
Paris Marathon 2016



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    Andy-W-Andy-W- ✭✭✭
    Hi list fairy, could you please add Brass Monkey HM 17/1, GNR 11/9 and Chester Marathon 2/10
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    Completed my first 10 miler yesterday... Very slowly and the last 1.5 were horrid. I think my legs were still heavy from a tough circuits class and a run on Wednesday but also I had built the double figure run into a mental barrier. Next week will be better.

    Does anyone know a good website to find routes locally?
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    Forgot to say.... Run Claire that is not plodding, very well done x

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    Wendy - nicely done, you will probably feel it for a few days now as it's your first big number, but it gets easier.

    Also got my med cert signed today, quick chat with the doctor and done FOC!

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    kennokenno ✭✭✭
    Hi Wendy. It wasn't that long ago that a 10 miler was on the edge of what I can do, so I know how you feel. Next time you'll feel stronger. You are well ahead of the curve already. Well done!

    Amsterdam was my first marathon last weekend and I found the training really tough - mentally and physically. I thought that Paris was going to be my last and was a bit annoyed with myself for entering before doing a marathon, but this week I've entered the ballot for Berlin and have been looking at alternatives if I don't get in. Munich is looking favourite at the moment. I told people I'd be back on my bike this weekend as I'd missed it, but I've run 10 miles today which included park run with Stuchbury and our 2 children (8 and 4 - his first). It's infectious!

    Bike tomorrow though, definitely. It has been neglected and may not talk to me again!
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    List fairy can you please add the following for me

    Milton Keynes half marathon 13tb Dec

    Winter run London 10k 31st Jan

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    Andy-W-Andy-W- ✭✭✭
    Hi list fairy - sorry to mess you about but just entered another race (two today) so I need adding Temple Newsam Ten 10/1, Brass Monkey HM 17/1, Great North Run 11/9 and Chester Marathon 02/10
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    NodsterNodster ✭✭✭

    Blimey, you're getting them in Andy image 

    Hi all & welcome to anyone new & sorry if I'm repeating anyone ..... it's been a bit hectic.


    I'm missing you already ! I loved this race for reasons that will become obvious, but mainly because so many lovely BCRCer's were there to share a wonderful weekend with.

    I arrived on Thursday afternoon after a relatively hassle free flight from Gatwick into Schipol. Easy 10 minute transfer by train and a 5 minute walk in the rain to my hotel which was about a 20 minute walk from the Expo at Sporthallen Zuid and the start at the Olympisch Stadion. Quick check in, bite to eat and a normal (for me it seems in the week leading up to marathons) sleepless night !

    Had a nice walk down to the Expo the following morning to collect my bib, t-shirt and clogs !?, nice and quiet so had a look around the stalls and wasted some euro's image. Friday was definitely the better day to visit the Expo, as I returned on Saturday to meet up with some fellow BCRCer's and obviously got a glimpse on race day & the place was rammed in comparison with queues forming on Saturday.

    Chilled out the rest of Friday, tramming around beautiful Amsterdam, and met up with Eggy, Sweety and hubby for a lovely Thai meal in the evening.

    I'd planned for a restful day on Saturday especially after the three hours sleep I squeezed in on Friday night !? However ...... I couldn't resist meeting up with the group at the Expo and I'm glad I did. It really makes my trip to meet up with you guys. Such good company and great support. We spent the afternoon eating Burritto's and Stroopwaffles (Thanks Emmy) ..... mmmm, and whilst they were well worth it, sleep deprivation kicked me in the knackers & I had to wimp out of the evening meal and crash back at the hotel.

    I was really dissappointed to miss out, but I needed my beauty sleep (and still do !)& I was so relieved to get a good amount in and felt a bit more alive on race morning.

    After retrieving my bib from the room safe (what ?!), and getting my porridge pot and banana down, it was great to meet Orapidrun in the lobby and walk down to the stadium together chatting tactics on the way !

    Met the rest of BCRC for a quick photo shoot at the Expo & off to the bag drop which was starting to get busy about 45 minutes before the off. Bag dropped I made my way into the stadium with about 30 minutes to spare for a quick warm up and to take my place. Had a good luck chat with Orapidrun and some random runners and got myself in the zone !

