
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    I'm in the camp of preferring to run 13@ MP than 3 @ 10k. In fact I can just about manage 3 @ HMP but that's at a parkrun.

    I've done 14 parkruns and 'won' 12 officially. 2nd place/finisherimage in the other 2. Nearly 2 years since i ran over 17 mins but never ran below 16.25. course is trail and grass at my local one so not ideal.

    I've been first finisher on about 5/6 occasions when I've either been a pacer for sub 18 or used the event as a threshold session. Usually part of a 6-10 mile effort early last year so just carried on past the finish and didnt stop and hand a barcode in. A nice surprise for the chap in second.

    Scott, I appreciate the depth of quality was better in years gone by but I'm very sceptical of just how accurate the races were apart from track races. Even 0.1 of a mile can be 20-30 secs at the end of a race and I know of a couple of parkruns nowadays aren't even 5k.

    Where have all the old races gone? Used to be a local 10miler to me which isn't anymore. I know of one bloke with PBS of 32 for 10k, 2.40 for the marathon, 72 for the half who ran 51 mins for the 10 mile. Not having it.

    Decent weeks training for me. First week down Cambridge which is a cracking place. Mega busy for running as there's so many bikes an people about but some really flat parks and might see about joining in with a local club and their track sessions. Been cycling to and from work apart from early Monday and Friday as we just throw our bikes in the van when we get to site.

    Used to have to peel myself out for a run when I've been freezing my nuts off on site all day then get back to the hotel but cycling back seems to wake me up a bit and get me warmed up.

    5 miler at 5.33 pace on tues and 6 @ 5.50ish on wed were decent enough. Another 5 progressive last night. Hoping to get a track session in on Sunday.
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Also some rapid runners down that way. Checked on a segment I'd ran on strava from an easy run on Thursday and noticed one lad running 6 @ 5.08 miling as a tempo. Casually running 31 min pace round the block. Wtf.
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    At the moment, the speed of my track sessions doesn't even match that of some of the threads incumbents long runs with MP. Never mind, I'm old.

    Roped into a session today which was tough in the wind. Didn't seem to affect my training partner who could take 10 seconds per lap out of me,.... while running in lane two!

    Well she's only a women so what do you expect?image.




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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Matt, I'm pretty sure there's some link between pace and what's doable at the "relative" pace. Going from super fast, well trained types like you, all the way to my pal at work who basically has the same easy pace as HMP, as a scale.

    Ric, you're in a decent place though, you've banked your fast pbs, and you're still able to train fairly well, and put in races when you see the need.

    Yesterday again showed me health is everything, as I got a bit of a shock call that one of the folks had been rushed to hospital, it was serious, and I needed to get there asap. Just about got the words out to the boss, left early and wasn't quite sure what I'd find.

    Think it's easing away from worst case, but it's a minimum weekend visiting brief, which is never good, but then compared to being the one in there on your own it's not even a thing.

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    True Matt, I do find some of the older races a little "out" but can't hide from some of the big boy times especially in the marathon...

    Insane that tempo! Joe wade took some CRs on the local cycle path I use on the island yesterday so I won't be having them back soon - 6 @ 5:15s casually of course

    On the subject of parkrunning..

    2nd today in my 4th fastest time ever 16:17, felt I could have ran more at that pace but perhaps not any quicker, closed last mile 5:10 nothing too special. Followed it up with 4 X 400m (60s) AV 70

    Alex wall Clarke broke his own course record running 15:06

    Good to get a decent run in though and foot is now fine, one week ticking over then operation so just enjoying this week
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Old AWC has certainly ramped it up the last few months, after beating him a few times last year! I ran round our local parkrun with my 5 year old, did about 45, which was OK as has a few hills and was muddy. Think his PB is 41.

    Then went to Luton for a rare sat am session, 10 X 600. Windier and heavier than Tuesday and the times reflected it, started at 1.58 with most at 1.52, 1.48 for the last one, only 8 secs shy of Tuesday's last rep! One of the most knackering sessions I've done in ages.
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    See Jonathan Davies is living the dream racing indoors on TV with Mo.

    Matt, where are you working in Cambridge? If you want a training group the best is probably http://www.cambridgeandcoleridge.org.uk/

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    SG, hope everything works out with the folk(s). The concern we have for each other in these situations seems to go both ways and back again, as in 'we are concerned about those who are poorly and the ones who are poorly are equally concerned at our concern'.

    As for my mere session. I wore a HR monitor out of curiosity (again) and the rate topped out at 170 bpm. The average speed was 18 seconds/mile faster than ten days back.

