
Sub 3



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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SJ - nice, what sort of pace for the 4? I struggle to get down near hmp in training?

    LMH - defo worth targetting a 1/2 this far out, as its a good benchmark. I will target worthing (feb 10th) as long as its not as eindy as last year.
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    Happy New Year everyone and may all your running wishes and dreams come true - awww.
    Cocktail night in for me with eldest child the mixologist, and as we live on a hill with a 180 degree view saw the various displays from a number of towns.  
    CC/CD - Great start to 2019 with 2 swift parkruns.
    LMH - Super start for you too.  
    Padams - 61K press-ups wow.  
    A blank here as injured my knee playing football with the nipper, but not all lost as a very enjoyable cycle ride over the moors. 
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    TR - nothing spectacular, low 6:2x for the 4. Probably began picking the pace up too early as 2 miles preceding the effort were 6:5x. Felt reasonably comfy but last mile required some extra oomph.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - hope the footy injury is minor.

    SJ - thats a sharp 6m in total then. A good idea rather than having to switch from 8mm to 6.2X. 6.2X is 1.23 ish which is sharp running in training.
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    Hope your knee heals quickly OuchOuch.

    Nice pace sj - I couldn't run that in training.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TR - yes, she was at both of them.  Ran well too, similar times in the two runs and 1st lady at the second one.  Probably she's realised how much she needs to do to pace you to 2:50.

    I hope not LMH.  A little bunged up but no more than that.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019

    Nice parkrunning everyone, especially those of you doing two of them!

    We were in bed around 11pm on NYE, but then the dog went nuts when the fireworks started, so Mrs Padams had to sit with her until about 1am. I let her have a lie-in until 9am though - luckily there are lots of new toys in the house to keep mini-P entertained for a couple of hours in the morning.

    I did the St Albans parkrun, but it was the offroad course, which I didn't know about so had inappropriate shoes (although luckily it was reasonably dry). Very pleased with 17:11 (and negative split with 5:42, 5:31 and 5:26), which I think is my fastest time on that course, winning by a minute or so. Maybe no press-ups beforehand helped! That's given me a bit more confidence for the county XC on Sunday, although that's 12k which won't suit my lack of endurance at the moment.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TR - Stubby 10km ?

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    Haven't been on since finishing work before Christmas but looks like some massive miles being logged over the festive period and the year in total. I managed 1114 for 2018 which is paltry compared to most on here, but was aiming for 1000, so the comeback continues.

    Into the second week of my Brighton schedule now and started the year with the Chelmsford parkrun yesterday (19:29). Felt quite comfortable at that pace but positive splits which is unlike me. Record ever field size of 811 which is crazy given NYE overindulgence, but I guess a lot of people embarking on resolutions etc! 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    CD - I'll be impressed if Nell goes sub3 again after a while away from proper running. JH1 was at Bushey too he must have heard she was running too

    Padams - hope you go well in the champs

    Gobi - yes stubby, will see you there?

    14m run home tonight.
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    I wish our champs were 12k, but we're still stuck with 8k 'for the ladies'. Pah. I'd finish much higher up the field it if were longer!

    10 miles in the dark tonight. I miss daylight already.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    TR - nice 14 banked as a commute. 1.23 is about where I am at I reckon on a good day so that pace yesterday seems about right.

    LMH - definitely easier in a pack at the club.

    Padams - nice 5k and a negative split to boot! Never been close to that personally.

    CD - speedy recovery from the footie knock.

    EE - well parkrun to you too. Seems numbers were up at most runs. Certainly very popular where I am.

    Just shy of 15 tonight in an extended MLR. Had to stop at 9.5 miles for an hour to wait with a fallen cyclist for an ambulance. The poor guy was worse for drink and trying to make it home with his carryout and chippie. Badly cut his head open so I couldn't run past. A motorist stopped and called for help.

