
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Odd run this morning. Our club has a 8.6 mile race in Windsor Great Park and it used to the the end of season run but is in now in memory of a member who died far too young.

    My plan was to see what sub-7 felt like but what with a downhill start and odd groups forming the first mile was inside 6:30 so that was a plan out of the window. Decided to hold the pace and so did the first lap in 28:00 (6:28 pace) and then took the foot off the pedal, but still did the second lap in 28:36 (6:37 pace) so quite chuffed with 6:32 average pace for a 8+ mile run, and 11 @ 6:52 including warm up and cool down.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Nice running Bus and Philip; 8 at 6:32 and not even in a proper race must be encouraging for some decent race and/or xc times soon.

    Usual "low key" week-end for me of just Maidenhead parkrun, 3rd in 18'40, then club 10k handicap event today in 37'37. Latter was more pleasing as only 5 seconds down on my Fleet 10k last week on a tougher course which I had to run as a solo TT in the unusual absence of any other runners at my end of the handicap.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Just typed a response then lost it.  Curses.  I will have to rewrite it.

    Bus, sounds like a good run.  I had noticed those hills on the way to the Lakes, and wondered what they'd be like for a run.  No doubt I'd have found the only bit of bog.

    PMJ - promising run there.

    Pete - good double header.  Your club seem to do a lot of club races.

    Down at my parents' yesterday meant taking on the nearest parkrun, Southwick.  Twice previously I have failed to place first here, and also failed to break 17, so something to put right.  It's a bit lumpy and on dirt/stony/gravelly paths rather than tarmac, but ground conditions weren't too bad.  Not a particularly fast nor a particularly slow one.  A first mile under 5 put paid to anyone trying to keep up, and the inevitable fade was manageable, ending up with a pleasing 16:09.

    At the same time as I was putting myself 5th fastest in their all time list, someone was knocking me out of 5th fastest in my home parkrun.  Cheeky.

    14 this morning, started lethargic but much of the second half was in the 6:20s without particularly meaning to.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    wow 16'09 at a run of the mill parkrun; 5'12's av, that's certainly shifting Dachs

    Club do a handicap 10k last Sunday of every month; all timed and official (though not of course Po10) with results on club website; open to guests free of charge if any of you ever fancy it.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Good work int he handicap Pete.

    That's impressive Dachs on a far less than perfect course! Don't worry - you wouldn't have found the "only" big of bog in the Howgills - there's plenty to go round image

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    Dachs, good parkrunning there. Had a sneaky peak at the fastest list at your home parkrun and sub-16 seems to be the mark to beat you. Any plans to get a 15:59 somewhere flat and fast?

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Cheers PMJ.  I'm still holding out hopes of breaking 16 at Woodley.  I'm pretty sure it's there, just haven't managed to squeeze it out yet.  I don't usually have access to our car on Saturday mornings other than in school holidays, so it limits my parkrun options a bit.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    16.09 is some big pimping indeed. Could probably last a mile at that pace nicely (though we'll see Friday!) but for 5k unthinkable!

    Aley, good effort, that pre race time start coming on is a stress i've had a few times, even missing the start at times.  Can't have helped proceedings, or allowed for any sort of decent warmup.

    ML, i've never seen a team so battered yet hold on for a draw. I thought the Stoke game was bad enough.


    As for me, ticking over as usual. Getting a little worried that the breathing seems more pronounced this last week or so, yet the times are still the same. Sub 7 for 13 yesterday, 6.44 for 6 today.

    Maybe i'm overthinking again. That pre race for the Burnham race was probably the highest anxiety level I can remember. Was always heightened before a race even in the vintage days, but that was off the scale!

    On another note, a mile race on Friday all booked in. Anyone fancy a little game of guess the time as a low key bit of fun?
    Clocked myself doing 5.20 for the first mile of a 17:20 parkrun at a grassy course a few weeks back as some sort of guide...

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    Some decent running going on.

    PMJ nice effort there.

    Dachs that's an impressive Parkrun, had a look at the chap that knocked you down. 4:07 for the mile is quite impressive. Reminds me I'll have to get down to Woodley to get that age group record before you get old.

    So in contrast to Pete duplicating the PR/10k double again this week, I have had a rest. Just one run and nothing else for a week. On Friday I put my back out, felt something go as I chased my daughter and scooped her up on the run. I managed to cycle in this morning but I don't fancy running. 

    I thought of of Ric's comments about me and Bus as I was painting the shed whilst not really being able to walk image I just hate sitting about doing nothing.

    SG - You'll do 5:12.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    SG; reckon you'll go sub 5 as you're over 20 seconds a mile faster than me; say 4'55

    May possibly join you there if I can get out of work, as no Sunday race this week. 

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    SG: 4:58.2
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Should probably point out it's not on the track Aley, so no splits image

    Pete, what's the course like? Presume decent paths, fairly straight, or at least decent bends? No hairpins?!

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭


    Samir Haddad did it in 4:51

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Pretty fair course SG, not atypical to a decent medium/fast parkrun one. All tarmac and no tight turns but not the wide, pristine tarmac of Dulwich. At least no issues with lapping as only 1 lap but not closed to the rest of the public so potential for the odd old lady walking her dog to cause chaos!

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    There you go SG, a mile TT.

