
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    image 6x 1k has tended to be my session, except for in big build ups to target 10ks, where it might be an 8.

    The Moz approach usually tends to be lower reps than some of this thread do.

    I saw some local nutter saying he was doing a 33x300m session!??

    I didn't ask the paces, as I know they'll be mental...

    Johnas, with Phil around, I think the last thing anyone wants to do is share even more personal details online!

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    Just planned a 20 miler for tomorrow first thing. It is amazing how small London is when you start to run round it. My run tomorrow takes me through Hyde Park, Regents Park, Primrose Hill, does a lap of Parliament Hill and that is half way, then back via Hampstead Heath (if I need the gents I am told there is a toilet there), Hampstead Cemetery (top marks) then the Grand Union Canal, back to Hyde Park and back through Notting Hill.

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    Sorry guys, lovely as I'm sure you all are, sharing details about my home address -  and what times of day I usually go running in secluded places by myself - with a group of strange men from the internet is probably one of those things my mother told me not to do. image

    14.6 mile MLR this evening when my clubmates got me lost and had to give me a lift home, to avoid making me run 17+.  I only logged 14.5 though. Can't have non-round numbers messing up my spreadsheets.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Faior play - your mother is probably right Lit!

    Bit odd though - if you look at the group, about 95% on the main page seem to be Philip's runs! I've changed my privacy settings, and can see them on there if I look under the members bit. Probably just need to play!

    Isn't Hampstead heath toilet a favourite of George Michael's Philip?

    Stevie - sounds good!


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    .Seb.Seb ✭✭✭

    Strange men from the internet haha like that, good MLR though Lit.

    You need to change your privacy settings Bus and Johnas, to connections and groups not just connections. then just check the padlock symbol has two person icons on it when you upload activities.

    No running for me today just the bike turbo, foot is knackered, different to the last bout of foot problems though. It'll pass eventually.

    Good job on the 10km pace reps SG, I've got a whole load of the same to do in this training plan which will make a nice change from 5k pace reps.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Already done the first. Will have to check the second next time I upload.

    What's going on with your feet Seb?! Hope it sorts itself out pronto!

    Lit - non-round numbers are fine for individual runs, provided they total a nice round number for the week image


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Seb, you've had some bad luck with injuries, a whole range over the last couple of years. Always hard to get a handle on how long they cost you though as you're not an every day poster like a lot.

    This week has a slightly different routine, midweek 10 today rather than Wednesday and a nice F OFF tomorrow.

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    JohnasJohnas ✭✭✭

    thanks Seb. Settings changed image

    Well the group is 'private' so it's not accessible other than to those that want to be part of it.

    I'm not entirely sure where you are Lit but if it's anywhere 'oop norf' (i.e. north of Watford) you're quite safe as I get nosebleeds if I pass there image

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Johnas wrote (see)


    Well the group is 'private' so it's not accessible other than to those that want to be part of it.


    To be fair, Lit has been on this thread long enough to know what we are like so I can't blame her image. SG - I think you should change your thread name to SS - Secret Squirrel image

    Crap run this morning - started well enough, but ended v.slow, with pain in the last 1.5M even though it was only 8.5M anyway. Hopefully Ice and stretching will let me do a short one this evening before a day off tomorrow.

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    The way I tell it to my kids is that anything you put on the internet is open to all. Sure, Garmin and facebook have privacy settings, but the fact that it is up there means that you don't have control over it. These organisations try and give you a warm, fuzzy feeling but the truth is that it is all smoke and mirrors. A guy I know saw a flaw in the runners world website so it was transmitting passwords in the open so every time you log in, your password is sent over the internet without encryption. He was good and told runners world but it is easily done. I bet SG's password is iluvSamir.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    there's 2 ends of the privacy scale aren't there...and no prizes for guessing who is at which end on this thread!

    10 at 6.56 or so earlier 4 up, nice leisurely woods or something..erm now!

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    20 this morning and the plan was to take it steady. I planned a route and programmed it into the Garmin so I had it on map mode and got a beep each mile, so I knew how far but no clue how fast. Ran it to feel and tried to keep it on the easy side which worked most the way apart from apace pick up as I chased one guy 2 miles round Regent's Park. I had a gel at 13 miles but other than that no other fuel.

    Pace came out as 7:30 overall with a marginal pick up on the second half (7:32 for the first 10 and 7:27 for the last 10) burt as the first half was at the top of Parliament Hill it was much more likely an even paced run. Fastest mile was mile 19 so no death march.

    Very pleased, lurgy seems to be mostly behind me and got the 20 done. Double tomorrow and then race Sunday for a LT session.

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    .Seb.Seb ✭✭✭

    Good long run Philip, your banking these quite early in the year aren't you and must be building quite a base to work off now.

    I have had my share of niggles for certain with only a few proper injuries here and there. Unfortunately these last 2 foot injuries have been fairly substantial. This one is just a peroneal tendon issue or damaged fifth metatarsal, probably an impact injury from big snowboard jumps. Just have to cross train/gym for a bit. 

    I haven't got a problem sharing my runs on garmin, you'll probably be surprised at how little I do.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Don't worry Seb, you're firmly in the "if only you were as dedicated as me" folder image

    Hope the feet sort out pretty soon.

