
Sub 3h15



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    Leslie - take care. Hope it's only a short visit to the bench.
    Poacher - nice #gymfail. Still waiting for the book.
    SBD - moving in the right direction.
    GM - glad you managed to take advantage of those opportunities. I haven't let strength/core work lapse - I just never did any in the first place!
    OO - brrrr. Take care out there.
    So more strength work today and only time for 3 easy miles!

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    Leslie - really hope it isn't anything serious and you are being cautious here.

    Poacher - you are building supreme mental strength in that gym.  Love the #gymfail stories. I don't do much in the garden but love listening to G QT!  Those saucy gardeners have quite a sense of humour at times.

    Looking really good, SBD. £13 for a track pass is ridiculous.

    Thanks for asking after me, Gerard image.  Walking OK today but aware the ligament feels tender.  Wondering whether to go for plan B: London not Manchester which gives me 3 weeks to factor in this injury but means I don't get to try for a GB AG vest.  Oooh, is it the fact of a spring marathon or the vanity that I so desire image? Anyway, your reduced running doesn't seem to do you any harm.  Nice runs there.

    Hope OO Jr gets through those exams OK and her niggle gets a chance to subside.  This time off for my ankle sprain is giving my tetchy achilles a chance to shut up.  Silver linings eh?  You look like you are in good shape currently OO.  That temperature is ridiculously cold.

    Gul - niggle subsiding?  Sorry if I missed it, but what ails thee?

    Right, time to do some conditioning work before the school run beckons....


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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭

    Hope that ankle gets a healing shift on MsE.

    Nice cold running GM, I know all about that right now!

    Loving the gymfails, Poacher. Keep 'em coming.

    Club night last night. Ran there and back and the session was intervals of 200,175,150,125,100 (all x 4) with jog recs. 5 mies exactly and the run to and from the track took me to 11 miles for the night.

    Fast forward to today. Working on a document so working from home. I started early and will finish late so I gave myself a long lunch and got my 15 miler in at lunchtime. Can't do it at the weekend as I'm in a fancy Cotswolds hotel for my mate's 50th.

    It was bloomin' cold today and my legs could feel the track session from last night, the hill reps from the night before that, the 6 miler the day before that and the 20 miler the day before that!

    Somehow I managed to do it at 7.21 pace. Amazing! Especially as the hills were particularly troublesome. 59 miles in 5 days in LOADS for me.

    Still got 2 runs to get my 5 sessions in before I leave on Saturday, so more miles tomorrow and a cheeky small one first thing Saturday.

    Keep warm, Gang.


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    Spring is here, people are flying. G-Dawg, 15 at 7:21 earns you a badge and SBD 6:31 for any distance in training gets the same.

    Went out at 11 today to squeeze in between meetings (in the office at 6:30am and left at 5:00 pm, long day) and the plan was 10 but the route via Richmond Park was always going to be a bit longer as it is so scenic it is hard to cut a corner. Started out for 2 miles or so with a plan of "it'll be nice to do it in under 8 pace", then soon it was "well, 7:30 is a fair mark and we are under that pace now but there is the hill past the White Lodge". By 6 miles I was at the top of the hill and "let's hold it under 7:20 average" but then a couple of downhill miles and the average was 7:13, then a few flat and fast ones and 7:0x appeared as average and once you are there it would be rude not to ...

    So, all in all, hit 10 miles in 1:11:01 (almost perfect) and a bit of a cool down through the High Street. Nice day, good weather, the deer in the park were magnificent and running was easy.

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    OO - I'm with you on the gym part but I don't mind a bit of gardening although mine is more like a beach garden with succulents, cacti, shells and a monster size charcoal barbecue with fire pits etc. it's been some years since I've had an actual garden. Sorry to hear Junior is still carrying a niggle but as you say, not a bad time to be benched with her exams. -9c is absolutely frigid weather. Uggh, I shudder at the thought of it.  

    Gul - Good discipline with the strength work, your body will thank you for it.