    Have to take my phone with me in future... by order of Mrs SJ who was a tad concerned at my ETA +1hr. Would have asked to use motorists phone but that was tied up talking to paramedic whilst ambulance was en route.
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    Happy New Year everybody. Sounds like far too much serious behaviour for my liking.
    I've had a hedonistic week of cheese, booze & sleep deprivation :D
    Managed a couple of runs in there but they were decidedly hard work especially the parkrun double on NYD after about 90 minutes sleep :s 
    Sorted myself out & did last Sunday's skipped (due to epic hangover) 20M today instead.
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    That was good of you sj - I'd have frozen! 

    Sounds as though you enjoyed it Jooligan.

    I'm fortunate that I can still run in the light CC2 but the weather forecast isn't looking conducive, cold be a long winter.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Upstanding citizenship SJ - you did the right thing, but I'd have been slightly less sympathetic on discovering it was self-inflicted!

    10.4 with the club last night (8 x 2.5 min pushes) and slow 7 this morning.

    Incidentally, does anyone know how long it takes Power of 10 to add parkrun performances to your profile? I've barely raced in last 3/4 years, so keen to populate it a bit more! Doesn't come up in the manual submit performance section. Is it something to do with not recognising the 'extra' NYD parkrun? 
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    LMH - I was freezing. Chap offered me his coat but I declined, I figured with a head injury he ought to keep warm.

    Spotted that midweek 20 Jooligan on Strava.. sounds like you partied hard. Top effort on both counts.

    CC2 - it's not so much the darkness I dislike. It's the getting out the door between 6-7pm most week nights knowing I won't be eating much before 9pm.
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    EE Saturday parkruns usually appear late on Monday so I expect NYD ones will be there later today or tomorrow at the latest.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    SJ - well done on the 15 and being a good citizen, id have frozen too.

    Nice 20m detox jools

    11m this morning tried to apply the p and d 20%, 10% and managed 6 av 8.13, 5 av 7.02, so a bit too quick for the 5m, but i didnt push it too hard so hopefully no harm done.
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    edited January 2019

    TR - yes, I bumped into JH1 after the finish at Bushy.  Quite the mini fred outing it turned out to be.

    Short but sharp track session last night, just a pyramid.  A bit chilly again after a few milder evenings.

    Good job SJ.  Love it that the drunk bloke with the head injury is offering you his coat.  Some of his chips would have been nice.  CW will be along with advice on which emergency phone to carry (and where to carry it :-) ).

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    Thanks Jooligan; I'll be a bit more patient lol. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Saint jason! Living up to your name there! Incredible public spirited behaviour!

    The only two occasions I've ever been around similar - first on scene to find a woman sparked out on the floor and an old lady knocked down by a car - only a glance off the mirror fortunately - I've been very aware im in skimpy running gear in coldish weather and started to get a bit worried after 10mins! Luckily both on the same street a mere few mins from emergency services and lots of people to take over!

    I took one learning from the old lady...do not let adrenaline take over and physically haul someone up! It may welll not be the best strategy however concerned you are that theyre vulnerable on the road!
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Good job SJ, you never know when you might need similar help from a passer-by.

    Jooligan - excellent endurance in terms of drinking/sleep deprivation. Fair play doing a parrun double after that!

    Just lunchtime running for me at the moment - probably won't get anything done today having been stuck to my desk since 7:30am and no sign of leaving anytime soon. Always the worst week of the year!

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    Not sure what I'd have done in that situation SJ, but I never carry my phone either. Too big, too heavy, too valuable! I probably would have run to the nearest shop to ask them to phone an ambulance and carried on my way tbh. Well done for sticking around!

