
Sub 3



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    Very quick check in....

    2:37:04! Slight negative split. Really very happy ????????
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Nver doubted it ryan, great return on investment. Good job you never did any long runs.

    Did my 12m 'long' run on the flat today, I bumped into marigold leading a long line of runners in the opposite direction.
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭

    RS - 12th place and sub 6 min/mile avg. Enjoy a well earned Christmas week off. Very well done. 

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    Well done RS!

    Final race of 2016 for me: South West Inter Counties XC. Much bling for my 7th place finish: 2nd FV35, 1st club team and 3rd county team, so 1 of each colour.
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    Nice one Ryan, fantastically well done! Though obviously I'm annoyed you didn't blow up horribly at 24M to make my pointimage

    PP -- I was a bit miffed that people started making front dynamo lights with 5V USB output sockets shortly after I got mine...

    Well I did do my first long run of the campaign today: a not-very-fast staircase of reps/tempo (2x0.5M, 2x1M, 2x2M, 1x4M, all off 0.5M, round the park), then 5M plodding randomly round town. Total 20M in 2hr26 (7:17/M avg). I'm still a bit heavier than I was pre-Snowdonia, which isn't great going _into_ Christmas. County champs XC on 3rd Jan, possibly the club 4M race on Boxing Day, so I needed to sneak a bit of speed into the run today.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Chapeau Ryan, that's a decent chunk off your Mablethorpe time if I remember rightly.  I'm sure you've found a nice glass of Moretti to celebrate with by now image

    Nicely done on the bling collection Jools.

    Cracking long distance interval session Charlie, should help shift the extra timber.

    12.3m for me today though I couldn't match TR for either sea views or celebrity spotting!

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done on the medals jools

    Wardi -I never normally see any other runners on my more usual route, let alone a celebrity.

    Charlie - get with the ryan styie modern stuff, 20 is 2m overdistance. I have ages now to cross the gap from 12m to 18m.
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    Ryan - Fantastic! So the mileage hasn't broken you then.  What's the next one again??

    CW - Hold fire with the techy stuff... the bike's been delivered and is operational, but I'm flummoxed by mudguard fitting.  D'oh! image

    Jools - A nice end to the year. Nice bling bagging.

    I came home with a massive shield on Saturday but only because they forgot to give us the award for first "8-to-score" in the previous South of the Thames XC race a few weeks ago. Saturday was the longer 7.5 mile race in Tonbridge. A long way, pretty hilly and very heavy going. Puddingy rather than boggy, but definitely good practise for the Southern at Parly Hill (ugh!)

    We won the 6-to-score competition for the first time in our history and although I was only 8th scorer so didn't actually win anything (we were second in the 12-to-score behind a huge Tonbridge home team) I finished first of our "B group" and had a good scrap with one of our A group, catching him a couple of times on the ups just to be taken again on the downs.  Also 34th overall compared to 36th at the last one, probably my best XC race so far this season, and now we've got a whole three weeks' rest before the County. My ankles will enjoy the recovery.

    15 miles yesterday, again largely off-road. 

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    Ryan – that’s a corking run and thoroughly deserved.  Just goes to show the old fashioned “heavy mileage” option still works.   That’s a really impressive performance and it’s so good to see it all come together so perfectly.  How long until a full report?   

    Jools – good medal haul.  (2015 was such a good year for you that you have got a whole year ahead of yourself (It was the last race of 2015 not 16!)

    CW – nice start to the campaign.  Very impressive that you can just drop straight in to a 20miler.

    PP – I have no idea what a puddingy cross country would be like, but it sounds tough.  Good run though, 34th but only 8th scorer sounds like impressive packing from your club.

    Wardi – more good long running.  You seem to do one long run per post. 


    I’ve had an interesting few days as we have been away visiting family.  Snook in a steady 8 miler with my brother in Sheffield which was good.   “Only” averaged just under 7’s, but with the hills it felt a little harder but at the same time also gave me the confidence that I hadn’t lost too much fitness while ill last week.  