    MsE - Glad to hear you are walking on it ok and I'm sure you will be sensible about when the time is right to test it again. Always nice to have a plan B. Are you able to enter London anyway and see if you can get fit for Manchester and then decide?? 

    G-Dawg - Excellent 15! 

    PMJ - Sounds like a perfect run in every sense of the word.

    Went out again today and did the same 5.2k lunch run. It was 3c and sunny but a fairly cold wind blowing as I ran up the steep hill. Couldn't get into my running at all and the left hip flexor was very stiff. All in all it wasn't an enjoyable run but pleasing to get out in the sunshine and the views across the bay from the top of the hill are worth it. 7:38mm felt like a real effort today and I think I'll have to take it easy tomorrow if I can get out. 


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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    There are days like that Gerard- but they all count!

    Great miles from GD and PMJ- I would dream of that pace in a sole training run- very impressed.

    Still freezing here but wind chill is lower. Settled for a double day= 10.5 miles total but pathetically slow pace. The body still feels good though, recovered and no niggles.

    Should get to back to 50 this week with a parkrun blast planned for Saturday   

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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭

    GM - yes that was £13 per session but I always managed to get a free pass through various devious means.  Much happier about just paying the £2 and getting the guaranteed entry.  Good to see you back running but go easy with the hip flexor.

    Fast daytime runs by PMJ and G-D. 

    Good to hear the ankle is on the mend MsE.  The GB AG Vest would get my vote!

    Are you partially on the bench Gul or just run-weary?

    Sounds like fun running conditions OOimage

    Vitamin D run for me today as well - 14 miles late afternoon.  I always feel these mid-week medium long runs are a key part of the P&D training schedule.  Conditions good here, with sunshine and little wind.  Ran the first 8 miles steady and then pushed up the pace for the last 6 miles at an average 7:12 m/m. 

    Got back to the office for 5:00pm, with a couple of hours work to get through and promptly fell asleep for 2 hoursimage

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    You fell asleep in the office SBD?

    Agree with you about the mid week long runs- I'll have to find time to do a few. rather than the double day which is easier to fit around work.

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    MsE - just trying to shake off a cold from Christmas.
    GD - great going for your MLR and nice interval session too.
    PMJ - all looking good.
    GM - hope you can get out for a nice easy run.
    OO - good recovery week!
    SBD - 2 hours sleep at work is impressive! Not to mention a tidy 14 mile MLR. Just making the most of recovering from this cold to do some core strength work. Did a bit too much running last week and my body let me know about it!
    6 easy miles this morning and didn't leave enough time to do the core-strength work image

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    BadbarkBadbark ✭✭✭

    I don’t get much time to post anymore but I just wanted to announce that I will be running 2:49:xx at this year’s London Marathon.

    I’m well out of shape at the minute but intend to average 85 miles for the next 10 weeks, before the taper. I will also be performing running drills twice a week, weight sessions twice a week, 10x10 second hill sprints twice a week and ab work.

    I’m visualising coming round the final bend with plenty of time to spare, so I can bask in the glory of a sub 2:50 marathon. It’s already happened, time just has to get there. image

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    It was just me that had the plods yesterday, then... 8.08m/m for my P&D 14 miler.  But the 5am start for work probably didn't help.  Good night's sleep last night so hopefully my tempo run/5M race tonight will go a bit more quickly!

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    AbbersAbbers ✭✭✭

    Hi all, apologies for an absence of a week or so. The old work/life/running balance is still just about surviving, but leaving little time for reading or posting on the thread! Must do better.

    So will read back in a bit, but looks like a lot of very good running going on. Miles building and some significantly swift sessions too.

    Finished my prescribed cut back week last weekend with a 12 on Saturday, and then struggled with a cold for a couple of days, but back to it now. 11 steady on Tuesday night, 4 easy yesterday and 10 this morning with 5@ HMP, or at least HME given that it was early, dark and about -3. I won't be disclosing times on that basis as I feel very slow in relation to the rest of the thread! Should be my first 50 mile week for a loooong time with 7 tomorrow and 18 on the cards for Saturday. Juggling P&D again to fit life.

