
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Good decision not to run last night, by the sounds of it Dachs - not to mention, the team aspect of the relays helps boost the running mojo I'm sure.

    SG, what's the one definite race you're doing? Is it a targeted one?
    You actually got me thinking about where those mile reps fit it, and I can't quite work it out... A bit of an anomaly given the recent performances, not that I'm complaining!

    Good work on the hill reps SC, I always dread them the most.

    Tempo Thursday again - and opted for 4 x 8mins (2mins).
    From the off I pushed the pace a little hard - I always seem to end up 'banking' time in reps, which is rather a bad approach and so will try to fix that. After relaxing a bit at halfway of the first rep, it came in as 6:18s, which was a bit below target. In my head I had an idea of ~6:25s, 2x ~6:20s, finish on ~6:15s.
    However, can't go backwards, so changed the game plan to hold position and see how I felt. Next one in 6:18s again, and feeling a bit tougher due to some headwind. Halfway through the third and I wasn't enjoying it, again had thoughts of dropping the last rep - managed to salvage it for 6:19s. Despite the last rep generally looking after itself, I didn't overly want to play ball - first half of the rep was into a headwind. Grit my teeth and get on with it, work into the wind and watch shows 6:07s, just hold on for the last half. A bit of slowing happened, but finished the last with 6:12s.

    Total volume was 6.2mi in 40mins (6:27s av. pace), 12.2mi for the day including warm up and cool down.
    So that's me sat on 33.6mi over the past 3 days. I'm more than convinced that the 10mi+ days will be doing wonders for my endurance - but sometimes it's a mental obstacle, knowing you have 90mins ahead of you and it's not all fun and games.

    Plus side is that sub-40 (current PB is 40:12) is looking good for Plymouth 10k - given that I all-but did it today in the session. Will work out a game plan nearer the time.
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    Loads going on and loads to read through and catch up on . Work had been suitably crazy and I love it . Iron Man weymouth the last venture for me and a different world chatting to guys who are so casual about racing UTMB and the like

    Preparing for some events this weekend, Winchester HM and the Windsor HM that was mentioned ;) no comment as we are a sponsor :) 

    Also will have a part to play in the SEAA Relays so have packed nearly 10,000 bags in my shop the last week or two for these events and was there before the milkman was up to finish off today 

    Cycling had taken a back seat with Inesa in hospital but thankfully all ok now and she is home. Haven't done much with work being busy but actually turned out for a few runs. 

    I slowed everything down and ran 3 x 15 minutes last week at 7:30s and one longer run at 9/10 m-m

    Ran twice this week both 15 mins.. it's a start but my HR is over 170 on these runs and I feel like I'm blowing. Guess that what 4 months or more off does!!! Still not fully painfree which is pretty hard to swallow!

    So sorry I've not even mentioned anyone but I follow and read daily and it's looking all good other than various (regular) niggles for some :)
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Someone on the thread has a big picture in AW.

    Scott, interesting that you mention UTMB. I was just catching up on marathontalk and they had an article on it.

    The guy who came second, Kilian Jornet Burgada, had splits of 4:59 and 4:55 for miles 30 and 31 of a 100 mile race!


    This is the guy who ran up Everest, twice in one week, without oxygen!

    Apparently, he has plans to do a Bob Graham Round but the trouble will be to find a crew fast enough to keep up with him.
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    PMJ - And thank f**k the photo is actually OK for a change. I've had a photo in the local paper of me finishing a race looking like Duncan 'chase me!' Norveille. Cosmic ;)

    MH - Love the hills, trying to do one a week this season, got to help with xc and the rest, often do them when it's stupidly windy and it's pointless timing a session. I sent my application off for the Home countries xc off yesterday so hopefully i'll do better than the reserve place I got last year, although moving up a age group doesn't always mean its a given.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017
    Scott, can you get us some free entries to events then ;)
    Since the big man from Clapham got myself and Bus into the GSR, and of course the Reading HM blags, the freebies have been a bit missing :)

    Mathead, coming along nicely there. The fact you can bank time so easily, suggests to me your zones are ripe for reducing! Plymouth may well be the time to ensure that!
    Race entry for me is one I entered about 4 years ago, and being a tightwad and a cheeky chappy, managed to constantly move it on a year! It'll be some fun and giggles rather than any sort of smashfest.

    10miler today, with 8 at steady. 2miles at easy to set things off, then a 6.53, with a bit of an incline, then the last 7 all between 6.27 - 6.41. Miles 8-10 6.30,6.35,6.27

    More interesting and enjoyable than Wednesday's straight 10, but that followed the 6.5m at 6.00 pace track session, so always feels underwhelming.

    4 at lunch to come, then SAT OFF, and 14 Sunday for a 69.5mile week.
    Going alright, 3 weeks into the big build up plan.

