
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    About to go and have my wisdom teeth out.  I thought an easy 6 beforehand would be a good idea to calm the nerves.  A branch fell on my head, with an audible 'donk'. So much for that idea.

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    Andrew G wrote (see)

    Where do you get this info on the names? I assume it's just a cut off date for their admin team to process the fancier numbers.

    Look on http://mkmarathon.com/mk-marathon-2/

    I have 4 kids so have done a fair few parties. We got into a rule that the sum of the ages must not exceed 100, so 20 5 year olds is enough, but by the time they are  10 you need to limit it to 10 tops.  I turn 50 this autumn so it is just me and the wife or me and two 25 year oldsimage

    Since joining this thread I have just got slower so a lot of good it has done me. There was a time when bus and I were 2-2 head to head on powerof10 and now it is 2-15 to him, so a losing streak of 13.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    good stuff all.

    max ...i thought you might be dead mate. image  welcome back

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Well said Dean, and pretty much what I was trying to get at last night!

    My PBs have all improved over the life of this thread, and that is largely down to learning ideas and getting inspiration from everyone - especially you blindingly fast boys! The main things that have changed are a switch from tempo runs to reps, which I never did before. I am also (believe it or not!) far more sensible about injury management and prevention, including proper warming up and stretching.

    Good mile reps SG given the wind this morning!

    8M xc for me and that wind sure was fierce! Felt nauseous the whole way round. This may just have been starting much later than normal for a pre-breakfast run.

    Iron - get some Echinacea down yer and get better!


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    Ha ha Dean. Started a new job in December so have only had time to review this thread and not involved in messing about in Clubhouse. To be fair I had a quick look in there last week and seemed to be on repeat from last year image

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Missed that Dachs - ouch and double ouch!!

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    Good luck Dachs. I think if there was a dentist behind me at every race I'd PB all the time.

    Bus - Echinacea isn't that homeopathy bobbins is it?


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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Not really. It does work! I used to get loads of colds every winter, but now I take it most of the winter and hardly get any. When I do, they are usually less intense and long lasting than everyone else around me who has them. Lloyds chemists sell them as cold relief tablets pretty cheaply. I take 1 a night from about Nov to March, with a week off every month or so and two when I think something is coming on - like now!

    It is supposed to work by stimulating your immune system to tackle the bugs.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Good session SG, 1600m  reps are not to be sniffed at.  if I remember correctly that's twice in recent weeks you have hit that session.  Looks like you have it down, time to up the pace or add another rep?

    treadmill Tuesday for me tonight, 6*1k at 3min pace off 2 min rec.  

    was hard going at first but found my rhythm and found the last few a little less strained.  Of course it was on a treadmill, despite the incline being 2, it's not the same as outside but as the weather here has been like the first 5 mins of the Flash Gordon movie, zero chance of any quality any other way.

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    Dean, I don't blame you hiding in the gym in this weather I wish I had. Fierce rep pace on a treadmill though, nice. What's next for you race wise?

    Scott, be wary of a Chris Thompson 10K plan, the guy trains like an animal. I was there when he won the Trafford 10K road race in 28:02!!!! The guy on the lead bike was exhausted!

    I did 3 x (5 x 90s) 45s between reps, 3 between sets. Was tough in the wind but was hitting 81/82 second laps.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Stevie see - christleton 5k is next, but I might get a 3k in as a sharpener .  You in?  You know you love that course!  That's a good session in these conditions.  We had hail and gale force winds in the last hour.

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    Good efforts today everyone in that weather today. I had a run to Primrose Hilll..'it's windy there and the views so nice' well actually bloody windy as it happens (gold star if anyone can get the track the line in the speech marks comes from)..

    So did 8 hill reps, each taking about 72 secs. Not doing speed work in this bloody weather!

    Bus/iron - I have had a fizzy orange VitC/zinc thingy every morning for about 5-10 years now. With the lack of sleep and training I'm sure it's helping ward the colds off!
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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    "For Tomorrow", and ICMFP.

    I can give you the chord sequence for the guitar part as well if you like.  Fcuk it, shall we have a sing-a-long?  Laaa laaa la l-la...


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Seeman,Dean,Simon, some good reps, and variety between you all. I can't actually believe we're into April now and the weather feels so cold and windy still.

    12 today, 6.59 pace. Second half with no music due to headfones dying, so got to appreciate the peace of the town for once, and also hear myself telling some guy to "look both ways mate", as he tried to pull onto a busy road not bothering to look down the pavement towards me.


    Dean - slightly different session on the 1mile reps.

    Few weeks back was 5x1mile at HMP off 30secs, on the road, so just about clung on at 5.50 average

    Couple of weeks back, 4x1mile at HMP off 60 (i think) on a track, as a pre Reading session, think they averaged around 5.45

    Both fairly decent weather days!

    Yesterday, was meant to be progressive with 4x1mile reps at HMP, Tempo, 10k, fast

    The HM rep was too fast, tempo was bang on, 10k was a bit slowed by the wind, and the "fast" was slowed a lot by the wind.

    Meaning the 4 came out within 6secs range, when they really could have ranged over 25-30secs!

    However, mile reps always feel hard. Best I ever did was when I'd done 34.30 and 34.44 for 2 10ks over 2months, after that I got a session off with 5x1mile at 5.30 dead on.

    That was followed by a 35.07 10k at the Bupa London 10k, which showed about 6.4miles on the garmin and average pace the same as the 34.30 10k pb, but obviously extra distance!

