
First Timer



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    TrickyDicky I feel the same as you - I just think it would be a shame to lose what we have gained from taking this on. It is a great feeling to be working towards something - keeps you motivated as you HAVE to do your training.

    The only thing I dont like is the fact that i can't fit in any of my jeans cos my bum and legs have got so muscly ha!
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    Ahhhh. Group hug please people
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    Can I ask a silly question, I always see people talking about LSR's and have assumed that these are the longer weekend runs - but what does LSR actually stand for?
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    You will wonder where all the time came from and want to fill some of it.
    Do give yourselves a break (if you can) from serious training though. Then plan an autumn half and a few summer 10ks

    Or you could even incorporate swimming and cycling into your training and find a nice triathlon........

    so many choices.....
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    Long Slow Run... my favourite!
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    Hmm I did consider a triathalon before deciding to do the marathon.

    Yeah I think it will be hard filling the time... well maybe not initially as I think I will be letting my hair down but last week when I rested my groin I didn't know what to do with myself!
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    Ahhhhhhhhhhh Long Slow Run - that's so obvious now!
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    Yep and that will get worse as you start to taper. But dont do any more than your training plan says. You really will need your legs as fresh as possible to do you justice on the 22nd
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    Hey you lot have you not got any work to do. I keep checking my emails and you are all still chatting I feel left out!!
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    BTW, it's our 20th wedding anniversary today! Doing 20 miles Friday morning and then away for a long weekend. Hope I won't be too tired....!

    There's more than one type of marathon in life you know!

    I don't mean it of course, I love her now as much (if not more) as I did 20 years ago...ahhh!
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    Ha sorry Sarah - I am actually really quiet at work this arvo!

    Ah bless you TrickyDicky that is lovely, enjoy your weekend - where are you off to?
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    Off to a country hotel a couple of miles outside Rye in East Sussex. It's only about an hour from where we live in Tunbridge Wells, so if there's mayhem at home with the offspring we can rush back and instill some discipline! Not expecting to though, they're really quiet domesticated and trustworthy.
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    That sounds lovely TrickyDicky, you'll have a great time. And after your long run you'll be well rewarded. How old are your kids? Sure they'll behave - the more they do then the more often you guys will leave them home alone ;)
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    That sounds really nice tricky- i cant believe it i went away for 3 hours to a first aid course and there was 43 msgs its been really good reading them feel i have missed out though- going back a couple pages now but i am taking my mp3 player i go well with music. I love checking up on all of these, makes me keep on thinking that there is only like 6 weeks left- cant wait but nervous.
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    Hi Folks,

    Just spent 30 minutes reading your thread from the start and thought I'd say hello. "Hello!"

    I'm first-timing too and seeking comfort from others! I've lost 3 stone in a year, running 3 times a week. But have put on 1/2 stone since marathon training begun. I'm eating carbohydrates whenever I can (the share price of garibaldi biscuits has gone up too since I started!). Body shape still changing though.

    Coupla things. Heart Rate Monitors are a must (keep your heart rate between 60-70% max for long runs - Oxygen is GOOD!). Any comments on sports drinks?

    Best of luck to you all and see you at the finish line (hopefully under 5 hours for me!).

    Mark 'the Marathon' in Malvern
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    Hi guys,

    Knee feels a fair bit better - thanks for the advice Rio! Blimey, this board has exploded over the last few days!

    Silverstone is organised by the same people as the FLM and is quite good. Free t shirt at the end too!

    Anyone else running the half?

    T x
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    Mark sports drinks are down to personal preference but they all do the job they are designed to. Though you can make your own by diluting apple or orange juice with equal parts water.

    Drinks are heavy to carry round so maybe gels are better as water is provided at races to wash them down with. But do practice first they may not all agree with you and some prefer the taste/texture of one compared to another.

    Tom glad the knee is getting there but dont put any serious pressure on it running wise until it really doesnt hurt any more.

