the birds were tweeting, I had no real aims other than 6ish miles and no time restraints so I decided to explore the footpaths round the village rather than churn out a usual road route. Went round the nature reserve, had a race with a squirrel (they won the sprint but didn't stick around for distance!) and ran down to the river and along the bank for a few miles :O)
    over 7 miles done and a smile on my face the whole way
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    Ahh sounds like a great run NSC, makes you remember why you run doesn't it :0)))

    Makes me want to go out again actually, but on my 'rest' day today. Might do a few exercises later thou!

    Maybe spin tomorrow night.....

    Booo@more hill work.....but it has to be done!

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    morning all
    good running there northern it was a lovely day for it!
    i didnt get the chance i was supposed to do a long one this weekend but was so tired i had a rest so its 14 miles for me today then taper taper taper!!!!

    still confused wheres treacle???

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    Hey sng enjoy your belated long run!!

    I'm confused about Treacle too - I hope she's ok? she must have gone to NY for two weeks or something??........

    Hope everyone else is ok? Good start to the week, trying to make a concerted effort not to get stressed about work this week, cos it' just not worth it.........
    The gym is doing wonders for me at the mo - not just for the fitness aspect, but getting out of the office everyday is what I really need and I'm appreciating it a lot!

    Good treddy run today - had planned body pump, but due to me not having any of my staff I couldn't leave work early, so had to miss it.

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    I meant I'd planned spin!!LOL
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    I'm here - still alive and haven't been kidnapped!

    Back from NY for ages, but life has been a bit of a mare to say the least - have been working 16 hour days, weekends and all sorts of things and just haven't had time to log on and say hi!

    Sorry haven't had time to read back, but will try and pop in again this week - hopefully:-)

    and nearly forgot, but...

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    Ahhh hey Treacle, I was worried about you!

    Glad you're safe and well, but booooo to the long hours and working weekends you poor thing.....makes me realise I have nothing to moan about.

    Good to have you back hun XXXX
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    *enters to see tumbleweeds flying through the thread*

    hi all!

    I feel like i'm kind of talking to myself, but i'll still post anyway!LOL

    Not much to report from me - feels more like Thursday than Tuesday, but that's good cos I'm getting lots done!

    Good bike and weights sesh at lunchtime - might be popping out a bit later for a quick run, depends on if boyf wants to go!LOL

    We're planning on doing our short (1.8m) hilly route twice a week, as quickly as poss! Definitely an evil route, which I will hate, but it's got to be done, and will be a nice little addition to my lunchtime training.

    Started the home exercises again last night - so we'll do those on the days that we're not running.

    Can you tell I'm on a mission?? i'm not sure what I want more - to lose weight or get fast!LOL

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    sounds like a plan laura
    running faster does happen quite quick you know - youll be out running one day and it will dawn on you that your going 30 secs a mile faster than normal and your not out of breath - BUT unfortunately between now and then you need to do those hills and some intervals!!
    beleive me it works since i started training with the club my normal plodding speed has dropped by a min a mile!
    keep at it laura (good luck)

    i managed 15 miles on a two loop course on monday in 20c temp so feeling ok about blackpool now i was worried that i hadnt run in any heat yet and its bound to be hot at blackpool (too bloody hot)

    so last night was an 8 mile club run mostly off road which was good

    and TODAY IS REST !!! IM POOPED!!!

    be good
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    Hi all!!

    Busy decorating and doing! Mad busy at the minute with alsorts so computer time been down just been flitting here and there!!

    Did a full recce of the Borrowdale race on monday so was out a full day - legs are mashed now after 17 miles and 7000ft of climbing but one thing made me smile

    Standing on top of Scarfell Pike - Englands highest peak and some bloke is ruining everyones tranquility talking on his mobile phone!!!

    on top of the highest mountain and you STILL can't get away from it all!! LOL

    hope all are ok

    back later
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    hi emmilou
    hows dave and shirl?? lol

    forgot to mention earlier im definately doing the full yorkshireman ive managed to convince the club it should be a club outing so looks like there will be a group of 10 of us or so

    really lookin forward to it now!

    only 11 days til blackpool
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    Evening all!

    Hiya Emmi - I found you didn't I!!hehe

    Well done again on that reccie - I know it was worth a lot more than 17miles in road miles, so I cannot imagine how knackered you must be!

    Nice to see you hun :0))

    SNG - so you've found a group of likeminded nutters to join you then?? sounds like it will be a great race if there's a team of you!

    11 days oooh the countdown has begun for SNG and EGG!!!!

    Didn't get out for that run last night, but did the home exercises again instead, so all is not lost.

    New girl started at work today, so took her out for lunch, which meant a quick pop in the gym on the way home today - 30mins on bike going mental, almost fell over when I got off (no time to cool down) butt was really sore and legs like jelly!hehe

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    sounds like a good work out laura!!
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    ha ha Laura bet your legs feel like mine?!!

    Managed 4 miles on the road tuesday and 6 on the fells last night - just run through the DOMS, not sure it's the best thing but suprisingly the legs feel ok today!

    SnG - be a great outing that eh? I'd love to do the full but am being sensible and sticking to the half it being so close to the other harder race!
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    what/when is the other race emmi?
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    the following saturday 15th sept.

    three shires - 12 miles 4000ft, took me 3:40 last year, want to sub 3 this :-)
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    sounds like a good un' emmi youll be fine your practically a mountain goat these days!!!
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    it's a bugger of a race SnG - the first climb takes an hour and the last one zaps you of any little bit of energy you 'may' have left, saw SO many last year really struggle on that last hill - all stopping with cramps etc - it's a horror but all good!!!

    Wish I was mountain goat!!
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    sounds like one to label for the future i like mental runs like that!!!
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    what you doing sat 15th Sept?!!
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    Evening all!

    Pheweeee just reading about your races makes me feel tired emmi - that whole running for an hour uphill just really fills me with dread!LOL

    I agree with SNG - you are a mountain goat!hehe

    Looks like SNG is on your tail too! :0)

    I think running through DOMS is a good idea too - always makes me feel a lot less stiff afterwards.

    Knees are sore today - two days on the bike going hell for leather has done it I think. So did a steady 5k on treddy and weights.....home exercises again later. DAY FOUR - back on track!!

    Feeling KNACKERED! it's been good to do 'proper' training again though, really just going for it rather than 'cautious training' like I was doing pre-FLM.

    Planning a long run at the wkend - taking advantage of the bank hol :0)))

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    morning all
    laura your training is starting to ressemble emmi's!!
    cant do 15th sept emmi doing the anglesey marathon on the 23rd so ill be taking it easier that day!
    club run for me last night 7.5 miles in 72 mins 70% off road and stile after bloody stile!
    have a good day peeps
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    Afternoon all

    Just popping in to say hello.

    Apperley Bridge Canter last night in 61 mins. Dead chuffed with that! Ended up in a finish line sprint battle with a nother lady which I won (just)!

    nsc-I beat our beautifully manicured friend too!!

    All is fairly well. Just need somewhere to live of course. Looking forward to getting on with enjoying life again! Of course there will be some more hard times between now and then but things are definitely looking up. And my bro got a job so we can afford rent now!!!!

    Good luck to all running and racing this weekend!

    Hoping to get out for a ten miler this weekend but where I am living isnt really suited for that sort of thing :-0 Not the best area. But may travel a bit further afield and run from there instead. We shall see. Not long till Freckleton (June 17th), but I knew when I entered that I may be low on Mileage. But decided to go for it anyway! I know I can do the distance just might be struggling a bit this time!

    Anyway Im waffling now! Take care all x
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