    Weather conditions were near perfect for me, pretty cool and overcast, no wind (weather and shorts wise image), and it was just starting to drizzle.

    I put myself in the pink pen aiming for sub 3.30, after my previous 3.32 in Liverpool.

    The course is flat and fast, and whilst there are a fair few narrowings I didn't have too many problems getting held up anywhere. Once out of town I did find the course fairly boring, although the canal area was quite picturesque.

    I'd found out pre-race that water was only available in plastic cups on the course, so I carried my own and avoided the pitfalls of the water stations so didn't really see what else was available. I also used my own High5 gels during the race, one every 30 minutes.

    As I've been babbling on I'll cut it short. I aimed to throw everything at this one & fortunately everything fell in to place on the day. I paced it pretty evenly all the way at 7.30's, managed a negative split, and aside from slight calf cramps at around 25 miles, felt good pretty much right up to the finish. 3.16.54 and a very very happy boy <img src='/

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    NodsterNodster ✭✭✭

    Ha ha, I must've gone on a bit as the forum cut my post short !!

    Lots of stuff about happiness, great friends, pub, Guinness, brilliant PB's and how amazing this forum & everyone in BCRC is imageimage .... love you all, goodnight x

    Oh, and good luck Orbutt and Danni tomorrow !

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    Yes it was a laugh Nodster. Right old jolly up! I arrived at the expo on Saturday morning. I was with Orapidrun plus another club mate and also a non running pal who was tagging along for the jolly. The expo was rammed and I was bumping into pals left right and centre. We got through it as quick as poss and then nipped into the pub just outside for a couple of beers. By now there were at least 15 of us so we relocated to the burrito cafe in town, there were more posse waiting. We owned that place! Later that day the pasta dinner was lovely then took tourist pal for his first coffeeshop experience. Not my cup of tea but each to his own. Hotel then about 6 hours broken kip was more than I could hope for.

    The race was ok conditions. I was in the fastest pen but sensibly moved near the back of it as I knew I wouldn't be gunning for more than about 3 hours. Not quite in pb shape, I wanted a positive race experience. I had two Heathsiders with me who were tentatively chasing 3 hours and entrusted themselves to the mercy of my pacing. We ran together almost at 3 hour pace. Got stuck behind a van on course for a while which took our pace down a bit. I didn't rush to wind the pace back up and miles 10 and 11 were over 7 mins which cost us. As time target was not my priority I was saying don't worry guys we'll get it back just keep steady. At over 1.31 half way I realised I probably blown a pb chance by running conservatively but I had bags of energy left so I floored it for the rest of the race. Missed the pb by a couple of mins but had a lot of fun, ran very strong for the last 7 miles, didn't look at the watch, did 1.29 coming back for 3.00.31. Did the last half mile at 5.46 pace and overtook so many runners as I tried to drain every last drop of energy to finish as strong as possible.

    Lesson learned. If you want to run your very best you have to commit from beginning to end. Saying that, this was a very enjoyable race for me. I wore a big smile for 26.2 miles, made lots of noise on course, interacted with the spectators and ran so strong in a part of the race where runners around me struggled. Over 2 mins negative split.

