
RW Forum SIx – 3.30 – 4.00



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    Nick- glad you're feeling good now!  And nice to have some target races in the pipeline to work on.

    Rob- you'll have to let us know how your 5k goes!  Really excited to hear... hope you don't go out too fast!  And cling on for dear life!  What's your race plan like for MK?

    washwood- how was that HM?  Did it go well for you?

    Carl- huge congratulations!  I am in awe of you.  I must say I was tracking results like I did when Nick was running, and online the times either must be wrong or you did a MASSIVE positive split because it said about 52 mins for 10k and then just below 1:59 for half way, and then I saw your 3:30 finish.  I assumed chip tracking must not have been correct.  3:30 is a great time.  Well done.  I bet you must be achy and exhausted.

    Carter- great to hear from you.  Glad the job is going well.  RE running... you've done it before, you'll do it again... Entering a race sounds a good idea to me, it is often the best incentive to get out there.

    Last weekend after having already done my LSR earlier in the week, I did a last minute entry to a trail race in East Lothian.  I entered the 5k (there was a 10k too) and came 5th lady in 23:05.  I was chuffed with this as it was pretty much an all out effort on a fairly undulating and at times rugged course.  It was a stunningly sunny and hot day and I thoroughly enjoyed being out.  

    This week so far I've done a 7 mile fartlek run, and some shorter runs.  I took a massive fall during a planned 6 mile run on Wednesday.  Hit the ground hard and am pretty cut and bruised.  Had to be taken home by a kind man in his van as I really couldn't move.  Was pretty agonising the rest of the day and a bit achy yesterday but today I'm feeling OK  :)

    Tomorrow I'm going to parkrun with a friend but we're just going to amble round.  I was considering doing my LSR today as still on school holidays but think I'll put it off till Sunday.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone!
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    Woops to Carl I meant negative split not positive.
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    Carl, I heard they ran out of cups at the power station at mile 23 at the back and out, next water station double stacked cups, people taking water in their hands... it doesnt make sense and call it what you want enviro friendly, safer so people slip over or dont over hydrate etc its purely a cost cutting thing. grrrr!!!!!

    Carter good to hear from you, glad the job has started well, its been a tough year and like Carl will bounce back.  Its just horrible starting over again but you know what you can (and have done) just takes time.  Get a month or so training under your belt then start targeting a race.  My training has went okayish not as high mileage as I'd like have skipped a few sessions early in my program and missed some (all) s&c and x training feel there is a chance of a PB but very slim, hoping to have a good steady race.

    Nick welcome back, nice break always good after a marathon.  Not long till baby is due? exciting times!  Any races lined up?

    Ali hope you're okay after the fall? Enjoy Park run and nothing too silly on the long run.

    IBB/ Washwood good luck for London in case I don't make it on here, believe in your training and hope you get your sub 4 and 3.30 targets.

    So yesterdays 5k.... not a complete disaster but defo lack speed training. I thought I'd just turn up and race and all would fall into place.  Looked at my watch after half mile and was recording 6.06 pace and knew I had to slow down, managed to control and finished the 1st mile in 6.29, 2nd mile i felt like a lost little boy, the only thoughts that were going through my head were 'why the f*ck have i entered this race'  2nd mile 7.08 and 3rd mile 7.13 the course measure long for quite a few of us hit 5k at 21.40 (pb 21.30) and my final time 22.22.  As soon as I stopped my calves ceased up and have been tight so stretching them and gonna get on the foam roller.  16 miles with some at mp pace planned for tomorrow 2 weeks out from MK.

    I have my race plan sorted for MK, have the 5k on the sunday should be about 30 mins then have the marathon on monday
    mile 1-14- @8.30 pace (119 mins)
    miles 14-22 @8.15 pace (66 mins)
    Last 4.2 miles @ 9 min miles (38 mins)
    total 3.43 (pb 3.44)

    Happy running peeps

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    Rob- I agree RE: cups... of course they're more environmentally friendly but sadly just not viable for a marathon!!!  Your 5k doesn't sound like a disaster but does sound you set off a bit fast and then found it tough... they are blooming painful aren't they!  Well done- it certainly counts as a bit of speed work :) And I like hte look of your MK race pan.  I hope it goes well for you.