    From a practical point of view I recommend practising your chosen pace with timed runs over a 100m course. Odds on the numbers will be all over the place.

    Personally speaking I never bother with stuff like this. I can last only 30 seconds outside the aerobic zone before my lungs explode and everything seizes up.

    That said, I can at least finish races on my face knowing there was zero left out there.

    How many runners can claim that?




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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    I'll save any specifics for race number 2 Ric. This'll be zero thought, plenty of disclaimers, but the second of "the off" i'll do what i've always done and monster off.

    Pete, if you can get there it'd be good to meet a friendly (presumably) face image

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    ps Dachs, ahh yes the boy Samir. Wonder what's up with him, nothing on file for 18months now.

    But just a slight word of caution, his 4.51 was about a month after a 16.26 parkrun!

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    SG: my prediction was naturally based on a number of factors including the course, your current training, the weather,  etc etc. Certainly wouldn't just pluck a figure out of the air image

    I guess Samir has decided that athletics is too easy and taken up a more difficult sport at which to become world and olympic champion. 

    Just about to work out the logistics of LFoM in December. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    This guy made quite an impression, I'd be pretty proud if I was still being talked about all these years later.

    My prediction was based on you having a bit of a mare image


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    to qualify as a mare i think it'd have to be reminiscent of the last miles of the Wycombe half 18months ago, ie struggling to hold easy pace!

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    After reading about the injury woes of Reg - sorry about that btw, I recall reading a piece by Ron Hill about some injury he was carrying. He then raced a marathon (2:20) and afterwards noted, "the injury wasn't any better". No kidding!

    To me, injuries stop you, period. Niggles are planning to stop you if not sorted out during training, or will if raced on.

    But as with the 'Hill' some runners seem to get away with it for years.

    On the subject of making an impression. Depends on what you've done I guess.

    I always wonder why so many guys wait until they are middle age before taking up hobbies or pastimes. I mean, what the hell have they been doing for the previous 30 or 40 years?







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    Train tickets booked for Last Friday of the Month, December 30th. Put it in the diary: last chance of 2016 to get a decent 5k time!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    I will meet you there again one day Aley.

    Unfortunately i'm working Christmas for about the second time in 13 years (well, the Wed, Thur Fri after anyway). Can't really complain, as I did volunteer to take one for the team!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Reg Wand wrote (see)

    This guy made quite an impression, I'd be pretty proud if I was still being talked about all these years later.

    My prediction was based on you having a bit of a mare image


    There have been quite a few legends made and lost on this forum.

    D2D, Karen Samuel, Samir, Mike Rushton, Tom Chinery..

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Is D2D the one who made those semi-erotic videos on YouTube?

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    oh the stories I can tell you old son.

    But off forum.

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    Probably jog out to watch the mile on Friday but won't race it.

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Off the radar for a couple of weeks. 

    Anyone care to provide some highlights...?  Looks like there's some sort of thread smackdown for a mile race on Friday?

    Was away on holiday with little time (or internet access) for forum checking in then on the last night of our holiday our 3 year old came down with a horrible stomach bug, which then got passed around the family for a few days.  I got off very lightly compared to her and my wife, but the overall effect of those 2 weeks was I managed 3 runs whilst on holiday.  All 3 were the "sessions" planned for that week.  I was hoping to get a couple of runs done on the weekend when I got home, but illness took over.  So I did 10 miles including 7 @ about 6:40 pace, 12x 60 second hills and 2x 2 miles @ 5:52 pace in amongst a 9 mile run.  Pretty good holiday running by my standards image

    Last week was a nightmare at home!  Once things calmed down, 4 miler off road, 4 miler then 6 miler.  Feeling absolutely fine for the 4 milers but felt lethargic on the 6 and it came out pretty slow.  Then on Saturday, I was feeling a bit ropey - as if my metabolism had stopped working - really bogged down or something.  Then on Sunday I felt amazing again.  Everything fully working again image  Finished the day with an 11 mile run and threw in some fartlek miles.  Did the first 8 miles at 1 easy / 1 hard.  Really enjoyed it.

    6 miler yesterday, clipping along nicely.

    This morning, 5000m time trial on the track.  The plan had been to do parkrun on Saturday but that wasn't happening after being ill so postponed for a few days.  Hoping for a sub 17:30 (PB sits at 17:44).  Smashed out a pre-work 5,000m in 17:31.6 solo this morning.  Pretty happy with that!  10k race a week on Sunday.  Let's go!

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    Super fast solo there CC82, make sure you don't spend all your races in training.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    nice one CC, will be interesting how a track 5k, and especially a solo one transfers. Sounds promising. I wouldn't fancy 5k alone! (although i barely fancy 5k in company image)

    Be good to see you there Friday Phil. Just for any possible medical help image


    With Friday in mind, tweaked one of my 200m sessions up a bit, but taking a little bit of Ric's advice.

    Went for 16x200, at "mile pace", off a measely 30seconds.

    Doing the classic variants sees me out at 33/34s, so i thought perhaps 37 as a mile pace effort, which would be a sub 5 job.

    Came out 9x35, and 7 x36, so a good fun rampage.

    (disclaimer, did notice on rep 2 i accidentally took 38secs, but also threw in 26/27/28s elsewhere so probably ties up!)

    That 30secs soon whisks away!

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