
Paris Marathon 2016



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    New shorts and bodyglide required Kenno !


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    I've just moved house, it's only 3 miles up the road from my last one but it has been a severe pain in the arse! And we seem to have moved to the hilliest part of the country, it kills me just to get out of the drive, so so unimpressed so far! Doesn't help that I've just spent 3 full days cleaning the old house so I've spent 3 days on my feet all day, my legs don't know what to do with themselves but it sure ain't running!!
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    I really hope to finish in a good enough time to be able to support again Eggy, that was such a great thing last year, I never get to see anyone run normally because I'm running too and generally you get funnelled away from the finish never to return, but standing 150m away from the finish and watching everyone come round that bend and sprint to the line is really special, makes me feel all emosh again! I need to get a grip!! Bloody marathons!!
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    Thank you all image I should vary my pace a bit, don't seem to have warm up or speed just one pace for everything!

    Next advice request! how does everyone fuel for their marathon?

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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭

    Hari2 - fuelling. This really is something you need to practice, to see what works for you. I'm still trying to find the perfect solution for me. 

    I mainly use High5 gels but ive been trying to add in a sports drink as well. 

    Ive tried using caffeine gels but they seem to give me stomach issues. 

    I tried shotbloks out I find it difficult to breathe and chew at the same time. 

    I know some people use jelly babies and some have even used jam butties or pretzels  

    Good luck with this one.


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    I'm with ORBUTT on using High5 gels and am the same with the caffeine gels. Didn't have the desired effect.

    I don't tend to eat anything on the run anymore, just a gel every 5 miles and plain old water, usually no more than 500ml is good for me.

    I would suggest trying out a fueling plan prior to race day, including breakfast as this will affect your race. I usually go with porridge and a banana at least a couple of hours before to allow for digestion etc !

    Good idea to hydrate well in the preceeding few days too, so you don't feel you have to glug it down on race morning with the inevitable loo stops during the race.

    I know there's differing opinions on carb loading nowadays, but I still do from a few days before, lots of pasta, rice & cake ?!

    Good luck image

    Hope you're happy in your new home HIAHS, those hills are supposed to be good for the training, although SWEETY won't be happy you'll be challenging her for Strava top spot !
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    Whilst I think I already know the answer to this, are we too close to add an extra run into my training?

    My plan had 4 runs & 2 x training sessions each week but 2 weeks ago one of those sessions was supposed to become a run. I missed the first one due to a really tired week, the second for a parents evening & will miss the third for another parents evening. I'm wondering whether I should add it in this late or if it'll make me too tired?

    Any thoughts?
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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭

    Loubella  I'm going to be swapping a training night for a run over the next 2 weeks. These are the weeks of peak training, so I'm going to make my training peak. 

    However, I'm not going to go too far or too fast on that extra run. I'm just using it to add some extra miles. 

    When it comes to tapering, I'll take that extra run out and go back to training. 

    I hope it works image

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    Orbutt I really appreciated your/ tricky dicky's thoughts on the last 6 miles. I have been doing a 3x per week plan that is quite low mileage apart from the long runs but my physio was supportive as I have few real niggles and am likely to make it to the start line which she considers a success!

    I have had a week just doing cross country skiing and my. Knees and ankles appreciated the reduced impact and I hope the cardio helped. 2 more long runs left. 16 and 20 miles.

    Pc I can't make the pasta party but I will be at the pub! I hope!!!
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    Forgot my key question.... A few extra pounds have jumped on after a week in Austria, can I try to lose them for the next 2-3 weeks?
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    I'd be cautious about that if I were you Wendy. I have a feeling that trying to drop a couple of extra pounds in the run up to race day may have contributed to my running out of carbs in Valencia. I'd say eat healthily between now and the race, don't overdo it, but don't actively try to shed any weight. Your metabolism will be running pretty quickly, especially after the xc skiing, so you may find the pounds drop off anyway.

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    kennokenno ✭✭✭
    I may be able to do Bath Half on 13th March. I have unfinished business with that race. Would it be ok to race it 3 weeks before Paris? Would I still need to do a long run? Or add some more miles at the end/long warm up before?
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    Sorry so many questions I have been reading about the wall and am fairly sure that is what happened on one of my long runs. If/when this happens what can you do to get through it ... Is it more fuel and a break, obviously the mental struggle is also an issue.
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    kennokenno ✭✭✭
    Wendy - my own experience (which is once so don't go on my advice) was that I didn't experience it. That is if you are referring to your energy levels being depleted. The body can only store around 2000 calories so after 2 hours they are gone. That's where your body has to start burning fat which is what the wall is.

