
Lower shin pain

Hoping for a bit of injury advice/diagnosis.

I did my long run on Sunday and felt fine after it and all day Monday. Monday evening I went for a slow easy jog and 3 Miles in the very bottom of my leg/joint with my foot hurt. I stupidly kept going another couple of miles.

I took Tuesday off and the ran 4 easy miles on Weds. Leg started hurting at around 3 Miles so I stopped. It seemed a bit higher up the leg - more my shin and I'd say it felt more muscular. Also it wasn't anything like as bad as Mondays.

Took Thurs off and then ran Friday. Took it easy though was probably daft running a hilly route. At two miles front of my shin two thirds of the way down from the knee really hurt. I had to stop and walk home, and walking hurt.

The pain hasn't gone or really eased at all. Walking more than a few yards a day later is still painful.

Pain is front of shin about a third of the way up from the foot. It doesn't seem specific to one point on my leg. If I prod my leg I can't find any one point that hurts more.

Any ideas or advice?



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