
Sub 3



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    It's that or nothing at the minute SJ - and I can't even run on the treadie whilst I'm there!
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SJ  - good stuff, 50mpw soon.

    CD - that' a long run, up to full distance already.

    I hadn't run further than 10m for a while so did 15m today, legs coped pretty well, so all those 10milers must have done me good.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    LMH - Hmm that sucks. Hopefully you can get the same mental stimulus from pushing some weights which is better than nothing and will pay dividends.

    CD - solid long run there incl. the parkrun. 

    TR - ditto 15 miles at this juncture is good stuff and proof (if any were needed) that miles in the bank is my goal for the next few weeks.

    13.1 very cold miles this morning. Had to put the anchor out at 5 miles as for some reason I got carried away. Steadied the ship and added the .1 coz 13 miles seemed like a wasted opportunity to card a HM for the first time since Wilmslow 2015. 

    Remarkably slow is my assessment of today's effort, with the exception of the fast bit. Fast bit felt like hard work after 3 miles.  Still no medals were handed out today for me so perspective and all that. Legs feel ok but need a lot more miles. 
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    Nice mileage building guys. Unfortunately no other exercise gives me the enjoyment that running does but it's better than sitting around feeling sorry for myself - I'm no weight lifter though:-)
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good work SJ, slow is good for now, you are unlikely do do yourself any damage going slow. My legs have got a shock coming next Sunday with 10k pace.

    LMH - s and c ticks a box though. Thinking of you wanting to run but not being able motivated me to get 15 done, when the wind chill was biting today. So you have been involved in running today.
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Coro - that's very sad to hear; your ability to knock out 2.3x every year is remarkable (as were the 2 x sub 2.30's).  Hope you can get back to a position of being able to run for fun/fitness regardless.

    Jools - bad luck, but should only be a couple of weeks with the sensible approach to rehab.

    I'm in a real running rut.  Constantly ill since mid-December (I'm never ill usually); nothing serious just cough/cold/snot etc.  Been running every day to try and run it off without success, including a few in the 14-18 mile region, but each run is a struggle.  Can't break 18:30 for a parkrun and doubt I could go sub 90 for a half.  Feels like a long road back.  Nothing in the diary until April though, so hopefully we'll turn a corner soon.
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    I know how you feel Dan - my running has been getting worse since mid-October and I have no idea why - mind you running slowly was better than not being able to run at all.

    Thanks TR - I'm glad I could assist.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    DanA - 'Constantly ill' 'running every day to try and run it off' from one running addict to another there's your problem, and this being a miserable time of the year weatherwise.  
    TR - Nice 10m to 15m leap.  How did it fee afterwards - OK I would have thought with your muscle memory/ aerobic base. 
    SJ - Sounds like a good hm run of 2 parts. 
    CD - Nice one, no getting round the need for as many 20m as poss. 
    Pug - How did Disney go? 
    2 weeks of taper. Ticking off the key runs I need to do, 10m with 5m fast done, 15m with a fast 5k albeit dancing around the ice on Saturday done. 
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    So sorry to hear you're benched again Jools, hope it's short-lived.

    Good miles there CD & TR.

    I had a big week last week (87M), and did an extra-long run yesterday on our special Cambridge busway path of 28M. That's because I have that ultra race in 3 weeks. However, it will be a lighter week this week, leading up to the Brass Monkey half in York with Wardi.
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    CW - Oh the lovely Buspath, I do the one here to get from ours to Luton! Are you doing the MK Winter half next month or next year?

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Dan - it will come good soon.

    OO- I was wondering about pug, good reminder. The 15 was ok due to all the 10s recently, long runs are a shock when I only do 6 miles. Legs felt decent, just a bit of groin/stomach soreness in the last few miles. I could bridge the gap to 20m after worthing if vlm becomes desirable.

    Anyoe use ssucony triumph? My stash of version 11 have run out, I bought some iso 2 but they seem small, is it a known issue and needs a 1/2 bigger. Obvious that i try to keep a few versions behind to keep the price down!!