    I didn't experience it. I took gels just before every drinks station which was about 5k. It seemed to work. I took an extra one from the ones they were handing out on the course towards as I was feeling a hunger knock. So it seemed that by getting my gels in early worked well for me. I have done a lot of endurance stuff before though so that may have helped. I don't know.

    As I said, I've only done 1 so may have a completely different experience in Paris but it worked well for me.
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    Kenno- I am doing my last long run next week at Milton Keynes (20) and then have 2 half marathons one being Bath where me and the Mrs are going for a long weekend and chilling out in the Thermae Spa for a few hours. I know most people say do the last long run three weeks before but this is how it planned out for me being four weeks before? Might have to fit in an extra run during that week!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend run, I completed the Coventry half in just under 1:50 which I am really pleased about as I did not push too hard as my left hamstring is still very tight and giving me grief but the physio has given me lots of stretches to do every day to try and lengthen the hamstring.

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    kennokenno ✭✭✭
    Christopher- I used to live in Bath and did it first in 2002 which was my first half and remained my PB for 10 years! I feel I should go back and give it a good go. It's a very fast course with nice long straight bits.
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    Eggyh73 wrote (see)

    Andrzej - Welcome to the thread! Paris is a good one to crack 4 hours. It was where I did it for the first time.

    There are no stipulations on what tests are performed for the medical. I doubt you'd get much useful information from the marathon organisers. It's a French bureaucratic thing.


    Boquito wrote (see)

    Andrzej - order a stamp online and forge it. Reading through other forums and threads elsewhere, this is a really popular option, and I haven't read about anyone who's done it being rejected when they've handed the form in - by all accounts they don't really look at it - it's what I'm doing. Anyone here heard any different?


    kenno wrote (see)

    And remember it says that a 'copy' of your medical certificate is fine.  You can download images that look like stamps and then scan it and you are done.


    AspirantRunner wrote (see)

    I got my nephew to sign mine, he is a doctor and also a runner who has trained with team GB. He told me that it is a Europe wide prerequisite for most sports, including school sports. They are all tested for heart defects that could result in sudden death while undertaking exercise, it can affect people who are fit and have been exercising for years and suddenly something bursts and they are dead. It needs an ultrasound of the heart to find. Once diagnosed those affected are told they must never exercise! Imagine being a thirteen year old told no more sport for you. Perhaps if they started it here we wouldn't get people dropping down dead in marathons etc!

    Good luck to everyone this weekend!

    Thanks everyone for the advice. Going to try another GP first as it doesn't sound consistent. Fingers crossed.

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    kennokenno ✭✭✭
    Change of plan. I'm not running bath because I'm already doing something. Never mind, next year.
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    Brighton half yesterday for me - was nice to race and not slog out another 30km+ as part of a slight recover week. 

    Weather was chilly with relatively blustery winds coming east, but I managed a PB by over 2 minutes to get 1:20:37. Hopefully post-Paris I will manage a sub 1:20 when I start focusing more on 10km and half distances for the rest of the season image

    I am always amazed how many of the super fast runners look so composed and relaxed. I feel, and judging by the race photos, looks so strained! Maybe I need to search for some inner calm image

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    Morning all.  Nice to hear everyone’s weekend updates.  I did a 27k LSR yesterday which I had to grind out due to being exhausted from non-running related activities the day before and very little sleep.  Still, I think these can be the most useful ones to have done.  You can look back at them at low points in the marathon and tell yourself “I managed to do THAT, so I can definitely do THIS”.  BTW, has anyone else read The Runners Brain by Jeff Brown – very good read and lots of useful techniques to play with.

    Re previous posts on fuelling, I use ShotBloks and pop one of them every 20 mins on the dot with a couple of swigs of water.  I’ve also started carrying a Mint Choc Clif Bar (bought a case cause it’s so much cheaper that way) and break off a piece of that every so often to relieve the boredom of the ShotBloks.

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    WEEKMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUN 14 Rest 5 m run 9 m run 5 m run Rest 14 Cross 15 Rest 5 m run 10 m run 5 m run Rest 20 Cross 16 Rest 5 m run 8 m run 4 m run Rest 12 Cross 17 Rest 4 m run 6 m run 3 m run Rest 8 Cross 18 Rest 3 m run 4 m run 2 m run Rest Rest Marathon

     Hi all, looking for some advise. I did 18 at the weekend and felt ok (after doing lots of yoga to stretch out). I felt it went well, with consistent splits. The rest of my plan looks like this and some people at my running club have suggested I may want to swap weeks 14 (this week) and 15 around-to give me longer to recover after the 20, as it's my 1st marathon. I'd be interested in your thoughts. The plan is the Hal Higdon Novice 1. I have stuck to it all the way through. 