    The limiting factor is my lungs are on the verge of exploding and everything generally tying up all at once. However, once I stop running, my HR drops like a stone. I recover in seconds.



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    Hope everything is OK SG.

    Philip - are you Wokinghaming tomorrow?


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    Haven't been able to see the race but -

    8.00.48 for Jonny D over 3km

    Can only dream
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Good luck for all those racing today.

    Looks windy. 


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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Cheers for that Phil. I have already emailed them and asked about joining in with a session or two a week whilst there. Still waiting on a reply but I get the impression off reading the site that they might want people coming who would be looking to become members. Hopefully they'll let me join in.

    Good luck to anyone racing. The wind is abysmal!
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    Yep good luck to the racers today, wind is ridiculous as per usual. If it's like this in Cardiff, I will have what's known in the trade as a 'benny'
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    Good luck all racers
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Hello. I hope everyone had a nice time at Wokingham. I am just popping in to say that I logged 59.9 miles in my training diary this week, and I thought of you, Bus.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Quick check in. Wind meant PBs were off the table, but even with the wind at my back in the first 3 miles the pace felt uncomfortable. Ended up with 1:13:55 ish, so about two and a half minutes off target. I reckon about 90 secs of that Is wind, the rest is just not being quick enough. Last 3 miles into a headwind were a mess, but I reckon I have that in common with the rest of the field.
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    Oosh nice one Dachs still a good 3 minutes faster than me I'll have to run a HM in the autumn and catch upimage You have Defo stepped up a gear from feeling flat not so long ago!

    Seen some other results on Strava, good running!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Lit - I bet you actually ran another 0.1 somewhere and didn't record it!

    Disaster today!!

    Nearly didn't make it to my secret Wokey parking spot due to a new estate being built, and spent 20 mins getting increasingly agitated driving round Wokingham! Just about made a warm up, spotted Dachs running in the opposite direction and waved hello. Then for the off, probably a bit too close to the front (as verified by a cheeky Dachs asking which of us was in the wrong place!) but started at what felt a comfortable, controlled pace and the first miles went by averaging around 5:50 pace.

    Then, in the 4th I started going backwards and by the 5th, my legs just had nothing. So I did something I've never done before (injury aside) and gave up....I walked for half a mile, realised I would become hypothermic if I didn't do something, so started to run again until the 8 mile point, where I stopped at a St John Ambulance and asked if they could get me a lift back to race HQ. This was at a point in the course where there is a loop so I could see the runners a mile ahead passing at the 9 mile point. The "sweeper" bus was taking so bloody long though, that after about 15 mins of slowly getting colder in the ambulance, I decided to jog back to the finish. So, including the warm up, I did the distance at least. The last 4 mile "jog" back was entertaining in a way, as I was constantly overtaking very knackered looking people, who were giving me a dirty look as I cruised past at 7mM pace! Funnily enough, the first 5 mile time was OK - 30:02, but I'd been slowing so fast that it just seemed pointless to carry on. I really don't know why. My left leg is very sore where my son kicked me play fighting in the pool on Wednesday, but that would only be a small part of it. 

    Where to go from here......

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    The Bus wrote (see)

    Lit - I bet you actually ran another 0.1 somewhere and didn't record it!

    I did, of course. I don't put all the decimal places in my diary in case my coach thinks I'm (more of) a twat. Garmin connect gave me a total of 59.95 miles. image (Though actually there were a couple of runs where my garmin was playing up and I almost certainly did a little more somewhere in the week).

    Sorry to hear about your run today. It's possible you started too fast for the conditions and how you're feeling generally, but otherwise just one of those things (and maybe a bit under the weather too & not realising it yet?). I had a similar issue in the autumn with Glasgow half, but gave up before actually bothering to turn up, and then going out for my 'long' run on the same day did actually give up and go home, confirming I could not physically have raced a half at that point. I wouldn't see it as an opportunity for an existential crisis, though, just a good time to have two weeks off then ease back in and set some new targets.

    Well done Dachs; wind sounds like a total bastard (bit like Scotland all the time).


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    Thanks Lit, sensible advice. Probably was too quick a start, but no more than usual and I actually felt pretty good for the first 3M.

    Missed your post Dachs - still a very good time. Not just the wind affecting runners today, but it was a good 8 to 10C warmer than of late.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Bus, sorry about the race.

    Enough from me.


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    literatin wrote (see)

    Hello. I hope everyone had a nice time at Wokingham. I am just popping in to say that I logged 59.9 miles in my training diary this week, and I thought of you, Bus.