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    Badbark - congrats on the 2:49:xx in advance. Could you please send some of that positivity my way?! Nice plan, btw.
    Jools - still 14 miles in the bag. Should be nicely set for your 5 mile race tonight!
    Abbers - I can empathise with the lack of time - reading/posting here surely has to suffer before all the other things! Enjoy your 50 mile week.

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    PMJ nice bit of progression there

    SBD I know that tired feeling well image

    BADBARK it all sounds so easy when you put it like that image If it really is on the day get the hammer down and run 2:45 image

    Jools nice early start and 14.

    Doing a bit of walking here leg nearly ready I think for a run seems a lot better anyway, more an inflamed hamstring certainly not a muscle pull,had plenty of those in the past image


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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭

    SBD nice paces, you are going very well. Nice runs too GD, GM. Look after it Leslie.

    BB - good plan, cards on the table.

    Might put a treadie in the garden and challenge OO, the only way I will ever beat him in a smackdown is if he is a DNS.

    Minor #gymfail tonight, when the lad on the adjacent cycling machine started to sweat a bit it appeared that he had eaten several tonnes of raw garlic sometime in the last 24hrs.  An absolutely overpowering pong, I like garlic but this was not far off being a weapon of mass destruction. image 6m treadie + 50min bike D&D.


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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Ooof. I could certainly tell that tonight's race brought up 97 miles over 9 consecutive days. 31.05, so just under current HM PB pace. Rest day and massage tomorrow, thank god!
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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    SBD -  £13 a pop is too much, glad you’re sorted now though. My friend who is on the same plan as you is knocking out those MLR’s too and is seeing a long overdue return to form. Nice running!

    Gul – Nice do to see you running a 6 miler. I think 3 to 4 days of s&c is plenty. How many are you planning on doing?

    Jools - That's a very decent run at this stage of the game and with so many consecutive miles in the legs too! Well done. 

    Badbark - I like your target and your positive mindset more so.

    Abbers – Well done on getting out there in frosty conditions. I wouldn't worry to much about pace at this stage of the game it's all about getting the miles done and if you can add a sharpener or two then good but 50 miles in a week when juggling life is pretty good going.

    Poacher – Nice bike run combo. I love cooked garlic but it really is awful to smell off someone who’s had it.

    Leslie – I hope that hammy of yours behaves.

    I opted for a flat 5k lunch run along the promenade today and it was glorious albeit quite windy coming back. No issues with the hip flexor or anything else today and ran 7:09mm very comfortably. Such a contrast to how I felt yesterday. Might be able to squeeze in another couple of 5k runs this week and should hopefully hit the lofty total of 25k. 

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    Leslie - pleased to hear the hamstring issue is nothing serious, but don't rush things!
    Poacher - a treadmill in the garden? Maybe you should design a gym-themed garden! Without garlic.
    Jools - rest up!
    GM - pleased to hear you're back on form. Currently aiming to do a bit of strength work each day, but the lure of the road is too powerful. 2 or 3 session a week would do nicely.
    7 steady miles this morning and a bit of strength work.

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    Hello again! Been really busy recently doing a completely random project at home at night.

    That #gymfail bloke sounds like he's trying to sweat it out Poacher. I hope he dries up all his sweat afterwards!

    Really sorry to read about The Ankle MsE, does it feel like it's on the mend / swelling gone down? Hope the treadmill is of use to ease back into training.

    Well done on that Ultra Lorenzo and achieving your sub 7 hour goal and beating your previous time by 1 hour. Pacing is always difficult for those kind of distances and it always feels easy at the start even at an easy pace too.

    Good you are getting some decent paced runs in GM

    Nice midweek run SBD - did no one notice you asleep at work?

    I like the positive sub 2.50 vibes you've got Badbark!

    Good to see some 20 milers being done already

    Been getting out 4 x a week max at the moment which looks like my limit this time round and averaging about 45 miles. Concentrating on 3 main sessions a week and the other 4th run is a recovery run. There might be a window of opportunity for an additional early morning run on a Monday, but I don't want to push my luck with Mrs KR.

