
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Sounds great Ric!

    Bus I hope your run doesn't become a swim. It rained a lot last night.

    Rest day today. I might hand my homework in late SG.
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    Right - first in image

    Here's the self-indulgent one, will think of the other categories later....

    Year highlights

    Long overdue sub 18 5k at Battersea (17:50)

    Rye parkrun course pb of 18:07

    Wokingham Half – 1:19:13. In some ways disappointing as it was 6 secs outside of my course best, but as I ran with painful blisters on both feet from mile 10, which must have cost me at least that it showed I was on good form at the start of the year…

    Running through snow on a traverse of Scar Crags and Causey Pike on a beautiful, crisp morning at Easter.

    The view across to the Mont Blanc Massif from La Tournette.

    The view from Wansfell Pike as the sun set on a stormy autumn afternoon, with mist filling the valleys, having just made it to the top before dark.

    Not dying on an Alp!!

    Year lowlights

    …that the earlier form didn’t last and I spent the rest of the year plagued by niggles and generally feeling knackered.

    Hillingdon Half – slow, painful and dull a race as could be!

    Failing to go sub 37 by just a couple of seconds in three 10ks.

    Being pipped on the line for 1st place of the Cedar Park 5k thanks to a hangover!!

    Feeling like I was about to die on an Alp (twice) !!!

    2015 Stats

    TOTAL MILES: 2407 (2nd biggest year for me)


    TOTAL ASCENT: 210,000 feet


    NO. of Races: 14

    Parkruns: 10

    Thought to take from 2015:

    Age is creeping up on me!

    Hopes for 2016

    It doesn’t creep up to quickly!

    More specifically though: a sub 18 parkrun; sub 36 10k (but don’t hold out huge hope!); sub 1:20 half.

    Keep injury free

    To get some fell races in!


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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Hope everyone had a great xmas!

    Well done on the bling SC!

    Sounds like you're having a good break Ric and that's impressive whining and dining Busimage

    Well what a shit end to the year I've had. image I'd planned lots of running over Xmas but a crap calf meant that was scuppered. Inlaws nearly flooded on Boxing Day, daughter has been poorly for the majority of the last 2 weeks and I'm in the middle of going self employed so my heads been up my arse!

    Not sure how it'll go work wise as although I'm hopeful of mainly sub contracting back to the company I've been at 15 years, it may mean working away but needs must I suppose. Planning on doing Trafford and Salford 10ks and getting to a track more and even doing some speed work next year. :-/

    Year highlights. Winning Holme Moss fell race and the marathon.

    Year lowlights. Not sticking with my HR training properly after Trafford 10k. It was my first race doing it and I went out guns blazing to hit the zone and then faded badly. Still ran 32.4X which was 16 seconds off my PB. I then sort of eased off it and did my own thing leading up to Edinburgh half and had a mare there. Then pissed about all summer jogging.

    Not running a 5k apart from parkruns and only one PB course 10k.

    2015 Stats - 3557 miles (going to run later) 18 races which is a shock as it feels about 8.

    Thought to take from 2015 - train smarter and do some speed work instead of being a Mard arse and jogging everywhere. Hoping to run lots of hilly routes, both road and off road as I fancy a bash at some fell running and I'm also keen to do some track racing.

    Hopes for 2016 - PBS!

    poster of the yr - Bus, Scott, SC and Ric. Dead heat.image

    performance of the yr - Deans world masters bronze in Lyon. Inspiring.

    one to look out for in 2016 - I think Scott will be posting some very good times in 2016.

    Most missed poster - Stevie see since his dancing injuryimage
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    Happy new year!

    Great stats guys and sorry to hear about the niggle Matt! Both sets of goals seem very achievable though and Bus I hope you stay healthy! 


    Scott / 2015

    Year mileage – 2419. 201 AV per month..141 / 303 the variance though. Overall the last 6 months much better too having switch to HR training (For everything non session now that is)

    Highlights – Running in Jersey for the world island games just 7 weeks coming out of head surgery recovering quickly having 3 weeks not doing much!

