
Here we go again?



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    I'm here! PUG, im still getting the training 8.5 miles 1hr.May be everyone is getting distracted by Christmas,shopping and food?
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    Hi Rowan, blimey, you're picking up pace, that's a good time that... just outside 7:00 m/m on a training run isn't to be sniffed at ;-) You planning on passing me are ya hahaha... I better watch myself...

    So how's it going mate? Good by the sounds of it... what weekely mileage you doing? You running as is or off a plan?

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    Pug I will talk to you later,have to get to work. Rowan
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    Happy Christmas everyone!! Eat drink and merry!! Then back to training!! Rowan
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    Merry Xmas you lot ;-) Keep it going over Xmas ;-)

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    Hey ,i've done my first run at night on the street.It is really hard to run especially where I live as it is so urban lots of roads to cross and loads of traffic,very dangerous! I Went to my local authority gym which has a brand new running track.I went to do some interval training on the track but the whole of the sports complex was closed,no notice was given,I was really peeed off.So I did 6.53 miles in 48m54s.I also did 12.5 on Sunday in 1h.34m.I can't wait until Jan 1st as that is the offical start of my training program for the FLM.I know that I have already started training for it is a pyscological that Jan 1st. PUG what are you up to?
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    Where's everyone? I hope you are all still training! Let me know. Rowan
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    Hi guys.I've just got back from a track session 2.3k warm up,10 x 800m then 2.2k warm down.Longish run tomorrow 12.5 miles.Hope everyone is hard at it! Rowan
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    I've done bugger all this week, 4 mile Xmas day, then 11.3 on Thursday night... 50/50 on whether to race tomorrow in a 10k.... Mmmmm???

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    Go on PUG you know you want to!
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    Just got back 12.43 miles steady.Happy New Year Everyone. Rowan
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    Alright people... how's it going? Rowan looks like everythings going cool.

    as for me, pigged out all last week, put on about 5klbs in carbs and bloated, then ran my last 10k on Sunday... 35:58 :-) Heehaaayyy... I did it, finally sub 36 minutes... was well made up and gave it everything... couldn't have ran any quicker but did it.

    However, now back to normal and 70+ miles per week hopefully hitting closer to 100 by mid february!

    how's everyone else doing?>

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    Hello Pug.
    Xmas and new year out of the way (at last) so I`m on the wagon and hitting the road. Finally got rid of the chest infection I picked up in New York so no more excuses. Happy New Year folks, here we go!
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    Happy new year to everyone.

    I finished the year with the Buntingford 10 miler - finished in 59:40 (11th overall) and was happy to break the hour. The course was somewhere between 'undulating' and 'hilly' and a strong wind didn't help.

    I've been averaging around ~50-55 miles in the last 5 weeks of 2006, although with the race last Sunday and the Herts XC champs next weekend the mileage has been slightly lower recently. After next weekend I will be roughly following a P&D schedule with the aim of ~2:50 at FLM.

    Hope you all have a great '07 with many PBs and stay injury free.
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    Can I just say, well doen on that 10 mile time mate... blimey, that's some going... and really to be honest, I reckon you're ahead of me at the moment... I doubt I could knock out a sub 60 10 miler to be honest... so, the challenge is on my friend ;-)

    You keep injury free etc etc, and you'll be 2:45 come London ;-)

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    Cheers Pug - I pushed it quite hard (I was 3rd Garden City Runner home which got me a nice shiny cup for being part of the winning team)

    Your sub 36 10K was impressive, sounds like it was a very competitive race.

    2:45 would be great (impossible?), but I think I'm quite a way off this currently.
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    Mmm, speed wise your not far of it, probably endurance wise yeah, but that will come, simple and with it, strength.

    I'm amazed at how I pass people on hills now... no one at all comes close to me and I was always shit on hills lol... so seems all this mileage is helping.

    What kinda mileage you chruning or hoping to churn out mate?

    As for the 10k, yeah, top field, I mean... 35:58 and 65th lol... that's just daft... but these are the races you need just to push yourself....

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    Hi all .I did 2.3k warm up then 10 x 800 meters with 1 minute recovery. then 2.1k warm down all in the peeing rain. 14 miles tomorrow come rain or snow.
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    Well, I knocked out an 18.7 miler today with the club, really ncie run in the rain actually nic and steady... job done...

    Anyone else do a long one?

