
Sub 3



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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    Yeah we'll go with the last theory.  image  Good stuff CD, maybe I will try the Garmin on the other wrist some time although that might make me feel a bit discombobulated.  The other big question thrown up by Strava is whether the segment holder for "Millwall Park clockwise" really did run round in sub-4min/mile pace?  I see his best estimated mile effort is 3:41! Surely some run/bike mix-up going on there?!

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    PP - he did it as a run, but he was doing roughly rectangular laps in the park of around 0.4 miles, and strava decided enough of it matched the segment to give him the credit.  It happens that way sometimes.

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    ES - Yes there was a MK park run double, but only 1.5 miles in between - where's the fun in that eh? Tring is a bugger of a PR too - basically a cross country, so bit of a body punisher image

    PP - You'll have to get AC back in the summer by winning the 5,000! Good luck Saturday, our course is in a lovely setting, but no flat bits to be found anywhere...

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    Belated Xmas and NY wishes to one and all.

    Some marvellous racing going on, with the usual wins happening - pats on the back to one and all.

    Bog all to report expect I am fat, and getting slower, thanks to the homemade mince pies from the M-I-L (Wardi - I too bought 3 boxes, and still have 3 boxes.  Will save them for next year!).

    Mileage stats copied from a fb post that some may have seen. 

    445 different runs
    3276 miles
    416 hours
    Average pace 7.52 per mile
    3 marathons (a couple of sub 3's, but by far the most fun was at Windermere with Njord and LS21 as part of my stag weekend)
    3 ultras (Perth 50k, the Fling, and Clyde Stride)
    A few 10ks, and 33 parkruns (including my only pb of the year, 17.54)

    BTW - I ran every day last year, and am STILL to have a rest day!

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    PP: I have sections where my pace varies depending on the direction (regardless of where in the run that section comes, i.e. I appreciate my first few miles are always slower, but if I do multiple loops then certain - flat - sections still have a different pace).  I've just assumed it's my Garmin struggling a bit for signal here and there.

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    Happy new year all. Resolution to try and post bit more frequently than once every 2 years....

    Good to see the names many recognisable names.

    Some awesome work and inspiring stuff as ever

    Of course SL record breaking antics stand out. Astonishing feat that I am truly in awe of.

    2 more children since I last posted I think....3 under 5s make running very easy

    Managed to keep in touch with quite a few of you on strava but hope to be on here a lot more....

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    PP - interesting on the Garmin, you should definitely try to on the other wrist although I don't think that will correct it. I've beaten the guy with the lap record a few times recently so he is definitely nowhere near that fast! And as CD says you can see the loops he was doing were a lot shorter.

    DrDave - good to see you pop in and congrats on the children (although I'm sure you can't have been any so long that you've had 2 since?!).

    Just a couple more 2M ish runs with the dog for me as the first week of January is always a bad work week for me (still in the office at the moment waiting for stuff).

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Welcome back Dr Dave, your thoroughly decent effort at Abo was duly noted.

    CD.. When I used to browse LP racks as a lad the debut Hawkwind album was eponymously titled as I remember.  However 'distorting the space-time continuum' would have made a splendid alternative title given their space leanings. image   BTW fingers crossed for that shin, last time I got a sore spot there I had to ground myself for 2 1/2 weeks.

    PP.. nice session there whatever external force fields are at work in Millwall!  Nice shoes BTW, my favourite NB's are a similar shade of red.

    RB.. nice streak in progress, certainly puts my 43 day effort to shame (ended yesterday as legs were trashed).  Managed to get through all our mince pies though not all on my own honestly.

    Charlie.. just about everyone I know (including the Mrs) has this coughing bug and I am trying desperately to keep it at bay.

    12.5m done today, very cold here and hands started to go numb after 5-6m so did the last bit on the treadie at home.  Index finger of one hand still numb 4 hours later despite being indoors!


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    Thanks Wardi and Padams. Last year was a bit of a right off with series of recurring injuries. Only really managed 3 races. However strung together a 6 week training block from zero miles and 2 week taper for Abo and couldn't have been more chuffed with 2.31 and 2nd place.

    Since then I've had 2 more 2 week lay offs but managed a 33.24 at Christchurch 10k and 3rd place in mid December before another 2 weeks off. Did Broadstone quarter on new years day not expecting much especially with it 3 sizeable climbs but was thrilled to come in 2nd in 36.00 catching first and overtaking Marigold in the last mile...my favourite scalp ????

    Padams think you're right my second child was 2 months when I last posted and the unplanned 3rd came only 13 months later ????

    Philpub I have 3 pairs of those Bostons. Best shoe ever, wore them for Abo and will be again for London
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    DrDave - Good to see you posting.