    Good luck to any racers/parkrunners this weekend image

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    AbbersAbbers ✭✭✭

    Jools - that's a hefty 9 days. Sounds like you deserve that rest and massage!

    GM - yeah, some runs it's just hard hitting desired paces, especially early in the day. Not worried about it in the grand scheme of things; I know my targets are more modest than some on here! image You're clocking some swift miles yourself.

    Gul - always hard to get the strength stuff done in addition to the running. Requires a lot of extra motivation in my experience, especially when in full mara training mode and clocking higher mileage over 5 or 6 runs a week.

    Good to see KR getting it done, albeit on a slightly more restricted basis. Sounds like you're managing to fit in the key sessions though, so given your background, you should still get a decent result.

    Lorenzo - great effort in your ultra. Thoroughly deserved. Recovering well?

    How's the ankle MsE?

    7 at lunch with 8x100m strides. Felt much easier & quicker than yesterday. Weird how some days are like that. 18 on the cards for tomorrow morning, then feet up on Sunday.

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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭

    Jools - you make me sound like a flake when I claim tiredness after 64 miles in 6 days.image Well done, super volume!

    But anyway that's what I chalked up last night with 5 miles steady which came out at 7.01 pace. I was really pleased with that considering the cumulative effect of 5 quality sessions and 59 miles on the previous days and I ran well within myself too, well, steady.

    A day off today, seeing a client in Bury...BURY!!!...ON A FRIDAY!!! image
    Turned out well though, cracking people.

    5 cheeky miles first thing tomorrow and then Champagne and fine dining Cotswolds way.

    Have a great running weekend, Gang!


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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Gul - Yes I often find the lure of being able to run when I can strong too. 2/3 times a week would be good. Well done on the 7 with some strength work, 

    KR - Nice to see you popping in. It will be interesting to see how you go off 4 session a week. i'd say well. Are you doing Manchester again? If I may ask, what project are you working on??

    G-Dawg - Nice pace on your run. I went to a place called Broadway once, I think that was in the Cotswold's but can't be sure. 

    Abbers - Good session today. Yes it's odd isn't how different one day can feel to another. Hope your 18 goes well tomorrow.

    An almost identical run for me again today. 5k along the seafront. The wind was a notch stronger and felt harder than yesterday but not too much. 7:05mm average and just ticking along nicely in the sunshine. I was contemplating doing parkrun tomorrow but I've decided to bin it as it's meant to be below zero in the morning and would feel bad dragging my son out of the house early just so I can run around up there, so there will be no more running for me this week. 



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    Impressive couple of recent gymfails there Poacher - how long were you there next to Garlic Man?

    Good to see you back on here Madbark - look forward to seeing you in Chandos and hearing how the 2:4x went. Any other races planned between now and then?

    Nice to hear that SBD is getting the 40 winks (or more by the sound of it) in at a convenient time.

    Wow Jools - that's a high mileage at this point in the programme. Which plan are you following?

    What was the random project KR? Sounds intriguing.

    Hope Leslie and MsE are recovering well - need to get you two off the bench soon.

    Sounds like some good pacey stuff from Abbers, GM and G-Dawg.

    G-Dawg - I'll match your Bury with a Stafford and raise you a Kidderminster. At least it was on a Wednesday rather than a Friday and I managed to get a run in from the hotel in Stratford (Shakespeare rather than Olympics) where I was staying the night before.

    My legs seem to have recovered from last weekend and as well as a few easy runs during the week I managed to get a 14 x 1 min reps session in yesterday. It was supposed to be 15, but I lost count. image

    Parkrun tomorrow - suspect it'll be a chilly one.

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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭

    Strange, something ate my last post. which was stg like:

    You can dine well in Bury, if you like black pudding.

    Garlic man is a no show - hope he's not located a shop selling smelly cheese, or worse still a source of durians (google if you have never seen the horror of the durian). Sweaty tracksuit man is back - this time with sweaty nylon overtrousers trousers too. Even more rank. He looks hard as nails, maybe a boxer trying to make his weight?

