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My name is ???????? and i am gonna seriously get my sh!t in one sock



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    HappychapHappychap ✭✭✭

    Quick update.  

    4.5lbs off this week making, 36 in total and 14 in 2014.  I scored my first sub 50 5 miler (49.38) and sub 30 5k (27.45) in about 8 years.  It's been a good week :0)

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    Well done! Good results all round.

    I've never done a 5mi race. I'd also never done 2.5hrs on the bike before work either, until this week. image

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    Oooh, the training is on isn't it? A stone so far this year HC, blimey. Lots of training from me but a pesky qaud tear has held me up, not from over doing it but just being such a dweeb on the bike, ripped it clipping out of my pedal. My favourite marathon of the year on Sunday, but will just be a plod. Second 3.8K swim of the year tonight in the pool, I'm still far to wimpy to get in the water.

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    HappychapHappychap ✭✭✭

    Which one are you doing Kate?

    I'm with you on the water being too cold thing but we do have the Marshman half next week so might have to just brave it. image

    Keen Cat image and very glad to hear you are training well.

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    I remember Marshman in 2012 and the swim being cancelled in favour of a 5km run. The last run was so pan flat I almost got a nose bleed going over a level crossing. 

    Needs must I'm afraid. I'm racing next weekend and had a busy work week this week and still needed to fit in the training. Not keen on the 5:30 alarm and the tiredness is kicking in. Glad today was a rest day! 

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    North Dorset Villages, just me and 300 or so others, and a barrel of beer at the end.

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    IronplodonIronplodon ✭✭✭
    Trying to get my swim sorted for Stratford, still slow and blowing up, can't seem to get into a rhythm, suppose I'll just have to go with whatever I can do on the day as it's taper week next week. Bike and run sorted though been a bit lax with my brick sessions, but as it's my first tri I'll just go out and enjoy it....hopefully lol.
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    IronplodonIronplodon ✭✭✭
    14 mile on the bike today, some big hills I didn't know existed near me. Brilliant weather and a great route, potential for some really long rides in the future. Hit just over 37 mph which is a pb for me. Knackered now though, at bloody work on the night shift!
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    Sock nearly became a sick bag, thinking of skipping today's runimage.

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    HTFU put the sock back on and did scheduled Brick session, feelin like a boss now. Even if its a slightly nauseous boss. image

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    Hope they are waterproof socks. North Dorset marathon done, love it more than any other race, 4.12 which isn't bad with only 75% leg function! now two helpings of roast and 2 ciders down, stocking up for tomorrow's big bike. I bloody love bank holidays.

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    Long bike for me on Thursday this week I think, 1/2 marathon tomorrow and a sprint tri this morning
    mixing it up  image

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    Which half are you doing, Mk?

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    Good effort Duda & Kate.

    Meldy you are a nutter.

    Parkrun yesterday as a test run effort. Wasn't pretty and some 1:30 slower than PB, but all is not lost. 14km run today in tired legs.

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    IronplodonIronplodon ✭✭✭
    40 min easy spin on the bike last night, last bike session before Stratford on Sunday, 10 miles covered, run tonight, swim in the morning then that's it! Am I ready? We'll see lol.
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    My sock has a huge puncture in and has just suffered an asthma attack (the first in more than 20 years)

    Got home from work determined to make up for missing yesterdays training, checked air pressure in tyres. Got kitted and discovered  I had a puncture changed tube and rectified problem only to suffer another puncture for a different reason about 10 seconds later and that was my last tube. I tried a puncture repair but the  patch would just not stick. Then to top it all I had a massive asthma attack, something which I have not suffered from for many many years. Maybe I was just not meant to go out on the bike tonight?

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    Duda, clearly it wasnt meant to be

    Get yourself checked out at the quacks to be on the safe side.

    Swim and a run for me today, just missed the 'end of the world' hail storm

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    Duda thems the breaks as the odd missed session is no problem but as Melds said get checked out, i have been struggling and not my normal self so have been to the docs and am awaiting blood results

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    Did they test the iron levels Mx?

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    When I went through a really bad patch a couple of years ago it was iron problems for me, nice and easy to sort out if that is the case. Look after yourself the pair of you. Swim in the lido this morning, must upgrade to the lake at the weekend, run beforehand and spin tonight, IM no 1 is looming in 5 weeks. At least choosing a hilly one means time is unimportant.

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    Doctor seen yesterday. All OK just a virus affecting my chest. Inhaler prescribed and told OK to train just keep the inhaler with me.


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    Take it easy people. Mrs was found to be low on Iron imageimage but now resolved with iron tabs. 5k times coming down rapidly now.

    PowermanUK last Sunday - a good first 10k run, and hilly, brutally windy 60km bike where I learnt about getting nutrition at race pace, then a glacial final 10km run (first run + 10 mins!) where I learnt more about nutrition. Wandered around in a daze for a bit, went home. Happy with that, all things considered.

    Recovered with a few days or work in Germany eating sausages and drinking beer.

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    15 mile run this afternoon/evening, rounding off a fairly good weeks training 

    quiet week next week due to work then a cheeky last minute 1/2 IM at the weekend

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    HappychapHappychap ✭✭✭

    Morning.  All things are good here.  The weight is still dropping, very slowly.  the PT sessions are coming on just dandy and I've found an aptitude for weight lifting bizarrely.  The strength and conditioning is really helping my running and cycling though which is fab.

    Got another 100 mile cycle ride planned this Sunday. We're off to Bognor to see the new King and Queen of Felpham (the Funkins) and run the Bognor 10k. 

    Have a fun weekend everyone. 

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    Afternoon all - first lake swim of the year done, after a Swim Smooth session last night a big improvement over my pool times which is unusual for me. Garmin thinks I went I bit further and recorded 6.6K which is a little excessive. Run this afternoon and 100 mile bike tomorrow, will I see you at the Little Lumpy HC? Excellent recovery skills Cat. 

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    HappychapHappychap ✭✭✭

    We're off to Bognor and back this weekend Kate image  No little lumpy this year.  Good luck and have fun image

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    Bit worried about all you sock fillers. Almost 2 weeks since the last post; have you run out of socks or are you all constipated? image

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    Oh hello again thread. About to embark on the Bath Endurance weekend, full distance swim and bike tomorrow, half mara Sunday as I am being a good girl and not doing the whole thing. Will report back on the state of sock afterwards.

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    HappychapHappychap ✭✭✭

    My sock is full to the brim (beam) but maybe a little grubby. 

    Double spin tonight, last century ride tomorrow (Brighton yay) and Dorking 10 on Sunday should be enough to finish me off in style image

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    Sock filling does seem to be a little quiet here. Would recommend the Endurance weekend, except didn't read the bike instructions and whilst expecting a few hills I wasn't expecting 7700 ft of climbing, oh well, Forestman will feel easy now, right? Another matter, can anyone recommend a good value, non poncey bike helmet, mine is very much past its best.

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