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    I'm also back at work tomorrow, but finished the break off with a parkrun double, 11 miles in all, surprisingly sprightly after racing yesterday.  Ran with junior for the first 2 miles of the first one, and he left me for dead again at the start of the second before fading a bit, so he did pretty well, furthest he's run in one go.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    6.5 for me this morning in grim conditions. It brightened up nicely after breakfast...! Back to work for me tomorrow, too. Not looking forward to the early alarm call.
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    I like the sound of your dinner party Wardi.

    Bit of a relapse for me. Ran a mile which is more than I should have done this morning but it's only 1st January once a year. Will hopefully get an appointment with the doctor tomorrow and see if there's anything else they can do to help.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Happy New Year all!

    Well done on all the 10M runs TR, and your V50 prize CD.

    I was away until yesterday (Xmas in Chichester, NYE in Paris), managed a fair bit of training though including a big 27 mile day around a French parkrun (attended and run almost entirely by Brits). Back to work and hence run-commutes now though.
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    Yes, happy new year and heres to a successful running year

    Wardi - I hope they said its like this, this being the approx 41 km market for the GC marathon: https://www.webcam-4insiders.com/en/Las Palmas de Gran Canaria/14540-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.php  
    LMH - Hope the doctors do their magic.
    CD - Great way to sign off 2017 - well done. 
    TR - New Years resolution to run beyond 10m? 
    CW - That 27m sounds fun.
    Joolska - Well done on the 6.5m and I feel your pain.
    Taper time, final 20m d&d on Saturday and first run of the year d&d first thing this morning.  Weighing in at a pleasantly surprising 10st 9.   How's your taper going Pug? 
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Happy New Year y'all. 

    TR - consistent consistency!

    Jools - I read your blog. Good to see you getting back to it in a controlled manner.

    Not much to report here. Busy over the holidays so haven't been training much. Had a bit of an underlying bug, so just done a bit here and there as I felt like it. Fitted in 60 last week (1 hills session, 1 steady 10 (62 mins), and a longest run of 13). I think I've got 13 or 14 weeks to Paris, with Barcelona 4 weeks earlier as a session.

    Annual stats: 2771 miles (53mpw average) - 4th lowest of 11 years of running. Hopefully that'll improve this year.

    My year is best summed up by my racing.
    July - Wycombe HM 82:56 - stupidly hilly and mainly off-road.
    September 10th - Chippenham HM 75:38 (flat out).
    September 24th - Mortimer 10km - 34:34 - preceded by a 16:30 parkrun on the Saturday (my official 5km pb), and a 20 miler on the Friday.
    November 19th - Valencia Marathon 2:28:57 (69 seconds outside my pb).

    I'm looking forward to seeing if I can get back to consistent training and post some pb' this year.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Oh, and Valencia means my average marathon time (for 14 marathons) is 2:37:41. A pb of 2:05 (so 2:25:43) would see that average drop to 2:36:53, or 5:59 per mile (exactly), so that would be pretty sweet if I managed it.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    CW - chichester is near me, we could have gone out for a 10miler !

    TT - you are well set to run some quicker times still in 2018.

    OO - you never know, I could do over 10m on a Sunday soon.

    Back to the 6miler at lunchtime today, yet another rainy run too.
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    CD - nice work with the parkruns, the category win and getting junior out with you. I'm trying to convince my lad to come out with me occasionally. Despite his apparent lack of interest he is a really good runner with an annoyingly(sic) natural running style but more unfit than me at 14! Hopefully it will take hold of him at some point. 

    Joolska - I read your blog too. Nice work on getting back to it - I remember your encouragement back in the day - you've gone on to bigger and better things and will do so again. 

    LMH - Hope docs visit fixes you. 

    OO - Tipping the scales nicely there... I have a plan and a spreadsheet as I manage my weight down from a ridiculous life-time high :(

    TT - Inspirational stats and a shed load of talent. 

    TR - Consistent as ever. I bet the legs felt like carrying on today after last weeks' impressive sessions? 

    Improv P&D 55/12 schedule doesn't start until next week so I am blagging it this week - which really means running week 1 in week -1. Week 1 isn't too bad in this schedule anyway so no massive ramp up in pace or distance. 