    Then we met everyone else and had a big drink up. Fantastic weekend. I did a fair bit of walking after the race and I think it helped as I didn't feel too bad on Monday. (In my legs!)
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    Oct 27-29: Three Lakes – Thisisnatty.
    Oct 30: Orapidrun's birthday.
    Nov 1: Billericay 10k - Last out of the Water. Marlow Half – Agentpenguin, Pistol 101. Men's 10K Edinburgh – Meadower. Weton-Super-Mare Half - Urbane Fox.
    Nov 6: Danni's birthday. California International Marathon – Berkeley Runner.
    Nov 7-8: Enigma Fireworks Double – Heroine in a Half-Shell.
    Nov 15: Brighton 10k - Last out of the Water. Leeds Abbey Dash 10K – Andy-W-. St Neots Half – KeyserSuze. Valencia Marathon - Running Rodent.
    Nov 21: Hill County Trail 15k - Danni.
    Nov 22: Adnams 10k - Keyser Suze. Milton Keynes 10k - Hayley B. Philadelphia Marathon - Urbane Fox.
    Nov 25: Jimbob's birthday.
    Nov 25-29: Saxon Shore mischief - Heroine in a Half-Shell (5in5), Run Claire (day one) Thisisnatty (Double).
    Nov 29: Florence Marathon – Jimbob. Hayling Island 10-miler - Nodster.
    Dec 5: Battle of Waterloo Challenge - RunCaire. Cancun Marathon - Jokeybhoy.
    Dec 13: Milton Keynes Half - Hayley Bennett.
    Dec 20: Porstmouth Coastal Marathon – RunClaire, Sunnysider Phil.
    Jan 1: Roundman's birthday.
    Jan 2: Winter Enigma Marathon Day 1 - This is Natty.
    Jan 3: OO52's birthday. Winter Enigma Marathon Day 2 - This is Natty, Nodster.
    Jan 7-10: Dopey Challenge: Heroine in a Half-Shell, Meadower.
    Jan 10: Hobart Marathon - Charlie4. Temple Newsam 10 - Andy W.
    Jan 12: Orbutt's birthday.
    Jan 15: Yer Maj's birthday.
    Jan 17: Benfleet 15 - Lloyd R. Brass Monkey Half - Andy W. Jeskyns Half - Last out of the Water.
    Jan 30: Stuchbury's birthday. Cakeathon Challenge - Stuchbury.
    Jan 31: London 10k - Hayley Bennett.
    Feb 7: Great Bentley Half - Last out of the Water.
    Feb 10: Emmy's birthday.
    Feb 26: Marathon Day Marathon - Nodster.
    Feb 28: Brighton Half - Last out of the Water, Urbane Fox. Relativity Run: Run Claire. Tokyo Marathon - Jimbob.
    Mar 1: Radar Sal's birthday.
    Mar 6: Anglesey Half – Agentpenguin, Nells. Essex 20 - Lloyd R.
    Mar 9: Book Day Challenge - Run Claire.
    Mar 13: Larmer Tree Marathon - Nodster. Liverpool Half – Orbutt. Silverstone Half – Andy-W.
    Mar 17-20: Quad @ Enigma Week – Thisisnatty.
    Mar 20 Brentwood Half - Last out of the Water.
    Mar 25: Leggy Mountbatten's birthday.
    Mar 26: Two Oceans - Danni.
    Apr 3: Betzza’s Birthday. PARIS MARATHON 2016.
    Apr 10: Kaz's birthday.
    Apr 11: Chris Morgan's birthday.
    Apr 16-17: Star Wars Darkside Challenge - Danni.
    Apr 17: Brighton Marathon – Meadower, Thisisnatty.
    Apr 18: Boston – Sunnysider Phil.
    Apr 23: Kirsten Lancs Lass' birthday.
    Apr 24: Picklelily's birthday. London Marathon - Jimbob, Stuchbury.
    Apr 30: Nashville Rock & Roll Marathon - Nodster.
    May 8: Run Hackney - Tired Old Legs.
    May 15: Scott W's birthday.
    May 17: Simon Mac's birthday.
    May 28: Kent Roadrunner Marathon - Nodster.
    May 29: Comrades Marathon - Danni. Liverpool Rock 'n’ Roll Marathon – Andy-W, Orbutt.
    Jun 1: Penny71’s birthday.
    Jun 2: Eggy's birthday.
    Jun 5: Stour Valley Marathon - Lloyd R.
    Jun 18: Tromso Midnight Sun Marathon - Heather S, Nodster, Meadower.
    Jun 23 : Nodster’s birthday.
    Jun 25: Keyser Suze's birthday.
    Jul 16: Race to the Stones: Heroine in a Half-Shell, Running Rodent.
    Jul 20: Meadower's birthday.
    Jul 28: ATM's birthday.
    Aug 4: Uisge Jo's birthday.
    Aug 8: Phoenix Summer Marathon - Nodster.
    Aug 18: Andy W’s birthday.
    Sep 4: Benign Murmurring's birthday.
    Sep 11: Great North Rn - Andy W.
    Sep 16: PC's birthday, Mrs O's birthday.
    Sep 26: Hayley B's birthday.
    November 20: Phoenix Winter Marathon - Nodster.
    Oct 2: Chester Marathon - Andy W, Meadower.
    Oct 6: Onetit's bir

