
5:2 fasting diet - any experiences/views?



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    fa - you're not wrong about people not knowing what normal eating is, and no doubt many do relapse from the fasting days.   but if it offers someone a means of reducing calories that is easier for them than reduction on a daily basis, then it will perhaps suit them.   I think it's easier to "program" a fast day into a plan than rely on thinking what you're eating every day.   the issue becomes perhaps having a "normal" diet on non-fasting days vs normal+ 'cos you've been hungry!

    ultimately (most) weight loss programmes based on overall calorie reduction fail in the longer term as people relapse to old ways.  weight loss - as Mouse has shown - needs a very disciplined approach over a longer period and perhaps a change of lifestyle (more exercise, less booze, smaller plates etc)

    anyway, as a 16+ stone porker I can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk on these things!!!

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    Agreed - what's needed is a change of lifestyle-diet, which probably involves re-educating people on what and how to cook and shop, portion sizes and formulating a balanced diet. Unfortunately, for a lot of busy people, this is seen as far too big an investment in time and effort, and for poor people, until the price of fruit and vegetables comes down, far too big a chunk of monthly expenditure - when I was a teenager, McDonalds did 29cent hamburger Wednesdays and 39cent Cheeseburger Sundays, and if you're on a tight budget, you can feed your kid for a dollar and spend the rest on smokes or drink.
    It's really not horribly complicated, so making it "easier" (whilst possible) is ultimately self-defeating. However, there is probably a small percentage of people for whom WW would work in the longterm, and a small percentage of people for whom IF would work in the longterm, as personality and character will have a lot to do with the success of any of these programs that I cant help but see as being built around a "gimmick" in one shape or form.

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    Oh, and I weigh 58kgs, but I dont think that makes me any more or less qualified to comment, I am just opinionated and superficially fairly interested.

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    A facet of your character I'd never noticed.  Never. At. All.


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    I hate people who post without reading back.


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    TR wrote (see)

    I'm not sure if Meface was agreeing with me or not as he didnt get to finish.

    Yes in agreement that it is overall caolries in vs calories out. Just making that point that both sides of the equation can be altered.

    Metabolic rate is not a fixed amount. Exercise can change energy used both during the activity and afterwards plus extra muscles requires more energy and therefore ups metabolic rate. But also changes to diet itself can up metabolic rate. Caffine, Curry and Chilli all up HR and increase metabolic rate.


    (eating himself thin)

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    the problem with making weight awareness a lifestyle choice KK is that most diets/regimes/programmes - whatever you want to call them - are aimed at those, and taken up by those, who want a quick fix.  and often these are the people who can't see past the end of their noses to know that quick fixes are (usually) doomed to failure.

    it often needs a big wake up call (illness often) or an epiphany to kick people into action on managing their weight and diet.  sadly, too many people just can't be arsed to even think about it as the UK obesity rates attest.

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    Fast Day one nearly over!

    Luckily I have been sat in a classroom allday with no access to food, except at lunch with a nice buffet lunch!

    I have had 2x protein shakes with dr Shultz superfoods, a few black coffees lots of water, green tea, a couple of raw carrot sticks and for dinner a chicken breast with broccoli and carrots! Feel quite full after dinner, not sure of exact calories but it's certainly there or there abouts!

    Looking forward to a hearty brekkie tomorrow image
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    Not too bad, I'm drinking a lot more water than normal

    Might be an early night and early breakfast
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    well done Dooze - see if you can stick to that in week 10..... image  

    we've taken a slightly different approach to the fasting days by just cutting down the cals during the week since we came back from skiing - normal breakfast, low cal cuppa soups at lunch, evening meal with smaller portions and very little/no carbs (mainly just meat and veg), and cutting down on the booze.  eat normally at weekend and continuing the exercise regimes.  both of us are feeling more comfy in our clothes now so something's working.

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    I've been doing this since last December (with a little break over Xmas and New Year cos I was on holday).  I've dropped nearly 2 dress sizes.

    You definitely get used to the fast days and stop thinking about food so much, and I think it also helps to re-educate you about what a portion is - yes you can be satisfied after a small chicken breast and salad/veg and no, you do not need that pudding!

    I find it also works psychologically as you can think, I'll have that cake tomorrow, and then often you find you don't really want it. 

    I still train on fast days, but find hard swimming too difficult and tend to stick to short runs, cycling and weights type stuff. I think there are benefits to training without being fully fueled as it gets you used to not relying on sugar during training/races to get through.  Also the endorphine rush from running when you haven't eaten much is immense!!

    Dooze - good luck!

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    A guy in my office started this 5:2 diet and has lost 2 1/2 stone in 4 months, personally, I like my grid too much. I do try and stick to au natural and have been paleo- ing it since jan 1st and have lost 10 lb and feels tons better for cutting out, rice, pasta, potatoes and bread.
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    Of all the places to read about it, the Daily Mail will be doing a bit on 5:2 fasting tomorrow (Monday)


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    Oh bugger has the 5:2 diet affected the price of my house? Or did Diana do the 5:2 diet?

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    Immigrants, coming over here, taking our diets....

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    Fasting day two is underway.  Swim training tonight may be interesting

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    Today is my first day fasting. so I will see how it goes.

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    I did a fast yesterday with a swim session in the evening and it was fine. I think I'm getting used to it and I feel quite well, with increased energy. I don't strictly count the calories though, just reduce the amount I eat my about 2 thirds. So yesterday was cornflakes for breakfast, a large bowl of fresh broccoli soup for lunch and 2 boiled eggs with bread and marmite for tea before swimming. 

    But if the Mail is on the band waggon I might stop with it, don't want anyone to think I read that. image imageimage


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    m..eface wrote (see)

    Oh bugger has the 5:2 diet affected the price of my house? Or did Diana do the 5:2 diet?

    No, it can save you from cancer though http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2275971/The-Two-Day-Diet-saved-breast-cancer--late.html#axzz2Kc1uq8ZF

    I fully expect them to have a contradictory article in a few months!

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    bloody typical OTT article from the Daily Rant.

    although the fasting diet is "thought" to confer some protection against the development of cancer and other diseases, there is no clinical evidence to say it does - it's all extrapolation from animal studies (mice mainly I think).  and to prove so would require an extensive and lengthy clinical trial which as far as I am aware hasn't been set in motion.

    the only positive result from the diet is that it helps some people lose weight - and if that confers the other health benefits in some unknown way, fine

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    Thats a shocking article - typical Mail. Losing weight could protect your health, who da thought i? grrrrrr - I hate the Mail. You'll get some crank now going on the diet instead of having radiotherapy or something.  image 

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    BookyBooky ✭✭✭

    Hello! Not wanting to spam, but xine pointed me in this direction and asked me to write something about fasting on my blog. So here it is if anyone is interested image

    Linky thing

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    First day of fasting over and was not much of a problem, lunch time was abit tricky but thats probably more a habitual thing. Anyhoo all good sofar.

    Will look at your blog Sarah

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