
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Chest x-ray in. All clear, which is good. Pulled muscles seem to have healed too. image

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    That's good to hear Iron.

    Evening all. Just a quick check in from me. It's been a rather hectic week, with a fair bit of it spent in A&E with my son. It was suspected appendicitis, but now the perceived medical opinion is a stomach virus which will eventually sort itself out. Either way he is thoroughly miserable, we've all had very little sleep for a few days and the whole thing has made balancing life, work and running slightly tricky!

    As a result, I need to be heading out for an 8 miler shortly while I can. Not exactly looking forward to it though as it is absolutely pissing it down here and has been all day!!

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    Cheers Bus.

    I hope miniBus feels better soon and that everything is back to normal ASAP. Not fun for his summer hols.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Yes, hope the lad is ok and recovers soon. 

     My own lad is now back from university, permanently. Can't say I'm too unhappy about that, just the way the system has moved the goal posts. And removed the ball.

    Mind you. Uni's not for everyone. Some take to it like a duck to water. My lad was more like a kangaroo up a tree. Caused a sale of the 'car'. No longer required.

    Anyway. He's become way fitter than he was. Two weeks back we went out on the bikes and he nearly collapsed after three miles. Yesterday he kept riding me off his wheel. 

    He didn't go out today in the rain though. I did.

    Started a bit heavy and slow but picked up the pace until I was fairly flying along. Best bit was finding my lungs weren't complaining. Unusual.

    Just over 7 miles mixed terrain averaging 7:25's. 

    Checked an old diary from 2009 where I ran the same loop; and where I reached 30 minutes 'on my face' then, today I was there in 27:20 going ok. Progress.




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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Good to see you running a bit quicker than 6 years ago Ric. Got me to look back a few years at the course I did today: 12.35k largely off road, a few hills, just under 70 minutes. Diary says that I used to run it in between 51 and 52 minutes...35 years ago! And I am fairly certain I ran harder today, relatively!

    And yes, re Uni etc the system has changed, as the workplace, and most youngsters I know, my own son included, are on short term contract followed by short term contract.

    Go well over the weekend guys, particularly those running in the BMAF champs. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Yes alehouse. I was really unfit then, having been really fit once. I was on the verge of giving up. I'd had some medical interventions which had wiped me out for a few years. And the medics are trying again.

    Fasting blood test this morning after which the experts would like to stick a camera down my throat for a closer look. I think not. It's just part of their looking game. I know full well they won't act until I show actual symptoms. It's the way they do things. I'm past caring, I've been on borrowed time for decades.

    I've had a good rant about the modern university/qualification/career/debt situation on another thread. 

    Let's say the days where a guy could swan about at uni at the tax payers expense, do next to no work and get a degree that bore no relation to the career they choose, and then get paid four times what everyone else was on for doing the same work are over.


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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Iron, glad it's the all clear 

    bus, hope minibus is better soon

    Simon - superb session. That 5k pb of yours is going to get smashed

    Ric, good to see you running well too

    gb masters champs tomorrow so hopefully report back with some bling.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Good luck with the champs Dean. I meanwhile might consider a parkrun.


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    Good luck tomorrow Dean, shame the weather is a bit shite yet again. Yes hopefully the 3k will go ok on Wednesday.

    Good news Iron, sure minibus will be fine soon!

    Ric. I caught the lucky end of uni from 90-94, so had it all apart from the cushy jobimage enjoying diamond league tonight. So glad Bolt is bad in the groove and will at least challenge wanker Gatlin.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    I bet even gaitlins mum is cheering bolt on

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Thanks chaps. He does seem quite a bit brighter this evening, so hopefully on the turn.

    9M on the road for a change tonight. All ok, and even the rain held off for the first 6, but metatarsalgia in the left foot has flared up a bit after. Icing tonight and rest tomorrow then see what Sunday brings.

    Good luck tomorrow Dean - I as reminded of your finish the other day watching Mo's tonight!