    Wardi - More solid training, what's in the race diary?

    RB - That's a lot of running and racing, its great to see you enjoying it so much.

    Due to a rather rash decision I'm running the Endurance life CTS ultra next Saturday, 37ish off road miles with approx 5000ft of Vert.


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    PP -- my old 310XT systematically overestimated my park loop (with 3 sharp corners), whereas my 920XT underestimates it a touch. If I really want to know paces, I resign myself to clocking the laps manually and using a spreadsheet afterwards. I ought to go round it with a surveyor's wheel one day... for now I've made do with careful plotting on Google Maps, very zoomed-in. It's amazing what GPS watches do really, but when you start worrying about the last 1 or 2% they do have their limits.

    DrDave -- welcome back. Amazing performance at Abo with such a short block of training. (Well amazing with any length of training by my standards.) Makes me wonder if we often train for too long for marathons.

    SL -- you'll surely smash it!

    Wardi -- hope you stay clear of it! I'm still having the odd coughing fit, but don't really feel ill any more. Day off today to get fresh legs back, minimal bits of running tomorrow on my regular train trip to see my old Dad, then county XC champs on Sunday -- but I'm not expecting much there given my poor training over the last couple of weeks.

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    Nice results off so little training Dr Dave!

    Enjoy SL.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Ah - Dr Dave. Seen who you are now, now knowing about the injuries makes sense. I remember after you beat me at the Lychett 10 you said you were going to do Berlin later in the year - and I couldn't see you anywhere at the finish or in the results (although you would have finished before me!).

    Good to pip Marigold too - I did in the summer, but that was only in the Shapwick mile (after he had done 15.xx at Poole PR!)

    Hope you can finally get some decent injury free training in.

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    RB - Happy New Year!

    DrD - welcome back and amazing to get such a great result at Abo off six weeks training from scratch. That's quicker than I will ever run a marathon. Also fantastic to beat the legend who is Marigold! Great start to 2017, onwards and upwards for you I hope.

    4M earlier today. 13M MLR to look forward to this evening!

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    Thanks guys. Apologies for the write off/right off fiasco earlier! I've sacked my proof reader.

    Charlie I agree I plan to do only 12 week build up for London but playing a bit of fitness catch up at the moment. 18 week build up for planned Berlin marathon in 2015 meant 17 weeks great training followed by injury for the big day.

    Simon great to have the 'I beat Marigold tshirt' no matter what the circumstances!

    Good luck SL you nutter
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    Good luck, SL.

    Work has rather interfered with training towards the end of this week, so will head off for a gentle 5 soon, but will have to do either 13 or 15 tomorrow and then whichever remains (incorporating the South-West XC) on Sunday.  Ho hum.

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    8 and 4 for me Saturday incorporating a slightly pedestrian parkrun in16.28 (1st) .first long run since Abo this morning. 20.1 miles in 2.08. Legs ok but bit heavy after 2 bigger weeks after a couple of zeros. All in all very pleasing
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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    DrD - Good to see you back again.  2:29 Boston train for London?

    Good times at the Kent county XC at Brands Hatch (nneeyyooaaww...) yesterday. An undulating course but very non-technical and a lot firmer under foot than the same venue last year, so right up my street. I felt pretty good and in the early stages was getting deja vu from the county Vets' race a few weeks ago, as I caught the guys who finished 3rd/4th that day, ran past them and then a good way into the first half could see that I was closing in on the Vets' race winner. Tracked him for a while before catching him on the flat, then very deliberately attempted a small surge to make sure he didn't sit on my shoulder, which is how he won the old man's race from my club mate. Thankfully I managed to hold on to the pace and this helped me reel in a few more places - mainly young'uns from the dominant Tonbridge team.  End result was 23rd overall, 5th scorer for the club (2nd team, 6-to-score), and first V40 as I held off the other chap by 9 seconds. (Last year: 31st, 4th V40, over 3 minutes slower, although going much heavier.)  It was nice to be handed a piece of paper asking my availability for the inter-counties; a long-shot finishing that far back but it clashes with Bath HM anyway.

    Definitely one of my better XC performances, which should look good on my application for the England V45 team in the Autumn.  Average pace 5:34/m for 7.5 miles is at the quick end of what I've ever managed over XC.

    18 miles feeling fairly comfortable today.

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    Evening all. I also have a New Year's Resolution to actually post more often. Perhaps also to actually run sub 3 again after no marathons in 2015 and a jogged one in 2016. 