    Next week's sessions are due to be a 40 min fartlek job, and 12x300m hills. Having some fun reprising what I think was my 2010 or 2011 plan! Albeit at faster paces these days!

    Will look up what that 40min fartlek involved back then as i wrote something about "did 5-4-3-2-1", so not sure if that is literally in mins, or what, and what pace etc
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Nice session.  I'll try and ignore that very upsetting 69.5M week total.......

    Hi Scott - good to hear from you, and glad things generally are more positive.

    Dachs - you'll be abandoning your watch and running barefoot next ;-)

    Kilian Jornet is a legend Philip! He won the Glencoe Skyline as well last weekend - the clips on Facebook are astonishing! There's been a lot of talk about him doing a BG and going for a record time, but word is he is struggling to squeeze it in - there are plenty of fast enough (just!) pacers ready and waiting to assist, so that would be no problem. By all accounts he is also a very humble and nice guy, with a deep respect for the history of fell-running in the UK, and as such, is keen to recce the BG first. I suspect he will do a fast recce round soon, then come back next year for the record.

    20M bike this morning - it was bloody freezing!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Long bike on a friday morn? Working day?

    Lunch 4. Our work site has a little incline and fence to get out of, and I must have climbed, more "stepped" in fairness, over at a strange angle, as felt a slight feeling across the the front of the quad. Can feel it on sharp turns and one stretch.
    However, 4miles was ok, as it's straight lines in running, that's the beauty of it. I do wonder how miserable it must be staying fit for amateur level football as you get older! Although i suppose you wouldn't be doing our mass mileage! And i remember in football days not taking ever miniscule feeling so seriously!

    2 sleeps til the next run now, so hopefully that sees off this little thing
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    Ouch - that'll be one of those that disappear quickly though by the sound of it.

    20M is considered short on a bike SG ;-) (note necessarily by me though!)

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    Where is everyone?
    17.5M home on bike last night, then long run this morning as I'm on son taxi duty tomorrow.

    Standard 14M off-road route. Leg a bit sore, but nothing more than usual. Slightly worrying was my right knee gave way a couple of times again, so whatever that issue is may need some attention...
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    No SG I can't get YOU into anything because you are a race ninja and never release your schedule :):):) 

    I can get entry into some events indeed. Free place at tomorrow Winchester HM at short notice if anyone dares to try get here vs that incident this morning. Luckily I missed it on my way to the UNi very early today but still took 90 mins. 15 Mins for the trip home and now I've been hearing there's 6 hour tailbacks. 

    PMJ - I heard some guy called Matt Lalor was going to pace him? Know him?

    Can see mileage for some creeping up ahead of winter antics 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Haha fair enough Scotty! Looked at the profile for that half tomorrow, phew, 350feet or so climb over the first 2 miles? Sounds tasty?!

    Hope as always you can get tucking back into some proper running. Your half pbs is slower than mine at the mo which is madness :)

    Bus, hope that goes as quick as I hope mine has gone. Though you've got through your 14, and mine is to come!

    Instead, a glorious SAT OFF, basically sleeping in for half the day like some sort of teenager!

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Good to hear you're improving again Scott and putting SG in his place for chasing freebies!

    2nd week on the bounce of bumping into some top notch rumners at parkrun for me. This time SG and PMJ's Datchet mates David Lee and Sean Paynter at Upton. Led the pair of them for 1k then Lee srarted showing his class to coast home in 16''xx. Gave the other guy a run for his money though and we were locked together till 4.5k when he pulled a bit more out for 2nd in 18'20 with me 3rd in 18'29. 

    In other news ironic we talked about rip off dentists as managed to pull put an old crown, bridge and adjacent 2 front teeth eating a sandwich in the week. How look like Joe Jordan (anyone remember him!) and face dentures or mega expensive implants. Not the best of news. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Decent effort holding Lee off for a km, as I doubt he knows what tempo/just a jog type fare is. Probably not far off a good lick for Sean either. I did notice he did a 35:5x at Swallowfield, similar to my Staines time.

    Commiserations on the teeth! That sounds one heck of a costly bite! Couple of months ago a filling soaked tooth crumbled on me (tooth extracted, leaving a bit of tooth in the gum, meaning follow up a week or so ago, and a further bit of surgery in Nov), but pulling all of that stuff out is some going!

    Presume they can't do the front teeth on NHS band 3?

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    Good news on the parkrun Pete. Definitely not such good news on the teeth!!! Time for an extension to the mortgage............
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Cheers Bus and SG; not so much the cost (though bad enough) that bothers me as much as the hassle factor. NHS band 3 will pay for poorest quality dentures SG but implants; forget it!

    On running and sorry to bore most of this thread who are non locals but can't belive I've had Robinson, Young, Lee and Paynter in 2 weeks worth of parkruns! Lee said afterwards he doesn't do long distance. Why not SG? He always looks such a class runner and he and James always win our relays. 
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Bad news on the teeth front Pete. Or is that the front teeth?