    Low lights – Losing Grandad, still picking up niggles. Not running under 34 for 10km or near my 5km PB too although Ij ust didnt do the speed work or focus on it to be fair!

    Thoughts – Maintain patience and consistency approach, do not force anything, implement gym work again

    Hopes – To have a track season of some sort. Run official PBs over 3km – HM. 8:59 / 15:30 / 32:00 / 73:xx – HM later in the year, focus 5/10km.. Hope I live up to that statement Matt! I was one to look out for in 2015. I was left behind hugely from early 2014

    Races – 8. 3 x 10km, 2 x HM, 2 x 10m and 1 Relay. Ran PBs over 10m + HM though

    Park runs – 4. None of which all out efforts

    Performance of the year – Dean outright, World medallist thoroughly deserved and JonnyD Euro gold although not a regular :P!

    One to look out for – If SG re focuses some training I think in terms of denting PBs you will make the biggest mark! 

    Most missed posters – Samir :P - SG vs Ric + Dachs




    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    The kilometre target for the year was 2015. Achieved: final total 2385.63, or 1482.36 miles.

    5k target was 20:40. Not sure where I plucked that from, but was delighted to run 20:50 at the last Sale Sizzler, and was even happier with 20:55 at a Last Friday of the Month in Hyde Park, given it is a tougher course. Not achieved, but given the ambitious target, happy!

    I aimed to run every day: 365 days achieved.

    The real highlights were meeting both SG and Dean, and I hope to do so again, along with the rest of you of course! Last Friday of the Month in February, anyone?

    I’m from Leicester originally (anyone seen the Premiership table...equal top...goal difference only counts at the end of the season?!). Matt’s Leicester Marathon win was a real thread highlight. Not the easiest course! Jonny D and Dean did pretty well, also! Hope to see others pushing these guys off their perches...or moving them on to a higher level.

    Watching out for Scott next year...and SG, particularly when he makes the move up to 26.2 miles.

    My targets for next year are to run 366 days, surpass 2016k for the year and achieve an 80% WAVA, which would mean 20:24 for 5k. All possible!

    Above all I aim to enjoy our sport, be injury and illness free and be thankful that we can do it!



    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Ale - I've just looked and seen that I have a 4 day weekend 26-29th as its Mias birthday on the Sunday. Count me in!

    Amazing to run every single day!! Nice one!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Running 1,354 miles 34k ft elevation (almost double previous most)

    Cycling 4,649.5 miles 154k ft elevation (most ever)

    PB's 6 (5k, x2; 10k; HM, x2; Marathon)


    Probably 5 miles into the Wokingham Half and being 4 minutes inside PB pace and knowing that I was going to PB easy despite the achilles injury putting me out a few weeks before. Oh and getting the GFA at the MK Marathon without any specific training, that felt good; ticking off the sub 3 was also a monkey off my back.

    Being my first real period of sustained training PB's were pretty much guaranteed.

    • 5k 17:27 to 17:11
    • 10k 36:52 to 35:33
    • HM 1:23:xx to 1:18:46
    • Marathon 3:32 to 2:59

    Races included

    • 5 Parkruns (2 FF)
    • 5 XC
    • 1 10k,
    • 1 10 mile
    • 3 HM
    • 1 Marathon
    • Maybe 6 or 7 Triathlons

    Targets for 2016

    • 5k sub 17
    • 10k 34:xx
    • HM  sub 75 (injury free) otherwise 76:xx
    • Marathon sub 2:45 (injury free) otherwise sub 2:50

    Performance of the year

    Apart from Dean, Dach's HM at Wokingham was one that stood out for me and Matt's Marathon win.

    One to watch


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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    My yearly stats are really a tale of a decent start and then a decline.

    Mileage totals.

    First 21 weeks: 1439 mls.

    Next 20 weeks: 433 mls.

    Final 11 weeks: 39 mls.

    4 races & 2 parkruns were the competitive total, though half of those resulted in being first V50. However, in the other three events I was behind several other guys who seemed to be as old or older. Can't they take up bowls or something?