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    Tired legs - Looking at that HAL plan I'd stick with doing the 20 three weeks out and then tapering, as that plan suggests. No need to switch those weeks around in my opinion.

    UrbaneFoxLondon- Congrats on the new half PB! Fantastic time.

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    PARIS 2016 list

    Preferential pen (speed of light):
    510 – The Jimbob
    522 – Steve Duffy 2
    864 - UrbaneFoxLondon

    Red pen (3hr):
    3575 – Sunnysider Phil
    3628 – Christophe D
    4465 – Heroine in a Half Shell
    4513 – Mr HIAHS
    4824 – Banksy7
    4889 – Shane329
    5946 - KennyM

    Yellow pen (3:15):
    9290 – Andy-W
    11845 - Boquito
    12471 – Your Pace or Mine

    Blue Pen (3:30):
    16621 – Nodster
    18080 – Kenno
    18256 – LloydR
    21484 – Carl D
    ??????? - Stuchbury

    Purple pen (3:45):
    29410 – Orbutt
    29546 – ThisIsNatty
    29611 – E mmy
    29639 – PC
    29707 – Onetit
    30515 – Mattleydon
    30667 – Pistol101
    30776 – Whiskybob
    31769 – Gunner Runner
    31858 – KeyserSuze
    33204 – Quinn the Eskimo
    37357 – Richard Barrett
    37374 – Christopher Field
    37589 – Smudgerncfc
    43575 – NGUG

    Green pen (4hr):
    44484 - AspirantRunner
    45575 – Magna Carter
    46168 - AmanJ
    46765 - Baldstan
    48297 – Reflekting
    48449 – Chris Cato
    52579 – Amalik
    53208 – Ed Ridley
    53705 – Loulou
    53706 – Karen Bowman 2

    Grey pen (4:15):
    57428 – Nells
    57140 - HeatherS
    58736 – Mr KeyserSuze
    59954 – Goinglong
    60211 - Iantcox
    61327 – Last out of the water
    62326 – RobH4
    62364 – Mister Mike
    62650 – EHN
    62896 – VictorMeldrew

    Pink pen (4:30+):
    65227 – Penny71
    65540 – Betzza
    66763 - Alilee
    67176 – Loubella
    67210 – Ali 38
    67356 – Ness2
    68001 -  Wendy Dibble
    68656 – Julie-Marie
    69152 – Hayley Bennett2
    69321 – Littlelau1
    65445 – Thebigone
    67360 – Radford70
    68836 - Amandalou
    71622 - Moominrun
    71870 – Tired Legs

    To find your number/pen - log in to your ASO account - http://www.asochallenges.com/, there is a large red box to the left of the screen, click 'my order' and your details are there. You should be able to change your pen on the day if required. Someone will post on the forum when the Convocation (a piece of paper that you HAVE to take with you to the Expo) is ready to download, normally a couple of weeks before the race.


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    Tired Legs - you would have loads of time to recover if your last 20 miler was 3 weeks before the race, I wouldn't change it round.

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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭

    Wendy. The Wall. Yup, it's running out of energy and the only thing you can do is walk. 

    As Kenno says, the body can only store a certain ammount of energy and once this has run out, you just feel knackered.

    Feeding is the answer but the problem is that your body can only absorb replacements at a certain rate, which is slower than you can burn it.

    Imagine a bath, full of water. Once you start running, you pull the plug and the water starts draining out. You can top up the water using a cup from another tap but the tap takes a while to fill the cup, so more water has drained out than you are adding. If all of the water drains out of your bath, then you hit the wall. If you run too fast, your bath will drain faster. If you try to add too much water into your cup, it will just overflow (you may puke image )

    The trick is to arrive at the start line, fully fuelled, and feed as you go, regularly. The aim is to reach the finish just before you totally run out of energy. 

    And that is where practicing comes into it, so that you know what works and what doesn't. 

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    EHNEHN ✭✭✭
    UrbaneFox -fantastic on your new PB -I am very behind on the thread so only just spotted your note to all re train down (if you saw someone wearing a very silly bobble hat that was me!!!) .
    Anyway what a fresh,cold morning it was, horrendous early start for us London travellers BUT as with the majority of these events/racers once over that line it felt glorious and all worth it!!
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    Hello EHN! Yes it was super fresh! I don't think it was as windy as the forecasts had predicted, but still a bit of an effort in places image

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