
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    PeteM said:
    Loads of pr's to choose from over Xmas time but that 5k race at Black Park on Boxing day looks quite appealing too. Anyone know much about it? 

    Black Park doesn't do a Christmas Day parkrun and always used to do one on Boxing Day that was officially sanctioned. That was from 2009 to 2011 see e.g. http://www.parkrun.org.uk/blackpark/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=130 when Danny Norman was running fast and not a (insert your own choice of adjectives and noun here). 

    Then PSH stepped in with the parkrun police and said no Boxing Day run so in 2012 we all turned up exactly the same as before and called it a freedom run and in 2013 we did the same but they recorded results.


    After that it fizzled out but this is the reincarnation of the idea: same core team of David Priddy and Fred Ashford and same park: different route out the back by Pinewood studios but same sort of surfaces and speed expected. 
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Thanks Philip; sounds great and may go for that instead of an Xmas parkrun. Annoying how PSH stopped all the individuality different RD's used to have. 

    Bracknell pr today and good to see AG there. Not got official time yet but think I missed sub 20 by a couple of seconds. One very tough course that one though. 
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    As Pete suggests I did Bracknell, for the first time actually. I fancied just doing more of an off-road run with a few lumps. I recorded 18:48 but the PR time thieves gave me 18:53! That's my 8th second place in 18 Parkruns.

    It was probably a similar effort to last weeks 17:31 so the difference was all in the course. Did it again afterwards as a warm down.
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    Reg Wand said:
    On the subject of NYD parkrun, I was contemplating a double. 7 mile run to Henley, then do Henley PR @ 9am. That gives 90 minutes to finish it and get to Woodley Parkrun. Along the Thames would be around 8 miles. I reckon that's doable. Post Woodley it's a 3.5 mile run home. This would make about 24-25 miles. Actually sounds a bit crazy but could be fun.
    I'd be sure and measure that course carefully. I did a run from Henley Bridge to Sonning on the Thames Path and that came out as 8.5 miles. If you come off the Thames at Sonning Eye it is probably the same to Woodley. I reckon Henley parkrun is a mile from the bridge so 9.5 miles. Doing a parkrun, getting your code scanned and 9.5 miles after is going to be a push in 90 minutes. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Don't reign on Reg's bravado Phil :) Let him have a crack and report back.

    Like Pete, having a look at a Christmas day parkrun. A girl I used to work with did Rickmansworth, which runs on Christmas day. May be worth a look, but could be a rush to run it, and get back to Wycombe for plans at 10.

    May be more sensible to stick to the Boxing day 5k, and then save any messing around  - 2 parkruns - team jog in between for New years's day.

    Judge it after tomorrow's longer run I suppose!

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    I have measured it Phil, I make it 8.5 miles from Henley Parkrun to Woodley Parkrun, via Sonning, getting on the Thames at the weir, rather than going back to the bridge. Scanning should be straight forward as long as I finish in the top few, so I reckon that's about 1 minute at the most to do that. So as long as they start on time, I reckon I'll be away by 9:25 giving me 1:05 to cover 8.5 miles. 7:30 pace would be enough to get there.

    My main issue is that I may have to run down the main road from Wargrave to Henley, otherwise it's going to be a full marathon going via Crazies Hill which would be my preference, adds a hill in that way too. That road isn't pavemented all the way as I recall from walking back drunk from Henley once.
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    AG, also in your favour is the fact Woodley are notoriously slow getting started. Typically 9.10 or later so probably 10.45 on NYD. Pleasure to be back at Bracknell today where the start is always punctual. 
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Haven't you lot got presents to open and family to get annoyed with instead of all that park-running malarkey tomorrow :wink:

    10.6M of mud today, making 56.3M for the week - my biggest of the year by 0.2M! Also gets me to 18 weeks averaging 50mpw, which is almost certainly the longest period I've kept that average up. 

    Ho, ho, ho - Merry Christmas y'all!!! :
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    All the best in the effort Reg. That road section would put me off, loads of idiots at this time of year and I do my best to shout expletives at any driver who honks me as they assume they own the road and how would anyone dare run on the road if there is no pavement?

    14 and a bit for me today, up in the woods so all slow stuff but very enjoyable. I tried out my new ASICS GEL-FUJIPRO shoes which are supposed to be hybrid shoes so suitable for road and trail. Very nice for trail so good grips etc and a neat little pouch in the tongue to cover the laces so they stay clean and can be undone at the end but almost totally useless on the road: the grips are way too hard and just slide on wet tarmac and no cushioning at all. Will have to plan routes that are close to 100% off road to use them properly. 

    The route went through a local village called Christmas Common which I thought suitable for today.
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    Good work Philip. Still on for Boxing day? 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Nice longuns chaps. Phil, sounds like you got lured in my the fancy advertising there old son!