    Once the mileage went missing, the weight increased 15lb's - again!

    Downside is this is the first year I've ever had knee problems. Upside is I've almost sorted it out. Only six months lost to it.

    Performance of the year is between Dean with an international medal and Bus spitting in the eye of death up some hill.

    Mainly I just hope we can all keep going. Retirement is a long time.

    Already completed the first run of 2016. I did this at 10:00am New Zealand time, so no chance of anyone in the UK (being 13 hours behind) getting one in earlier.

    Makes me think of those who paid mega bucks just to be here when the year 2000 turned over. Once the fireworks had gone up they were stuck in a boat off the nearby Chatham Islands wondering what the 'f' they were doing in the middle of nowhere.





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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    2016 review

    mileage 2271m (2055m in 2015)  the 20-30m per week in the summer really flatten the annual mileage

    races 24 - 1*400, 3*800, 8*1500, 1*mile, 1*3000, 1*10k, 1*hm, 8*xc

    PB's 4  1500m (4.01 from 4.05), mile (4.22 from 4.26), 10k (32.13 from 32.20), hm 72.00 from 73.10)

    honours world masters bronze 1500m, gb masters gold 1500m, staffs county Xc vet gold, moved to 4th on all time v40 mile rankings. This was also the fastest v40 mile on the track in world in 2016 if the wma rankings are to believed. team gold in Midlands Xc relays.

    lows of 2015 

    • not racing a 5k.  I nearly did!  I set off for the 50 min drive to christleton giving myself over 2hrs but horrendous traffic at every turn meant I was sat in my car 6 miles away when the gun went.  I was in good form that day and was expecting a good pb.
    • no pb over 800m or 3000.  My 3000 pb is soft, but I only raced it once this year and was in biblical weather.  Everyone was over 30 secs down. My number was ripped off my vest by the wind.  never broke sub 2 in the 800 this yr. but as all the focus was on 1500 and peaking for august all the 800s I raced this yr fell on bad dates where I had raced hard a few days earlier. 
    • Xc at the beginning of the yr was poor.  I threw my spikes in the garage in jan after a disastrous race in Coventry and never got them out until sept. Missing all the champs races.

    Highs of 2015  

    • World bronze at 1500m. achieving my only target I set on jan 1st 2015.  Below is what I typed this time last yr.  it could be argued i failed as with 200m to go  I was so far adrift, no ones money was on me to medalimage. But winning the medal in the way I did and standing on the podium was a great high.



    DeanR7 wrote (see)


    Aims for 2015

    • Get in the final of world masters 1500m champs in Lyon and to be in a position to affect the medals with 200m to go.
    • Nothing else matters, they are all stepping stones to Lyon. 



    • My mile pb.  I was in shocking form all summer, my race times were no where near my training times.  Coach looked at everything and changed the training. It had an almost immediate effect with the bmc mile race in Oxford.  Racing a v40 who had run a faster 800 & 1500 at that point than me and was going to the worlds.  I needed a performance. I got it with a 4 sec pb, a perfectly executed race and the return of my sprint finish taking over 4 secs out of him in the final 110m.  That set me up for Lyon.
    • Not exactly a high but i liked that most of my track races were filmed/streamed this yr.  meant that coach can see exactly what went on, and sometimes it's looks different to how it felt in the race.  I will watch them over and over again to find flaws to improve.

    Thread performance of the yr Dachs half marathon pb was an early standout but matts marathon exploits were superb.  In fact I think I was more impressed with his 2.40 training run on a back and forward canal path than the actual race. 

    Missed poster stevie "one foot" see 

    poster of the yr between ric, Simon, bus and scott.  All good to read but I think Scott's enthusiasm this yr just pips it.

    ones to watch to in 2016 scott, Dachs or Matt.  

    • Matt needs to focus on one thing and go after it, not do a 10k ,
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    ones to watch to in 2016 scott, Dachs or Matt.  

