
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Bus - I think it's generally windier and the weather bods seem to take it for granted that it's generally a bit breezy all the time. It seems it's hardly ever still and I can see with a bit of climate change our weather will get more sweaty and windy (sounds lovely!!). Shame as I can't stand it.

    Session tonight at Luton and steady running tomorrow. Bit of a bonus that my 800 last week was in the end was 2.06 rather than 2.08. As the Egyptian guy got DQ'd I think they got the timing sheet mixed up!

    Matt - me and my LBAC mate have got the Abbeydash lined up this year..as long as Berlin hasn't ruined me image

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    800m for me tonight, but its a bit windy

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    The whole season has been windy.

    I'm ticking over here, no speedwork in the plan this week apart from a last-ditch attempt at a good TT time before I go to Lanza for 2 weeks and bulk up on beer and bread.

    A nice easy 12km this morning in sunshine. Then it got overcast and now lunch in the sun. Changeable.

    Hmm... Leeds... Roadtrip up from the South anyone?

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    Matt - Superb fell race and report!

    Bob - I presume you got the BMAF e-mail with timetable.  Basically the same as last year give or take a few minutes, so hopefully see you - and Dean - on Sunday.


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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Yes, Dean,  it is windy 3 miles down the road from Longford Park. And the skies are very dark. Hopefully the rain will have gone and the wind dropped by around 7:30. I may well be there!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    I have just resigned myself to the fact that every race for the foreseeable future will be windy.

    Pulled out of the 5000 at the BMC Regional at Eltham tomorrow night.  A shame, but it's a 2-hour train journey each way (plus the journeys to/from stations either end.  I can maybe get away with it another night if I drove or stayed the night with a friend or something in London somewhere, but I've got a really early start and loads to do on Thursday, and it's just too much.  I will take 2 or 3 weeks to work on my speed and have another crack at a 5K in August hopefully.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Probably sensible Dachs.

    Yep, it was windy on the track today. Luckily, only severe on the last bend though image. It was also hot though!

    Bit of a mixed session. The legs still feel pretty tired and times of reps reflect this. Biggest problem was the last rep - I forgot to restart the GPS after tying my shoelace, and for once I was trying not to look at the bloody thing and go on feel so didn't notice until after the first 400! So 5 x800m off 400m jog rec (plus shoelace tying!)

    2:51, 2:49, 2:49, 2:47, 2:?? (probably 2:5?)

    Good news is the metatarsal pain seems to have gone thanks o icing and using a pad under the ball of my foot.


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    I'm contemplating Leeds abbey dash! November 15th. My weekend "in" so I won't have my daughter and could use 2/3 days holiday travel up Saturday and make a weekend of it

    It falls 16 weeks or so from now? And falls with my plan that I've just pencilled out at least 10 weeks no racing, no speed work, no tempos, just base mileage all easy / steady running to HR but it could be a tester. However rather do something local first!

    Slight white lie as plan to run IOW HM in 2-3 weeks but as a long run image
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Good reps Bus, glad to hear the MT pain is on the way out.

    After the other week's chest infection and antibiotics I felt fine, then last weeks TT knackered me out and I had sporadic tight chests again, however none of the other symptoms.
    Saw the Doc yesterday who gave me another prescription and sent me for a chest x-ray. Antibiotics not to be used until the x-ray result is known.

    I think I've worked it out. At some point during last week's TT I was working so hard and pulling on the bars I probably pulled a chest muscle image. Hence the tight chest but no other symptoms and ability to still cycle and run OK. I'll find out Friday when the x-ray comes through image

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Thanks Iron. Finger's crossed for the x-ray result, but your self diagnosis sounds pretty probable.



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Good to meet up with you tonight Dean...deliberately left it until after the race as didn't want to interfere with your preparation. To be honest two burgers and a portion of chips just before the race was not ideal preparation: I think one would suffice. My main concern was that you had the wrong colour laces...and socks. Socks! Are they really necessary for a couple of minutes running? Just imagine how much weight you could save.

