
Here we go again?



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    I received confirmation of my place in London today! I can now start thinking about my training programme. Only 4 months 19 days and 18 hours to go!

    I’ve had a good week (week 2 of my new training plan) – total 60 miles

    Sun – 14m in 2:00 off-road club run; HR 154 avg
    Mon – rest
    Tues – Interval sessions 4 x (1000m + 1:30 rest + 800m + 1:30 rest) – times were 3:22, 2:34, 3:16, 2:33, 3:17, 2:37, 3:21, 2:40; HR 195 max
    Wed – Easy 8m in 55min; HR 159 avg
    Thursday – 1m easy + 4.5 mile threshold run 26:39 (mile splits 5:51, 5:49, 5:59, 6:02, 2:58) + 1m easy; HR 183 avg, 189 max
    Friday – Easy 8m in 55min; HR 159 avg
    Sat – 16.6m in 2:02 50% off-road 50% on road; HR 166 avg

    I seem to be handling the increased mileage ok – my left knee is sometimes a but sore. Next week will be lower because I’m travelling for work.

    I hope you are all running well
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    Hi Coronium,I already knew I wasn't in on the ballot.I got that confirmation today.But I am in with a charity.I have yet to use my garmin forerunner 305,I have to wait another 10 days for my birthday to get it. Ive trained 5 times since Sunday with 2 interval sessions on the track 6x800 and 7x800.I feel as if my traing is coming on well.I will run 11 miles tomorrow. Rowan
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    Hi all,just got back from a 10.6 mile 1h.17m run and iam still feeling sluggish but it was very windy today and it might have made a slight difference.
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    Hi Rowan, gone a bit quiet on here , thought I 'd say hello. Got my 'Sorry you're not in' magazine on saturday, which I had figured out by the non-cashing of cheque. Looks like a cheap charity place might be on for Paris - though I am still strangely drawn to the beer and massage on offer in Prague or do I tick off one more major with Berlin? Must decide soon, or it will drive me nuts. Running still on a bit of a go slow, a bit more this week with luck..
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    Laughing Thought of doing Edinburgh? ;-) It's what I've done ;-)

    Well, did 50.8 miles last week including an insane 10 race on Sunday morning through lakes of water and gale force winds... did okay... but the last two mile into a 30000+mph wind did scuper my time... although finished 12th so happy with that! felt fine until my shoes were soaking wet from 3 mile and the wind was in your face... annoying... could've been a blinding time that!

    1 mile = 5:42 (avg HR = 166, max HR = 176)
    2 mile = 5:40 (11:22) (avg HR = 177, max HR = 179)
    3 mile = 5:48 (17:10) (avg HR = 179, max HR = 182)
    4 mile = 6:08 (23:19) (avg HR = 179, max HR = 181)
    5 mile = 6:37 (29:57) (avg HR = 179, max HR = 181)
    6 mile = 6:26 (36:23) (avg HR = 179, max HR = 180)
    6.21 mile = 37:32

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    Not the only gate-crasher Pug, could rename the thread 'NY 06 - what happened next..' Now I know why the say it's easier to train for a late season race, with all this darkness and wetness it's not quite the same as a Spring or Summer run. Dog doesn't seem to mind.
    Just a 4.5 this am. I had a funny incident yesterday when I went to have my haircut. Before NY I had mentioned to the girl that cut my hair what I was doing and then met her and her mother on the train to heathrow. Well, it seems she went back to work and told her mates that her client was running a marathon and they all got excited. When I came in yesterday two of her friends came over while she was cutting my hair and they were all agreeing that they wanted to run FLM in 08. I think one or two might actually do it and get their salon behind them etc -It's funny how things turn out. Every time I go in there now I will have to ask them about their training.. still beats the usual chit chat lol
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    Hello again

    just got my sorry magazine, oh well i will wait another year, maybe i will build up in speed and so get into Boston!!!
    Keep the thread going i will pop by now and again to catch up.

    Good luck with the training oh and my tip for dark nights and running, get some cycle lights and pin them to your front and a reflector and pin to your back.
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    Hi guys.

    I've got my sorry mag too. So as I still want to do the Majors, Chicago is looking favorite at the moment. I wish all of you all the best for London and I hope to see some of you on a few race threads and at some races through-out the coming year. I'll also pop in from time to time to see how you're all doing. Bye for now.
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    As soon as Brightroom send me my photo CD I'll be able to put my ugly mug on here.

    Race certificate, Photo CD and Shadow box are all due at the end of this month.
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    I take it, it's so quiet because everyone is in the middle of training ;-)

    You all better had me lol

    How's everyone doing?