    Then yesterday I did a lovely 90minutes on the bike out in the peak district.  Absolutely glorious morning for it – bright blue sky but reasonably mild.  Amazing!  (but a slight shame that I was out on my Dad’s off-road bike which was way too small for me!).

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    Here’s the report…

    Flew from Gatwick early Saturday morning and got out of Pisa airport around Midday. Couldn’t check in until 4 so went up to the expo to collect my number, chip etc. My doctor had refused to sign the medical consent form (saying quite correctly that it was pointless) but the website said that a UKA card would be ok. My UKA card has my old club on it and no photo so I had printed off a new one with the right details but it was just a piece of A4 with the new ‘card’ in the middle. Nobody spoke any English and there was a lot of loud voices and gesturing before someone decided that it was ok – phew! I have my last food for the day at 4pm and met up with Christof (the new training method is his method) and we chatted about targets, pacing HR etc. I was going to set off at a HR of 160 or less for the first half and no faster than 6:00/mile to start with.

    On race morning I went to Christof’s (who was staying Sun night as well) hotel to dump my bag as I didn’t fancy risking it disappearing from the bag storage. Despite the mist that was forecast the morning was clear, cool and sunny. We jogged up the to start and encountered a little problem – there was evidently some kind of ‘elite’ pen according to predicted times and I wasn’t allowed in. I guess it was because I entered so late. Had to jog on a bit and duck under the tape when nobody was looking. The only thing I didn’t like about the whole race was the start which was chaotic – the ‘elite’ starters were roped off behind a few wheelchair races and a load of people with balloons etc. who were going to start a few mins before the main race. I think that a fair few elite runners slipped under the rope as after the wheelchairs and ballooned runner had gone, we were asked to back up by the race officials. I was about four rows back and already tightly packed in – it was genuinely uncomfortable for the 2/3 mins we waited after backing up but tried to focus on staying calm and not bolting off at the start. The gun went and I stayed still for a second with my elbows out to get some room and then got going.

    Miles 1-5 : 30:08

    I had planned to start conservatively, considering the unusual training plan, and did so. First two miles were both 6:08 and HR low. Felt good so tried to speed up and get into a rhythm. Overcooked it a bit with a 5:53, 5:57 and finally got settled in with a group and mile 5 was 6:02 and HR 159 – perfect. There were still plenty of people and groups around as the HM ran with the marathon for the first 7.5 miles. The route had taken us through the old part of Pisa, back and forth along the river and the out through a residential district. How huge support anywhere really but  there were a few people and the marshalls were very enthusiastic!

    Miles 6-10 : 30:02

    I stayed with the group for 6 and 7 clocking up 6:02/3. I was feeling really relaxed and the HR was around 157/8 so I decided to push on. Thinking that most were probably HM runners anyway. Next three miles were 5:56/59 and 6:02 (up a small hill). I spent most of those three gradually reeling in the leading lady. The route was really nice for this section – going through countryside and tree-lined roads which were all closed to cars.

    Miles 11-15 : 29:56

    11 and 12 were the first part of an out and back section through a town in 5:56/59. I had overtaken a couple of runners and then caught and ran with a Spanish guy for 13 and 14 in 6:00 and 6:05. I was hoping we could run together for longer as there was nobody to be seen ahead but I could feel it was slowing and so I left him when the watch beeped the 6:05. Mile 15 was towards the coast in 5:56.