    Yesterday I went to a new parkrun with a friend.  We decided to run it slower/as a progression run rather than 'racing' it as we've both been doing a lot recently and are tired!!  So we ran the miles in 9:00, 8:23, 7:40 which is pretty good for a little training run and we enjoyed it.  Tough course and very hilly BUT big benefit?  5 minutes jog from the door of my flat!  So one to remember when I get up late in the morning!

    I then was visiting friends at home and popped into see my folks.  Ended up running another 4.5 miles with my mum but very slowly when I was there.

    Today I did a 20 mile run.  I heard ages ago on Marathon Talk a run that Liz Yelling used to do, a LSR but with every third mile fast.  I did every third mile faster but snuck in an extra fast mile at the end.

    I decided to do this as a way to get in some faster miles into the run whilst keeping most of it at slow easy pace.  I ended up doing 7 faster miles in the run, first one at 8:38 min/mile then each of the next 6 progressively faster till the 7th mile at 7:41, with the rest all at very easy pace.  It was really fun and my friend joined me for the last 12 miles so it was great to have company.  My legs are exhausted now.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2017
    Ali - well done on the trail race. A good hard effort with a decent result always leaves you feeling great after doesn't it? Sounds a bit scary with your fall but it doesn't sound like it's slowed you down with a solid progressive parkrun and great 20 miler afterwards. Look after yourself though, sometimes after a fall or something you can feel fine for a few days and then it suddenly hits you.

    Rob - well done on your 5k. A shame it measured long but doesn't sound like you are far off PB shape. I always think doing something like that makes marathon pace feel so much easier as well! Saw your long run on Strava too, good consistent pacing, looks like you are in a good place for MK.

    We were in the New Forest all weekend for Easter, with family then visited some friends as well. Got a nice run in on Saturday morning, did 9 miles at easy pace around 8:30s. Was meant to be 7.5 miles but missed a turning on the way back oops! Was out pretty early so hardly anyone about, saw some deer bouncing across my path which was nice. They they watched me run past to check I wasn't going to chase them I think! Did a couple of half hearted strides at the end as well.

    Before I went away I had written out a rough plan to try and follow aiming at my club's mile race which is in 5 weeks. The first hard session was a mile time trial to see where I was at. By the time we got home yesterday it was dark, so I chose a relatively flat bit of road near me with no crossings, as I didn't think running flat out and hoping no cars were coming was a good plan. It's also quite a wide footpath, though the downside is it's only a little over 400m long so I had to do 3 U turns in my mile. I managed it in 5:42, which is a decent marker, given that it's off no speed work and 15 days post-marathon. Including warmup and cooldown did about 4 miles.

    I'm sure the U turns cost me some time and hopefully I will improve a bit over the next few weeks, so my initial target for the race is something around 5:30 . I was pleased that I managed to pace it pretty well, felt like I was hanging on from about half way but pace on dropped marginally.

    Interesting yesterday seeing how much weather can affect a marathon - a couple of club mates ran Boston, both of whom are much faster than me and were targeting sub-3 times and their training had gone well, I thought they would both be well under this in good conditions. They both struggled a lot in the heat and one came in around 3:15 and the other 3:30ish.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Easy 8.5 miles with my running club last night, felt a little short of breath given the pace but it was mostly off road and a little hilly, so maybe normal. Probably not 100% over the marathon but would say 95%. Was about 8:20 pace so not too bad. We're onto the summer routes now that it stays light long enough so we do a lot more off road which is nice.

    Also I entered a 5 mile race on bank holiday monday which a lot of my club are doing, it's at 7 in the evening which is a bit weird but should be good fun. I mentioned previously I would like to see if I can get gold standard club times at 4 distances this year if I can, and there's not a lot of 5 mile races about so this is a good chance. 32:49 is the target then which won't be easy as it's apparently not a flat course.
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    Hi guys I was hoping for a little advice on my upcoming London Marathon. After I found out in January I had a place for the LM I dusted of my shoes and started training properly this time as the Amsterdam marathon I done 5yrs ago in my eyes didn't really count as I never trained for it, it was more of an add-on to Dam adventure.
    Any who I'm struggling to accurately pace myself and as such have a very loose idea of what my finish time is going to be.

