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Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Cheers Bus. Oh on the shoes theme, Start fitness were flogging some DS Trainers (the racer/trainers) for £50 a few days ago.

    Nice shoes if I remember rightly, last pair were years ago.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    DeanR7 wrote (see)

    official results in and was 32.20 for 36th.  So a 39 sec PB.




    cracking stuff, that's real top notch. The amounts some of you boys are taking off in one go is the real shocking part, showing you're not at that "eek the last dribblings out" stage yet.

    Heroic stuff.

    Enough EOG mentions though please fellas, my fb on the day of a race of his is littered enough as it is image

    Bus, who knew that you'd go for the  ore humble, more local XC field image Nice turnout though.

    My 2014 has been a ridiculously low race tally. Will have to put that right next year. I could have raced these last few months, but certainly haven't got any desire to do xc for whatever reason, so i'll be patient now.

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    Dean makes it look all so easy doesn't he: just look at the faces behind him and the legs covered in mud. Mind you, there is a small crease in his white vestimage





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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Excellent week of racing!

    Dean, monumental stuff indeed.  I think we all knew that 32;59 PB was soft (especially since, if I recall correctly, that was pretty much a solo run where you briefly went the wrong way at one point), but still 32:20 off no specific training is very impressive.  That last km too indicates to me you could go a lot faster.  I see you well below 32 with some specific training, which as a V40 is class. Great run.

    Bus, good to see you racing and enjoying it, sounds like a really good run from you too.

    Simon, is that twice in one weekend?  Congrats on the XC podium, and how you then crank out a fast half the day afterwards is a mystery to me.  Hardly surprising your legs were grumbling.

    Andrew, have you considered one tactic is running more? image.  I don't know your new nemesis personally, but his name has been knocking around a fair while, so I would imagine he's got a fair few more lifetime miles in the bank and therefore better endurance.  I reckon sticking behind him and hoping for a fade isn't the way to go.  Go out ahead of him and see what happens.  Still a really good run though.

    Scott, yeah I noticed that - an U23 just back from a 2 year drugs ban?  Those Russians are nuts.  I missed Jonny D's race unfortunately other than the highlights, but well done to him.

    SG, shame about not wanting to do XC, I think you might get some decent finishing positions this season, with Datchet's top boys nowhere to be seen so far (although hopefully Rob is on the comeback trail).

    Had a decent training weekend.  Cross country fartlek on Saturday AM, to keep trying to improve on the surface.  Was quite fun, but ended up muddier than in any XC race.  Then 16 @ 6:45 pace on Sunday, to go over 80 for the week for the first time since marathon training.  But think I may have overdone it a little, as I started feeling really dizzy at work yesterday and had to go home.  Feel OK today, but don't know if I'll risk a run.

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    Dean please tell me you spotted the camera and put on your best pose?

    Dachs - I hear you, more miles is the long term plan. I am slowly building up the mileage. Now averaging 35 over the last 4 weeks, two months ago this would have been 15-20. Should be in the 40-50 range by Feb. I know he's stronger than me but its proving to be a bit of fun/motivation trying to beat him with what i've got at the moment. Good work on your 80, sounds like you've earned a rest day.

    Reading about what everyone on here is up to training/racing wise, has opened my eyes as to what it takes to improve.

    10m @ 7.09 yesterday. Also broke my finger at football playing in goal last night. Just under 5 hours in A&E, what fun. This means less swimming/cycling so more time to get running in.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Ha, had to double check as that photo doesnt look like me...looks like i need a haircut too to get rid of that lego hair for xmas image 

    good memory dachs - yep that pb was a solo run and briefly went off course so i always thought i would beat it, it was just a suprise that it happened on sunday.  i think the track training/racing in the summer defn helps with holding a higher pace for the longer races maybe hiding my lack of specific training/endurance work.  Coach has set the target as sub 32 for trafford...which i think Matt will be racing and going for a similar time.  hopefully we can help each other get it.

    nice work on the podium Simon.  greenwood is obviously a class act over xc and is going well at the moment, so to have him in sight is a positive for 2015.

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    Thanks Dachs.

    Big week that! Sounds like a bit of underfuelling perhaps? Hopefully no more than that.

    Andrew - ouch! Not sure which is worse, the broken finger or having to spend 5 hours in A&E! Always said footie was bad for you image

    Dean - looking cool as a cucumber! That surface looks bloody slippery....

    Off for my team Christmas lunch in a bit, so no training today - hence a slow double yesterday, which I wouldn't normally do the day after a race.


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    Will be really good to see a Dean/Matt train image

    Dachs - indeed crazy doping at 20 years old but guess it's so easy to get hold of and get through major competitions without to much bother these days not too surprised.

    Andrew - it's about layering as well as talent so don't rush, weeks over months and years of consistency will help. Build gradually and smart and it'll come. We did discuss volume a while ago with IC bringing it up? Easy to quote 50/60 miles or whatever but it's a good 5/6 hours a week and more. Planning and organisation make it easy - Dachs can vouch with miles into work (not all can do it) meaning he probably doesn't notice more than half the running he does which I think is a help

    SG - I think setting aside 2014 and aiming 2015 race wise with finishing this year consistently and healthy is much better than racing and struggling through with niggles.

    Dachs - big miles and top long run!

    Managed 4 just about 7:05 m/m pace but my HR is still a lot higher (AV 160 odd) doing ok on the bike but fitness just doesn't translate somehow
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Dean, brilliant running as always I'm targeting Trafford but no doubt you and Matt will be way ahead in the distance making it difficult for an old man to see!!