    Gym duathlon for me yesterday - total 8m run + 1hr bike. Very boring.

    Have a good weekend, esp those quaffing champers in the lap of luxury, and park runners simply trying not to freeze.


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    KR - good to hear how you're getting on - you seem to be making the most of your 3-4 sessions a week.
    Abbers - yes, I thought it might be easier as I'm only doing light training at the moment, but still struggling! Enjoy your 18 miler today.
    GD - enjoy the celebrations this weekend.
    GM - nice pace along the seafront.
    Lorenzo - clocking up some miles there! 14 reps is still plenty enough.
    Poacher - just close your eyes and think of your garden.
    First MLR of the year for me this morning. 12 miles @ 8:09 m/m.

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    Has anyone seen this crazy event?

    A multi-storey car park marathon? Not sure if the 71 laps include stairs or not. And what's more it appears to be full - that's just wrong on so many levelsimage


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    KR 3 sessions sounds tough enough 

    Abbers how did the 18 go ?

    Gdawg enjoy the champers

    Gerard nice 5k

    Lorenzo I guess 1 min reps hurt a bit 

    Poacher sending you a virtual peg for your nose image

    Gul good to get a longer run in, multi storey mara sounds like just what you are after ,hope you remember where you parked the car image

    Healing vibes have worked for me so far, 8m this morning a sensible cautious start , caution to the wind finish image 





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    Gul - sounds a bit bonkers to me. If you're going to run up and down steps, then try the Underround. Sounds like you're back into the swing of things again.

    Glad to hear that you're back out and running as well Leslie.

    Poacher - you'll be in trouble if he's been durian shopping!

    Parkrun for me this morning. Temperature was well below zero at the start and I lost all feeling in my hands (despite wearing gloves) at around halfway but surprised myself with a 19:10 finish, only about 20s off my PB, my fastest parkrun for nearly 3 years and my second highest ever WAVA score (76.35%).

    On top of that, this afternoon younger Lorenzito qualified to run for Surrey in the English Schools XC Champs in Norwich in March and with Mrs L being away this weeked, the two of us are going to sit down and watch Rocky this evening. Which brings me nicely back to running up and down steps. Happy days. image

    16 mile progressive run planned for tomorrow morning.


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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    Not running yet but I have mobility in the ankle and can now work on proprioception and strengthening blah blah blah.  And I have a new treadmill in the garage to celebrate getting another year older.  Seeing the physio and getting serious with sports massage on Monday, and should have an appointment soon to see a consultant ankle specialist to assess whether I have any useful ligaments left in my ankle. #groundhogday

    Congrats to Lorenzito Jr II on his Surrey selection!

    Well done to the Leslie and Gul for getting off this bench.  (I'm rather lonely on it now image)

    Hang in there with the #gymfail crew, Poacher.

    Nice turns of speed from GDawg and Gerard.  And good to see Abbers getting the sessions in still. Pleased you are getting a rhythm going too, KR. We need to work on Mrs KR and getting that extra session in for you...

    Nice miles from Jools

    Happy injury free running all!


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    AbbersAbbers ✭✭✭
    MsE - hope the specialist gives you clearance to use your new toy!

    Lorenzo - congrats to Jr, and not surprised you went well at parkrun; must be very fit at the moment after your ultra adventures.

    Good to see Leslie getting back to it, but Gul's multistory marathon just sounds bonkers. Why?!?

    Stick at it Poacher - admirable dedication to duty.

    Enjoy your weekend GD! Sounds great.

    GM - you're going well in those 5k runs. Missing a parkrun won't make too much difference in the grand scheme.

    So 18 today at the end of a 50 mile week, both landmarks not reached since my last mara campaign in 2014. Up at the inlaws for the weekend, so a lumpy route too in rural Northants. In the circumstances, delighted to record an 8:19 average while running in a controlled fashion, so roughly MP + 10% given that I'm aiming at around 3:20 in April. Legs feel ok too, so all in all, a good confidence boost.
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