    I began my week by running a recovery 4 miler yesterday despite schedule saying rest (hate starting the year with a zero). Today was 8 miles with 10 x 100m strides. I ran on the muddy tow path and miscalculated so ended up with 9 miles and the strides. 
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    More steroids and some antibiotics - no running in prospect for a day or two at least - it will give my niggly knee a chance to settle if nothing else though the muscle I've pulled coughing may be more of a hindrance. First word problems though eh?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    SJ - I know what you mean about youngsters and their natural running style, I picked up junior's shoes that he uses for everything from track to muddy trail runs and the heel tread is pristine.  He's a bit OCD about doing parkruns (when he doesn't have a Saturday rugby match) but otherwise it's a bit chicken and egg - to get quicker at his parkruns he needs to do a bit more in the week, but loses interest in doing that because he's not that quick (or until recently not as quick as he was when he was 10).  What's helped now is that I'm getting slower, so the gap between us over 5k isn't huge and coming down.  He'll wipe the floor with me over 400 or 800m reps at the track, for the first half dozen anyway.

    TT - impressive stats.  An average like that would suggest you've not had too many outliers at the slower end, which is good going over 14 races.

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    Happy New Year to you all! I think I posted about 10 times last year...very poor showing...although I do still read the fred on and off.

    2018 won't be a serious running year for me...nor will subsequent years. Following a stress response in the right foot (dropped out of Chester at mile 5) I got the results of a Dexa scan last week that showed I've osteoporosis of the spine (and start in the hip). The hope is to get me back doing some slow miles, but I will be advised not to do a lot more than this. Also should give up coffee....two things I love.... The years of fast('ish) miles played a part for sure, but unlikely to be the only reason.

    I hope 2018 is a great running year for you all. It is a great sport. Take care

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    Blimey coro - sorry to hear that. Running is usually said to be a defence against osteoporosis. I hope that lots of fizzy calcium tablets, less caffeine etc will at least slow it down.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    That' crap news Coro hopefully you can find ways to fight it. Like LMH says I thought running was good for bone density, maybe some gym work might help?

    LMH - bad news at your end too, but get well before you worry about running again soon.

    CD - make sure you race the lad over as long a distance as possible, so your endurance keeps you as the best runner in the household for as long as possible.

    6m inc 30 min of 30sec reps at lunch, didn' rain for once, but it was a bit breezy.
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    Very sorry to read that Coro, you've been an inspiration to many on here over the years so it's sad to hear that running has to take a back seat.  I can't offer any advice other than to look after yourself, and hopefully still see you at the Red Lion in good spirits in April.

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    I'll make sure I come to the Red Lion! Wouldn't miss it

    On the connection with running, there have been various studies that show intense training releases the stress hormone cortisol which inhibits the other hormones required for bone health. Running hard, stressful lifestyle and a predisposition probably all contributed. The doctor I've been seeing is the England Athletics doctor (and LTA etc..) and says she's been seeing more cases recently and predominately in marathon runners. Unless you have a predisposition you're probably ok. If you get two or more stress responses/fractures (even over many years) it is worth getting a bone density (Dexa) scan done. Avoiding a future back or hip break is important. 
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    Coro - That's really bad news and I echo what CD has said. Interesting what you posted and as someone who had stress fractures 10 years ago will look into this.  I might even meet you in the Red Lion as have submitted a last minute championship entry, hoping my recent 2.45.19 is seen as good enough for a codger. 
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    Oh no coro, it was painful to see you have to drop out at Chester and you've always been such a natural talent. At one point I convinced myself that it was worth supplementing with magnesium when I had shin pain that might have been a bone thing, having learnt that you need some Mg as well as Ca. Whether that's right or whether it made any difference I don't know, but I'm still having a pinch of magnesium citrate powder (very cheap and supposed to be absorbed better than the MgO Boots had) swirled into a bit of water regularly, and haven't had the shin problems since.

    I've had my "cranky ankle" niggle return, which I had attributed to driving; yet I haven't driven anywhere for a couple of weeks, so maybe not. Massaging up the side of my leg a bit may have solved it however, I'll see... Trying to do a big miles week this week, then a lighter one next week leading up to the Brass Monkey HM.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    OO.. good luck with that though I don't think VLM are very charitable to members of 'Unattached Harriers' with regard to the Champs start - I'm sure the other chaps will confirm or correct me on this. Do you already have a GFA place to fall back on?  I should be at the Red Lion courtesy of a senior codger's GFA so would be good to see you.  BTW my chums said Gran Canaria was quite cloudy but pleasantly warm B)  

    Coro.. really gutting news for you.  You do have plenty of cracking achievements to look back on and hopefully you can stay sane with some easy miles.  A girl club mate has it (she is 60+) and she thinks it is part hereditary as a couple of her family have had it.