    6m at lunch
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    Morning all,  

    Great to see TR and SJ posting again.
    TR - I'm a Saucony fan but use the Ride (which are on sale at the mo)
    CD - Decent Long run  :)
    Dan - You'll get through it.
    Jools -Hope you can run again soon.
    Coro - That's shit news, good luck.

    I'm starting to get back into it after a long rest following the Wendover Woods 50, an awesome race which went better than expected.  Especially considering my build up was a bit hampered after breaking a couple of ribs during the OCC.  It appears ultras may be my thing so my next event is the North Downs way 50.

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    SC2 -- I opted for the Feb MK half, just to keep my options open. You too?
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Charlie.. hope to see you on Sunday.  I have a slightly niggly shin to match your slightly niggly ankle but I don't think it's anything serious so should be good to go.

    SL.. well you have to be good at something I suppose  ;)  Best of luck with the long roads and trails.

    OO.. hope the taper goes well.

    Sorry to hear about all the bugs and injuries, particularly Jools' continuing bad luck.

    Nice work on the MLR's TR & SJ.

    My club had a 5m race on Sunday along nearby country lanes.  We new at the start that the last 3m were frequently covered in black ice so the idea was to try and stay upright rather than race outright.  We ran in 2's & 3's to keep an eye on each other and literally (at times) offer support.  I rounded it up to 10m with a bit before & after.  All 32 runners got round ok so we then retired to the pub for a buffet, beer and roaring fire.
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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018

    Ward - 
    Brass monkey is v local to you right? A load of NE Runners (inc Heaton) always do it

    DanA - your not injured at all then just been run down? I've had a fair few colds this winter like

    I was on call nye and worked New Year's Day on intensive care so had 4 days off last week. I've started I get some decent runs in. Did Hampstead Heath park run and ran there and back meaning about 8m. Great little course but v hilly & bloody hard given it was only my 2nd park run in 2.5 yrs. Ran just under 21 mins and came 17th or something. Just nice to be involved really and manged a 10m a few days later. Been left with an Achilles niggle since then meaning I've done loads of swimming and x-training. I'd like to turn out for the club in xc this sat just to be involved but I feel it'll probably be forcing things too much and the aim is to get some decent running and consistency in before the Nationals. 

    General fitness is decent though even if I haven't found my running legs yet. Lets be honest it's just good back doing some training after so long out and i don't need to knock loads of miles anyway. X-training and lots of strength training suits me to, to avoid further loading injuries and get the legs ready for some fell races in the spring. 

    I quite fancy the Orion 15 end of March, a trail/xc type race throughout Epping forest, anyone done that before?

    Happy new year :-)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Stu - padams noted your win and posted the link to the report, cracking run. Saucony ride sound similar, but again I'd need to know sizing. I have ordered a bigger pair of triumph, poor that the sizes change though.

    Rs - good that you are getting back to it.

    6m at lunch including 30min of 90sec effort/30sec easy.
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    SL - likewise nice to see you around here again. Ultra's eh? I know a few club mates who transitioned to those in last couple of years. I know of another who does them on the track - 24 hour races... he's mental though :)

    OO - nice ice-skating during your fast 15 

    Wardi - ditto on the ice-skating. The pub afterwards sounded very nice indeed, especially the roaring fire. 

    8 miles plus 10x100m strides as per P&D tonight. 
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    Sounds like a nice way to spend a Sunday Wardi.

    Definitely sounds as though you have your mojo back RS78 - not easy when you're working full time shifts. Take care of that niggle.

    Keep the miles going TR - I'm training vicariously as I still can't do any running myself.

    Really enjoyed reading the report of that race SL. I like the longer stuff too (though I'm not in your league!) but can't be doing with navigating and aren't supposed to run hills which limits available races somewhat:-)

    Stick with it SJ - sounds as though you're getting there.