    Week 1 of London training done, but life is getting in the way a bit again. I'm going to go to bed ridiculously early in the hopes of getting up early enough to get some decent miles in before work in the morning. I'm really, really NOT a morning person though. 55 miles done this week, gold medal for the senior team prize and individual silver in the V35 race at the County Champs XC yesterday and a steady 18 miler today to finish off the week. 

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    Nice bling Speedy.

    Blimey PP that's an impressive performance indeed.

    Likewise DrDave what it must be like to do a pedestrian 16:28 I have no idea.

    I struggled to a sub 20 at parkrun yesterday after a heavy few days then surprised myself at a 4M fell race in the afternoon by coming 8th (3rd V40) with a PB of over a minute. Steady 21 today but 1500' of climb made it feel like reasonably hard work. That's 82M (& 4000' of ascent) for the week which is my highest for a very long time & comes on the back of 3 70 milers. One more big week then I'm cutting back to race a road 10M on Jan 22nd which will be a great indicator of how much the training is working.

    SL: Good luck with the Ultra. Be interesting to hear how your legs cope with that amount of climb & descent after all the TM training.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    Well done, PP.  Sounds like my kind of cross-country course, too!  Seriously, great improvement and fingers crossed for the Inter-Counties (although I have the same dilemma with the clash with Bath...)

    Great to see you training well again, Dr. D.  Love the idea that 16.28 could be pedestrian, but I appreciate you have high standards!

    Blimey, Jooligan.  No half measures with you, as always.  As long as your body is coping, keep on keeping on, but do listen to your body and ease back if necessary.  Sorry to sound a bit negative, but the Bench is no place to end up.

    South West Inter-Counties Cross-Country today: bit of a standalone event in that it clearly isn't one of the 'proper' regional events (Northerns/Southerns/Midlands) but it is also not a county champs event, and sees Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Avon and Gloucestershire (I think) compete against each other (although entries are open to anyone, county teams are selected).  13th overall, 3rd V35, club team silver and county team silver, so 3 medals to add to the brag shelf.

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    Wow, great XC performances from PP, Jools and CC2.

    DrD, great parkrun and a top 20 miler as well.

    Jooligan, top fell racing on the back of a big week.

    I am feeling pretty good about my 20 miler today as well. I am already hitting paces not usually seen until just before the taper, and this is only week 4. Last 10 miles today at 6:55 per mile average and felt comfortable. That's 80M for the week too.

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    Great bling bagging Jools. Don't think Glos were there as it was our County Champs Saturday. I opted for the fells though so missed it. Rest day tomorrow with lots of stretching/foam rolling.

    ES: Top stuff from you. I kept pretty much the same pace throughout on my long one. No way I could have shifted gears like that. 2 almost identical loops. I was about 2s/mile slower on the second one though I did have to push hard for the last mile to ensure it wasn't more.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    Wow, ES.  That is seriously impressive.  56M for me this week and nowhere near that pace in anything other than my club session on Tuesday (4M in total) and today's race (3.5M in total)!  Great to see you making such progress.

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    Thanks Jools. Let's hope it lasts!

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    Nice cross country racing and results.

    Good going in the fell race Jooligan.

    I was in a similar position with the average pace of my 20 miler yesterday ES - hope it lasts!

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Nice bling jools, & well raced jooligan (no relation).  Good to see the 20 milers going well, ES & LMH.

    No running from me - I saw the physio Saturday who was concerned enough about the soreness and swelling after 6 days to get me to go & get it x-rayed.  Fortunately there's nothing indicating a break at all but I'm resting for another couple of weeks and have to work at getting the swelling down.  Not the ideal start to marathon prep but I've been fortunate with injuries (or lack of them) for a while now so I can't really complain.

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    Jooligan - not sure I could have managed a progressive long run on a steep course and with a parkrun and fell race in my legs!

    LMH - nice!

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    Great weekend there DrD, enviable fitness already. Impressive form in your long runs too, ES & LMH.

    Fine XC performance there PP! Well done in the fell race too, Jooligan.

    Jools -- great haul there in what must be a serious competition with all those counties.

    Best of luck with the shin (was it?) CD.

    Cambs county champs XC for me too yesterday -- I wasn't expecting too much having been lurgied for a good two weeks now (just about over it but still coughing). It turned out OK though, about the same time as 2014, just one medal for being 3rd scorer in the winning vets' team. Only 6:08/M for me over 6.5M, and the course was quite fair (just one somewhat boggy upward stretch through some woods we did a couple of times). My HR was higher than in my 34:31 10K in Bedford back in the summer, so the engine was revving even if the tyres were a bit flat. Plodded round a few extra miles but not that many -- I'm trying to avoid getting into the full marathon training mindset quite yet.

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