    LMH.. one of my fellow local Park Runners has been struggling with a similar chest issue for a few weeks now.  He has been delicately poised on 199 Park Runs since November so it's driving him nuts!
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    I'm part of the BioBank so was fortunate to have a bone density scan last year which showed no change from the base line ten years ago. Always interested in the new research around that sort of thing.

    It's driven me to the gym Wardi - unheard of but I'm getting desperate to do something so have begun some gentle swimming and saw a PT this afternoon who has come up with a short strength programme that works around my various injuries and ailments.

    I'm pleased I didn't get up early enough to enter BM now Charlie. Hope you can sort your ankle niggle in time.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    coro - as per FB, really sorry to hear your news. I've had to give up coffee too, but for different reasons (it, and wheat, have turned out to be two of my main IBS triggers). Can you drink tea instead?

    LMH - sorry to hear you're still unwell. I've had an underlying viral thing across the last few weeks which has affected my asthma, but it has never blown up to a full on cold, and my asthma hasn't deteriorated drastically, so I've just taken it easy. Fingers crossed you're back at it soon.

    OO - Wardi is right on the champ start. No club, no place. You could join an online club if you wanted though?

    CD - no real outliers. Debuted at 2:55:46, ran exactly 2 minutes slower, 3 weeks later, and from then it was 2:46, 2:39 (1st), 2:35 (2nd, 4 weeks after the 2:39), 2:30(:02), 2:34 (light training and first one post knee op), 2:30(:19), 2:27, 2:29 (1st), 2:28, 2:33 ('retired'), 2:49 (training run for fun), 2:28. The last time I ran a big positive split was the 2:29 where I went out in 72 (still my second quickest ever HM). I tend to get lucky and manage to hang on for even, or slight negative splits.

    Still not feeling 100%, but after 3 days off (ankle niggle and feeling blah), yesterday was a 4/10 double, and today will be a 6/10.

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    Wardi - VLM said no...which was right as the rules are the rules (I am/was a member of a club). Seems Las Palmas where the marathon is being run in the north tends to be cloudy and warm, Maspalomas in the south sunny and warm. Thus we are running the marathon then heading down south for a few days. 
    LMH - Hope you make a speedy recovery. 
    Key session for later today 10m with 6@mp. 
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Coro: really sorry to hear that.  Anecdotally there certainly seem to be more runners affected by stress fractures at the moment.  It's kind of hard to know what to say to someone in your situation.  I'd certainly experience some sort of grief reaction.
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    Thanks LMH, ankle did irk me on the way home yesterday, but was fine for a rather wrecked recovery plod this morning. It's unlikely to stop me from running the Brass Monkey, but that's just a birthday treat anyway, not treating it too seriously. (Though I was quicker there than I expected to be last year, in very kind conditions.) Anyway, good luck with your woes!
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TR - Did 150 miles on the bike in the snow - 35 miles of running and spent 1 day snowboarding
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Gah. Re-benched after spraining my ankle really badly. Limped home 3.5 miles and now have fat, blue cankle. 
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    Oh no Jools:-(
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jools - hope it a minor issue and some ice sorts it quick.

    6m Thursday and Friday lunchtime, 8m this morning brings up 52m for week.

    1 week til stubbibgton 10k, 5 weeks til Worthing 1/2.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Coro - as others have already mentioned, really sorry to here that prognosis. I hope you can reconcile some form of training that offers a balance between the condition and your well-being. Best wishes for the future. 

    Joolska - Bummer. Hope the swelling subsides and you can clamber off that bench soon.  Take it easy. 

    LMH - Not the gym! I went there once to run 15 miles on a tready when the snow was bad near me. Not good. In all seriousness, I have neglected any form of strength training which is obviously foolhardy. 

    TR - Another solid week. I need to get some interim races sorted soon. 

    Steady week of build-up again for me. A couple of 9 milers and some easy stuff in-between. Medium long run tomorrow should bring the weeks mileage up to 40(ish) which will be a 2 year high I think. 
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    Bummer jools, hope it's just swelling with nothing major underneath.

    Very nice week TR, getting a lot of consistency in.

    20.7 for me this morning, after having run parkrun so a decent daily total.  Brings up 63 in the last 7 days which is the most for me for a long time.  Tomorrow morning will be spent marshalling the local 10 miler, hence the long run today.
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