    60.07 for the week for me. Was supposed to do a 20 to check out a course but made a navigation mistake and it came up 18.55 but padded it to 19 to take me over 60.

    bus, we all have bad races, put it behind you and carry on. If you can do 5 at close to 30 then look out for some 10ks and 5 milers.

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    Yesterday I was wondering whether I should run Wokingham, my achilles was sore and I had a faint cold. Ironically I think the achilles was down to a rest day.

    It felt ok this morning, thankfully, although due to sick children, I'd had little sleep.

    I decided maybe 0.5 mile in to run it to HR. The logic being that I didn't want to chase a time in windy conditions. About 4 miles in I said hello to Bus, I am not surprised by your report above, you seemed to be breathing quite heavily. Still I am sure it's not a reflection of your form as you put in some good sessions lately.

    I stuck to the HR up to about 10 miles and started to up the effort a bit. It wasn't until I started to approach the 12 mile mark that I looked at my time for the first time. 5:59 average bang on PB pace. Got to 12 and realised a PB was possible with a quicker final mile but then I realised it was 1.1 miles to go not 1 mile.

    Still I went for it anyway, not the kitchen sink but it was a hard last mile. Last mile was a 5.50 giving a finishing time of 1:18:37, a 9 second PB.

    Not bad on a windy day and I beat a few people for the first time, including my XC rival.

    Nice run Dachs.

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    Yes Bus, happens to all of us doesn't it but just as annoying each time and there is that annoying wait until your next race! I'm sure you'll be fine once you get the knee checked out..

    Dachs- very good time in that wind, I see you were just behind my mate Stu from Kent, good lad and a right character, definitely doesn't look like your average runner. I see PP is on the comeback trail too.

    Can't imagine running a decent half at the moment, better get some seasons in before Cardiff. Painful run this morning- only 10 miles and the missus have me a very painful massage after too (she is qualified btw). Hip flexors on fire.

    Edit AG - great PB, good stuff in not ideal conditions.
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Well done on the PB AG. Great going given the conditions.

    As I said on FB Dachs, it's still a solid time. Same thing happened to me at Edinburgh last May. I was hanging on at mile 4/5, ran 73.4X then sulked for 2 months. Don't do what I did! image

    Head up Bus. Some days it's just not meant to be. Can't fault you for knocking it on the head as it's for the best. I did the same thing at Manchester 10k a couple of years ago and jogged back from the 4 mile point as I was too hot and had emptied the tank. I then ran my 5k PB 3 days later.

    Did 5 x 0.5 mile hill reps today and tried to stay out of the wind. Was supposed to be going the track but sacked it off due to the wind. Although I'm running Salford 10k on the Good Friday, it's my county champs fell race on the Easter Monday which I'm targeting for a county vest.

    I was asked if I wanted to go on the reserve list for the XC intercounties but it clashes with a trip to Dublin. I only ran 1 bloody XC! Looks like they're a bit of a mockery as although there's some really strong runners that run in the Lancs champs, they always seem to be asking people on the reserve list.

    A teammate of mine is running despite finishing in the 40s at the selection race.
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    Thanks all - appreciated.

    AG - nicely done! That last mile in particular was a stormer, given that's where the wind was strongest! Plenty left to come on a calmer day - just as well, as you need to knock at least a second off 'cos that PB is 0.078s over 6mM pace image

    Philip - well done for doing the right thing with the mileage (unlike Lit!)

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Bad luck Bus, thought I spotted you by the side about 5 miles in but was going off the pic on here so never sure. Great pb AG without even going full throttle and great time Dahcs. Was quite an eventful race for me; got off to a decent start though from further behind the front than usual till after about a mile was hit by a swirling branch that was blown downwards by a gust straight into my forehead. Only a graze but longish one that some spectators commented on throughout the race making it sound worse!

    Then settled into a number of steady miles in around 6'20 till 10 miles when it got a bit harder as knackered, blisters from running so far for the first time in lightweights, the wind against and motorway bridges to add a bit of incline. Hang on in job from there but very pleased with 1'24'23 in the end, first time under 1'25 and over 80% WAVA. Quite surprised to run a pb at well over 50 (even though I only took up the sport seriously abut age 45) and a large part of it comes from the great advice from all the experts on here. Thanks guys.


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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Great running PeteM! As with AG, if you can PB in today's weather then I'm sure there's still more to come off still!
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    Good run there Pete. Looking at the results, I saw you finished pretty well up your age group. 80% is a handy WAVA score.

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    Thanks, All,

    Great stuff, Pete. Well done. 

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