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    Andy-W-Andy-W- ✭✭✭
    Great race reports Nodster and Jimbob
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    So that's the first run under the belt. GSR 1h43. I really enjoyed it. The thing I wanted to experience was running with so many people. This is going to sound stupid. I found it a bit difficult, how do you get into a flow. I didn't weave but I couldn't really find a way to get under 10 minute mile. There was always someone to in front - is this something you learn with practice? I wanted to enjoy the run and not get too hooked up on dodging around folk. As I said, love it. Great day. Have a good week everyone.

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    Julie-Marie, this is often a problem at the start of a race, but usually people spread out after a few miles. Unfortunate that it didn't at the GSR. One thing to try could be to identify someone running at your pace or slightly faster and sit behind them. Then they can do the weaving!

    Tired Old Legs, Chelmsford was a very well organised marathon, with good marshalling and a scenic route along country lanes. Mostly flat with the odd gentle undulation. Good PB potential for the fast and also very welcoming to the slower runner.

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    NodsterNodster ✭✭✭

    Well done J-M, GSR is a big race now ..... perhaps too big. I used to run it most years as it's fairly local for me, but I gave up a few years ago partially due to how busy it is now, especially around the dockyard & partially due to the fact that it costs more to run than VLM !?

    I go for the Hayling 10 now which is about a third of the cost, friendlier and much less congested. Glad you enjoyed it though, always a good atmosphere.



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    Wendy - Well done on the 10 miler, things are coming along nicely image

    J-M - I'm glad you were still able to enjoy it despite the crowding; it won't feel the same in Paris.  The wide streets at the start helps you find your pace fairly quickly.  If there's a knack to making your way through the masses I'm yet to find it!  Sometimes you go the right way, sometimes not.

    Nice reports Nodster & Jimbob, and great races for different reasons.

    Andy W - Hurrah, another one for Chester!  Thanks for the recommendation, hopefully see you down there.

    Just had a sports massage to help the recovery after the Beachy Head marathon on Saturday.  Much needed!  At just shy of 1,400m of ascent, it was an awful lot more than I'm used to!  Running over the Seven Sisters was really cool.

    Has anyone here ran Snowdonia before?  I think I'm going to give it a go next year; entries open on 1 January. A sobering thought! Can anyone be tempted into it?...

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    Thank you for all the encouragement..... I am so looking forward to meeting you. Great race reports from Amsterdam truly inspiring.
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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭

    Did the Marine Corps Marathon yesterday. Full report to follow but it was an incredibly moving event. 

    Spent a lot of time with Dannirr and his lovely family - what a great weekend. 

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    Hi, just entered the Paris marathon after missing out in the London ballot and booked flights and hotel for me and my wife, I think the wife is pleased now we have five days in Paris instead of a weekend in London.

    I have never done a full marathon only a few half marathons and at my age (48) I have the urge to do one. Only been running a year after losing weight! 


    Any tips about Paris?

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    The first tip CF, is to stick with this thread. Everything you need is right here image
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    And btw Welcome and congratulations on signing up for your first marathon. It's awesome!
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    Thanks jimbob looking forward to it and if all goes well I will look at the Amsterdam in October 2016 if I can get a place!

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    kennokenno ✭✭✭
    In early September a few wise people suggested I went to see the doctor. Glad I did. Thank you for the advice. If it wasn't for running a marathon I would never have found out. Really glad I did.
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    Meadower - Snowdonia is a lovely marathon. I accidently did it on Saturday. It is mostly on road, has great support, friendly runners and beautiful scenery. It also has unpredictable weather (usually anything from rain to storms/hail) and hills. The difference compared to Beachy Head is that Snowdonia has 3 main hills, each of at least 2 miles, so long slog, not short sharp. The last 5 miles of Snowdonia are 3 miles of up, a mile of undulating trail and a mile of steep downhill to the finish.