    • Matt needs to focus on one thing and go after it, not do a 10k , miss the target then go off and do fell racesimage keep at the 10k I think you have a 30.xx in there. 
    •  Dachs had a great start to the yr but it felt like it tailed off a bit...this will make him hungrier and I'm sure pb's will roll soon.
    • scott trains fast but hasn't delivered the expected big gains in races yet. I expect that to change this yr.  just save your best stuff for races.


    aims for 2016 go sub 2 in 800, sub 4 in 1500, sub 8.50 in 3000, close to 15 over 5k and sub 32 over 10k.

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    I'm becoming of a workout hero Dean haha!! Thanks though and I am seriously hoping to correct my PBs soon

    I think it's fantastic to see when we post nearly all of us PBd over the HM last year!

    Matt, totally agree with Dean, you have the engine and strength to run very quick. You said yourself you need to incorporate structured speed work!

    Dachs - again Deans spot on, you have much more to come, am I correct in VLM? I'm sure this will be a great campaign and Sub 2:25 is reasonable I reckon

    Dean - You showed this year what a quality range you had but also off limited specificity! Will be exciting to see what develops over the track season for everyone

    Started today with a rest day, didn't drink or anything last night, just scheduled rest. LSR tomorrow although it'll be 12 inc 3 steady at the end
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    All last year (2015 that is!) I had in my head that my target for this year was a 20:40 5k. Just looked up last year's post and it in fact says 

    20:50 seems a reasonable 5k time to target (would give about 78% WAVA if I recall. I know 20:13 is 80%+) That's exactly what I ran so more pleased than I thought!

    Rest day, Scott? What's one of those? I prefer the 20 minute loosener, plus I find running every day motivational. Day 516 completed.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    That is most impressive Alehouse - I can't be arsed to even put my running kit on today!

    Ric - that 15lbs makes me feel much better about my 5 over Christmas image

    Have to agree with Dean as performance of the year, but too many to choose which one! Also up there are Dach's Wokey PB and Matt's marathon outright win!

    One to watch? Scott, obviously, is due some big PBs and agree that Dachs has plenty to come.  Matt will pull out some really big performances, but I'd have mixed feelings personally about him having too much road focus and not doing some fell races as he has a natural talent - there can be nothing better than having your name on the same trophy as the likes of Bland and Jebby as he has already done! I'm also looking forward to Philip cracking a sub 3 out as a V50 at London. For me though, it has to be SG After a long break from racing but with plenty of base miles under his belt, he will get some big PBs if only he can get back to some serious racing.

    Poster of the year is impossible to call - if I have to, it'd be Dean for his race reports that are the closest I'll get to feeling like I'm going to get a medal on a track!

    Oh, and most missed threadster? Stevie See of course - come back mate!

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    That is impressive Alehouse! Have you suffered with niggles and just ran through them?

    Sod's law that 2016 starts with an aborted run due to my dodgy calf. Its annoying as its not really painful but a niggle that comes and then just doesnt go away. Looks like I'm going to have to give it a proper rest from running.

    Cheers for the advice Dean, Scott etc. I've said the same thing for the last 2 years that I needed to focus on one thing then I've abandoned that plan after 2/3 months. Haha. Time to knuckle down once this annoying niggle goes. image
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    Matt: I constantly have niggles but have worked quite hard (never hard enough of course) on flexibility. I stretch a little before most runs and then ten minutes into a run which seems more valuable once I am warmer and looser. If I were to give one piece of advice to runners it would be to work on the suppleness: I neglected it for years and therefore lost a lot of the flexibility that I had as a steeplechaser when younger. I don't think you ever get it back.

    A year or so ago two or three times a week my run was just 15 to 20 minutes; over time that has gradually increased so runs are rarely less than 30 minutes. These are active recovery runs. Rest days just don't seem to work for me, not least psychologically. My mantra is "consistent consistency", and preferably "progressive consistent consistency". Over the last year or so I have also discovered that "slow is the new fast"...by gradually building a big base I have become quicker whilst rarely running quickly (a relative term these days) in training although I now feel strong enough to cope with half to three-quarters of a speed work session! I also back off one week every month. It has only taken me 50 years of running to work out what seems to work best for me, although of course different things work when we are younger. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Bus, my 15lb's was accumulated over 6 months, whereas I calculated yours was managed in the space of 6 hoursimage.