    A good evening! And will let Dean report on his race

    Off to the alehouse to refuel.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Was good to catch up with you to alehouse. And with out giving too much away spotting that I wasn't on the results!   Oh no not again!

    800 target was 1.58/59. Felt I was in decent shape and that was an honest target.  Warm up was a bit meh!  But that's normal.  Did my strides and was ready then noticed there was a race 4 in the 3000.  Balls that means another 15 mins wait.  

    into the race didn't go off too fast and through 400 in 58/59.  That's all right.  The pace then picked up by a few but I didnt respond.  into last 300 and things got heavy.  Running in wellies.  I get dropped by the field. Into the last 200 they were only 10m or ahead I tried to wind it up but not much came out until 80m to go and a sprintette of sorts I catch the chap in front but not the group.  Last 20m were hard And slow.

    i know the time isn't a pb as it didn't feel right, didn't bother checking the results straight away.  Alehouse spotted I wasn't on the results, now I'm thinking have I been dq'd, again.  However after going up to the results booth they checked the footage and reissued the results.  2.00.74.  So not sizzling but still decent.

    In truth I probably had a bit of Saturday race still in my trotters and probably wasn't quite on it.  But it's a seasons best and 4th in the v40 rankings this yr. so it will do nicely.

    now need to recover for Saturday's bmaf

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    Evening all, hope the beer was nice alehouse, after Saturday I've decided watching track with a tinnie is the way to go. Was a bit rude of me not to offer Dean some Heineken really! Annoying Dachs. Real shame as Eltham is a cracking track, just a tad stuck out. Hope chest thing gets sorted out Iron.

    Decent reps there Bus, echo all the wind comments. Left work a bit late so only had a half warm up do the first 1200 of the 6 was a horrible 3.54. Think the others were 3.49, 3.47, 3.46, 3.49 (very windy one LOL), 3.44. So knackering in this weather!!
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    Cracking time still Dean, I'm lagging in 17thimage mind you, I was 34th last week!!
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    dachs - with that sort of travel for the bmc i think you are right.

    Simon - great training again, sharp 1200s

    Bus - 800s instead of 0.5m reps?  you crazy wild man.  nice to mix it up , good times tooimage

    Iron & SG - hope the injury/illness effects pass quickly

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    image Dean - keep up! I'm a converted track man now, those 0.5M reps have virtually died a death since finding a way to sneak into the Stoke Mandeville track - I've even been caught doing 1200s and 400s! That's an impressive time given your exploits at the weekend - got to be worth a good 2-3 seconds at least having that in your legs.

    Simon - thanks. Bit sobering realising you can stick an extra 400m on and add les than a minute though image

    No wind this morning - that's because it would have been at my back! Still, a reasonable enough 6M xc to the station given I had no sleep after 00:50 last night thanks to a combination of a police helicopter looking for some scofflaw for an hour closely followed by a constantly vomiting child until I left the house at 6.30.....

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    PhilPub wrote (see)

    Bob - I presume you got the BMAF e-mail with timetable.  Basically the same as last year give or take a few minutes, so hopefully see you - and Dean - on Sunday.


    Hadn't done, PP - read elsewhere they were sending them out in batches, and mine only arrived this morning. But yes, very similar set up to last year on the Sunday. Looking forward to it.

    Cracking time last night if not quite of your best, Dean. I see Mike Toal went in Heat 4, and was a tenth of a second down on you. Reckon that means you can retain some claim to the 800 bragging rights even if he does pick up the gold on Sunday as would seem likely in your absence. image

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Dean,  out of curiousity what sort of warm-up do you have usually? I know it was difficult last night with the timetable running late (don't they always?)...I used to be pouring with sweat before a race...you looked as if you had just been for a stroll in the park! 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    bob - mike v marc will be a great race in the 800

    Alehouse - i had been for a stroll in the park image.  a 15min jog at 7-30 pace. as a kid i always seeemed to run better off a relaxed warm up.   i meant to try diff warm up routines this yr but i never did.  i know the advice is to raise the heart rate up high on a short 800 style race. 

