
Sub 3



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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    JoeB - I've done the Stanley Park run in Vancouver. The weather wasn't great when we were there though (January), so probably not as enjoyable as it was for you!

    That sounds like a good weekend, running plus a wedding. That route looks "interesting" for the 10M though - I hadn't realised there were hills like that around Blandford (I grew up reasonably near there and my brother went to school in Blandford).

    WTGY - no other races on the horizon other than some XC over the next few months. Not sure what I'm planning for next year, but I'd like to have another go at my club's 12 hour race in September (need to reclaim the record!).

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    Glad that both the car and legs just about delivered you Jooligan! Grand effort so soon after Abo.

    UDS -- congrats on the course PB -- and good result getting on the telly, too (I didn't see it though I fear).

    TT -- I'd assumed parkruns were accurately measured (well without actual official course measurements)... but maybe not. Anyway, well done on that and the XC.

    LMH -- sorry you had a duff one. (I had an atrocious 10K two weeks after VLM, worse than MP for a lot of it.)

    Padams -- excellent (hilly) 10M there.

    JoeB -- I'm sure you just let the groom win everything so as not to spoil his wedding ;-)

    I'm being a bit schizophrenic -- on the one hand, I promised myself some post-marathon downtime, but on the other I do have a low-key half marathon in 3 weeks, which I'm not worried about doing well in, but it would be nice not to be totally rubbish either. Last week I logged about 50M just from running commutes. Yesterday I did a 16M "long" run including an easy version of my normally hard reps/tempo staircase, to at least remind my legs about effort.

    Biked today to take in a blood donation (but was rejected for having slightly low haemoglobin levels, which has happened before). Related to the running, probably.

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    Nice racing Padams.

    TT - lack of a warm up and rubbish running surface plus slight up hill into a strong head wind - take your pick. I never do any specific 10k or other speed work. Even yesterday's rubbish race aggravated my hamstring which had finally settled after my HM (mainly due to physio on Thursday).

    Joe - sounds as though you made the most of the holiday and what a great weekend/wedding. Any news on the job front or are you still a full time athlete?

    Charlie - you won't be totally rubbish.

    Should work quite well as you say WTGY - you can have a nice run specific phase with a little swimming and biking and then ramp them up post marathon.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Wtg - 11 weeks isnt too bad, as you'll get easter and a couple of bank holidays to put some decent long rides in. If you keep some hard turbo in your Manchester build up it would be good too.

    Padams - top work there, you get a good ROI for your training miles. The racing you do obviously helps keep you sharp.

    Joe - are you still doing Valencia? If so you'll be back into some run training ?

    CW - you have tons of miles behind you to run a decent 1/2, if you fo dome of your reps sessions you'll be good to go.

    6m easy today. I should be left with just over 500M to run thtough Nov and Dec for 3000 for the year.
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    Belated congratulations to TR, SJ, TkTk, Jooligan and SWh for the Abo runs. TR, I have no doubt you will be back to 3 miles in 20 minutes pace in the spring. TkTk, I was chuffed to see you went for and got sub-3. SWh - congratulations on the first sub-3.

    Slightly less belated congratulations to UDS and Jooligan for Snowdonia. A brutal race that from the sound of it.

    Nice sub 56 at the Ricky 10 Padams. Still amazed by what you can do off low mileage. Personally I was chuffed when I went through 10M in under an hour at the Manc Half!

    Joolska, hope the knee is better after the bike accident?

    I've been a bit rudderless since the HM. I need something to focus on until VLM training starts in December. Thanks for all the comments about my sub 2:45 possibilities as well. I feel like I should give it a go. I reckon I wasn't far off that shape in 2017, but I made a total arse-up of Boston as you may recall.

    Off to look up local races for November now!
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    TR - Be interested to know what the benefits are of including turbo training in with marathon training, plus anyone else who does it. Used to do a lot of cycling and the other half wants to get a smart turbo for the winter. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    ES - you could certainly get another 1/2 in off that recent training.