    Feeling any better Dan?

    OuchOuch - Pug does seem to have disappeared, maybe he decided to stay in the warm - I'd like some sun. Take care now.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Saw my remedial sports massage therapist yesterday.  Only walking permitted by way of weight bearing exercise at the moment, to be reviewed next week (there's still swelling and heat in the ankle joint, and it does get tired towards the end of a work day).  Stuck with swimming and strength/conditioning in the meantime.

    Welcome back RS and SL.
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    Sorry to hear that you're still benched Joolska. I'm starting to think about a 12 week build or potentially different marathon, but finding a flat, fast spring one that doesn't require too much travel isn't proving easy.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Jools - your due a bit of luck with these injuries. Fingers crossed for you. 
    LMH/ Wardi - Taper bang on plan, 3 key sessions left now, a 10m with 5@mp this weekend, and 2*5m sessions with 2m@5k pace. However, going to an indoor trampoline place with your nimble and stretchy youngster is not a good way to spend an hour whilst tapering - now have a stiff neck and back - ouch.
    SJ - Following the classic P&D plan or some SJ modifications?  Now might also be running Manchester too as my brother has entered for his marathon debut, and timely to visit some rels living there more or less at the routes 7m marker.   
    I've looked at the Disney results, a strong performance by Pug and would have been under 3 hours but for running out of puff in the last 10K. 
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    CharlieW said:
    SC2 -- I opted for the Feb MK half, just to keep my options open. You too?

    Yes - I went for the Feb deferred option too. Might be injured later this year :)
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    LMH: I think the real issue is going to be that even before I sprained my left ankle, my left glute was weaker than my right glute, and the left hamstring wasn't working as efficiently as the right hamstring because of the earlier injury there.  I've now damaged the left ankle.  And so although I can do some strength and conditioning work, I'm in the situation that my left hand side kinetic chain is pretty f*cked.  Commonsense would dictate that it is unlikely to be sensible to push the pace of recovery in that situation.  I'll take a final decision about London at the end of this month, but I'm fairly realistic that it is unlikely I will be able to do a spring marathon, and possibly not even a spring half marathon (especially as at the moment there is no way my upper body is strong enough for me to do 8 hours of swimming per week to replace the cardio I can't do!  I'm losing cardiovascular fitness as well as muscle/tendon specificity).
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    I know where you're coming from Joolska - eight hours of swimming would not maintain any reasonable level of running cardio fitness for me either and I can't use the bike or cross trainer at the moment. Do you think you'll look for an autumn marathon?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Ouch Coro - I can do a bit but will look up the Dexa scan after being told to give up having had 2 SFs back in 2009 and 2012. Really like everyone else gutted for you and always amazed at how you always got in shape.

    Dan - maybe it is the long efforts that are keeping you ill. I'd never suggest stopping but maybe some sub hour for a while.

    Jools - sad times but as LMH says there is always common sense and an Autumn marathon.

    I'm the 90 min pacer at Farnborough half, still an easy day out.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Jools  - shame you can't run on it yet, what about cross trainer?

    LMH - let me know if you are on board Sunday, and I'll have some extra porridge if you are. How much have you missed  recently? I was thinking of 8 weeks after worthing if I go down the vlm route, and that' 4 weeks away still. With your multi long runs a week you still have plenty of time.

    I noted pugs time too, pretty good progression, he is never going to run a -ve split though OO.

    6m more st lunch, inc 30sec reps.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Good to see SJ and RS78 posting again.

    Jools - that's a bugger. It must have been a bad sprain!

    Nicely done on the long run CD. I hope to bag one at the weekend. Barcelona is 8.5 weeks away so I probably should.

    TR - sounds like good progress with the 15m!

    Dan - I had an underlying bug for weeks that wouldn't shift. It started a bit earlier than yours, and has really only cleared in the last few days. Time off helped a little, but not much, and tbh, the only reason I took time off is that when I get viral things it seems to sit in my leg muscles as I always get massive DOMS after every type of run. In the end it just went, so hopefully yours is almost done too.