    Getting back there is the mission!


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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭

    Good to see no April Fools tomfoolery on here today.

    About 3 weeks ago I did 400m reps (actually 1/4 mile reps) on the grass field behind my house despite being a bit ill still. They came out at 86 average (12), so I had another go today and it was much easier. I did them blind of times again so just ran to feel, solid but not flat out as I am still protecting the hamstring a bit and don't want to overstride.

    They came out at 79 secs average this time, fastest 77 slowest 81 with the middle ones being the slowest. Looking at Macmillan I should be 76-81 so I guess they are ok.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Sounds tidy enough, especially on grass?

    I'm quite interested what you can produce when you don't have more disclaimers than Stevie G.

    Off work until the 14th now. Scenes. Just in case any of the locals fancy some kind of run. Well...it's not closed to anyone further afield, but probably isn't worth their travel!

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭

    It was on grass, it's round a couple of football pitches, so a couple of tight turns but the ground isn't too bad. Just seems to make much more sense than going all the way to the track.

    Re disclaimers, apart from one week of being ill, the last 6 weeks have been quite productive, a couple of hammy niggles but nothing major. I have a 10k race on Saturday so hopefully it stays that way.

    Run isn't out of the question if it fits in with other stuff.

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    SG I'm off to now until the 20th! Oh the joy! Running, running and more running.

    8 tonight in 7:10, felt very leggy after last nights session, but was surprised with a mile to go I was doing 7:10 pace, felt like 8:30!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    always good when you're posting more frequently See-man, keep it up. Hopefully it'll renew you!

    And good work on gazumping me!

    I look forward to a spell of 5 footy games,  tonnes of lay ins/sleep, and countless miles before one day returning! It's like being a 16year old, but being fit!

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Up in't Lakes now image


    Good journey up, and managed a quick pre-dinner run up the local fells. 5 miles and 2000ft done - very wet, with wind blown sleet threatening to take my eyes out on the tops, but can't think of anywhere I'd rather be running!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    how about somewhere flat, without wind?

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    What, like a treadmill?  image


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    maybe not actually. Must be a hard thought knowing you're spending ages on one of those.

    Though it wasn't exactly glorious knowing 16+ laps were coming my way on Tuesday's sesh!

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    Enjoy the hols guys. We're off to Lanza in the summer. Not flat, very windy. 

    Still haven't done anything since Sunday. I'll venture outdoors later to the shop. 

    The problem with working from home is the existing in the limbo between well and sick. If I worked in an office I wouldn't go in. But I can get some stuff done,just not anything that requires intelligence or thought. Manflu. 

    I always get a bit of an adrenaline rush the day of a track session. Maybe it's fear! 

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    treadmills arent so bad, i did a 40 min tempo (so about 7 miles) on one on saturday.  with something to watch on screen the time passes quickly enough.

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    Bus - Fancy the Rydal Round fell race in July?  I enjoyed it so much last year I'm going back again this year.  BTW, try not to get bitten by any sheep!  image

    Cat - enjoy Lanzarote.  For some bonus double-hard training, you should plan to do your 70 mile bike ride on the day when all the bike hire shops are shut, and use the hotel mountain bike with the rusty chain and the slow puncture.  Character-building!



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    Went on a treadmill on my honeymoon. I don't think the usual patrons of the Venetian gym in Vegas were ready for 45 mins of treadmill pounding..Off up to Luton for the track session tonight, mercifully looks less windy than last week.

    What follows won't be helping general fitness - watching Bmth at Ipswich tomorrow and the Bmth beer festival saturday afternoon. Hopefully Poole Park run in the morning if I don't feel too rough!!

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    PhilPub wrote (see)


    Cat - enjoy Lanzarote.  For some bonus double-hard training, you should plan to do your 70 mile bike ride on the day when all the bike hire shops are shut, and use the hotel mountain bike with the rusty chain and the slow puncture.  Character-building!



    I did 40 miles last year around the rugged Brittany coast on the Gite equivalent of that. Mrs was on an e-bike and somewhere in the distance. Are there many camels in Lanza image

    I strongly dislike easy work on a treadmill or turbo. However for quality work I don't mind. There is no boredom with quality, just suffering. Of course with some of my travel locations you take what you've got. An unlit track with 4" of snow and ice or a treadmill.

    We have Bracknell parkrun inaugural this Saturday, which has been MrsCat's baby for the past year. We'll welcome you all with open arms from week#2 onwards image

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Did you have a beret and some onions hanging off the handlebars Iron?

    Some ride on that machine PP!

    I don't mind a treadmill for a sort speed session if in a hotel, but would much rather be out somewhere nice!

    Beautiful pre-breakfast run this morning. Had intended just a short one over the local fell, Barrow, but the sun was shining and the views were great, so I carried on up over Scar Crags and Causey Pike. Had to take it a bit easy on the tops as there was a fair bit of névé and ice about, but great fun nonetheless. 7.2M and 2600 foot in a shade under 90 mins. Even managed  to sit outside in the sun to have my fry up after, before another trip up Barrow with the family. 

    Hope Bracknell PR goes well Iron. I might do Keswick parkrun, as getting to the Langdales on Saturday for the New Dungeon Ghyll Fell race might just end up being a pain.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Track Thursday tonight. 10*300 off 60 secs.  Target was 1500m Pace.  All came out 48 secs. So a 3.59 1500 or sub 8 min 3000.  If only is was that simpleimage  7,8 9th rep was hard work and felt the pace but held on.

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