    Stevie - there is a school of thought that hard turbo/watt bike and some easy low run mileage is productive for shorter run distances.  I set my 10M and 1/2 pbs (59:0x, 78:1x) a few years back  after a summer of 1/2 IM and then some turbo and 30ish mpw .........not sure you can afford to drop too much run volume to run faster marathons though. However i do wonder if i could drop a couple of 6m easy run days and put a hard hours turbo session in instead. Ive put Tri to bed for a couple of years due to time constraints and wanting to run a comeback M50 sub 3. When i get more time i can have a comeback at that!
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    Cheers TR I'll bear that in mind if we get snowed in again this winter! Always wanted to do a Tri and was considering entering Windsor next year, however I think I'm better off riding this improvement curve for marathons while I still can!
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Stevie - I agree with TR. For shorter running races, I think swapping the recovery/easy runs for cycling/turbo is fine and can be quite beneficial, as long as you're still hitting the key running sessions. If you want to maximise you're marathon potential though, I would be aiming to do almost all of it as running as there's no real substitute for miles in the legs. Probably no harm in swapping one or two easy runs per week for a turbo though, and might reduce the risk of injury compared to just running.

    TR - I haven't raced much, just that team 12 hour race in September and nothing else since July. Plus parkruns, but they're not really races, although good hard workouts.

    ES - I'm not doing much mileage, but at least it is consistent. I've done 150M as a minimum every month this year, just not gone much higher since London.

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    Stevie - Ive always been bored on a turbo, but with these new Smart ones thats almost gone totally! last night I was on it for over 90mins and didn't particularly notice. 160 odd watts. I would have done a recovery run yesterday. As the winter draws on Id probably do both the recovery and that trainer session. They're also pretty quiet, so I had one eye on Zwift, and the other watching the footy on the big screen. 

    LMH - what is your background? Are You from Tris? 
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    WTGY - I was a runner then I got into tri (mostly long distance) in 2008 until a bad bike crash in 2014.

    Stevie - if you are only looking at a shorter distance tri it shouldn't compromise your running and may well complement it as long as you can fit all the training in.

    Any races in the diary Padams?

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    JoeB - sounds like an ideal wedding weekend. We're planning a joint event as the start of our Hen/Stag do' a few weeks before (either Go Ape or a Tough Mudder), plus a parkrun the day before.

    CW - they are measured courses but all it takes is somebody to put something in slightly the wrong place and a 3 lapper can easily end up being about 60m long as in this case.

    LMH - that collection would do it alright! Hopefully your hamstring settles down quickly.

    Padams - like you I've not raced much this year - a poor 10m in Feb, the off-road relay in June, and then the parkrun/xc double. The latter has really whetted my appetite so I'm hoping to attend all the remaining Sunday (easier league) xc for the season, plus one or two others.

    Anybody here in Teignmouth or has done the parkrun there? Myself and Miss TT are planning on stopping there on the way to St Ives (via a Go Ape in Exeter).
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    LMH - decided on a complete curveball, packing in finance for a while to go and work on some triathlon brands at a sports marketing agency! Starting in a few weeks, will give it a go, worse case scenario it's not for me and I head back to finance.. Thanks for asking.

    TR - I am indeed. I don't think I'm going to race it, but at the moment have loosely agreed to pace a friend to 2:48. However, that won't be easy (!), so I need to ensure I'm in some sort of decent shape. 

    Stevie - When I entered the dark world of triathlon and ironman, if anything I found that all the cycling actually improved my running despite running less, so I think it can compliment very well. 

    I know I posted a brief Kona recap on here at the time, but the full trilogy of blogs/race reports are now online, for anyone at a significant loose end! Think Star wars, with less lightsabers and more lycra.

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    I did Teignmouth day before Abo TT - I wouldn't recommend it for a fast time - too many narrow sections given it's a 2.5 lapper, 3 dead turns & some weaving + lots of non parkrunning dog-walkers. Torbay Velopark is much better IMO - wide smooth tarmac with nobody else around though there is a little out & back off road at the end.
    I've done 38 races & 40 parkruns so far this year!! Distances from 4x100m up to full distance triathlon with almost everything in between!

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    Really pleased to hear that you've found something Joe - hope you enjoy it.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    I did Exeter Riverside Park Run last year TT.  Flat route mainly on bike trails with a lap around a field in the middle.  There is also Bovey Tracey (Parke) and Killerton if you fancy something prettier and a bit more lumpy in a NT park.
    Joe.. I wondered where part 3 was, I'll put the kettle on :)
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    Thanks for all the advice. I was considering throwing myself in at the deep end (literally) and entering the Olympic distance. That may be pushing my swimming ability a bit though. I think I'll see which Autumn marathon I'm doing (entered Berlin ballot) before making any decisions.
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    I'd count an Oly as a short tri Stevie - you'll be fine.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMH - ah sorry to hear that hope nothing long lasting 

    5 @ 6:50s earlier, I guess that right now, 6:50s is target marathon pace. Will see how much lower I can get that TMP over the forthcoming months. 
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    Pretty permanent WTGY - broken collarbone which couldn't be mended so I lost a fifth off the end and ruptured shoulder ligaments which had to be replaced so the shoulder will never function the same again. I also have a sub scapula bursa which has resolutely refused to respond to treatment but that just causes pain rather than impairment.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Stevie - maybe do a sprint tri next summer if you want a taster, but if you stick with run only you could be ~2.45 ish this time next yr. Do manchester and then Abo agsin as run only

    Padams - i seemed to remember you doing midweek races, but maybe that was a while back.