    Wendy - 10 miles is a great milestone to have reached. Not far to a half marathon now! It doesn't matter the speed, it's about covering the distance and as you build endurance it will feel easier.

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    Liking the sound of Amsterdam, great reports, may add that to my marathon venue  hit October

    Getting ready for another slow burning trundle on Sunday at marlow, motivation is lacking somewhat to run at the moment!!

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    kennokenno ✭✭✭
    Thinking about running the Silverstone half marathon. It's 3 weeks before Paris. Is that too close to race it and still run well in Paris? Had my wrists slapped for suggesting I'd race a half a week before Amsterdamimage
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    NodsterNodster ✭✭✭

    Wrote a load, but my laptop has a mind of it's own & wiped it ..... bugger image

    So in summary .....

    Meadower - sod Snowdonia, just seen course profile ..... Chester .... ooooo, post race massages .... mmmm

    Wendy D - It'll be good to meet you too !

    Orbutt - awesome race, well done, it's on my list now

    CF - what Jimbob said and this group is awesome and so is Paris, you'll have a blast if you hang here

    Kenno - hope everything is ok, take it easy. As for the half three weeks out, I would've thought that'd be ok. I usually have a 20 miler at a steady pace three weeks out .... but then maybe you shouldn't listen to me, my schedule is scary for next year even to me image

    Runclaire - you're definitely in the right place if you accidentally ran Snowdonia .... this place is full of nutters image

    AP - check out the post race video's on the Dam website, that'll get the motivation back

    Finished ....... woo


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    NodsterNodster ✭✭✭
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    runclaire... you truly are mad!

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    PARIS 2016 list

    Preferential pen (speed of light):
    510 – The Jimbob

    Red pen (3hr):
    3575 – Sunnysider Phil
    4465 – Heroine in a Half Shell
    4513 – Mr HIAHS
    4824 – Banksy7
    5946 - KennyM

    Yellow pen (3:15):
    9290 – Andy-W
    9090 – Steve Duffy 2
    9763 - UrbaneFoxLondon
    11845 - Boquito
    12471 – Your Pace or Mine

    Blue Pen (3:30):
    16621 – Nodster
    18256 – LloydR
    21484 – Carl D
    ??????? – Kenno
    ??????? - Stuchbury

    Purple pen (3:45):
    29410 – Orbutt
    29546 – ThisIsNatty
    29611 – E mmy
    29639 – PC
    29707 – Onetit
    30515 – Mattleydon
    30667 – Pistol101
    30776 - Whiskybob
    31858 – KeyserSuze
    33204 – Quinn the Eskimo
    37589 - Smudgerncfc
    43575 – NGUG

    Green pen (4hr):
    44484 - AspirantRunner
    45575 – Magna Carter
    48297 – Reflekting
    52579 – Amalik

    Grey pen (4:15):
    57428 – Nells
    57140 - HeatherS
    58736 – Mr KeyserSuze
    59954 – Goinglong
    61327 – Last out of the water
    62326 – RobH4
    62650 - EHN

    Pink pen (4:30+):
    65227 – Penny71
    65540 – Betzza
    66499 – Loulou
    67176 - Loubella
    67288 – Karen Bowman 2
    67356 – Ness2
    68001 -  Wendy Dibble
    68656 – Julie-Marie
    69152 – Hayley Bennett2
    69321 – Littlelau1
    65445 – Thebigone
    67360 – Radford70
    71622 - Moominrun
    71870 – Tired Legs

    To find your number/pen - log in to your ASO account - http://www.asochallenges.com/, there is a large red box to the left of the screen, click 'my order' and your details are there. You should be able to change your pen on the day if required. Someone will post on the forum when the Convocation (a piece of paper that you HAVE to take with you to the Expo) is ready to download, normally a couple of weeks before the race.

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