    NZ has always been a weight gain job for me; as in 17lb's gained in as many days due to a daily fry up, or two! I've managed to resist, so far.

    The weather has changed here from a heat wave into a wash out from a tropical cyclone. It's been going for 30 hours so far and isn't set to finish for another 40.

    However, the effects are utter piffle compared to the disasters back in the UK right now.


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    Day 516 Ale! Wow!!

    I think all the time, now 2 years I've been running I took one day off per week, rarely did I run 7/7 and rarely more than once a day, I never found this was through soreness or anything just "made sense" when I built up the miles to 65-70 In last half the year doing this on singles was a little tricker but still could do it easily on 6 out of 7 days

    I would consider a 3/4 mile recovery run on the other day now but I think for me I could get more out of it if I started cross training or cycling on that day, not a full rest, just a day off running. I've been lazy doing all the other bits around running though and hopefully that'll start changing again.. I'd also think a recovery run on a day I've allready run is probably more beneficial with how my body responds to it

    8m with a few hill efforts today. (6 X 10s) longest run for at least a month / 6 weeks yesterday at 12m
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Start of the Wokingham campaign today, witn 15.4M on the road. Not the most auspicious start, in fact one of the most unpleasant runs ever! Torrential rain, flooded roads and pavements and a cold head wind combined with legs that seem to be slowing daily and then the old adductor pain coming back with a vengeance over the last 4 miles. Slowest long roadrun ever - should have just stayed in bed!

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    I had that weather here too!  Rubbish!  Managed to get a 84m week in though.  so haven't put any weight on over Xmas despite my campaign to eat on sight anything vaguely tasty looking.

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    Not much going on here.
    Mrs is in hospital for a routine op so it's me vs the world at home. Kids seem to be working as a team at last and the 8yr old boy cooked dinner tonight.

    Limited to garage turbo until they're back at school, or loops around the house.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Mrs Iron then - at the very least so you an get back out there image

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Same here for Mrs IC.

    Dean, that's serious mileage. It's going to give you a great store of endurance with which to unleash the speedwork.

    Bus, have you considered just running easy? even your longest runs have an element of being forced about them. Try a jog. It's good for old runners.image.

    As for forcing things. There's a hill where I'm staying which I've ground up on several occasions on previous visits. It's 740m long and goes 'up' 64 metres.

     I've never beaten 4 minutes on it. Yesterday I managed 4:06. I'm not really fit. I took on the challenge having run very easy to the start, whereas a few years back, the hill was part of a longer faster run.

    I think I could get closer to the round 4:00 with cooler conditions and a tad more bravery.

    To put into context how modest this feat would be, the world record for a vertical 1000m is a shade under 30 minutes. So that means the holder would be running faster up a gradient twice as steep.

    I need a lie down.


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    Good hill running Ric. Bet the weather is nice over there.

    Happy New Year everyone - has to be a quick one as work is going to be mental this month!!

    Highs 2015 - Sneaking a 10k PB at BUPA 10k - although should have been a bit quicker, hey ho. 3000m PB, although again not as quick as I wanted to. Berlin - getting under 2.40

    Lows - not many TBH - although I got a PB at Reading half, didn't enjoy it, hopefully Cardiff will be better

    Aims for 2016 - Sleep more!!! perhaps look at doing more masters stuff and getting nearer 4.05 for 1500 with more track stuff. Also sub 8.50 for 3000m and possibly sub 73 at Cardiff.

    New Year has been ok - Did Aylesbury park run in 17.09, then with 2 fellow idiots ran to Tring (8.5 miles uphill and headwind!!). Tring PR is pretty steep and like a xc. but still managed 19.50 which was OK.

    Did a decent 30 x 200 session Saturday then 17 miles yesterday. Back in the normal swing of it today..running with a rucksack is hard!!


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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Happy new year all.  Came back from Germany late last night, so haven't had a chance to get my review up, but will post it in a second.