    13 today, longest for a month! It's very easy to get out of the habit of long runs or hard sessions isn't it, and just tick over.

    Quad felt a little weak in the last 3-4miles, but ok. Probably my fault for storming that slope at literally top pace last week, then following up with 200s the next day!

    Still weighing up a parkrun tomorrow. Time would be pressurised though, and don't fancy the closest one Maidenhead, would have to be a new one. Probably most likely to hold off..a whole 1 day until Tue for the Aylesbury 5k. That'd be the sensible decision!

    Everyone have  good day, and start thinking over your end of year reports, although we still do have 7 full days to beef the numbers and tales up!

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    Merry Christmas everyone; and in my case, it is, right now, New Zealand being 13 hours ahead of the UK at this time of year.
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    First run of the day done, a second run later, perhaps. Getting there, slowly.

    The parkrun phenomena I find remarkable for the sheer number of people who like Pete have cranked up hundreds of the things.

    Whatever the reasons for doing so, and I have a few theories, one thing is certain, you have to do them to get them counted. It's an achievement for which there are no short cuts. Years of dedication -proven.
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    Well I went off-road today Edit:yesterday, plan was 14-15 miles. I got just over four miles in when I was starting the downhill through the woods and in exactly the same place as last time I turned my ankle again, slightly worse this time.

    I will never run that descent again. I was down for a good few minutes in pain before gingerly getting to my feet and finding a suitable walking stick. I proceeded to limp back up towards the top of the hill and I was kind of hoping it would ease off but it never did. I carried on limping with my stick seeing the odd person and it's amazing how nobody thought to ask if I was ok. Maybe it's not obvious when someone is dressed in running kit and using a stick to walk?

    At one point I was hobbling down a single track road and a Range Rover was coming the other way and the driver had to wait for me to limp past but nothing. I did however find a fiver about half-way home and I decided that if anyone asked if I was ok I would give it to them. I still have the fiver.

    So upshot is, four mile limp home, ankle is very sore and swollen and I reckon it's a few days before I will be running again and possibly ruling out the Parkrun double again  :(

    To add insult to injury, my wife locked us out the house last night so when we got home form visiting my Father, I had to break in.

    With only one working foot it was petty painful climbing over the gate then up the single story rear part of the house and then into the en-suite window, which fortunately had been left open.

    Merry Christmas to all.
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Oh no; that looks very sore AG and rubbish luck to sprain it like that so near Christmas. The walk and climb (into your house!) both sounded tortuous too. Let's hope it goes down in swelling soon and you can get running again. 

    Xmas parkrun today at Rushmoor and 6th in 18'46. Looked as fast as usual at the sharp end and a couple of 16'xx kids first two. Time for food and drink for the rest of the day now. 

    Ric, there are loads of reasons to pile up the pr's; speed session without feeling like one, sheer variety of courses, ego trips when results and age grades come out, Po10 fillers, meeting and chatting with other runners and time shared with my daughter are my top ones but sure there are many more. Recommend you get back into them next year. 
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    AG, bummer! Halfway round my 14 yesterday I was in the middle of woods and was thinking if I had an injury nobody would find me and how long would it take to make way to civilisation? Never crossed my mind that once I was on a road it would be an issue to  get help. Best wishes for a speedy recovery: loads of ibuprofen does help: guy the size of you can probably safely have 3,200 mg a day for a few days. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017

    Merry Christmas all!

    For all the people who exclaim "you're not running on Christmas day" are you, the answer is always yes, but the real truth is it depends on what day it falls on! If it'd been Saturday I may well have rest day'd it, if it was Sunday long, and as today, it's an ask to do the usual double, so a 7 was enough.

    Reggie, I half read that thinking, it'll be like your hamstring strains, ie back smashing sprints in a day or 2. That picture is pretty severe looking though. Many a time I've landed on the side of my foot in woods, but can't actually imagine what turning an ankle is like. Have done a much more severe one, snapping ankle ligaments in 2004, but can't imagine something blowing up like that for a supposed "Minor" ailment! Speedy recovery though, keep the double alive, even if you may potentially have to bin the in between part

    ps Phil, in terms of the Slough double, I was going to ask if as well as racing/temping the 2 and jogging the inbetween, do people jog back to the original as well? Seemed a lot of mileage, but a crude google map job, and it seems it's only a 3miler in between anyway, making it all in about 12miles, rather than the 14-16 i'd presumed.

    Had a look at the Black Park 5k tomorrow, which has lured Fabian Downes in, but i'll stick to the Aylesbury 5k plan. Have a slight doubt on the right quad, but I dare say some deep heat and race magic will see me through.  Something in the 17s will do even if it's most likely the fat end!

    I don't want to deprive anyone of some parking fun in the report tomorrow, but after last year's "car park I tend to use being shut", and ending up in the bus shelter by accident, I thought i'd check a map of parking out pre race :)

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    Reg, two things: First of all, may I wish you a speedy recovery on this latest set back.