    Miles 16-20 : 29:53

    16-18 were all along a stunning coastline and

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    Miles 16-20 : 29:53

    16-18 were all along a stunning coastline and I was feeling good and putting my foot down a touch so they were 5:54/2/3. At about 18.5 were turned back towards Pisa into a quite nasty wind – it was probably only 10mph or so but it was very noticeable with 18 miles already done. I was still feeling good and that I had another gear to go to but felt that being conservative was sensible given I was in unknown territory with the new training method. My HR had been 163/4 from 16-18 so kept it there for 19 and 20 which gave 6:03/4 so the headwind was adding 10 secs a mile! This part of the route was a larger road. I caught one person at about 19miles who wasn’t moving at all well. Just before 20 miles I glanced at the total time on my watch and it ticked over to 2 hours – I tried my best to not start thinking about finish times but definitely got a bit excited!

    Miles 21-25 : 29:37

    Around this point the first signs of real discomfort appeared – I could feel a blister on the ball of my right foot and both hamstrings were a touch tight, but not restricting pace. 21 ticked by in 6:02 and I now felt confident enough to start pushing for the finish. The next four miles were 5:56/50/51/58 – I was now really blowing and working hard but still very much in control. The temp was definitely increasing (around15/16 by the end but the headwind helped with cooling.  Caught one other person. Don’t remember anything else at all!!

    Last 1.2!!

    There was a small downhill section at 25 miles and that bothered my hamstrings which were complaining and threatening to cramp. I was conscious that a cramp would really mess up the race so backed off a touch and shortened my stride. We were back in the city by this time and the small slow down (6:07 for the last mile) allowed me to enjoy the moment a bit more. As I rounded the final corner and saw the finish line I went beserk – I can’t quite remember exactly what I did, but I know there was shouting and arm waving!! Tottered over the line and was so happy to see 2:37:04. Had a bit of a wobble about a minute after finishing – got all shivery and weak but that soon passed and I was on top of the world image

    It was a great race that was mostly well organised, apart from the start. I found the people to be laid back and friendly.

    The first half was 1:18:43 and the second 1:18:21. I ate and drank nothing at all during the race, just threw water over myself at every opportunity.



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    Thanks to everyone for their kind words.

    PP - I plan to race a bit over Jan/Feb as the marathon training doesn't involve running fast! I've entered  a 5m/10k/XC and HM and will start training for London at the end of Feb

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    Ryan: great report and congratulations on an amazingly well paced marathon.  Welcome to the negative split club!  Sounds like an almost perfect race, so the training has really worked for you and the experiment has all been worth it.  And I think Pisa was probably the right choice of race as you had some people to chase down and/or work with, which always helps.  Happy recovery: I guess the real advantage of a marathon less than a week before Christmas is that the big food blow-out comes at just the right time.

    An unremarkable 5M recovery (8.39m/m) for me this morning.  Trying to sprint up the final hill at Bicton yesterday had left my legs surprisingly sore for 4M of cross-country racing!

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    Apologies for the prolonged absence. Life rather got in the way for a while. Illnesses and crises on both home fronts (mine and my parents') have meant that running has been a real struggle lately, and while I've still picked up the odd veteran win here and there, I've not run any decent times. Onwards and upwards though, marathon training started today with a six mile recovery run.

    Great report Ryan, apologies for missing the run up. What was this new training method? 

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    CC2 - Basically high mileage and low intensity. 100+mpw at around 7:10avg with no sessions.
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    HA77HA77 ✭✭✭

    Ryan - Awesome job and thanks for the detailed report. Must feel great to pull everything together. So many little things can go wrong but it sounds like you planned and prepared really well which must give you lots of confidence going into the race. Really hoping I can do something similar in Manchester. Still a lot to do before then though. 

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    RyanS - fantastic, really pleased it worked out for you given how committed you were to the training. Looks like you paced it perfectly. Enjoy the recovery - a good time of year to have a couple of weeks off training, with lots of eating and drinking!

    PP - solid run in the XC.

    Jools - your trophy/medal cabinet must be filling up!

    Not much to report from me - been busy with work and home stuff (preparing for hosting Xmas), so just fitting in a bit of running whenever works out.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done ryan and christoff. Who'd have thunk it, lots of steady miles leads to a strong marathon.

