
Snowdonia Marathon



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    I think SZ has just about got it covered.

    I eat minimum carbs for 3 days (my last day being today), from tomorrow onwards i start eating carbs (normal amount tomorrow), slight increase on wednesday, and wallop them down on thurs and fri, it doesn't work for everyone but certainly works for me, i don't feel bloated during raceday but i certainly feel like i got bags of energy and before you ask..... i don't hit any walls  image      I wouldn't recommend it for a first time trial, its taken me a few years and 30+ marathons of trail and error to sort of get things right, i now turn up confident of running well (providing i'm not injured), but i still get the 'old butterflies' in my belly before any race !

    I do get very irritable when depleting carbs, but will feel a whole lot better come thursday.

    Was half-expecting FR to butt in with his usual.................  ie, stuff carbs  image

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    pugheaven...watcha... are you back running yet? if so, why aren't you doing this?

    what works for one doesn't work for another. i drink beer all week and it doesn't hurt me.

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    Did they supply you with beer in Ward 8 as well  !    image

    (must remember to visit that hospital if they do)

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    FA and FR - thanks for your replies.  It's always interesting to know how others prepare.  I too have abstained from alcohol, my last glass of wine was after the Cardiff half and my next will be sometime on Saturday evening.  The butterflies will be gone before the first corner...
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    Sorry CD, forgot to say thanks for your input, well it is carbs after all!! 

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    Taken to drinking milk 'post races' this year and avoiding energy drinks...I haven't noticed any decline in recovery so it's seems like its working and steak for tea once or twice this week...

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    always have a pint the night before a big race - part of the routine - ant - i'll be looking for a pub friday night!
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    i'm touch and go as to whether i turn up to do this , given i've nothing riding on it personally and don't relish 26m on tarmac (- the off road bit). hence why i'm still having a beer. agree no way to prepare but the fact that i'm having one or two probably indicates that i may not pitch up.

    fr - haven't ignored the protein. on to my 3rd bag of kp nuts!

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    Pug, Mmm, so we will have the pleasure of your company, if only in a spectator capacity this timeimage, you're surport is most welcome.  Good, you can get me that pint you will owe me at the end. a brains SA i find goes down well. 

    p.s. I don't recommend standing at the bottom of the hill at about 25m in LLanberis, i may be coming down that head first, followed by my feet, head, feet ect.image

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    mr fmr f ✭✭✭
    Dave, You cant let us all down now mate! image
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    image (the thought of CD not being there and I don't know him as well as the others do)
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    Alright Collie Dave Nahhh, still not running yet... haven't seince 16th July which now seems like years ago image However, plan is 3 weeks today could mark Puglets comeback!

    Pug image

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    RunGaryRun He'll be thereimage

    Pug image

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    look i'll run it

    my problem is this. though it's not really a problem.

    i'm fit for long distance ie above marathon. slow but i can keep going.

    i'm not in my opinion marathon fit. i haven't trained for it.

    i ran w-p marathon earlier this year and did specific marathon training.

    to be honest because i've been focussing on ultras and i'm still very green compared to many eg fellrunner i just haven't done the stuff that you need to to turn in a good 26.2m performance. it vfeels for me like an end of season 'match' when you've achieved everything already and so have nothing to play for

    and i no longer enjoy road running.

    all that said, thats the last time i'll mention it. this is a chuffing great marathon. it was my first ever marathon in 2005 so i owe it one (so to speak). i will enjoy it and i'll start towards the back and gradually progress forwards from there hopefully

    5 days and counting (i think)

    and hey, lets be careful out there

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    mr fmr f ✭✭✭


    After three everyone "HIP HIP....."

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    CD - I'm sure I'll be very slow by the end so give me a wave on your way past at some point...

    CT - bum sliding sounds good to me, may stash a bin bag at the top the night before.

    May have missed it amongst cars, but does anyone know what the mythological chocolate ration on the course is and where ? 

    Does a large pizza count as carbo loading.  Sure tasted good anyway....image

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    (missed that - was still typing)...

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    mr fmr f ✭✭✭

    I seem to remember the mars chunks around 17 ish miles? they were pretty much at all of the water stops in the last 8-10 miles I think.

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    Cheers Paul, no point carrying any then.
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    CD, I've done bugger all training to put it mildly, kind of gave up after dissapointing dove dale dipper and bad langdale.....but I'm still going and will see you there, I've just accepted the fact that this has been a bad year, but I'm going for the scenery, and the company of course.
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    mars bars along the way paul! i'll be ther. do they serve tea also? become  spoilt on these long runs

    btw. was it first or last in that gets the ales in?

    might just be the decider for my pace!

    large pizza wp? i'll be over if you've any going spare

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    mr fmr f ✭✭✭

    Just the mars sadly dave. Although didnt someone mention stopping off for a half pint at 22miles???

    I should imagine that we will both be pretty even paced going on our previous times here, and of course our identical time at White Peak this year. Im never one to shy out of buying a beer Dave, but if its the first one in who gets the drinks Im more than happy to slow up in the last few hundred yards and allow you to take the tape! Cheers!

    Mines a vanilla flavoured 'for goodness shakes' please. Hmmmmmm, getting a cold one of those out of the fridge is the best bit about long runs they are!

    Welcome back frog hopper, long time no see!

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    Forget about the Mars at mile 17 (unless of course you get there before me), last year i grabbed 3 chunks   (stuff the other runners)    image      (only joking, i'll only take 1 this time).

    Mr. Phil,

    Sorry, but as FR has stated, i also don't drink alcohol at least 2 wks before a mara (unless i'm doing it just for the fun of it), i'm also going to be going to bed early on friday night (i know i'm boring, but i'd seriously like to get in the Top 20 this time around after just missing out in my last 3 mara's ie,  21st, 22nd, 24th).

    I also spend ages in the bath the night before, and also morning before a race (just to keep my muscles warm), then theres the stretching before i go to bed, and drinking water all through the night, and the oiling of my legs in the morning, followed by more stretching, then 100 visits to the toilets, then more drink, then toilets again !    LOL 

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    At the potteries marathon they used to have old ladies serving tea in china cups just before the end of the race, pity that marathon is now no more.

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    Just happened upon this paragraph from an article i found via google, what a load of tosh, very reassuring for someone who hasn't done a sub 38 min 10k ( me included )  !!!!!

    Race Strategy and Goal Setting

    • The evening prior to the marathon is NOT the time to plan or think about your race strategy. Issues such as pacing, stopping at aid station, rendezvousing with friends, etc. should be planned in the days and weeks prior to the race rather than in the final hours before the event when you're trying to relax or fall asleep.
    • In the weeks prior to the marathon, think about three goals you'd be interested in accomplishing for your marathon: (1) an easily obtainable goal, (2) a realistic yet moderately challenging goal, and (3) an ultimate goal. Determine a strategy to achieve the ultimate goal, but build in flexibility in your plan to achieve a less ambitious goal if things don't pan out the way you had planned. Above all, be realistic. For example, if you don't possess the genetic make-up to run a sub-38 minute 10-K, there's very little chance you can break three hours in the marathon
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    that's my sub 3 attempt out then!!

    stopped for a cup of tea and a biscuit with the fine china when doing potteries - about mile 20 i think - big posh looking avenue. also, one of them had a radio and it was the semi final of the 1995 world cup when lomu decided to steamroller england, so a good day all round for me!! 

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