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Never really had to stop and help anyone in major distress.  Though ten years ago, I ran right past a dead body hanging from a tree on my morning run and didn't even notice it :| .  Luckily Amanda Holden came past a couple of minutes later and dealt with it.  True story > link
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    Bloody hell Dan, that story'll take some topping.
    I've never come across anybody in distress either, other than a faller in a fell race but he'd already got a crowd round him & as I never have a phone & I'm not a Dr/paramedic/1st Aider I carried on.
    EE: They're up on Po10/RunBritain now.
    Nice easy 10K today with surprisingly bouncy legs :)

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    I've had to stop and first aid a couple of times when out running but have always arrived with someone else with a phone (but no first aid) or with people with phone's in the vicinity as I don't carry one either. Not quite as good as Dan's story but I was out running one morning, looking round and daydreaming as I'm wont to do, when the thought popped into my head 'that looks like a body hanging from the tree' this was enough to break my reverie and a more focused look revealed that yes, it was a body, fortunately closer inspection showed it to be a live one - presumably hanging from the tree to stretch his back or do pull ups or something similar - raised my HR a little!
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Cheers Jooligan - spotted it up there yesterday arvo. 

    Spooky stuff Dan - that would stick with me for ages. 

    20 miles planned for this weekend; 6 tomorrow then 14 Sunday.
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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Happy New Year! I've only read back from 1st Jan...

    So sorry I missed you at Bushy Park CD. I note that _both_ your parkruns that morning were higher WAVA% than my one -- yet mine left me with really stiff legs the next day, and I definitely couldn't have run another at anything like the same speed on the day. Cracking stuff.

    Ah yes SJ, emergency phones! I did experiment with something called a JYLRM8 aka the ArsePhone -- it was blatantly designed to be smuggled into prisons -- but it was rubbish. My current favourite is the AIEK Mini M5, which you can pick up new and unlocked on eBay for £12 or so. Its speaker and ringer are reasonably loud for outdoor use. It's credit-card sized, 5mm thick and only weighs 20-30g or something like that. The weakness is that the microphone can be killed by moisture, so it needs wrapping up carefully. I use a SIM from http://onesimallnetworks.co.uk/ which should work on all networks to improve the chances of getting a signal in emergencies in rural spots, but be warned it doesn't roam to other countries. Njord recommends the L8Star BM70 which I haven't tried. Having said all that, my normal phone is waterproof and fits most of my running shorts, so I use that in holiday places where the navigation or camera might be useful (Samsung Galaxy A3).

    Running-wise, I've tried to ramp up the mileage over the holidays, but with little quality, partly because I still have a touch of piriformis-related niggles from a month or two ago. I've done a couple of 20M+ now so nominally I've started marathon training. But I did that Bushy parkrun as a speed experiment, and pretty much got away with it. I have two races in two weekends now: Cambs XC champs this Sunday, and then Brass Monkey on the 13th (on my MV49 weekend). Just got the number today in fact.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Charlie.. no number here yet but no doubt it will arrive in the next day or three.  Didn't realise it was your birthday next weekend, I'll bring some mince pies along unless I eat them first :# Looking forward to meeting up with you & LMH.  I trust you have the family equipped with pom poms etc.  Best of luck in the XC.
    SJ.. good spirited action, I guess everyone in a car/on a bike carries a phone nowadays should an emergency arise though most of my local runs are on very quiet lanes or off road.  I know folk chortle at the brick sized mobiles of old but then they got smaller and smaller before they needed to get bigger again.  I've got an old HTC which is 10 x 5.5cms and fits into some pockets in my running kit.  I was thinking of reviving this with a SIM for emergencies.
    Jooligan.. excellent over indulgence in the cheese and wine/beer dept.  Much admiration for doubling the Park Runs and getting a 20 miler in!
    OO.. I always said football was a dangerous sport :* Hope it's nothing serious.
    Congrats on the Park Run win Padams, especially battling the course with the wrong kind of shoes.
    Just over 10m for me today.  I'm off to Park Run tomorrow but not sure how to run it.  I've got a club 5m race on Sunday which is important from a confidence boost point of view so an 'A' race of sorts.  Hammering a 5k leaves my legs a bit stiff so I might run it somwhere between brisk and steady to avoid too much damage.  I guess Jooligan would tell me not to be such a wuss. :)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Cw - good that you are back to it again.

    I only carry my phone if its a run commute.

    6m easy today.
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