    Cc2 - soery to hear things havnt been good, hope 2016 is better for you.

    Did my last run commute yday for the year and am on 99m for the month. So the miles have dwindled a bit. Hopefully I can find enough of a routine to kepp the streak alive, dont think i'll be rivalling ryan for miles though.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Nice report that Ryan and a very impressive neg split!

    Good effort and placing at the XC PP, nice 15 miler too.

    All the best with the streak attempt TR, you do seem to get in proper VLM mode after New Year so I have every faith.

    CC2.. better luck in 2016 (for you & yours and the cat!)

    Padams.. good luck with the hosting, we've got four guests all circa 80 coming on Xmas day so at least me & Mrs Wardi get a chance to feel young image

    Decent double for me, followed 4.2m early doors with 10.3m tonight which was effectively a club run circumnavigating the most excessive Xmas lights amongst the town's estates.  First prize will be getting a large electricity bill!

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    RS - quality run and report; well done (and obviously my comment was supposed to start 'nice', and not 'not').

    TR - no chance of me starting vmlm work too early, which might actually see me make it for a change. I'm a lot closer to you than normal for volume. 145m so far (but no non-running stuff in my case). I ran 5m today as my first run since Frida and my legs were dead.

    A productive end to 2015 Jools. Nice one!

    CW/TR/RS - at risk of repeating myself, and anti-CW's approach (though whilst acknowledging 'horses for courses), my pb came after I dropped my long run from 23m to 20m (whilst also dropping overall mileage).

    I hope everything is ok CC2.

    Wardi - nice volume recently.

    Not much else to say here other than the house is really coming along now. I've got all the structure rebuilt as I want it (plastering finished today), wiring, flooring, wallpaper stripping and painting between now and the 4th of Jan when the carpets get fitted. Deadline for moving in is the 15th of Jan (that's when the rental ends), but on target to be in earlier, though with work still to do (kitchen, and, longer term, bathroom).
    I'm looking forward to having it done and getting my life back though. It has been all-consuming, to say the least, but will be worth it.

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    No sessions at all Ryan? Did that not freak you out?

    Good to see you all ticking over nicely. TT - all that decorating sounds like cross training to me. Unless you're not doing it yourself? 

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    Seasons Greetings!! Been off here for a while nursing a variety of post Berlin issues - haven't managed to string anything together at all really and unable to run much faster than 8minute miling. Panic stations. Have committed to 3 weeks (2 sessions per week) and strides after every run to get the body used to speed again. Going well so far.

    Have been drawn back by news of RS's unorthodox sessionless heroics - I must admit it's something I fancy as I can fit the plodding in better with my commute and Mrs Muss has given the seal of approval to an 8 week build vs the 16 weeks I have been doing. 

    Feels good to be back image

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    HA77HA77 ✭✭✭

    Got out for a lunch time run. Did 13M with 8M tempo - starting at about 6:10/mile building to about 5:45 for the last few miles. Overall averaged under 5:55 for the 8M so pretty happy with that. Didn't think of it when I was running but ran my fastest 10km for the past 15 years or so. Makes me think how slack I've been. It does feel good to be back Muss.

    Might get in an easy run in tomorrow but probably nothing serious until the new year. I'm just reading P&D for the first time so looking forward to tweaking the plan. I don't think the P&D plans fit in with my routine but I'm going to look at using them as a basis to create my own.

    Have a good Christmas.

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    Ryan – great report.  Looks like everything really did, deservedly, fall in to place on the day.

    TT – good progress on the house.  Seems like you’ve made short work of the physical renovations.  

    Muss –welcome back.  The 8 week mega-volume plan certainly comes well supported by results!

    Top mileage Wardi.  Great to see you are firmly over your niggles from the autumn.

    HA77 – good tempo.  Impressive pace for the distance.