    I ran 18miles at the weekend and finished in 2h42 averaging 09:03 min/mi ( felt quite good like I was holding some back)
    Now bearing in mind my race experience is off. I've never ran this London marathon before and am wondering how much of a part the crowd/race day nerves ect will play their part.
    My loose game plan is to stick with the 3.45 pacer and at around the 15m marker try and catch the 3.30 pacer.. Does this seem like a realistic plan or am I way out my depth 0.o

    cheers guys any help much appreciated
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    Hi boyley, good luck on Sunday, you're right that London Marathon is a different experience and come sunday you'll be buzzing and anxious.  Best advice I can give anyone running most marathons but especially London.

    1. try and get a good night sleep on the Friday night as Saturday maybe a sleepless night and an early start on sunday.  If you don't sleep much don't worry adrenaline will get you through.

    2. start off steady, 1st few miles will be congested, don't waste too much energy weaving in and out of people,  up and down pavements.  Save your energy for the final few miles

    In terms of your race plan, it makes sense to start off steady (3.45) and then pushing on in the final miles, without knowing your training and experience wouldn't know if making up 15 mins in final 11.2 miles is a possibility however it would mean from running 8.30 mile pace to about 7.40 pace mile for the last 11.2 miles which is a big ask.

    Main thing is to enjoy the day, the crowds at times are fantastic! I'm a tad jealous been rejected 7 times :-(
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    carterusmcarterusm ✭✭✭

    Nick – yes, that’s my current plan. There is a local 50 miler that I tried a couple of years ago but didn’t finish due to the knee. It’s the cheaper option (no hotel, petrol etc) and you can enter close to race day but the route isn’t exactly exciting. Anyway, before I move on to anything more scenic and hilly I guess I’d better find out if I can finish an ‘easy’ 50 miler (I say easy as its pretty flat). Your mile time in training was rather rapid, especially so soon after your marathon. How does your plan look with regards the different types of sessions you’ll be doing ?

    Ali – how are you feeling now after your little fall ? Remind me which marathon you’re racing and what your target is ?

    Rob – not long to go now for MK. Are you all ready to go and smash a PB out ?

    Boyley – we could do with knowing a bit more about you and your training – how many long runs have you done, what pace were they at, previous marathon PB, HM PB etc. The 18 miler you ran at an average of 9:03 would suggest you should be nearer to 3:30 than 3:45 but it may have been that you ran that long run too fast, despite it feeling relatively comfortable (the general guidelines are that your long runs should be run 60-90 seconds slower than you marathon pace). And a question for you – what is your aim for the race ? Do you want to ensure you finish or are you prepared to risk not finishing by going for a quick time ?

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    carterusmcarterusm ✭✭✭
    I've not done any running since my last post. I'm still getting used to working again and working out the logistics of travelling etc. I hope to start again next week but it will all be very slow indeed. The last run I did was only about 4 mile with an average pace of about 10:30 and it felt quite tough, hence me feeling like I'm just starting out running again. Mrs C and I are off out in our caravan at the weekend for the first time this year, just a couple of days in Castleton in the Peak District but should be nice. If you remember my injury dog Harvey, well he has just been under anesthetic again ! This time he has ripped off part of one of his claws so the vert had to put him under to extract it. Apart from that I have nothing to report ! 
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Boyley - I would say it depends on your experience a bit. It sounds like this is your 2nd marathon and the first you have trained for properly? As the others have said it depends a bit on what your training has been like. Have you done many runs of 18+ miles? Also 18 miles is quite a long run for the week before, make sure you take it easy this week to make sure you are fully rested by Sunday.

    Trying to catch the 3:30 pacer from 15 miles is probably not realistic (unless you care capable of a much faster time) as there will be quite a gap. If you are not sure then I'd suggest something like follow the 3:45 pacer till 20 miles and then see what you have left in the last 10k.

    The pace you start at should feel ridiculously easy. Even more so as the first few miles are slightly downhill (it's pretty flat after that). Like Rob said try not to waste energy weaving round too many people - even if it costs you a minute or two in the first couple of miles this will easily be outweighed by having the extra energy left in the last few miles.

    carter - nice to hear from you. I hope your dog is recovering ok. If you start getting back into it then make sure you take it easy at first.