    I've only had one tooth removed myself. That was a wisdom tooth so wasn't missed. 
     I do have a number of crowns (two very old gold one's).

    Dentists being regarded as 'rip off' is to me an odd opinion. After all, they are fixing a real life problem which is beyond fixing ourselves. It's just an expense some would rather do without.

    Personally, I would rather pay than go without my teeth. 


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    It's that contrast of any other part of the body - free NHS treatment, teeth - high pricing that irritates Ric. But yes, of course getting things fixed is better than gaping holes!

    Woke up today a bit knackered feeling, which is strange after a day off, but often the way.

    Set off gently into my 14, saw a 7.36 first mile, but just let things naturally pick up, and eventually a 7.06 average.

    Saw the clubmates won the Windsor Half men's team prize. Ranging from a guy in and around my pace to perhaps mid 1hr 25s. Would have most likely been in the mixer, but then a hot and hilly half would have been a lot of effort to put in!

    Pete - Lee falls very clearly in the talented and low mileage categories, like a fair few of the Datchet guys, Rob, Mr Samson, Chris B etc.

    Whereas Rob and Chris have done plenty of longer distance, Mr Lee I think can't always find time for more than 25-30mile weeks, so he's happier in the short stuff. It's more fun and smashable i'm sure we'd all agree! But the satisfaction levels seem to creep up the longer the event, that's what keeps a lot of us coming back.

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    Nice Parkrunning Pete - SG, yes hot and hilly Half's on country lanes I remember when doing LSR's in thwe summer why they are such a ball ache!

    So was down at Crystal Palace for the Southern road relays yesterday. Went down in the car with the missus and kid so bit of a ball ache with the traffic etc..Anyway, after I had sorted a cup of tea and a 4 pack of beer for my V40 team mates (I promised I would get these as I couldn't go for a beer after) I got warmed up.

    I have trained here before so I knew about the hill around the back. It was 2 laps and supposed to be 6k (we all knew it wasn't). So started off quite steadily - the first hill was quite tough, but I was hoping that my Primrose Hill sessions would help and around the top and back down the hill to the track to start the 2nd lap I was going ok. The Kent guy in front of me had moved away on the flat but going up the hill for the 2nd time people started coming back to me. So felt obviously knackered but hanging on OK along the top and back down to the track and overtook the Kent guy to come in with a 15.55 (unofficial). We think it's nearly 5k - perhaps add on 10/15 secs for the 5k time.

    I was first V40 in, but sadly we got overtaken by Kent (Mr Greenwood again on last leg) and Thames Hare & Hounds. But a nice bronze SEAA medal. Just the long wait for the results. Had a quick chat with Dachs, his team did well for 4th, probably might have had the bronze if we hadn't been able to get Ben Paviour out for a change!

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    Good work on the bronze and first old bloke Simon!

    I must be getting soft in my old age. had planned a double today. Howvere, having been kept awake by heavy rain overnight I took one look out of the window at 6am and changed my mind! Still got soaked on the bike to the station, but at least it was over quicker! Lunchtime run instead and double tomorrow.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Morning all.  Very decent parkrun there from Pete.

    As Simon mentions, the Southern Road Relays were up yesterday.  Always my favourite event of the year, and Crystal Palace seemed a much more promising location than the misery of Bedford Autodrome last year.  I still want them back at Aldershot, but this will have to do for the time being.  Crystal Palace itself is fascinating.  Such a legendary venue, but the stadium itself is like something from a former Soviet republic that has recently undergone a civil war.  Standing on the track looking towards the scoreboard and the national sports centre behind really brings home to you how little actual investment in athletics there is.

    Anyway, I was in charge of our senior and vets teams.  I had a longstanding aspiration to put out a competitive V40 team, because RRR has one of the best vets lineups in the south.  Unfortunately, this did mean weakening our senior team a little, because, if in shape, three of the four vet runners would probably have made the senior team.  However, the seniors were still on paper the strongest we've fielded in my time.

    Senior and V40 races run at the same time.  I had leg 2 in the V40s.  I see Simon Coombes come hurtling in as the first V40 team, then around 30-40 seconds later, our first leg runner brings us in second.  Our senior team has also already gone through, so now I have two to aim at - our seniors and Simon's HHH colleague.  Can't see either for much of the first lap, but as we get to halfway, they start to hove into view running alongside one another.  Give chase, and I feel like I am flying, overtaking a fair few senior teams in the process.  Halfway through the second lap, and I've made up a lot of ground, but HHH manages to hold the 50m or so gap from here until the finish line.  I'm right behind our senior runner as we finish, and we stay 2nd V40 but right in the hunt.