    Did a pretty tough hills session on Monday (430m up and across the top of the loop, then slightly shorter (250m) on the down – x8 times, run in a continuous loop) and then a 13mile uphill commute home last night (6:58/m) and a ploddy 4.5m downhill commute this morning (7:15s). 

    Feeling a bit more normal after illness… looking forward to finishing work later today and looking to log some focussed training over Christmas.

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    RS - absolutely fantastic time, well done. Jools, more bling, spot on!

    Speedy, good to see you back, hope everything's sorted at home.

    I'm just popping in to wish everyone a great Christmas and New Year. I won't be thinking about running much over the festive period. Unfortunately my groin injury is proving more troublesome than first thought so I've resigned myself to just taking the next two weeks off and coming back in the New Year rested and hopefully injury-free (+ preferably not too fat image). That still leaves 16 weeks for London training all being well. Glad tidings to all.

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    10 mile plod for me today. All semblance of speed is gone! 

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    Ryan -- tremendous, great report. You got it perfect if your hamstrings were just going at the end image

    TT -- actually I have to confess that while doing the full-distance runs was really important to me originally, in doing my first even-paced marathons -- and I'll continue to do them as I don't want to break a working formula -- it could be less important now I'm just adjusted to endurance perhaps (hence the first 20M being no sweat on Sunday, some 2 months after my last long run which was Snowdonia).

    bains -- I was especially impressed by your 8x430m uphill when I thought you meant 430m verticalimage

    I thought my legs were still a touch jaded this morning but I wanted to get a MLR in (no run tomorrow -- we're planning to kick a Cambridge bucket-list entry by queueing early for admittance to King's College carols). Actually my legs were OK but by the time I realised that, I'd committed myself to a kind of brisk tempo, so I did a 67 min Coro 10 out and back along the river in beautiful sunshine, then having chilled out for a bit sped up again and decided to make it a half marathon (just over a HM in just under 90 min). Which all felt like a pretty tough workout TBH (what happened to the days when I could do 10M in training in < 60 min?). Quite pleasing though.

    Edit: oh no, sorry ES, get well soon.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TT - top work on getting the house up together so quickly.

    CC2 -plodding is fine, you dont need to run fast to run a strong marathon, jusf ask ryan. Strength beats speed come race day.

    Es - hope the rest does the trick.

    I did another 12m today as I had the time available.
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    CC2 - I've done everything bar the bits that require some finesse (plastering) or technical knowledge (new boiler/plumbing) - I know my limitsimage So yeah, probably reasonable cross training image Particularly the amount of sledgehammer wielding involved (knocking down walls and converting/reconfiguring rooms)! image

    Muss - what problems have you had?

    Cheers bains/TR. I've surprised myself what I've gotten through in the last 5 weeks and it is tiring, but will be totally worth it in a few weeks time image

    Nicely done on the 12m TR.

    ES - fingers crossed it clears up. I'm on a similar timescale to you. I'm hoping to have enough done to the house to start to ramp up with 16 weeks to go.

    CW - why not try something different to provide a different stimulus (I know we've had this discussion beforeimage )? Drop a 20m with surges in, instead of a full distance.

    5m yesterday felt horrendous (leaden legs), 5m this morning felt almost as bad, then 5m this evening and my legs still feeling ropey were propelling me a minute a mile quicker for less perceived effort. Funny old game.

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    Hey TT hope the house is coming along nicely. 

    Initially post Berlin is had issues with calves cramping on runs etc. 2 weeks off  but same thing happened when I started up again coupled with barely any foot/ankle mobility. Regardless of rest // stretching// massage it sdidn't improve. Went to see physio eventually who said it was a nerve issue (wonky lower back tightness) - to be expected I guess because of how lobsided I am. Any way bit of nerve flossing and a truck load of exercises has things improving. 

    40mins steady this morniing @ 7:40 pace followed by 6 x 30s strides. I even hit 04:48pace for one of them image 

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