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    Pug - sound like a good run today. I should be knocking out some runs at this distance (maybe next week :0)). I ran for my club in the Herts XC champs today - bit annoyed as I started well (top 10) but the leaders (including me) got sent the wrong way for ~400m, so almost ended up at the back and had to fight my way through. Ended up in 28th (+ silver county medal). With the 10M race last weekend and the XC today, the miles for the last two weeks haven't been as high as I had hoped.

    Rowan - sounds like a good session. What times were you doing your 800’s in?
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    Hi Coronium you've been busy.I have been keeping quiet about my 800 times as iam embarrassed.Doing intervals/speed training has never have been my strong points.I have done 6 marathons and I have done hardly any intervals/speed sessions.I have made a point of trying to take that step up by investing in a 305 as well as using my local track which has reopened after 2 years and doing more races leading up to doing the marathon as well as heeding advice from you experienced atheltes, you and Pug.I think that I have the right ingredients for a 3.15 at London.Oh yeah, my 800 times average are about 3m15s and the fastest so far is 3.02.
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    Hello all, just dropped in to wish you a healthy and happy 07 - times just flying already. Seems business as usual for at least three musketeers - I couldn't keep up with the bragging rights, but go on you. I had a sore knee over Christmas, a little swelling in the joint is my self diagnosis, so off games for two weeks to see if its minor damage which will sort itself out.
    Very annoying, as I hope to do two marathons this year and want to get under 3.30 as a staging post to 3.15. Also want to try out track work like Rowan. As I didnt get into London, I thought Isle Of Wight in Spring and Dublin in autumn with a half and a 10k or two in between. Now I have to wait and see.
    Good luck in all your races, may you get the results your training deserves (or better..)
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    When I started my 16-18 weeks schedule Rowan, I could only do 7-8 sessions at around 3:02 - 3:04 with 2 minutes rest inbeteen them... so don't worry about it mate, it'll come, they're hard, but if you have the will power and heart, it'll just happen.

    I'm not doing any speed work, haven't in about 8 months now... just seems to put too mcuh strain on my achiellies and calfs, so pushing mileage until i see no return in PB's etc etc, then bite the bullet and chuck some into my training.

    The Laughing Cavalier - ho ho 7 Blimey, now here's a face I haven't seen for a while... Happy New Year to you as well my friend! So youv'e got some marathons planned, good stuff... looks like we've all got the bit between our teeth then, which can only be a good thing me thinks!

    coronium Looks like your'e running extremely well my friend... I reckon we're similar pace at the moment... looks like I'll have to get on the "steroid" Love Hearts to give me the edge ;-)

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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭
    Hi Guys Happy New Year. Glad to see you are all still hard at it. Been a bit lazy myself but starting to get back to it after recovering from a tough week skiing over New Year. Didnt get into FLM but have now registered for Chicago in October. May try and fit another one in before as a training run only. Like Rowan I would love to crack 3.15.So far only the Liverpool Half lined up in March.Good luck with the training and races
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    Hi all just got back from my run.I ended up running faster then I was ment to.I did 14.45miles in 1h44m52s that was 7.15m/m did 5k 21m48s,10k in44m06 and 13.1 in 1h35m30s.So I suprised myself with this one and i'm happy with it.
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    Rowan Blimey mate, that's very good going me thinks... I got to the half marathon point yesterday for a 14.79 miler in 1:29:55, so you're not far behind me... great going that is mate... looks like you've come on even more since New York?

    What you on for this week mileage wise? Don't forget, if youv'e upped the mileage, just make sure that any little niggles get looked at or rest up... it's easy to ignore these little things, then all hell breaks lose ;-)

    Week Ending 14th January 2007:
    Running: 76.3 miles
    Time: 8h 59m 51s
    Avg. Pace: 7:04/mile

    That was me and have to be happy, one more week of 70+ miles, then a rest week, then move upto 80-85 miles per week for 3 weeks... working my way upto 100 for April... we'll see

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    PUG that is some serious mileage you doing there.

    My week of training:W/E 14 Jan

    Monday Rest
    Tuesday 9.13 miles
    Wednesday 2.2k W/U 10x800 2.2k W/D
    Thursday 8.4 miles
    Friday Rest
    Saturday 3.2k W/U 10x800 2.2k W/D
    Sunday 14.45 miles

    I will be increasing week on week my mileage.
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    Nice, just dont' forget mate, to take a rest/easy week, every 4th week will be mine, 3 hard ones, then a an easy one...

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