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    Hi All,YES Pug,I have been busy training as well as a work christmas meal at a greek resturant.I got my acceptance for the FLM with the magazine.I'm READY for 4 months of tough training.I've lost 3lbs in weight since NYCM to add to the 8lbs lost before it,I'm not even trying to lose weight. It must be all that training!!
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    Rowan Awesome stuff mate, that's what will majorlly help, weight loss, look at me, down from 14st 4lbs to 12st 7lbs give or take... it speeds you up so much it's off it' head.

    I'm just stuck into 50 mile weeks at the moment, got 2 10k's coming up, Telford 10k, 17th December, then Ribble Valley 10k on the 31st December... then as soon as into the New Year, it's 70+ miles per week...

    Need to get down to 11st 5lbs give or take by the end of January, then I can run the Village Bakery Half in February at my racing weight for once... time to kick som serious butt!

    Keep it going Rowan, as you know, it's miles that count, try and get in as many over 50+ weeks as I did and you'll be sub 3 hours in London ;-)

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    ... well did a 5.12 mile race today...

    Have to say, don't think I'm quite over this cold, legs didn't feel bouncy at all... and the wind on the front... blimey... just didn't feel I could repsond and let 2 Buckley runners go past me and a Wirral runner... damn it!!! However, loads of prep until the next one in February... ;-) Bring it on...

    1 Mile = 05:41
    2 Mile = 11:43 (06:02)
    3 mile = 17:40 (05:57)
    4 Mile = 23:35 (05:55)
    5 Mile = 29:26 (05:51)
    0.12 Mile = 0:35

    5.12 Mile Race= 30:04 (5:52 m/m)

    So, am I happy? nope, didn't run well at all, but that's 53 mile for the week, so feeling tired. Going to take it easy now, and taper for Telford 10k on Sunday... and hope I can knock 5 seconds per mile off that... reckon I can and the Pugometer says SUB 36 minutes in Telford 10k next Sunday ;-)

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    Pug - great running. Good luck in Telford, if the weather is ok sub-36 should be yours. I see you are up against JEJ soon - good luck (I think you might need it!)

    Last week (#3) was good - 53 miles

    Sun – Easy 6.3m
    Mon – Easy 4.5m
    Tues – Easy 4.5m
    Wed – 1m easy + 6.0 mile threshold run 36:32 (mile splits 5:48, 6:03, 5:55, 6:13, 6:16, 6:16) + 1m easy; HR 181 avg, 190 max VERY WINDY!
    Thursday – Easy 8m
    Friday – Easy 6m
    Sat – 15.5m in 1:55 50% off-road 50% on road; HR 164 avg

    2 weeks since last rest day.

    I have a 10m race on the 31st, aiming for a sub 1hr
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    Got my garmin 305 for my birthday today,I'm over the moon.I know that iam going to have a serious training partner.Had a day off training today as it's my birthday,I think I deserve that at the very least.Back to normal tomorrow, with my new partner!!
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    Thanks,Glugg,where have you been?What are you up to?
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    Happy birthday to ya, da da da... happy birthday ;-)

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    Not been anywhere Rowan, some rotton sods given me a cold. Better to get it out of the way before the training gets really serious. Mug of Lemsip then off to bed, cheers!
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    Happy birthday Rowan - have fun with your 305

    You can now download Mike Gratton's marathon training schedules directly to your Garmin

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    I was going to download this, however, I've done my own schedule that takes me right upto Edinburgh now, and I reckon it'll do me.

    3 more days and it's Telford 10k.... ohhhh the nerves lol... rested Monday, did 10 at 7:78 m/m pace last night, hardly broke a sweat, infact my shirt was dry when I got back lol... rest tonight, 4 tomorrow, rest friday then 2-3 mile Saturday...

    Target Time 35:32

    Oh dear, I've said it... christ... I better do it now, otherwise Coronium will think he's got my ass next year ;-)

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    Hi Guys,thanks for my B'day greetings.8.5 miles in 1hr today and another one tomorrow.Then some intervals on saturday. Sunday will be 12 miles.
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    HERE WE GO AGAIN?!... why don't u lot give somene else a go? Surely thats the CHARITABLE thing to do?
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    Hahaha... well I didn't get in London, but I lurk here moaning anyway ;-)

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    My garmin is wonderful,I love it.I used it outdoors for the 1st time today with interval sessions.I still have a bit of susing to do but I will get there.Thanks Coronium for the sport tracks software.I have been comparing it with the training center software and there are some differences especially when it comes to split times.I have a 11 mile run tomorrow I cant wait to use my garmin again!!
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    Hi all,I did 10 x 800m yesterday and 11.08 miles in 1h17m44s with my new mate.
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    Good stuff Rowan, you like it then? ;-)

    I did Telford 10k today in 36:10... seems like I'm starting to motor now...

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    Well done PUG you always had that 36min in you. Rowan
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    Where the bloody hell is everyone?

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