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Haha, behave Rob, I'll be targeting Trafford and Salford to hopefully squeeze a PB out. Isn't that Andy Green the V50 on Deans shoulder and your rival for the honours Rob? A 2.12 marathoner too :-/
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    LOL may well be Matt!

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    Cheers for the congrats on the podium - Yes Dachs, It was going as expected on the half at about 7 miles - legs starting to hurt etc..thought it was going to be a long run in. But the twisty redways changed to mainly road in the second half and just felt strangely better when I pushed it a little. Entered Reading in March and aiming for mid 73's..PB is 74.14, but isn't on PO10. Hope you feel better soon..

    Dean - we call Greenwood a freak! Great over xc, low 31's for 10,000m and the bugger even pipped me with 2.04 over 800m! Nice bunch the Kent lot - with Philpub et al..

    LOL @ Scott regarding Eddie OG image

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    I may see you at Reading then Simon.  I've blagged a Samir Haddad style elite place.  I appreciate you favour the shorter distances, but I'm confident you can go faster than mid 73.

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    Dachs wrote (see)

    I may see you at Reading then Simon.  I've blagged a Samir Haddad style elite place.  I appreciate you favour the shorter distances, but I'm confident you can go faster than mid 73.

    Plate, plate!

    How far do you think they allow the rules to get stretched, the site says recent sub 70 ..

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Not sure PMJ.  72:39 isn't that close, but I told them I've been hammering the EPO since then, so 70 will be a cakewalk.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Interesting comparing Andy Green's 10k pace (latest) with his best ever marathon pace. 

    He isn't exactly on the money despite the numbers.

    10 miles on the road today. I was avoiding anything that hinted of oxygen debt. According to the Garmin I climbed nearly 500 feet. Average pace 7:39. I'd have settled (whether I liked it or not) for 8:15's.

    On Christmas day, Hillingdon AC hold a 3.2 mile race as an enter on the day job. I first ran that race in 1987 and recorded 18:29.

    27 years later I fancy I could beat that time. 



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    RicF Andy is 52 and coming back from a bad injury he was a 28.XX 10k man at his best!

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Bloody hell! Rob. I'm 54 and was always shit!


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    Cracking result Dean. Well done.

    Good XCing Andrew, well done for representing! I didn't make the last XC and whilst I could make the next one, I'll be out on my bike instead as Saturday is chockablock for me.

    Pretty tasty 16miler Dachs! And a podium Simon, nice one.

    It's easy for Dachs to say run more, but it depends on what the goal is. If you want to be a fast runner train like a runner. If you want to be a fast triafleet then train like on of those. As Scott says, this came up some time back - I don't do much running, but like Andrew we're already doing 7-8 hr weeks minimum. Banging on extra running isn't easy to schedule and a firm route to injury.

    I'm in Switzerland/Liechtenstein this week. Visited the national track today - it's always empty. I have yet to see another runner in this country! 10x400m/400 RI. Aimed for 5km pace which gave 91s reps.

    90, 92, 90, 90, 90, 91, 93, 91, 92, 92.

    All in all, 6km of WU/CD/Commute to track, 4km of quality reps and 4km of RI. Longest run for some time, and most of it easy image

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Good point Iron, it's easy to completely forget the impact of the rest of the training. I was certainly at first shocked at Andrew's paces and positions off bare running training, but add in the rest and it's probably right up there with anyone's training on here anyway!

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    IronCat, his aim is to beat this one dude. Running more was the best suggestion I had, the other one involved slipping laxatives into his food.
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     So, more runs or more runs then image

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    I'd have just said run faster! image
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    XC can be a right speciality though can't it. You do get the odd absolute monster at xc who for inexplicable reasons can't equalise it, on what is surely the much easier format of road!

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    XC specialists run off diesel.
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    I've been thinking about this a lot recently, and think I may have worked out the secret. I'm not telling all you bastards though.
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    IC you make a good point about the time. I am currently spending 8-9 hrs on a good week with 4-6 being two rides and a swim. Drop that and you've got 70-80 miles running and you're very close to full potential. Triathlon I could do with 20 hours!


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    Oh, go on Dachs! 

    Andrew - when you add in the biking and swimming it's not as surprising as it first seemed that your running times are so good, and especially XC. I always work on the basis that cycling miles are worth about half running miles, which is roughly the same time wise. Not sure about swimming - in the past I've used it more for recovery and maintaining weight, but was never very serious.  It must be good for all over strength though, which is one of the things needed for XC. There are plenty of decent runners who seem to thrive on this sort of variety - Rob Jebb and the Brownlee brothers for a start. It must help with minimising injury too.



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    Hello everyone. Well done Dean. Here is a party hat smiley: image

    I like this idea about cycling being worth half the running miles, as I cycle-commute 20 miles a day. Except today I didn't bother because I wanted to work at home by the fire with the Christmas tree lights on.

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    Brownlee brothers were darn good fell runners from very young and obviously have a huge talent base for running, I'm sure one or both were top 5 nationals XC - I'm guessing the move was "money" based to be honest.. Same with a few others, but having said that - Mark Buckingham focus is triathlon yet still ran fastest time at relays......

    Being that the pool of top runners is larger than cyclists / triathletes - would be interesting to see say Mo farah with a few years all round training to see what he could do? Guess is not much better / worse due to his genetics

    Alan Webb is one example? Good runner and converting but struggling

    With regards to cycling Bus - I've averaged about 80m last few weeks - it's good for me but knowing people run more than that or close shows how far I have to go!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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