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Good luck tomorrow Dean,

    Glad you're mended too iron, and hopefully your lads out of the woods Bus.

    Great session Simon. When's the next 5k?

    Glad to see its coming back Ric.

    Adidas Thunder run for me tomorrow. 24 hours running 6 mile loops in a team of 8. Really looking forward to it although my quads are only just recovering from Sundays race. We're in the mixed team with 7 male and one female.

    The female is a 36 min 10k runner, one with a 38 min then 4 of us have run 32 and the other is a 33. The problem being we've to run 4-6 of them each. image
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Thanks Matt.

    My money is on the women in your team being the only one standing at the end.

    Good luck, and don't say you weren't warned image.

    Btw, eat loads of protein during the event, it's the only substance that fixes muscles.


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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Matt Good luck at thunder run. 

    British masters champs today.  Arrived late due to trouble on the m6.  Had to run to registration to get in before it closed.  you have to declare an hour before your race.  I arrived at 65mins to go!  So I queued for my number, which took ages , then went to sign in the declaration but it had been taken away.  Shit! they wont let me race. So legged it to the call room to say I'm here and where is the decleration list.  spoke to an official who hand wrote me on the start list.  Great I'm in?  Or am I?

    had 10mins to warm up, then asked to get vest and spikes on.  Totally rushed I get a few half hearted strides in whilst the gathered the racers.  Crap prep!  

    We are lead from the call room to the track.  Managed to get a couple of sneaky strides in. 

    my plan was to sit behind the fast m35 chap who has run 3.53 a few yrs ago and a 4.07 this yr.  but he came out slow.  So I did.  Virtually jogging.  1 chap shot off into a big lead, over eager I thought.  So I stayed back with the fast m35. We go through 400 in 70.  Slow.   same pace for the next lap but the eager chap in the lead had about 5 secs on me.  Now I'm confused, do I sit or chase him down...?  Decide that as we went through 800 in only 2.20 that I could run hard from here if I had to.  So I chase the chap with the lead and notice the group hadn't followed.  By the bell I have caught him and I surge past to open a lead. I know I am very fresh and I could drop a v fast 400 if needed.  Slowly build the lead into the final bend and cruise into the final 100 where I pick the pace up to showboat in front of my kids.  Crossing the line in 4.14.  A 5 sec lead in the end.

    I wanted a faster race but I had orders to sit and wait.  Part of me now wishes I had time trialled it.  But it was championship so I did enough to bring home the jewlery. image

    I think it was muddy from the overdone it thread who said the commentator mentioned he didn't have my name.  Shit, I'm going to be dq'd due to the declaration issue earlier.  The time judge came down and explained that I was not technically in the race and that I would dq'd unless the race director allowed me.  He came over and Said I won, he is on the start list, no drama!

    good to catch up with Bob and muddy.  Good blokes.

    last race before Lyon. So nice to sign off as national champion.image

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Great run Dean. Considering.

    Let's face it. Those problems weren't exactly anticipated. On the other hand, you don't want to sleep overnight on the track to make sure of the start.



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Nice, Dean! Now don't overdo things in the next few weeks!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Nice one Dean! More glory to come we are all sure and hoping
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Nice one Dean! That must have been a worrying few minutes.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    The before and middle don't matter jack Dean, only the after  - National Champion! Good to see the officials doing the right thing. Total respect - much deserved!


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    Job done mate, race sounded like it was set up for you in the end, must be a great feeling to feel that strong at the finish too. All set up nicely for Lyon then!

    Matt- got asked to do the TR by the Luton boys at training but had to turn them down, but sounds a good laugh. 

    LBAC family fun day at MK track today, my 5 year old was most excited, which augers well I suppose. So after the club champs 5 & 3k race got on the track to do 4 sets of 600,400,200, with a min between reps and 2 mins between sets. The 600's were supposed to be 1.48, 400's at 68 and 200's at 32. The 600's felt great at 1.43 average, 4's on 67 and the 200's down to 30.2 for the last one. 