    Not doing Silverstone but it has good reviews if you can stand the laps. It is a good way of getting used to running in that volume of people too.
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    Hi rio what drinks are provided around the FLM u said water is there any energy drinks on the way round?
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    Morning everyone. I have posted this before on another thread(sorry Rio) but thought it might be of interest to you.

    "Word to the Wise" For those who are treading the roads of London for the first time.
    On race day just think legs. What! I hear you say. Think about it. You get out of bed, You have to travel to the start. You may well have had to take the train. You have to walk from the station to the start area. Now your nervous and you are walking around looking for friends or charity areas. You go to the loo, and stand in a queue. You have a coffee still standing you change and then at last you go to your start pen. What!!! sill 30 minutes to go and your still standing. Yippeee the gun goes of. Hang on you havent moved. It could take anything up to 10 minutes before you actualy cross the start line. THEN you have to run 26.2 So the moral of the story is keep off your feet as much as possible on race day. Take an old shirt,jacket,bin bag, anything to sit on wherever you can. If you dont you will wish you had. Trust me I learnt the hard way Good luck everyone ENJOY YOUR DAY.
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    Lucozade sport (the one in the pouches) every 5 miles (I think). If you get on with it then fine I hate it.

    If you find your stomach gets sloshy on the way round or you feel sick it might be that you need something solid inside you. Try to take a nutrigrain bar or something similar (banana etc) you wont need to eat it all but it will help stop that uncomfortable feeling.
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    'Kids' are 18,16,14,10. 3 girls and a son. Sounds a handfull but they're fab!

    I have an HRM but must confess to never bothering with it! I've become fairly good at judging the pace I'm running at just by feel. As far as sports drinks go, I'm using tomorrows LSR to experiment with the water/Lucozade Sport/Jelly Babies/banana combo. It would appear that in order to avoid the wall, you have to consume a fair amount of all 4! The next question is how to transport all of this around with me on the day! I guess carry my JB's and hope for banana hand-outs? I read somewhere else it's a very good idea to plan your race in detail, right down to how much water/Lucozade to consume and at what intervals during the race.
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    If you are using lucozade you wont need to carry it as it is provided.
    If you are using the gels you can get a belt which you can slot them into. They also have a handy pocket which will take an energy bar (or similar), phone, tissues etc and doesnt bounce around and is quite comfortable.

    There will be a RW supporters group at Mudchute but if you want to get them to keep something for you there you will need to register on the RW supporters thread.
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    Morning all

    Hello Mark Crawthorne : )

    Glad your knee is feeling better Tom, let's hope it stays that way and is onwards and upwards for you from now on.

    Gatton - I remember reading that in whatever post it was you wrote that on and started to panic, I hadn't though about that so thanks. I think I will just sit on the floor wherever I can.

    Rio Fair what is this about the Mudchute thing? If we register on the sight does that mean we can ask them to have something for us at whatever mileage point they are at and we can stop by there for a refuel??
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    register your name here and they will allocate you a supporter who will have whatever you leave at the expo for them at Mudchute.
    They will give you a hug too if you want one. But be quick as they are going to start allocating runners to supporters soon.
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    Thanks Rio Fair, I've added my details, didn't read the whole thread as it was too long but hopefully enough. Sounds like Bouncing Barlist is going to e-mail further details anwyay?

    Great idea - I feel part of a little team now :) At least if I miss any family and friends along the way then I'll get a bit of support here.
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    Ditto Laura; I've also registered- thanks Rio. It's all hotting up and getting serious now!
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    Its' actually quite exciting! I really cannot wait for the big day, there's going to be so much to take in, not to mention the personal achievement at the end of it. I can't wait!
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    They are fabulous and just what you need at what otherwose gets to be a difficult part of the course
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    I'm a bit of a technophobe could someone let me know how I get mmy name on this list i'd hate to miss out!!
    HAd a look throught he link and didn't know what to do
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    You just need to copy and paste the previous list on the last post and add your name to it and any request you have - or just reply and ask somebody else to add you to the list...
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