    I found a mile training plan here: http://running.competitor.com/2012/04/training/blueprint-master-the-mile_30069  and will try to follow it (skipping most of first couple of weeks so it fits with when my mile race actually is). It's basically 2 easy runs a week (8m + 5m) and 2 sessions. The sessions are mainly 200/400/800 reps though there are a few others. I'll see how I get on with them. After the mile race I have a loose idea of trying to get into a routine of 2 easy runs, and 2 harder sessions each week. I've sketched out a rough plan of how this would look to make it approx 30 mile weeks of which 24 would be easy miles which seems like a decent ratio.
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    washwoodwashwood ✭✭✭
    Hi everyone,

    Ali, are you ready ? My half went OK, averages 8 pace which was the aim .

    So Sundays plan is to go out at 8.15 pace and if I can try to begin to pick it up a bit at half way . The 3.30 is out the window as realistically I don't think its in me at the moment so a sub 3.45 would be great and another London GFA as well as a BQ . I think this is more achievable but who knows. hopefully Ill go sub 4. pressure is off a little as my GFA is for 2 years so I can use it next year too.

    Will go back and read all the previous comments but off to bed now... need my beauty sleep ;) 
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Good luck to those doing London this weekend - think it's washwood, IBB and DadAgain? - I'll be on the water station at 24 miles but probably won't see anyone I know as I'm crap at spotting people!
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    washwoodwashwood ✭✭✭
    You may well spot me... bright pink shorts ..... crawling..... swearing .... ;) 
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    DadAgainDadAgain ✭✭✭
    Horrible horrible cold hit me yesterday, so I've put in a serious day of mooching about trying to recover as quickly as possible! Been eating super healthy food and taking on plenty of fluids.

    Feel a bit better this afternoon - but still really just hoping tomorrow morning I wake up clean!

    Too late to do anything about it now. I'll give it a smash tomorrow and see what happens.

    Good luck anyone else running tomorrow - see you out there! (I'm the one with a birthday cake on my shirt - it's my birthday!)


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    Carl DCarl D ✭✭✭
    Hopefully all you London Marathoners are doing well. Looks like an ideal day for it. Have enjoyed watching the elites on tv. 
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    DadAgainDadAgain ✭✭✭
    2 minute PB (3:36) - so pretty happy with that even if the 3:30 goal was missed.

    Final 10km was ugly and the pace that had been very consistent until then just evaporated. 

    Incredible day though - really amazing.....  certainly my most memorable brithday to date! 
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Congrats DadAgain - rotten luck feeling under the weather in the build up as it sounded like your training had been going really well. Enjoyed reading your report on the VLM thread.

    I've managed a couple of interval sessions over the last week; firstly Saturday morning I did 6x400m (60s recoveries) on the same flattish bit of road that I did the mile TT last week. Though according to Strava there's 20ft of elevation over 400m which would make it about 1.5% gradient average. I think there was a slight tailwind for the downhill direction (odd numbered reps) as well. Session was meant to be at 1 mile race pace - I'm not exactly sure what that is but working off around 5:30 as a notional target which would be 82s for 400m. Started off a bit keen with a 73s rep, and had initially intended jog recoveries. After 1 attempt at this I realised this didn't allow me to recover anywhere near enough, so did walk recoveries for the others. I was really blowing after the 4th rep so paused the watch and took about an extra 20s recovery. Held it together well on the last 2.

    So overall reps 73/83/77/82/79/80 for 79s average. Interesting that they seemed to get more consistent as I went on. Pretty pleased with that as a first ever attempt.

    Then yesterday evening went down to the canal and did a session of 4x800 (120s rec) then 4x200 (60s). Session said 800s at 5k pace and 200s at mile pace, but I couldn't recall what pace the 200s were meant to be so did them about as hard as I felt I could sustain for the set. I've decided the canal is quite good for reps, nice and flat and a decent surface, though would be tricky if there were many people about. Only saw the odd walker and cyclist though yesterday. The downside is that obviously the canal is at a low level so I have to climb up a big hill to get home. Warm down was 1 mile but 145ft elev gain. I felt I was probably going too hard on the 800s, it felt faster than 5k pace but I just decided to stick with it. I was quite consistent and the last 2 reps were faster so maybe that indicates the pace was ok? I don't know. Every 800 rep felt like I was hanging on a bit towards the end, but 200s weren't so bad - once your body realises it's hard work then it's almost over.