    As always, being out of routine at my parents and then my in-laws seems to make it difficult to run, but had a few runs here and there.  Found a nice hill near my in-laws in Germany which involved an off-road 400m with a good 50m of ascent (I am guessing).  Managed 6 reps of it the first time, although a couple involved stopping, wheezing, halfway up.  A more satisfactory 8 reps second time I tried it, without any of that kind of nonsense, largely because I didn't try to run fast up it.

    Did a boxing day parkrun near my parents, where I only managed 17:39 and second, though Christmas Day excesses may have played a role there.

    Good 10King there from SC a week or two ago.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    In summary, my year has involved a great start to the year which I could never really live up to.  The summer was solid, if not quite what I’d hoped, but I’ve tailed off badly since.  Still managed a lot of PBs, but mostly through targeting soft ones.


    2,871 – less than 2013 (2,937) and significantly less than 2014 (3,227), which might help to explain why I haven’t been quite where I hoped I’d be.


    31 (crikey!) – 3 x 800, 2 x 1500, 1 x Mile, 4 x 3000, 2 x 5000, 1 x 5K, 2 x 5 miles, 5 x 10k, 2 x half marathon, 3 x relays, 6 x XC


    Under SG’s rules, eight -1 x 800; 1 x 1500; 1 x Mile (no PB prior to this year, so doesn’t count); 2 x 3000; 1 x 5000; 2 x 5 mile; 1 x half marathon.


    None.  Just included this to provide some contrast with Dean.

    Highs of 2015

    • Definitely that half marathon PB at Wokingham in February.  Since that golden first year of training properly in 2012, I can’t recall ever really surprising myself in a race, but I did this time.  I was elated at that, and it seemed to open up a world of possibilities for 2015 that never really came to pass.
    • Running the final leg of the South Downs Marathon Relay.  I took over with us in fourth, and several minutes down on the first two places.  Overturning that lead and bringing us home first with a decent margin was a pretty glorious feeling, especially when the rest of the team turned up at the finish with glum faces, assuming we’d been well beaten.
    • Getting my first county selection for the Inter Counties.  I’d tried to get a county vest as a kid and always come up short (albeit that was Avon and Somerset, arguably harder to qualify for), so it was pretty good to get one as an old bloke.  Didn’t exactly have a great race in Birmingham, but thoroughly enjoyed the day nonetheless.

    Lows of 2015

    • The wind.  Without the ridiculous windiness of this year, I am certain I would have PB’ed at 5K (road) and probably 10K, to add to the other distances listed above, and would have had a good number of other fast times.
    • The sheer number of second places I ended up with.  Took me until October to get my first win of the year.  Thought it was never going to happen.
    • Never really living up to the promise of Wokingham, on the basis of which (and subsequent training times) I was expecting to get into the low 32s for 10K and well under 15:30 for 5K, but it didn’t happen.  My plan to move progressively down in distances as the year went on was misconceived, and it involved trying to string a peak out for too long, or have too many mini peaks.  It didn’t work, and I won’t try it again.  Since October, my year has deteriorated badly.
    • Not breaking 9 at 3000. This was my only time target this year, and I didn’t hit it.  Missing out by a quarter of a second was frustrating to say the least.
    • Not breaking the club record at 5 miles.  It’s only 26:40, and I’ve run faster through 5 miles than that in at least five 10Ks (well under in some cases), but neither of my two stabs at it this year came off.
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Lessons learned

    I have raced too much, and not put in enough miles as a consequence.  Those 31 races look a lot, but it’s even more if lopsided you consider that I’ve only raced twice since early October.  That’s a big summer, and I’m reaping the consequences of that now.

    Aims for 2016

    No absolute time targets this year, but want to run more consistently at the level that Wokingham 2015 promised.  If I do that, the PBs will keep coming.  Definitely want to put my marathon underperforming to bed at VLM this year.  Thanks for the vote of confidence Scott, but I’m certainly not thinking sub 2:25!