    Joe - you had best get some running in then.

    Wtg - string 10 to 12 of those 6.50s together and you'll be around where you need to be.

    7m easy today.
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    That sounds seriously nasty LMH - can see why you had to give Tri up now.
    TT: as Wardi says Parke & Killerton are both good testing XC runs. Tamar Trails is another good one in the area. If you're after a seaside run I recommend Exmouth. Not done Riverside but it's definitely a quick course with some fast runners.
    Busy day here. Work, 4K jog at lunchtime, home & fix car (so far so good), off to club to take part in the Halloween Night Relays: 3K of forest trails in the dark which we won. Fortunately my team consisted of 2 top fell runners + creaky me on the 3rd & final leg. I set off with a 78s lead & quickly discovered that my headtorch batteries were almost dead! Fortunately the course was lap 2 of my local parkrun so I've done it literally hundreds of times so was fairly confident through the first half eased off for a K whilst being gradually reeled in by 2nd before hitting the final 500m hard to take the win by 12s in my first ever night race.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jools - quickly back to it!

    10x3min reps today, nice to be (relatively) rattling along again. A few sessions prior to Gosport is probably a good idea.

    201 for month (abo affected total), 510 required for 3000 for the year.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    TR - I didn't make it to any of the midweek road races this summer. I did manage a couple of athletics fixtures though so I've done a couple of 5000m races and a 1500m.

    JoeB - loved the blog, you really managed to convey your enthusiam and enjoyment of it! It almost made me want to go back, but it's too much of a commitment right now. Good stuff trying something different work-wise - great to be doing something in an area you're genuinely passionate about.

    Jooligan - that sounds like fun, well done on judging it well to take the win.

    Just 4.5M yesterday at lunchtime (getting a haircut en route), will try to fit in 45 mins before nursery pick-up this evening.

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    Sounds like a nice interesting race that Jooligan and good to be teasing 2nd place too! 

    LMH - thats sounds awful

    TR yup I think that whilst I wasn't concentrating on running economically / targeting that pace it felt alright, and I seem to recall TMP being really hard this far out

    Beautiful morning in E Yorks, 10miles off road with the dog chasing pheasants / squirrels / deer 
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    Joe - you didn't go to Kona looking for the win so deciding to have a relatively relaxed day and enjoy it sounds like the right thing to me.

    WTGY - there was more than that but they are the bits that have stopped me doing tri, I was never the world's best swimmer but my stroke is now compromised and the bursa causes me pain when I ride a bike (though I keep hoping to get back to doing a bit of that - but only when it's warmer!).

    Sounds as though you've recovered well from Abo TR.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Joe, Padams - I've done the Stickler before, years ago now whilst visiting the folks in Bmth for a weekend. Made more interesting by a loose horse running riot in one of the fields!! Impressive 10 miler there Padams..

    I see there was HHH representation at Blandford parkrun too on Saturday, did it last year during the missus' '40 before 40' grand parkrun tour. Not a bad course actually, bit undulating.

    Good reports too all. Interesting reading as ever.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Padams - fair dos, ive got my wires crossed then. Maybe its the buggy  park running that is doing it then?

    Wtg - 10m at mp is a tough run at any time.

    LMH - yes, legs are good. But i guess it would have better if i had run all the way and had more doms. Yeovil is on tbe fixture list, just in case Brighton goes wrong.
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    TR: Snap! September scores: 211 but you're slightly ahead for the year after a lazy July/August. I need 280 a month in Nov/Dec to hit 3,000 for the first time ever. Liking the idea of Yeovil too. Mate at work ran 3:03 there in 2017 to get his GFA but then almost died of heatstroke at VLM this year chasing sub 3.
    5K including 5x 2' off 60s at lunch. I was trying to run a steady 5K while leading a session for the kids but my Strava tells me I sped up to TMP each time I blew the effort whistle!

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Jools - i had a lazy hammy in april, june and july ! You can enter Yeovil much nearer the time, but i need it on the fixture list or it wont happen. I liked it, although i only ran 1/2 of the first lap and walked the rest of the lap.
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