    The second is, that Reg, you've seen it for yourself at first hand, when it comes down to really doing something to help someone who is clearly in trouble, I'll guarantee that 99% of people are totally fucking useless.

    Oh, they talk. They see, they condemn someone for a careless line of rhetoric, but when it comes down to 'getting off the fence', 'stepping up to the mark', they are almost non existent. They don't care, they say otherwise, but are lying. They don't prove it with action.

    If I was there Reg, you'rd still have the money because I wouldn't have taken it for helping you.

    My rap sheet runs to 1) Stopping the car to help pick an old women up who had fallen over - because others were doing nothing but stare. 2) Stopping in a run to resuscitate a guy who'd collapsed from a heart attack because none of the crowd already there wanted to touch him in case they caught something. 3) Checking the vital signs of a guy who'd hung himself while observers stood 30 yards away making excuses despite being there first.

    There's other examples, but the pattern remains.

    Yes, in a real emergency. Most people are useless. Anything outside their experience and they are lost. They look the other way and pretend that nothing happened.

    Note the rant. I was on the end of this shit once and like you had to do it all myself. No help offered. Even if you ask they'rd be some excuse for them not to help. They will resent the request.
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    Stevie G said:

    ps Phil, in terms of the Slough double, I was going to ask if as well as racing/temping the 2 and jogging the inbetween, do people jog back to the original as well? Seemed a lot of mileage, but a crude google map job, and it seems it's only a 3miler in between anyway, making it all in about 12miles, rather than the 14-16 i'd presumed.

    I think point-to-point it is just under 4 miles so 14 total. I park at Upton and take a scenic route which is about 5 miles so that is 16 but it is an easy 5, parkrun, another easy 5 (you have 90 minutes for a parkrun and the 5 back so even with a 30-minute parkrun that is an hour for 5 miles) and another parkrun. 

    Saw you this morning, honked as we passed but you probably didn't recognise us.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Only realised after Phil

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Right, Aylesbury Boxing day 5k today.

    Like to do this one, as it seems a perfect little buzz around a town centre on a 3 lapper, pretty undulating and never anywhere near as quick as the rest of the year's 5ks, but banks a race late on.

    Went in a bit casually, well off 5k specific training time, and the vague aim of something in the 17s.

    Good arrival, and a couple mile trudged out. Low key fare, so definitely didn't feel "Up for it" in any particular way!

    Chatted to EOG's brother, and also a youtuber who goes under the name of Baze or something. He films all the races he does with some sort of head cam. I was only watching a few the other day quite randomly! Good one where he started a race 30mins late, and good fun to see who he was overtaking later on.

    Anyway, the race was delayed while they tried to push everyone back to the start line. Just when everyone was in place and ready to go, for some reason they then sent us back about 50metres for a completely different start to every other year.

    I immediately thought, hang on, will the finish be further forward? You just knew it wouldn't!

    Anyway,. Owain Jones is here, so he'll be winning. Then there's the obligatory mad stack of over optimistic AC kids. One year they'll all beat me I think.

    As we set off, I wonder if that year is this year!

    I've noticed I start off a bit too cautiously these days, versus my insane yesteryear starts. I'm right behind a tonne of these kids.

    A couple of turns and the very slow "don't smash yourself on the bollards in the middle of the next turn" bit, and we're almost where we started.

    Some stocky little berk absolutely cannonballs through the herd of kids, while I bide my time. I'm a bit hemmed in to be honest.

    Windy on the fast bit of the course as exit the main square.

    3.25 first km, which doesn't sound too tasty at all I think, must have got hemmed in more than I thought.

    Second km has a mad little section that I can only describe as being a "Hairpin turn that stops you near dead, and then inclines round the bend", onto a slippy path, that ends with a very tight right turn, a stagger due to the next incline, and left turn while you're panting and wondering what sort of course this is!

    2km comes up at 3.54, which is like the slowest km ever seen on this thread!

    Some young track kid has dropped out here, clutching his leg. I notice a silly button in his ear, and think, started too fast didn't you son, as well as wondering about his future job prospects with that nonsense in the ear.

    Through the town square and out the back, with a tight turn by what I now realise is the cinema! Tight right hand turn, and back under the arch of the town square.

    I make a mental note to remember it's a false dawn this bit, and the actual finish is further on, on the next lap!

    One lap to go, i'm in classic for this course, no man's land, chaps in front a mile ahead, nothing imminent behind.

    Still, 3rd km is 3.28, not that i'm really looking by now. It's one of those days where 10k output is what's happening, and just get to the finish.

    Solo journey until the hairpin, where another track kid has started to come back heavily. Cruise past him, and know that's the last i'll see of him.