    800s: 2:59, 3:03, 2:58, 2:56 (avg 2:59)
    200s: 36/38/38/37 (avg 38)

    Felt like another decent session overall. My right adductor/groin was a bit sore after and this morning, but after a 20 min walk to the train station this morning it has been fine. I will need to be careful that I don't do too much too soon with respect to speedwork though. I recall when we had our club track night in September (which was great fun, but I was only running once a week at the time with no speedwork) I couldn't walk properly for about 3 days because both adductors were sore, and it was about 10 days before the pain went completely. So if I still have pain there before a session then I will do an easy run instead.

    Squash tonight, then a couple of easy runs planned before a parkrun PB attack on Saturday and a 5 mile race on Monday. Parkrun PB is 19:30, hoping I might be able to go sub-19. Not sure what I'm aiming for in the 5 mile race, I have heard it's a bit hilly but last mile or so is all downhill. Would love to get club gold standard (32:49) but don't know if that's realistic, will see how the parkrun goes first as a guide.

    Sorry for the epic post lol
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    Hey all. Relatively pleased with my 4:06:25 VLM PB. Still not sub 4 but we're not done here yet. I worked out how to stop my knees hurting which is Excellent. :) 
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Well done on the PB IBB! Great news that your knees didn't hurt!
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    Ali I've not listened to MT for 9 months, due to got bored of it and not had the time, fill my train journey up with reading open uni books.  How did the change of pace feel every few miles? Have you started to think of targets for Edinburgh?

    Nick the thought of training for a mile makes my eyes water! Good luck!!! As you said be careful your body isnt used to running 6 min mile pace and i found this out at my recent 5k, even though i have ran at those paces before i really felt tightness after I ran.

    Washwood, well done at London, good news GFA times have remained unchanged so you can use last years time for next year.

    IBB as mentioned on facebook top race and great pacing esp given the troubles you have had on your long runs.  Hope you have been able to celebrate your PB in style yet?

    Well done dad again, any PB is a great result, sounds like you had a good time. and happy birthday.

    Carter hope Harvey is okay? hope life is getting more settled now and able to get out for a few runs.

    Watched the London Marathon from the comfort of my sofa with bacon rolls for the 1st time in 7 years I've not been up there running or spectating!!! What an event the womens race and they way Keitany went out and to hold 2nd fastest time was amazing, blokes race was a bit of a let down... shame there was go coverage on the GB lad Josh griffiths as it seemed to suprise everyone commentators as well.  Then tracking about 20 people on mine and elles phone was fun too.

    Taper terrors at the moment feeling like crap, bloated, lethargic just the normal signs. Had a massage on Monday and injury free... going into the race well rested, slightly under trained but feeling confident of a shot at my pb. Have my race plan and its been the same for a month.

    start to 14 miles @ 8.30 (1.59)
    14-22 miles @ 8.15 (3.05)
    last 4.2 miles @ say 9 min miles will see me in at 3.43.

    gels at 6, 9.5, 13, 16.5, 20, 23
    water every 3 miles in bottles so will run with them.

    think there is tracking not sure to what extend 1209

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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Good luck on Monday Rob! Think you might surprise yourself you've done some good training the last few weeks.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    New Parkrun PB of 19:09 this morning! Well pleased with that. Slowed a little in second half but dug really deep for a strong sprint finish. 11 miles for the day including running there and back.
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    washwoodwashwood ✭✭✭
    Well done IBB on PB
    Rob good luck Monday, looking at being around mile 22 ....
    great run Dad Again

    , So London went OK, Had decided there was no way on this earth I was going to get anywhere near 3.30. Just not been feeling where I was last year in training this time round so knew it was going to be a struggle. Last year I went into marathon training having just run a 1.36 half, this year after 3 months injured followed by 6 of lazy training I went in off a 1.45 half :/ 
    Went out at 8.15 pace then decided to try and stick with 3.45 pacer, this proved hard as people kept getting in way and slowing down. by mile 17 my legs were sore and the sun had come out. I was drinking half a bottle of water every mile to try and keep hydrated (epic fail) then my calfs started to cramp.  From 18 on I used run walk tactic as I had just fallen apart mentally too lol so how I managed to run 3.52.15 I will never know ....