    Then grunted to a 5.98 shot put, pathetic 11m in the javelin and 3.25 long jump  I class myself as a runner, rather than an athlete ????

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Cheers chaps.

    scott, managed to beat a Hampshire runner from your club too!

    good session Simon, although that long jump was poorimage. My 9 yr old boy has cleared 3.10 this year and 11 yr old daughter 3.35.  Though they are behind you, like most of us, on those 600m reps 

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    Never Dean!! Matthew Hibberd perhaps? I think he still "won" the 35 age to up so well done to him either way, soon he can say he was beaten by a world champ!

    Seen that Matts crew are tearing up thunder run!

    11m for javelin SC is poor I am sorry. I thought you'd fair much better image but very nice session otherwise
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Yes Dean. National champion. Has a nice ring about it.

    How many people get to hear about it, will depend on how modest you are. Some I know will bring up the subject at any moment, no matter what the situation.

    Managed a repeat of last weeks 10 mile course this morning. Which I managed faster(13 seconds per ml average). 

    Also an element of not turning the job into an out and out time trial, so just the occasional reminder that most guys in their mid 50's aren't doing this sort of thing.



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    Yes the javelin. Have actually no idea whatsoever how to throw it, whereas with the shot I'm poor but nudging averageimage and the LJ was actually better than last year!

    Just an hour today, another morning at a triathlon where the missus is massaging. Felt a bit bad running past the runners on their leg, but not that bad. Realised session plus field events equals VERY achy legs. About 8 tomorrow then quiet Tuesday before the big one On Wednesday at Watford.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Don't worry Ric - I'm happy with fame by association, so will make sure Dean's status is widespread image

    I'm not sure whether those are good or bad Simon - long time since I've done any field events, but I'd like to have go at the javelin again.

    15M xc LSR this morning - wet, wet, wet and slow, slow, slow! Metatarsal behaved, but adductor didn't. Thought I'd seen the last of that one...

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    Briilant Dean ???? great win

    SC I threw the javelin 42m as a teenager
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Scott, yes it was Matt h.  Good runner who will get some fast times I'm sure

    simon, are you sure you didn't try and putt the javelin?  11m is shameful, you are 2m tall & the javelin is 2m long even if you fall flat on your face holding the javelin at one end thats over 4m cleared image 

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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    Ooh, well done (again) Dean. image

    Simon, I know very little about field events, but I have to say that javelin performance stood out even for me as being a bit crap.

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Haha Dean! Awesome win to become the national champ. Save your fastest race for the Worlds!

    Simon, 11m is bobbins, haha. image

    Back from a great weekend at the Thunder run. Was hopeful of maybe winning it with the team we had. I was on leg 2 in our team of 8. My first lap was a shock to the system as I saw the course with all the tight twists, turns and inclines and descents. It was boiling too but parts of the course were really boggy due to the downpour the day before.

    I overtook a couple on my first leg to end up with us in second spot, that was after the lad from Luton came flying past me and left me for dead. Think I ran 37.45 and was wondering how the hell I could manage another at that effort, nevermind another 4.

    On my second leg I really gave it some beans and ran 36.56 which I was regretting. Then strangely at 11pm in the pitch black with a head torch on, running through tight bends etc in the woods, tree stumps, roots, the job lot I ran 37.20 and it felt really comfortable. Really strange! By this time we had lapped second place Luton.

    Managed 2 hours kip then I was out again at 5 knowing I had 2 legs to do. I really couldn't face doing one then having to shower, eat, then wait around to go again. My quad was tightening so I decided to just double up and run 2 laps backtoback. 12.2 miles in 1.17 at 5am off 2 hours kip. The last 5k wasn't pretty.

    Quick shower then got stuck into a few pints!

    We ended up running 36 laps (just over 6 mile) which we were told was a record and ran 2 more than second place Luton. Won a pair of adidas boost trail shoes. Hoping I can swap them for some road ones!
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Superb Matt.  i dare you to wind your wife up say you passed on another vacation prize and chose the trainersimage

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