    On the run in now, nothing behind, it's like i'm on a timetrial in fairness.

    Get under the first arch, and I see 3.1miles on my watch. Funny that, having brought the start line back so far!

    Carry on round the corner and round the bend, and the darn clock is on 17.55 and doing that very quick count you only see in races where you're in danger of missing it!

    Utterly ruin myself to stonk in, and a ridiculous "head duck" to get in before 18.

    Missed where the 4km marked was, but last 2 km were 7.12, which i'd imagine was stronger for k5 than 4.

    Having started in row 2, i'm hoping I see it out for 17.59!

    So, the run of getting slower at this one each year the last 4 times (ignoring a 17.57 yonks back) continues!
    17.29 (2012), 17.34(2013), 17.49(2016),17.59(2017), but i'd say today was similar to last year, just with extra distance, and perhaps less of a race.

    Probably a tough ask, to produce a fast 5k at this time of year, without specific training, on an awkward (and long!) course, without getting in a like for like race. Probably something in it about turing up with a "that'll do" attitude before starting too.

    Yeah, that'll do for a few disclaimers!

    Either way good to get race 19 onto the grid, but I suppose when you do just chuck races in willy nilly, unless you're Simon, you will get some average ones pop out.

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    Still sub 18 SG, though you'd have had a more pleasant run out with Philip and in the sunshine along the Thames this morning :-)

    Reg - that looks really sore, and shame on the bastards who all ignored you!

    With the exception of a relaxed couple of hours with Philip, I've spent far too much of the past 24 hours getting wound up by tech! I got a new Garmin for Christmas yesterday and tried to connect it to my phone. It's a Windows phone. Long and short is, to download Garmin connect I had to upgrade it to Windows 10 - that's where the fun began! After two hard resets and much experimenting I now have a working phone I can send emails and texts on, with most of my original apps. Oh, and I now have Garmin Connect Mobile on it. Trouble is, it won't bloody pair with the watch over bluetooth - or at least it will, but only up to a point! All that nonsense, and a family row as a result last night for nothing! Grrrr! Why is the software side of garmin always so hit and miss? And back to work tomorrow!
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    You had me at Windows phone, Bus!
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    Good run there SG, might be worth checking how much training you do at the pace of that race or just slightly faster.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    For targeting 5ks I'd have gone at least 3 zones higher in training, 800/1500/3k pace.

    For this one, probably just the 200s last week, and some vague "efforts" with Datchet in the last 6 weeks. Not peak training.

    Got to get the balance next year of caining the events, but also building specifically for stuff. Have done both In the past, each with their own drawbacks and advantages!

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    I lent a book (never returned) to someone which had the training zones listed as energy systems, from pure aerobic to whatever an full out sprint lasting 3 seconds is.
    The author suggested that distance runners were notorious for hardly ever training at the pace they wished to race at.
    In short, a 5:30 miling wished for race pace was trained for by doing steady/hard continual stuff no faster than 6:00, and track work faster than 5:00's.
    Where's the stuff in between?

    My calculations would suggest 30 x 200m off a short recovery in 39/40 seconds based on your last 5k race time.
    I'd average a shade under 37 seconds myself when able to go sub 34 minutes for 10k.
    I wouldn't notice I was doing the first ten reps doing that speed. Then gradually, the fatigue would creep up on me, but no guts out stuff.
    I'd end up with the equivalent of 30 minutes worth of fast running without being shattered.
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    I know Reg, I know! It's a work phone though, so (so far!) I have put up with its foibles and lack of support in exchange for having a free phone, with unlimited data. It's actually quite a good phone (I won't say smartphone as I know you'll tell me off :wink:) - the camera is good, and I like the Windows screens, but it's so limited on apps etc (and it is too big to fit in any of my running shorts pockets!)...hey ho, one day I'll bite the bullet and shell out silly amounts of money for a decent Android (can't be doing with Apple....)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Don't go off this time Ric! I definitely have faster on a better course :)

    Take your point though.

    And under Moz, there was a good mix of zones, including target pace, even for 400s at times! Although 400s were quite hard to keep to 5k pace, as I expect it was tough keeping your 200s down. Although 30 is a tonneload so maybe not.

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    Strava-ites - have you seen the "Your Year in Sport film"?. Makes Strava ll worthwhile :smile:
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Aylesbury results out - thought they should be quick, as it was the first year of chip timing...

    I'm grateful, as 18 on the gun, 17.59 on the chip! 8th like last year, out of 214.

    Owain Jones didn't come first! 2nd in 16.10 versus 15.39 last year.

    Others in the top 8 both years, a guy Sewell did 16.33 last year, 16.40 this.

    Charlie May a few secs quicker here this year, but has a pb over a min quicker.

    So can't be 100% conclusive, but pretty sure the longer course didn't help!

    fingers crossed no snow tonight!

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