    Good new is GFA times are unchanged so I can use it again. Will be keeping my training up and long runs will continue, also going to try and add some strength work.

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    In short MK great weekend, race was okay, went out a tiny bit faster than I'd planned cramped at 24 and missed PB by 1.06 finishing 3.45.06 will share blog address with full review and pics when i can finally think straight
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    AliBali123AliBali123 ✭✭✭
    Sorry all.  Terrible two weeks- not had time to respond at all but I'm here now and so much to catch up on!

    Nick- you're well back into the swing of things- well done!  Does your marathon seem like ages ago now?  Your parkrun PB is fab too- great job!  You have honestly come on sooooo much over the last year.

    Boyley- how did the marathon go?

    Rob- well done on MK- great time really, great time!  Sorry you missed a PB but not by much and you have said yourself your training hasn't been as good this time.  You've shown a lot of determination to get to where you did!!!  Amazing.

    Carter- I am fine thanks now post fall.  I'm doing Edinburgh which is 3 weeks on Sunday.  I am feeling quite good for it but not complacent.

    DA- congrats on the PB!  Great work in the circumstances.  Very happy for you.  How do you feel now?

    IBB- well done on your PB.  I'm sure sub 4 is on its way at some point but I'm glad you're happy with last week.  Great job.

    washwood- I think you did soooo well to do what you've done this time around in London.  Big well done.  How are you feeling now?  You trooped on and we're very proud of you!

    So since last time I posted, training's all been going to plan... and I feel pretty good!  I've done a good few club sessions as well as my own runs and races.  Including a 10k on the Isle of Arran which was beautiful and I won 2nd place lady spot in 45:14 (very small race).  On Sunday I did a great 20 miler with 6 fast miles in it with a club mate.  We ran really strong and I still felt great at the end.

    I've done 4 20 milers now and have my last one this Saturday.  And then it's taper time!  Tomorrow night doing a 10k in Helensburgh.  I did it last year and it was a pretty slow course for me (47:31 was last year's time) so I'd be happy just to beat that tomorrow.  Let's see!
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Washwood well done at London, 3:52 is very impressive with run/walk from 18 miles! Good that you are in for next year if you want, I entered ballot yesterday :)

    Rob - well done, that's a great effort. Was trying to track you but it only seemed to show gun time so I wasn't too sure how you were doing.

    Ali - hope life isn't getting in the way too much...sounds like your training has gone really well though. Yes my marathon feels ages ago now, but then it is over a month!

    Did my first 5 mile race on Monday, a nice course on country lanes though there was a nasty great hill in the middle! Managed 32:27 which I was well pleased with, as it was inside my club's gold standard which was my main aim. Also thanks to some speedy guys in my club I was part of the winning Herts County Champs team (as this was the championship race)! Was very surprised to end up with a medal! Think my next race will be my club's mile race in 3 weeks unless I manage to sneak in a cheeky Parkrun.
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    still feeling tired but think thats through lack of sleep! 

    Blog and photos from race here....
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Nice report Rob, sounds like you had a good run. Well done for having the presence of mind not to up the pace after 14 miles as you were ahead of schedule. Bad luck with the cramps.

    You give the impression that MK is a good race, maybe I'll try and do it in future. Don't think it's too bad to get to from my way so prob wouldn't need to stay in a hotel.
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    DadAgainDadAgain ✭✭✭
    Legs have recovered, jet lags seeming to be pretty much under control now and I'm back into the dull uninspiring landscape of work! Now I need something to focus on and with no Marathon planned until October (Melbourne) I'm determined to enjoy not flogging myself with silly distances for a while.

    Next target is a fast half marathon at Gold Coast on July 2nd - so plenty of time to do nothing more than a few 10km recovery trots before I think about pushing the pace again. I recon a <1:35 half sounds like a good number to aim for! :)
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