    To get better at XC, by introducing more off road training throughout the year, and to get better at both XC and a finishing kick by introducing strength work.   And to get more sleep, although I’ve said this every new year for ages.

    Thread performance

    Predictable, but I can’t possibly look further than Dean’s stunning world medal.  Sensational.

    Most missed

    I’ll agree with everyone else about Stevie See, and also SG when he goes for one of his walkabouts.

    Poster of year

    I’ll agree that Dean’s race reports are a great read.  Also Simon for sheer consistency and casualness with which he trots out quick time after quick time.  I also appreciate AG’s dry asides, and the sheer reliability of the Bus (don’t hear that sentence much).

    Ones to watch

    Talent is partly your raw ability, and partly your ability to stay healthy.  On the first part, Scott has more talent than any other regular poster on this thread.  The second part, not so much.  If he can make the second part work, he will run some really excellent times, well beyond anything usually seen on this thread.

    Depending on how much running he does, AG could do very well this year.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Bit late with my stats as I keep them at work but here goes;

    Miles 1310 running and 5056 cycling (roughly 50:50 road/MTB though nearly all the MTB was to and from work and mostly road).

    Races: 2@HM, 2@10m, 6@10k, 1@5k,1@2 mile,49*parkrun+xc/relays/club 10k's

    PB's at 5k (just over 18) and 10k (37'52) both at Battersea Park)

    High's: PB's as above when I thought those days had long gone. Also staying injury free for nearly all the year (another first!).

    Lows: HM performances, 2 done were both 1'25'xx and I should be doing better. 

    Aims/Hopes: Stay fit and healthy will do, but HM sub 1'24 and keep the same standard at lower distances would be the cherry on the cake. 

    Performance: Can't beat Dean but Matt's marathon a close second

    Poster: Bus, more humour than the rest of us and (albeit more materialimage)

    Missed: SG, still here I know but miss his almost daily musings

    One to watch: Agree with Dachs abut AG; Dachs himself Matt & Scott too and no doubt Simon and Dean will be as stellar as ever! 

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    And back on the routine stuff, 5 parkruns completed over the Xmas break focusing on the West London courses where conditions are still fast. Fulham Palace in 18'17 equalled my parkrun PB then a NYD 18'44 and 18'55 double at Bushy and Kingston then 18'45 at Crane in Twickenham. No doubt times will rise when back to the more local quagmires!

    Must start upping the focus distance wise now or the two HMs I've entered (Wokingham and/or Fleet) will disappoint again.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Nice reports all, a nice tradition we've kept up on here since 2010.

    As we enter the 6th year of the thread, let's hope it continues, and erm...well, that I can keep involved too!


    ps Ric, had to re-read your stats for a second. 30mins for 1k sounded mental, and made me think of that Welsh 1mile steep hill run I always blather on about, but didn't even do the year that Wycombe played 20miles away the next day, which tells me I will never actually do it!

    So, must be a mad mountain type set up, probably a bit like that bit on Winter Hill where you can climb to avoid the cows, literally straight up!

    right, some of you chaps have been kind enough to mention me so I best shimmy up some kind of report, even though the second half was an absolute write off, of all but "keep me sane" standard base miles. Am sure I can get a monster report off though, in the absence of regular races

    (Ed- get on with it, that's a massive post already, saying jack all!)

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    That's 1k of elevation - actual distance isn't counted. If your report is any later you'll be getting a detention image

    Thanks Pete image. Very nice parkrunning by the way - obviously not carrying to much extra Christmas weight?

    Dachs - not sure we have had a "post of the year" for 2015, but if we do one for 2016, your two will remain strong contenders even from now! Very good self-analysis.

    Simon - 30x200m then 17M the day after? Double ouch!

    Ric - I tend to agree about the easy paced stuff. I have been trying, but probably still too many hills involved - diffiuclt to avoid them though!  I think the adductor has flared up last week though because I did all my runs on the road to avoid the sea of mud out there. This is backed up by the fact I've also developed a bit of mild PF in my right foot! So much for an injury free 2016 - two runs in and I'm buggered image

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