    SL - belated congrats on the win!

    I was still feeling ropey on Monday, but got out yesterday for a 6/10 double, and today for a 12. 3m tempo in the middle of yesterday's 10 came out at 5:38. I may be fat and unfit, but I seem to not be too badly off as that actually felt decent. Maybe around 10m race effort, so hopefully a few weeks of solid training will set me up nicely for a Barcelona/Paris double (intending to do Barcelona as a training run).
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    I can't put force through the ankle at the moment, TR. Wish I could: I hate swimming more than cross trainer!
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    Sorry for lack of posting but been on holiday in Florida just had no time.

    coronium - gutted for you matey... but think about the times youve ran. No one can take them away!!! Lets hope you can at least keep fit.


    The last true running race I competed in, was a half marathon in June 2010. I finished in 4th position in a time of 1:16:12, a PB at the time. However as the course wasn’t certified it was never classed as an official PB due to athletics sites classing as a short course. Since that race and the disappointment (as pathetic as this sounds!) I lost the will to race hard again and gave up, as it was the best performance I’d ever given and the hardest I’ve ever ran. When someone pulls the rug from under you in whatever way that you take pride in yourself, you kinda just think sod it… and so it began… weight gain and generally not giving a crap anymore with road running.

    2016 came around and my wife changed my thinking a little with a few things she'd said… my whole attitude changed in a number of things… trying to be more positive, spending more time with family and doing the house and gardens… good things… and nothing, not even the loss of close relatives got me down.

    Into 2017 we ploughed… at 42 years old… and 16 stone 4lbs… and something clicked… this wasn’t me… this is all the other middle aged men, a group of people I didn’t want to be part of… what the hell are you doing? I’ve got money, houses, family and cars… blah blah blah… but one thing is still missing… that fire in the belly! So in January started the plan… a 12 month plan to do one of the few things that I seemed alright at… running.

    So, started a diet… this lost some initial poundage and on May 21st 2017 the running started again… it was tough… tougher than I ever thought it would be with undoubtedly a few people thinking he won’t stick at it! I assumed like in the old days, you take some time off… it’ll all come back easily and you’ll be flying within weeks… errr no…. age had caught up with me! Not a nice thing to admit… and certainly not something I or any of us think will happen to them… but I’d say this comeback has been twice as hard than I ever thought it would be!

    So, during the past months… I’ve trained… I’ve lost weight… I’ve got the racing mindset back slowly and changed the way I do my running and training… massages… using stretching and foam rollers… taking rest days… using recovery days… all that sensible crap that quite frankly I’ve never done in my life ever… and here we are 12 months later… ready for the first real race and test…

    2017 HIGHLIGHTS:

    50lbs in weight lost this year. Started first January 2017 at 16 stone 4lbs (103.4kg/228lbs) and I am now 12st 11lbs (81.2kg/179lbs).

    Miles ran approximately; May (129 miles), June (99 miles), July (164 miles), August (133 Miles), September (140 Miles), October (116 Miles), November (190 Miles) & December (146 Miles).

    Ran two marathons (Lochness in September in 3:23 & Amsterdam in October in 3:25) with Amsterdam raising over £1600 for breast cancer, thanks to you all for donations.

    All the above waffle leads to today… Sunday 7th January 2018, I ran the Disney Marathon… I had a bit of an idea on what time to go for before the race (just dip under 3 hours if possible 2:59.59 would’ve been perfect), but as is usual… I changed my mind last minute (in fact on the start line) and went into “Old Pug” mode… which some of you will know… means reckless… but amusing with some blow-up usually somewhere or a story… with a 5am start time, for me this is tough… up before 3am… getting there for 4am… and somehow then trying to run a target pace of around 6.30-6.40 minute miling for 26.2 miles isn’t something the body is meant to do at that time I’m sure?

    Here’s what happened on my Garmin.
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