    From there, we slip to 4th on Leg 3 and hold it for Leg 4.  Our Leg 4 runner might have been somewhere round 16:30 if he'd been fit (and won V40 bronze at the BMAF champs this year), but unfortunately he's in the very early stages of injury comeback, and was running in quite some pain.  So, given that, it was a great performance from him to keep us 4th.  Beaten by Kent, Thames Hare and Hounds and HHH, so I reckon we can consider ourselves the Southern non-London champions.

    Our senior team found themselves in 24th and a qualification spot after leg 3, but again it was a gradual fall off to about 41st.  Think the standard was high this year.

    As for my time, I ran 16:10.  Looking at what others ran, I'm not happy with that at all.  This year seems to have peaked in February and been a gradual decline ever since.  I doubt I've got any more decent races in the legs at the moment.  Given that, and also that I've been nursing a sore-ish Achilles for a few weeks (just to clarify, it didn't contribute to any sub-par performances, but I could do without it), I'm going to take a week off and try to completely re-set and re-build after that and hope to be in some decent shape for the Spring.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Dachs said:

    4th.  Beaten by Kent, Thames Hare and Hounds and HHH, so I reckon we can consider ourselves the Southern non-London champions.

    Spent 10mins with some maps out to see how much of Kent qualifies as London.
    Not much surely :)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    And erm, good efforts both chaps. Even if it's not your vintage Dachs.

    Interesting to hear of a relay that actually oversells the distance. Usually sods law dictates they'll undervalue it meaning you've blown your gasket up and still have some to go.
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    Did you also look at how much of Kent AC is actually in Kent, SG?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017
    That just aint cricket. Though would answer why pubphil the biggest geezer ever runs for them
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    Nice Report Dachs - As I said, we would have been a lot weaker without Ben on 4th leg for us, so would have been touch and go. I would be too worried about your time. I bet if we were both on leg 1 you would have been very close, thread rivalry as well as First leg race advantage! Good to see PP too, not seen him for a while, although I do see him more in xc season.

    Bus - not quickest V40 of the day - that will be Greenwood and I would have thought the last leg runner for THH will be 2nd fastest. Hopefully I might be 3rd fastest, I will have to wait and see.

    Lit - We were definitely the quickest V40 'Inner City' London team. Street level compared to these Kent lot and the Oxbridge boys ;) Although Kent were 'Lewisham Harriers' years ago apparently..better...

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Let's not tell SG about Cambridge Harriers and Shaftesbury Barnet.
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    Week off, plus some easier down time will do you the world of good Dachs.

    Progression run at lunchtime for me. Aim was to try and get to a mile at sub 6 for the first time in ages without falling apart! So, 6.3 miles, with the first 5 as progression and the last mile and a bit to cool down. 7:25: 6:58, 6:32, 6:15, 5:58, 7:30. Leg was a wee bit uncomfortable on the 6:15, and I nearly canned the next one, but didn't and it was OK.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Dachs said:
    Let's not tell SG about Cambridge Harriers and Shaftesbury Barnet.

    Shaftesbury Barnet is in Hendon, which is in the borough of Barnet though. So I allow that.

    And Cambridge Harriers, what's the problem...based in Cambridge innit......Ontario

    http://www.cambridgeharriers.com/  :)

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Nice one Bus. Doing a mile to finish at 5k or quicker pace is definitely the way to see those aches away :):)

    The base phase continues, with the below summarising the mile total, and the quality component of the week (sitting with a 10mile overallsession)  TMP = Theoretical MP zone

    1. 72m       6m TMP, 7.5m steady
    2. 63.5m    6.5m with 1mile at TMP, MP, Tempo, 10k, 8x0.3m hills
    3. 69.5m    6.5m TMP, 8m steady

    Tomorrow, we have 2x( chunks in minutes of 5,4,3,2,1) off 1mins

    Should be interesting how to pitch it. Upping the zone each segment might be the best way, so TMP, HMP, Tempo, 10k, 5k.

    When I did it before it was out on the road, so the readings would be easier to measure, but on a track it'll be more awkward, as the 1min recoveries would be intertwined with the rep, or if you stopped the watch, you'd have random metreage to log.

    Probbo the best bet is to keep an eye on the minutes, and log each lap, and then see how that pans out later! It's more one of those "Get a feel for the zone" early sessions, rather than hitting exact numbers.

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    Good news on the leg Bus, glad it seems to be holding up, Base phase looking OK SG - never really had a 'base phase' myself, just usually done a few more hills and upped the LSR a bit up to 15/16 miles.

    Well the results of the relays are up and the good ol SEAA seem to have taken 10 seconds off the time of every Leg 1 runner :) - the other legs seem correct going on what Dachs and others told me. Timing must have just kicked in 10 secs late. I presume it will get amended. Happy though I was 2nd quickest leg, soberingly though 34 seconds off Mr G of Kent. Ridiculous man.

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