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    .Seb wrote (see)

    Good long run Philip, your banking these quite early in the year aren't you and must be building quite a base to work off now.

    I'm never quite sure what base is. In my mind, I did the base miles at the end of last year, so October 220, November 213, December 235 and these were just miles, so 6 runs at a minimum of 8 miles each and a top of 14 to 16 which makes up 50 to 55 miles a week.

    That got me ready to start the P&D plan I am following the 18 week plan but skipped the first three weeks so get 3 weeks of endurance and then 5 weeks of endurance + LT. In these phases I do 3 runs of 21, 20 and 22 miles. That leave 7 weeks to get some speed back into the legs and one more 20 (but I will do 2).

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    8 x 1KM off 90s tonight... on my lonesome! But it was on an empty not windy track!

    3:29, 3:30, 3:30, 3:30, 3:30, 3:29, 3:28, 3:27. My best attempt at that session to date, again aerobically felt great and the heart/lungs recovered quickly. Last 2 reps took a bit of concentration to keep it together. Pleasing on the whole though image

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    Nice sessions SS and Philip. Would say that was a very pleasing session Stevie!

    I've ended up having a blood rest day. Yesterday was v slow 10km then 20min on the turbo with some kettle bell swings included at the end. And a 3h drive. Not sure what part of that equation has made my knee worse but something has. Was painful walking around today, let alone trying to run on it, let alone trying to get the decent session I had planned for tonight. Did 30 mins of weights on upper body but needless to say, I'm exceptionally grumpy about it!!

    Going to try and get out tomorrow morning and then hopefully it'll be miraculously better by Saturday so I can still get in my 2 quality sessions. We'll see, eh.


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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Nikki - impact injuries can take a few days to out, and resting a trauma to a joint will allow movement to become less fluid and the joint to swell. Keeping the knees motionless driving for 3 hours will be the main culprit! All part of the bodies healing process though. I'd suggest a walk before your next run to warm them up slowly...

    Good long run Philip.

    Very nice reps Stevie! Good mix of both quantity and quality that suggests a good 10k time is soon to come image


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    Thanks Bus. I tried a wee walk and a bit of flex/stretch before run this morning. The rest and night sleep seem to have done the knee some good.. I could feel it during my session today, and more so than I would have liked but it also wasn't debilitating. Coach had prescribed (pre injury) fartlek session of 3min/1min jog/30s effort/30s jog x 8, so did that before breakfast. Was a toughie off no food but pleased that it's done now. Now for some ice.. 

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    Good reps SS. I refuse to believe you've found a track that was windless. Also good sesh Nikki. Certainly long car journeys can affect the body as Bus says.

    I'm still alive and mainly horizontal. Being vertical requires too much energy. Back at the docs Mon for a follow-up.

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    +1 for long car journeys being evil. I sat in the passenger seat of a rented ford fiesta all the way from Notts to Perth and back in the summer and it took me weeks to shake off the glute/groin niggle I ended up with. And that was without already having hurt myself!

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    Car journey can be the worst. I ran the GNR and drove 4 hours home. Was walking  like Robocop for 3 days.

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    Oh, need a bit of adivice.

    I have 2 races to enter on the same day...

    Race 1 - fast PB course 10K. I'm in great shape and rate my chances to go sub 36 and better my PB.

    Race 2 - MMT 10K, inaugural race 2 miles from home. My bro is running, my family will be there, nice course, and there is a 95% chance I'll win it. The entry list is finalised and I'm by far the fastest, unless a rouge unattached runner is taking part. Only thing is, thus far it's not UKA and, well, the field is pants. Beating a load of wannabe football types and joggers is not really necessary. But I'd get local kudos and fame, as I know most the field!  

    So  go for a PB in a 'runners' race. Or jog to an easy victory and get my mug in the paper of a non UKA race!

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    SS- pb course all day every day.  Unless the weather is looking bad and a PB is unlikely.   Great session the other day, good pace and the right volume.  All looks good

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    If it were me, I would definitely pick race 2, but only if you have other 10k PB opportunities lined up soon! Based on your sesh yesterday, you are in good 10k shape, but race 2 sounds like one of those that has all the elements of reminding us why we run in the first place, and an opportunity to be the local hero too!

    Double 14M on the bike today. Tonight's ride home was in pretty foul conditions! Pouring rain, flooded roads and a strong headwind for about 10 miles! 


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    Will you get a big trophy and your picture in the local paper if you win? I was hoping for a strong performance at an inaugural race in my home-town, my whole family were out watching…ran my worst race in 2 years and almost passed out! The shame..

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Stevie, I'd normally say do the highest quality road races you can find and stack your pbs while you still can. Who knows what might happen to stop you ever getting faster?

    However, the overall scenario of that 2nd race, I think makes that the better choice this once.

    You have to be certain on the win though. I've done many a low key race and still only come 2nd or 3rd!

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    2nd choice as a tempo.  Then UKA (sorry,  PO10! ) pb another day

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    I like the part of saying the entry list is finalised....

    imagine if you'd been giving it some on here, and turned up to find 10 fast lurkers on the start line image

    ps anyone new lurking out there? A free thought for the day, for the first lurker who hasn't posted on here before to say hello...

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    Yeah, watch me run it and get mugged by some football type who's just super fit. Or a Bus who's some unknown super fit unattached runner. Trafford is SO fast though...

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