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Dean: never too late to experiment. What are you doing Saturday?!! Getting things right for Lyon is the key!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I might just about make it into the straight in time to see them cross the line, Deanimage

    Interesting what you say about the warm up. I go the other way, and build up the intensity for an 800 - about 3 miles in total progressing from a jog, drills, some steady running, strides, and finishing with about 200m at race pace. My times have been several seconds down on my best on the couple of occasions I've not managed to do all that this year.

    P.S. Hello alehouse! Great to hear that you're pinning numbers on again these days. image

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Hi BBB: you've come a long way in the last few years! Keep it going!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Will do my best, alehouse. Consistent consistency being the key as you always say and I've never forgotten. Great advice.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Bob: I now prefer "progressive consistent consistency"!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Dean, still a mighty impressive 800 time for anyone, let alone an old fella. You could be right in still having Saturdays race in your legs, after all a mile counts as long distance for you these days.

    Simon, great reps after a shaky start. Bus, likewise good reps in the conditions.

    Glad in the end that I wasn't at Eltham tonight, as despite the forecast stillness there was yet another blustery wind down the back straight at the track tonight. Had a pop at Dean's 1500 session from a few pages back, i.e. 2 x 2 x (400 fast, 15 secs, 200 faster). Wasn't sure what the recoveries were, so took a couple of minutes between the two, and 5 mins between sets. 400s all in 68, 200s all in 32. Think the 400s ought to be a fraction slower and the 200s a fraction faster. But a decent blast anyway 

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    great stuff dachs.  you can play with the times a little bit as you get used to the session. but as long as it feels like a marked increase in pace you are in a decent place.

    if i remember correctly the 400s should be between 1500m and 800m pace.  and the 200s were eyeballs out.

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    Bloody hell v quiet tonight! Good session Dachs, good to we some proper tailored training going on.  

    Will be quick as nearly half asleep- hardest track session of the year tonight, probably as feel quite tired this week. It was 10 x. 600 with 80 secs (I think) recovery.  They were 1.45,1.44,1.45,1.44,1.45,1.45,1.48,1.45,1.44,1.43. Thank god that's over is all I can say????

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    Interesting to hear the WU strategies. I used to do longer WUs but now tend to stick to easy running with the odd pickup in there. Same with TTing; used to ride the course first at a pace.
    Most of my PBs have been where I have arrived late or in a panic and not had what I consider a 'good' warmup.

    Sterling sessions Dachs and Simon. 10x600 is a long way!

    Last TT on the Maidenhead course for the year. Second best time there tonight and 4th fastest time for me overall. Plenty to do over winter.

    F off today, then parkrun followed by a cake-ride and then off to Lanza for 2 weeks.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Same here IC. I set a HM pb after miscalculating how far away the start was.

    An easy jog turned into a out and out sprint (relative to Dean of course) when I realised the road leading to the start wasn't 100 yards long but closed to half a mile.

    Approached the start close enough to just hear ' 3 minutes' over the PA.

    The race started and there was no effort, no oxygen debt. Easy.

    I guess the thing to do then is jog away around 600m from the start and calculate when you have 2 minutes to go. Then start running. 

    If you're up to SC's level (good session there) you'll arrive with around 15 seconds to spare. That should give one enough time to plough your way through those standing around at the back, desperately stuffing their faces in order to provide enough energy to last 10k.

    Needless to say you may have to factor in a time to apologise for interrupting their breakfast and phone calls.


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    I do think you can run well when you are a little late and aren't hanging about worrying about the race etc.

    New courses are good too, not knowing whats to come..and then if its particularly tough..saying 'well i'm not doing that again image'

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